king-sam-lyon · 4 years
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THE MISC CHALLENGE || Sam Carrington Lyon
Red and yellow.
Band / Musician
His favorite band is Queen but he probably listens to Labrinth more, he thinks it’s the perfect music to chill.
Movie / Show
The Prestige, he loves Christopher Nolan movies in general, they really make him pay attention and feel smart. His favorite show is Pokemon.
It used to be the Harry Potter series, now it’s A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Lions, obviously.
Place (Daily life and/or vacation spot)
Sam loves to go to the beach, especially if he can keep his shirt off. As for vacation spot, he loves any sort of safari or nature restoration trip.
What is/are his

Theme song(s)?
Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N` Roses
We Are The Champions by Queen
Pet peeves?
Any sort of bullying or discrimination, Sam can’t stand seeing people unjustly mistreated, he will jump in. 
Fictional character(s) they relate to the most?
Bolin from The Leyend of Korra and Troy from Community. 
Most prized possession(s)?
An old picture he kept of him, his father and his mother. It was taken a little before his dad passed away. 
Childhood dream job?
King of the world, or king of any of the medieval kingdoms he loved to read about.
“See, I told you this would be fun!” 
Does he

Have a quote/motto they live by? Which one(s)?
“Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.” It’s something his father said to him and he tries to live by it.
Have any musical talents? Which one(s)?
He’s pretty good at beatboxing.
Practice any sport? Which one(s)?
He runs track, he loves soccer, he also plays basketball and football for fun. 
Have a party trick? Which one(s)?
He can open beer bottles with his mouth. 
Have any phobias? Which one(s)?
Sam suffers from claustrophobia. He also hates being near windows in tall building, given what happened to his dad.
Have any pets? Which one(s)?
No, but he loves to pet and feed any animal he sees around town. 
Is he

