kingcullywully · 1 month
do you ever think about how Dragon Age has mage prisons (the Circles) but then also a super mega mage prison (Aeonar) but Aeonar only comes up in one (1) of the origins in DAO and then is never mentioned in game again, even though the next two games are about the collapse of the Circle system so you’d think someone would be like “Maybe we should check on the super mega mage prison” but they don’t
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kingcullywully · 3 years
Have you ever wondered how someone meets Santa? Well, you need to follow a very specific ritual to summon him.
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kingcullywully · 3 years
At our second Crossroads
~2640 words - Rated General - Solona Amell/Cullen Rutherford
Solona Amell wasn’t the Hero of Ferelden, but she survived and joined the mages gathered in Redcliffe during Dragon Age Inquisition.
“I’m tired.”
Solona looked down at the eight years old she was holding by the hand and smiled weakly. “I know honey. It shouldn’t be too far away now. Do you want me to carry you for a while?”
Lena nodded slowly as she rubbed her eyes. She seemed ready to fall asleep. They had to leave Redcliffe at first light to escape detection by the Venatori. Solona was so worried that she stayed up all night, imagining all the ways this could become a disaster. Till now, her worst fears hadn’t happened, but they still weren’t out of danger. As such, she reluctantly held her staff out to Renan so she could carry the little girl.
Renan was a very good mage for a twelve-year-old, but he was still an apprentice. If they were attacked, she was the only one who could defend them. If they were templars… may the Maker help them.
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kingcullywully · 3 years
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Day 19 - Mask
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She reclines against the wall beside the alcove, a vision in an ethereal, blue dress.
Perhaps he simply imagines it, but he feels she is becoming more relaxed as the week progresses. Letting her hair fall loose instead of binding it up, omitting other embellishments such as jewellery. She has traded in her stiff and conservative gowns for these softer versions. This one the most daring so far - sitting off the shoulder, the neckline cut so low as to reveal a hint of cleavage.
A taut yearning ripples across his abdomen at the sight of her. She is peering at the far entry and at last she turns her gaze toward him. The broad, brilliant smile that lights her face when she spies him, makes his chest swell with affection.
Under Her Mask, Chapter 4, by @kittynomsdeplume
This one is a special entry, since I'm absolutely crazy over @kittynomsdeplume fics, especially Under Her Mask. And she had generously borrowed me her beautiful warden, Solona, so I could create this little piece (and also gave me some valuable tips on the way ❤). The "Mask" prompt simply has had to include this lady.
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kingcullywully · 3 years
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companions about cullen romance
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kingcullywully · 3 years
Parks n Rec but it's Dragon Age Inquisition
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kingcullywully · 3 years
Roses in Firstfall
Pairing: Cullen x Rayne, Cullen Rutherford x Rayne Amell, Commander Cullen x Warden Amell Rating: Fluff, SFW Prompt: Davia’s first spell casting # of Words: 623
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They watched their daughter and Sarge playing in the snow from the porch, all of them bundled to fight against the biting Ferelden cold while Ned was inside napping. Davia chased the mabari as fast as she could through the snow that went up to her hips, her breath puffing in white clouds with fits of laughter.
Sarge jumped over a rather large snow bound finally making Davia come to a halt to catch her breath.
She scowled at the mabari, “No fair! I can’t jump that high!”
Sarge simply barked and wagged his tail, almost as if taunting her.
Davia placed both hands on her hips and stuck her tongue out at him.
Rayne chuckled at her daughter, feeling a similar rumble come from Cullen who held her close, his arm around her shoulder adding additional warmth.
“I’m glad she finally enjoys being in the snow.” Cullen said.
Rayne nodded in agreement. For the longest time Davia didn’t like the snow; it wasn’t that she disliked the cold, but the snow took away the bright flowers and butterflies she loved so much. So when winter came she became withdrawn and stayed inside the house a lot tending to the indoor plants Rayne kept. But with their little family moving to Ferelden and closer to Denerim where Aiden was, Davia’s brother had been working on getting her accustomed to the snow, to find wonderful things about it too.
As if thinking about it caused her to remember, Davia turned away from Sarge and went to where the flower-bed typically was – now currently hidden beneath feet of snow. With a determined look on her face, Davia set to digging.
Rayne felt Cullen shake his head, “What are you doing, Butterfly?”
She didn’t look up from her task, “I’m going to find the flowers.” It didn’t take her long to uncover the wooden railing that acted as a barrier for the garden and she gently moved away the snow.
With a small sigh Rayne pulled herself away from Cullen’s warmth and went to her daughter and knelt in the snow beside her. “They’re not here yet, Davia.”
The little girl looked up at her with big amber eyes, “When, Mama?”
Rayne gently stroked her daughter’s back, “Not for a while, Love.”
