king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | [break] | Day 29 | Day 30 | Day 31 | Day 32 | Day 33 | [break] | Day 35 | Finale | Wrap-up and Q&A] 
And with that, we’re done! Here’s the overall blurb, if you want to read it fresh:
Conjurations professor Augustus Pennywright has some odd secrets: a missing chunk of his past, a mysterious husband, and secrets from his childhood he'd rather not come to light. But when a new professor is hired to teach at his university who seems very familiar, and some of his work starts to go missing, Augustus is going to find that what seems like interdepartmental drama is inherently tied to his unknown past.
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
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king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | [break] | Day 29 | Day 30 | Day 31 | Day 32 | Day 33 | [break] | Day 35]
Day 35, in which all arguments are made, and the Beast Beyond is nevertheless summoned. Tomorrow will be the finale, so your decisions here will determine how this ends.
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
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king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | [break] | Day 29 | Day 30 | Day 31 | Day 32 | Day 33]
Hate to break so close to the end, but I'm not feeling very well today, so no part today. Please turn in on Day 33 by 4 pm PST Fri, Nov 4th, 2022! We're getting into the climax here so if you've been on the fence about posting your suggestions, now's the time to tell Augustus what to do!
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
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king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | [break] | Day 29 | Day 30 | Day 31 | Day 32 | Day 33]
Day 33! In which Augustus has to wonder... does he WANT to take the villain down, or does he want to help? And prepares to confront them. How should he go about it? You tell me!
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | [break] | Day 29 | Day 30 | Day 31 | Day 32]
Day 32! In which we see what happened on the day Augustus lost, and things are perhaps kicking off. The story will wrap up in about 3 more days, but that still gives you time to hop in if you want to help influence the ending!
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
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king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | [break] | Day 29 | Day 30 | Day 31] 
Day 31! In which Augustus more or less remembers what happened.
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | [break] | Day 29 | Day 30]
Day 30! In which a divination into Augustus's past hits more of a raw nerve than he knew would be there.
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | [break] | Day 29]
Day 29! In which Augustus's husband comes to stay, and they tell Soren *everything*. Well, almost everything.
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | [break] ]
I’m going to give everyone an extra day to turn in. How you approach this particular choice may determine key parts of the story as we move into the final stretch, so I want to give people the chance to catch up and contribute!
Have your suggestions in on Day 27 by 4 pm PST Oct 29.
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27]
Day 27! In which Augustus makes an uneasy alliance. But now he has a guest coming over, and hasn't taken time to decide what to tell him yet...
Help him figure it out!
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26]
Day 26! In which Augustus hides from an intruder, didn't deal with his traumas as well as he'd thought, and finds out what the thief wanted. But now what should he do?
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24 | Day 25]
Day 25! In which Augustus finds out what exactly is up with his assistant Yujin, and prepares to deal with a thief ... but how, exactly?
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] | Day 24]
Day 24! In which Augustus finds evidence in another office, and springs a trap. But what would you suggest he do with what he caught?
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | [break] ]
(Break day for Day 23 -- please turn in your suggestions on the Day 22 link by October 24, 4 pm PST!)
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22]
In which Augustus gets his thoughts in order, makes a rough plan, and finds an unexpected connection.
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21]
Day 21! In which Augustus remembers the Beast Beyond, and what on EARTH is he supposed to do with this information now? (You tell me!)
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
90 notes · View notes
king-of-katz · 2 years
[Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | [break] | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | [break] | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | [break & summary so far] | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20] 
Day 20! In which Augustus explores the memories he'd lost, and gets reacquainted with an old lover he does not remember. Also there's a fucking cave, so help him out there.
It’s been a while, huh? It looks like the last thing I reblogged was the small boulder the size of a large boulder. (I was on a small tumblr hiatus the size of a large tumblr hiatus). Oops! But it’s almost time for the yearly CYOA over at my author website and that seems like a great time to come back.
So: every Oct, I do a section of a story on my author website, and you add suggestions for the protagonist to help determine the direction of the story. The rules post will go up tomorrow, and we’ll start Oct 1.
This year we’re following a professor at a high fantasy university, with arcane mysteries, an academic rival, and an exceedingly mysterious husband (with whom he has an open relationship). Interested? Come to the website blog every day in October right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/blog/
(If you prefer, you can receive a notif whenever the website blog is updated by entering your email into “Get Email Updates” in the footer.)
Want to read the interactive stories we did previous years? You can find them all right over here: https://www.softcryptid.com/interactive-fiction/
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
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