Allergic to something? To what?
He allergic to apples and strawberries. Nothing too serious, they’ll just make his throat and tongue tickle. 
Superstitious? If so, what do they believe brings them good/bad luck?
Yes, he’s very superstitious, he learned it from his dads. He has good luck mantras he repeats to himself. He also avoids walking bellow staircases and opening umbrella’s indoors, because he heard they’re bad luck.
An early bird or night owl?
Night owl, he feels like his creativity is always more stimulated at night. 
A dog or cat person?
Dog person, if he sees a dog anywhere, he will pet it and walk away with a huge smile in his face. 
Optimistic or pessimistic?
Sam’s work hard to be optimistic, it’s something that didn’t come easy for him after his life got turned upside down.
Indoorsy or outdoorsy?
Outdoorsy, actually, he’ll get antsy any time he’s indoors for too long.
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
Kiara couldn’t help herself but to laugh. She loved the back-and-forth teasing that her and her brother had. She faked a pensive look. “You know what? I think that would make us even. Maybe I can even convince you to get something new for yourself!”
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Sam grinned back, the warm and familiar feeling he got around his family coursing through his body. “Do you? How great, huh!” He chuckled as he placed an arm around her sister’s shoulder and steered her towards the store. “Maybe, but you know I ruin them so quickly with all the safari trips.” He replied with a shrug.
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
Lucien had to take a moment before responding, thinking that the other man would’ve probably already made it clear that it was a joke. “Memento. The film is called Memento.” He replied simply and gave him a look. “Bottom line, there is nothing of value down the hall.” And he meant it, it was a dead end both in structure and the activities that were probably taking place in both rooms.
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“Oh, right. I knew it rhymed with some sort of candy, don’t know what I forgot that right now. Mentos and Memento.” Sam replied with a lopsided smile. “Thanks, man!” He let his eyes linger on the hall, as if it was a mystery he was deciding if he was going solve. “Okay... So what should we do instead?” He asked breezily. “Maybe go to The Pier and get some snacks there? The weather’s nice...” 
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
“Then you’re carrying around a doodle journal; if you ask me, that’s a better way to live your life– well, if you remember to carry it around in the first place.” Rich laughed, unable to keep himself from wondering what kind of person this Mr. Irving was. “Please tell me that dude looks just like Mr. Magoo, with that sort of name it’s impossible not to.” He smirked at the guy’s explanation, nodding at his impeccable technique. “And here I was ready to pretend to be Mr. Shaw, your very important client– or whatever. What boring shit did you just blow off?”
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Sam chuckled. “And if I ever learn how to doodle well enough so that what I draw is even remotely recognizable.” He replied. He stared at Richie for a moment as he put his phone away. “Mr. Magoo...” The murmur was low as he tried to place the name. “Oh, that bald old guy, right? Not really, Irving’s just pushing fifty. But I’m pretty sure he’ll look like that in, like, twenty years, maybe? Or something like that.” He shrugged. “One of our high income clients, but honestly he calms me for updated every single day, he can chill for one, god dammit.” He replied with a smile. “So is the coffee here any good or should we go look for some bellinis?” He asked, pointing to the small cafĂ©. 
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
Gemma was surprised at all the drinks he’d ordered, until it was explained that one of the shots was for her. She raised a glass and a brow, tilting her head with a smirk. “Beautiful laugh, huh? I’ll toast to that.” She took the shot, sliding the glass towards the middle of the table as she finished. “Speaking of coincidences, what brings you here tonight?”
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“Why wouldn’t you?” He replied with a grin, clinking his glass against hers. He fought the grimace that wanted to come on after the astringent taste of the alcohol and let his eyes focus on her instead. It took him a momento to reply, he was too focused in studying her face with a little smirk. “Oh, I was just bored at home and decided I should take a chance, go out and try to meet someone cool. And I did.” He replied happily. “How about you?” 
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
“How dare I? You’ve done it a million times before,” Kiara responded, laughing and accepting her brother’s help. “Although you haven’t done it in quite a while. I can’t believe I thought you changed,” she mocked, throwing a hand against her forehead dramatically.
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He placed an arm around her with a smirk.”Yep, that was your mistake. To believe in me.” He laughed. “I’m sorry, I’ll get you a new one. Does that seem fair?”
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
Sam had been walking around after class, looking for a little juice bar he’d discovered last week. The problem was he didn’t remember the name of it, just a vague idea of where it had been. He looked up as he was about to crash into the other man and chuckled. “The what?” He asked, a little confused. He hadn’t been paying much attention. “What’s th... Wait isn’t that the movie about the guy who keeps tattooing his memories onto himself or something?”
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@king-sam-lyon​ His hand rubbed against his face in mild annoyance as he read over the text; if it wasn’t his own sister that had left him waiting for over an hour in the community center– he still couldn’t believe he got dragged into this. “I suggest you keep walking.” Lucien glared at the young woman that was urging people into another room, he would accompany Ana to a ballroom dance class but he drew the line at
 improv? He grimaced, turning away so briskly that he almost crashed into someone walking nearby. “If you are searching for oblivion, follow the empty laughter down the hall.”
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
He finally walked all the way out the door and did a double take of the cute guy that was talking to him; Richie patted him on the back and smiled tiredly. “Don’t you hate it when the peeps that are so in love with their planners they would probably stick ‘em up their ass if they could just to keep them safe, are right about keeping track of time and shit?” Richie spoke without a pause, looking at the ringing phone. “You know, the flashing red button works wonders.”
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“I don’t get that, like they use them to not forget about stuff but I just literally forget to write stuff down in them.” He shrugged. His eyes focused on the phone, he should really take the call... “Hello? Yes, Mr. Irving, of course. I will take it into consideration but I do need to call you back, I’m in the middle of a meeting right now.” He hung up and smiled relaxedly. “That always works.” 
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
“Well I must’ve been, then,” he shrugged. “Don’t tell anyone, though. I wasn’t supposed to be.”
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“Cool, cool, cool.” Sam agreed. “Why weren’t you, though?” He asked, not even sure what they were discussing anymore. 
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
As she laughed her head fell back, and she squeezed his hand for a moment. “In that case, I’ll take a mojito. Top shelf.”
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“Give me a mojito with the best Rum you have, a screwdriver and two tequila shots, please.” He asked the bartender with a smile. He gave her a grin as the drinks were quickly placed in front of them. “The shots are to toast to the wonderful coincidence of meeting you here tonight.” He explained. “And your beautiful laugh.” 
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
“Hm,” she grinned, scrunching her nose. Gemma bit at her bottom lip as she shook her head. “Well, I don’t know about that,” she hesitated, “Actually, yes I do. And you’re right.” Her glass hovered near her lips for a moment, then she finished the drink. “A couple more of these and you might even find out for yourself which one of us is the luckiest.”
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“Never been happier to hear I’m right.” Sam replied with a smile, his eyes trailing her every move. He found himself mirroring her as he bit his lip softly, leaning back in his chair with a smile. “Is that so? I would really love to find out...” He gestured on the waiter. “For now, I can say the rest of the drinks are on me.” 
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
“Huh?” Sam asked, looking up form his phone. He’d been staring at it as he walked so he’d just automatically stopped and kept chatting when he’d seen a figure hovering in front of the door. Learning all there was to know about his dad’s company had seemed hard from the beginning, but now he was starting to think it might be impossible. “It’s a Monday?” He asked in dismay. “Nooo, I thought it was Sunday, no wonder clients keep calling me. Ugh.” 
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“All I’ve had today is, like, six gummy bears and some scotch.” He yawned as he spoke over the phone, unaware he was blocking the entrance. “Yeah, yeah; I hear you loud and clear, Estelle. Be a darling, scary doll and send me the thing, pretty pleaaaaaase?” Richie hung up and sighed, looking up at the person as he still ignored he was occupying the whole threshold. “Mondays, am I right?”
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
She practically choked on her drink. “Yeah, no, that’s exactly what I would have said,” she nodded, pulling herself together. “I’m sure you get stuck at home pretty often, huh, sugar?”
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“Is it?” Sam asked with a grin. “What a lucky coincidence.” He took a long sip of his new drink and almost chocked on it too. “Well, only when I’m lucky enough to get someone as beautiful as you to visit stay there with me.” He replied with a smirk. 
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
“Either we never make it home because we party and run around all night... Or we never make it out of home.” Sam replied with a wink, taking a long sip of his screwdriver and ordering a new one. “What about yours?” 
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Gemma stirred her martini with the toothpick she’d already sucked the olives off of. “Okay, well, what’s your  idea of the perfect date?”
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
“Uh, duh, of course I can,” She retorted, rolling her eyes at her brother. “Very clearly, you shook this coke can so that it would explode on me. And I don’t appreciate it,” she grabbed a napkin, wiping the soda that had gotten on her arm. 
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“Well you know sometimes you have to see it to believe it, sis.” Sam teased her a little more before placing an arm around her with a grin. “How dare thee acuse me, your beloved brother, of such a hateful act.” The young man asked in mock despair, passing her a couple of napkins and trying to help pat her dry.
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king-sam-lyon · 4 years
“Dude, you totally did. I heard you, and I wasn’t even drunk at that party, because I was the designated driver.” 
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“Okay you must have misheard me,” Scout shook his head, “I would never say something like that.”
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