kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
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            “It was something I found o n l i n e. Figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask around. See what others would pick?”
“The internet, right.” Miles grinned and nodded. “So, where do you land then? Got two kids and dog?”
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
x @kingalvan​ x
Oliver grabbed his stuff and left the studio as soon as he could. He had his bike, the address for the burlesque lounge, his deep curiosity about that place and his trusty bag. It wasn’t that far from where he worked, so it didn’t take too long for him to arrive there. He was still wearing his ballet clothes, all he did was throw a loose jacket and a pair of shorts on top and that was it. It was not hard to identify what was supposed to be a burlesque louge, which was a bit funny to him, but he didn’t waste time roaming around. He got inside and the place was filled with dancers, which instantly made him a lot more comfortable. None of them seemed to be Miles, though, still leaving him curious. – Hello – he said to the dancers, smiling with all his charm – Is Miles around here?
Miles was sitting comfortable in his office as he got the music together. Today was the day that they’d get a nice little teacher to come and give them a nice run in change. It seemed that there was a new thing on the rise, the choreography changing as time went on. Now he sat here as if he were some old ma who had no idea what a new generation might like. He rolled his eyes, glancing up as his door opened as Judith mentioned someone looking for him. He stood up, taking the music with him as he made his way for the practice room. 
He wrangled a smile as he entered, spotting Oliver as soon as he saw him. “Hey! Oliver Costa. Miles. We talked, or well wrote. Pleasure to meet you.” He held out his hand to the dancer. 
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
TEXT 📲 Oliver
Miles: Awesome. I can't wait. I've heard great things
Miles: Make sure you bow down to Hanna a bit, cause she sings your praises, dude.
Oliver: Hahaha Hanna is my savior.
Oliver: I'll see you then! Thank you for the opportunity :)
Miles: Of course! See you then! 👍
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
TEXT 📲 Oliver
Oliver: All day until 6pm. After that, I'm totally free.
Oliver: Wed is good for me, I'm up for it!
Miles: Awesome. I can't wait. I've heard great things
Miles: Make sure you bow down to Hanna a bit, cause she sings your praises, dude.
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
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              “Do I n e e d an adult?” Josiah wrinkles his nose with a confused look washing over it. “But I a m an adult…..?” His statement came out more as a question than an actual statement though. Sure his question about the “scale” of adulthood wasn’t the most normal kind of question but he wasn’t e x p e c t someone to ask the kind of question the other had.
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Relief struck him as the answer he had hoped would come did. “Oh... Alright. That’s what I thought.” He looked away, scratching the back of his neck. “So, uh, wanna explain the scale then? I’m just a little confused.”
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
TEXT 📲 Oliver
Oliver: Anything works for me, it only needs to be after work hours.
Oliver: Actually, I don't really recommend saturdays with me. I tend to be drunk on most of them.
Oliver: Please still hire me, I'm a great ass dancer.
Miles: And work hours would be?
Miles: Well, hopefully it wouldn't be Sat. That's when I'd like my dancers to showcase it.
Miles: I'm down with a practice go on Wed. We can meet up at the lounge, you can meet everyone and we can see what you've got.
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
TEXT 📲 Oliver
Oliver: Ah, in Hanna we trust.
Oliver: Thank you for letting me call you Miles, I hate calling people Mr and Sir.
Oliver: I won't let you down. When do we meet?
Miles: My hand's over my chest in a pledge.
Miles: We have practice on Tus, Wed, and Fri. I'm aiming for introducing the new thing either Saturday or in the next week if it works out.
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
TEXT 📲 Oliver
Oliver: Yes, I am indeed hahaha
Oliver: Hello, Mr. Galvan. My name is Oliver Costa and I do teach stiletto.
Oliver: Before I say yes, can I just ask you what friend was it? Just to make sure, I just really don't wanna be kidnapped.
Miles: Oh lord, just Miles please. I'm old enough lol
Miles: Of course! Hanna Sullivan? I believe she works with you at the company.
Miles: She gave me a couple names, but said you were the best. I only work with the best.
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
Miles frowned at the phone in his hand. He was out three dancers because there was a bug floating around in the lounge. He needed something to get his mind off of it before he opened and actually had to deal with it. Pocketing the device, the man swung open the door to the bar and entered with a wave to some familiar faces. “Okay- I’m probably going to need something stronger than the usual. You recommend anything?” he asked the person at the bar as he took his usual seat. 
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
TEXT 📲 Oliver
Miles: So. I got your number from a friend of mine. You're the dancer right? Do you teach classes?
Miles: Sorry, I really should have done that better.
Miles: My name is Miles Galvan and I own the burlesque lounge here in town. I was wondering if we could step up our numbers a bit with some new moves.My friend said you were the person to talk to.
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
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                 “On a s c a l e from, ’I can sometimes make important phone calls without crying’ to ’I have a stable job with a steady income, a spouse who loves me, a dog, and two kids who are screwed up minimally at worst’, how much of an a d u l t are you?”
“Um.... Scale? Right... business owner, steady income, and two dogs,” Miles answered after a moment of thinking. “I’m not sure where that falls on your scale. Do you need an adult or something?” Miles words conveyed his confusion fairly well. He was, after all, staring at a full grown man.
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
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      van frowned as she continued to dab at her now stained shirt with a brown napkin. “i know i look a M E S S.” she began to rub at the stain, exhaling heavily as she did so. “some asshole was mad i wouldn’t go home with so he threw his fucking drink on me. unfortunately for me it was a dark soda and my shirt’s grey.”
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“Are you serious?” Miles started, shaking his head angrily. He’d had his fair share of idiots in the club, sure. Even though he thought that he was a pretty straight forward owner, and his men at the doors were even worse. “Point him out and I’ll have a lesson for him to learn?” His offer was beyond serious. As he glanced at her shirt, his brow wrinkled. “Well- we might have a dress or two in the back in your size?”
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kingalvan-blog1 · 7 years
It was a few minutes before closing time and Luca swiftly grabbed his bag and left the building, turning to lock the door. As he locked it, he noticed a reflection in the glass, watching the figure carefully and sighing when he saw it come closer. The young man rolled his eyes and turned to face whoever was approaching, hoping they didn’t want to purchase anything. No way in hell was he going to turn everything on again for a customer who couldn’t remember the hours. “Yes….?”
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“Shit,” Miles muttered quickening his steps towards the younger man. His hands came out of his pockets as he tried to put on his sweetest smile. “Hiya.” He kicked himself for the childish starter. “It can’t be nine already can it?” He might have let the time get away from him a bit. 
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