Davia began to pout and looked down at the ground. “But… I want them now.” She said in a whiny voice.
Footfalls crunched in the snow behind them. “We can’t make the seasons change, Butterfly.” Cullen said.
When Davia didn’t say anything or move, Rayne looked up at her husband and shrugged.
“Come on, Butterfly.” Cullen said and held out a hand to Davia. “Let’s go inside before you get sick.”
Davia frowned and her little hands turned into fists. “No. I want them now!”
“Davia!” Rayne snapped. “That is enough of…” Then she felt it. The soft flow in the air around them, shaky and timid and new, but it had a purpose.
The hair on the Rayne’s arms stood up as she felt the magic take form and looked down. From the cold, hard ground a green shoot slowly climbed out. The stem grew longer, vibrant green leaves sprang to life and then the bud unfolded into one of the yellow roses that were planted and now should have been dormant.
Davia squealed in delight and the flow of magic cut off.
“Rayne, why did you…” Cullen started.
She looked up at him, “That wasn’t me.” Her gaze turned back to their young daughter who was no more than six gush over the rose that she had unintentionally made grow from the winter ground.
“Maker’s Breath.” Cullen said in an already tired tone.
It seemed they had another mage in the family.
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kingcullywully · 3 years
Fictober Day 1
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Prompt #1: No, come back Rating: PG-13– solitary confinement, mistreatment of mages Fandom: Dragon Age Origins Characters: F!Amell x Cullen When Evette is put into solitary confinement, the last thing she expected was a friendly voice.
“No!” Evette beat her fists bloody on the door, sobbing. “Come back!” she screamed desperately. “I didn’t do anything! Come back!”
Why would they put me in here? What did I do?
The walls closed in around her in the dark and she could feel the room getting smaller around her. Gasping for breath, she sank to the floor, curling into a ball and letting her grief overwhelm her. She’d been quietly studying in the library when Gregor and two of his Templars had burst in, drained her of magic, and dragged her to solitary confinement. No one had ever said why they were doing it.
I didn’t do anything wrong. 
“Don’t leave me,” she cried softly. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“If you keep screaming they’ll gag you.”
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kingcullywully · 3 years
To Feel Again
Words: 2,083
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Christian Amell. Briefly Greagoir, Irving, Cassandra Pentaghast, & Leliana.
AO3 Link: Here
Prompt: “Amell/Surana is made Tranquil after Jowan’s escape. Through a strange series of events, Amell/Surana is also at the conclave when it explodes, and becomes the Inquisitor. The mark may or may not have some effect on their status as Tranquil.” [x]
Author Note: I liked this idea so much, I’ve created an entire AU for it for my Amell, lol - accurately titled Inquisitor Amell.
Most under the cut.
No. No. No. This wasn’t happening. Fear clutched his heart and twisted his stomach. He opened his mouth to protest, to beg. He’d never been one to beg before. Since being taken from his family, since seeing his mother begging the Templars to give her back her son, he’d never begged for anything. To beg was to let people know they held power over you. He never asked for anything. He took what he wanted. He’d wanted his best friend to live a life without fear. He’d wanted his best friend to be free. He’d thought he could take that… He’d been so wrong.
Jowan’s blood magic hadn’t been enough to take out all of the Templars. Any plans he’d had of running away with the other mage, of keeping his friend safe, were thrown out the window. In that moment, Christian had known what he had to do. So he revealed the identity of the blood mage they had never seen coming – the blood mage they had never expected. He’d fought his way to the door, Jowan safely behind him. He’d combined blood magic with ice and fire spells. And when he’d needed to, he’d used his staff as a blunt force against Templar armor.
The last word he would ever say to his best friend, was ripped from his throat. One word, filled with sorrow and fear. He wondered if he’d looked at Jowan the same way his mother had looked at him as his father had tried to pull her back to him and their other children. He wondered if he looked like he knew this would be the last time they’d see each other.
The word echoed in his mind now. He should have ran with him. Instead, he’d stayed back, even after his magic had been dispelled. He’d picked up a fallen Templars sword. He’d never fought with a sword before, but he’d swung it with all his strength at anyone who dared to try to get past him, to get outside to stop Jowan. He’d even resorted to kicking and punching.
Perhaps he was lucky that when Greagoir got up, he didn’t run him through with his sword. Perhaps it was sentimental – Irving and Greagoir had both played a large part in raising him since he’d first arrived at the Circle. Perhaps the Maker showed mercy, letting him live.
But it didn’t feel merciful. He didn’t feel lucky. The alternative felt so much worse than death. He’d always known it was a possibility. It was the only alternative to the Harrowing. Even after he’d completed the Harrowing, choosing to learn blood magic had kept the threat of a mere possibility ever present. Now he heard the word spoken by Greagoir. He didn’t register what else was said. The world blurred around him after that single word.
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kingcullywully · 3 years
Headcanon Timeline
Headcanon Timeline for The Lion and The wolf
Bold events are considered important
22nd Day of Harvestmere(10th month) 9:10 Dragon: Cullen born
26th Day of Cloudreach(4th Month) 9:11 Dragon: Rayne born
9:16 Dragon: Rayne sent to the Tower in Ferelden
9:21 Dragon: Rayne meets Cullen
9:26 Dragon: Cullen made Knight
9:27 Dragon: Rayne becomes a Blood mage
9:27 Dragon: Cullen and Rayne enter relationship
9:30 Dragon: Beginning of the Fifth Blight
9:31 Dragon: End of the Blight
9:31 Dragon: Alistair made King
10th day of Bloomingtide(5th month)9:32 Dragon: Aiden born
9:37 Dragon: Anders blows up Chantry
9:37 Dragon: Rayne believed dead
9:40 Dragon: Circle of Magi disbanded
9:41 Dragon: Conclave Destroyed
Spring of 9:41 Dragon: Rayne joins the Inquisition
9:43 Dragon : Rayne is pregnant with Cullen’s child
15th Day of Bloomingtide(5th month) 9:43 Dragon: Cullen and Rayne Married
3rd Day of Harvestmere(10th month) 9:43 Dragon: Davia Rutherford is born
22nd Day of Harvestmere(10th month) 9:43 Dragon: Cullen turns 33
26th Day of Cloudreach (4th month) 9:44 Dragon: Rayne turns 33
9:44 Dragon: Corypheus defeated
10th Day of Firstfall (11th month) 9:45 Dragon: Ned is born
9:46 Dragon: Exalted Council called
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kingcullywully · 3 years
Artist Self-Rec Tag
Tagged by @thereluctantinquisitor​, thx! <3
When you get this, reply with your favourite five or so drawings/writings, then pass on to about five other artists!
In no particular order…
Little Do You Know
3,877 words. Dragon Age Dual AU. Features Derek Hawke, Bethany, Sebastian Hawke, Kenrick Lolani (@jellyfishlovesloki), Fenris, & Cullen Rutherford. AO3.
To Feel Again
2,083 words. Dragon Age Inquisitor Amell AU. Features Christian Amell & various canons. AO3.
When I See You Again
2,317 words. Dragon Age Dual AU. Features Sylvas Mahariel, Tamlen, & various ocs & canons. AO3.
Twenty-One Guns
1,248 words. Mass Effect Dual AU. Features Maxwell Landon & Karin Chakwas. AO3.
2,804 words. Dragon Age Dual AU. Features Galen Lavellan & Elaith Lavellan. AO3.
Homecomings & Running Away
5,408 words. Dragon Age Dual AU. Features Galen Lavellan, Cassandra Pentaghast, & Clan Lavellan. AO3.
Just A Dream
1,376 words. Dragon Age Dual AU. Features Galen Lavellan x Dorian Pavus. AO3.
Tagging: @bxtgrl, @jellyfishlovesloki, @mandiiwrites, @ghostsmooches/@niceness-before-knives, @shiftergoddess, @thefaeriesfyre, @code-sheep 
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kingcullywully · 3 years
The Calling
A short story I wrote about Cullen coming to terms with Lana having to take the Calling. After Miracle it became moot so I never published it anywhere. Trust me, I warned you.
Starts after the Keep Reading click. @voidtakeyou @zimafreak @elfleed
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kingcullywully · 3 years
New Fic Teaser
“You don’t have to do this,” he says. “Stay with you?” He shakes his head. “I understand, if you don’t want to stay. You can leave now, if you want. We don’t have to pretend this happened.” “I want this.” His palm is warm on her cheek, eyes filled with wonder, and something else. Something she wants more of. “I don’t think I can be gentle,” he says. She leans in, her lips to his ear. Her breath caresses his neck as he closes his eyes, and she whispers, “Maybe I don’t want gentle.” This is her invitation. She can have him however he wants.
Read Chapter One Here
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kingcullywully · 3 years
Deep Scars
Characters: Rayne Amell, Cullen Rutherford Pairing: Cullen x Rayne, Commander Cullen x Warden Amell Rating: Angst, SFW # of Words: 1223
A partner piece to Nightmares
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She inhaled deeply, breathing in the night air that smelled of the sea.
It had been ten years since she last set eyes on the City of Amaranthine. Ten, very long, years…
Rayne took in the view of the city before her. A dark silhouette surrounded in a golden halo from the torches lit a night. It still amazed her that the citizens of the Arling managed to rebuild Amaranthine the way they had. It was a wonderful sight.
Her eyes came earthward, alighting on the monument that honored her and those killed all those years ago.
To The Fallen Souls of Amaranthine You Shall Never Be Forgotten To The Warden Commander That Protected Us All Whose Courage Will Always Be Remembered And Whose Strength Gave Us Ours
Rayne suppressed the snort that wanted to escape. ‘Protected us all’, what kind of protection is it when you burn everything and people you knew? At least it is more tasteful than the one Teagan and Eamon had erected in Redcliffe.
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kingcullywully · 3 years
Of Chess and Knicker Weasels: Chapter Two
Fandom: Dragon Age, pre-blight setting Rating: Teen Pairing: Cullen Rutherford x Arya Amell  Summary:  Pacing the Circle Tower in the dead of night, Cullen did not expect to stumble across a flustered Arya Amell attempting to practice her chess skills. Notes: So I actually managed to write a new chapter for this, as well as making a few edits to Chapter One (although nothing major). Huzzah!I think I have a few more short chapters in me for this, but we shall see.Hope you enjoy :)
AO3 and previous chapter: Here
Arya waited for the last of her fellow apprentices to blow out their candles and begin snoring softly, before silently dressing and and creeping out of her dormitory. Her entire body felt tight with apprehension as she tiptoed her way through the corridors and down the stairs, making her way back towards the library. The previous night, she had she had been worried about getting caught out of bed out of hours as she followed the familiar route; now an entirely different fear gripped at her chest.
She had skirted around the topic of meeting with Cullen again, terrified of scaring him off and ruining what was quite possibly the best evening of her life. Cullen had seemed reluctant to discuss anything further meetings himself, casting her hopes into further doubt.
Before she knew it, Arya reached the heavy wooden doors to the library. She took a deep breath, before tentatively reaching out to turn the door knob.
Suddenly, she pulled her hand back in panic. Instead, she leaned forward and rested her head against the door with a small thud. Closing her eyes, she attempted to clear her racing thoughts, and shake away the doubt gnawing at her chest.
Get it together Amell, what’s the worst that could happen?
Straightening herself, she reached up to comb her fingers through her unruly hair trying to tame it, to no avail. One more deep breath, and Arya slowly pushed the door open, slipping through and tentatively making her way through the bookshelves towards the light of the fireplace.
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kingcullywully · 3 years
Your Light Remains
Fandom: Dragon Age Rating: Mature Pairing: Cullen Rutherford x Arya Amell Chapter: 1/?? Summary:  Eliza Hawke arrives unexpectedly at Skyhold, promising to pledge herself as an agent of the Inquisition under one condition: They will attempt to reverse the Rite of Tranquillity on her cousin, Arya Amell.
Read on AO3 here
Notes: I’ve had this series in my head for a very long time and I am extremely excited to finally start sharing it. Updates will probably be quite sporadic, but I am determined to see this through. Hope you enjoy!
In the long hours of the night When hope has abandoned me, I will see the stars and know Your Light Remains.  - Chant of Light, Canticle of Trials
Arya Amell’s pounding footsteps seemed to echo as she ran across the barren landscape of the fade. Her long, dark hair flew wildly around her, sticking to her face where the tears poured down her cheeks.
The Fade shifted suddenly as her sanctuary came into view. It was just as she had left it last, a bizarre blend of library and garden which could have only existed within the Fade.
Arya drank in the sight, her eyes following the rows upon rows of tall bookshelves which outlined the chamber. A spiral staircase stood opposite her, leading up to a balcony which granted access to the second story of books, as well as an array of plush armchairs. Instead of a ceiling, the room opened up to the swirling colours of the Fade sky above. The centre of the chamber was dominated by a large willow tree, with low twisting branches. A grassy meadow full of wild flowers coated the floor like a carpet, surrounding a large pond on the far side of the room. Books floated haphazardly throughout the room between bookshelves, waiting to be plucked out of the air and read.
She and Eliza had constructed this sanctuary together as children; it was their safe haven, away from the prison of the circle and the fears and uncertainties of a life constantly on the run. Here, they had fantasised about one day meeting, but that could never happen now.
Arya came to an abrupt halt at the thought, fear and despair clawing at her chest. This would be the last time she would see her sanctuary, and it appeared to be empty. If Eliza wasn’t here, Arya would never see her cousin again.
“Eliza?” She choked back a sob, “Eliza, w-where are you?”
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kingcullywully · 3 years
Last Day at Kinloch Hold - 3
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Read on AO3  |  Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 4
In weather like this, Lake Calenhad churned and thrashed against the shores of the island.  At a few windowed alcoves in the Hold, Cullen could just hear the waves and wind outside.  Most rooms, though, the walls were thick, the windows bricked over, protected from the world. 
This hall was like that, quiet and bright with candlelight, ignorant of the weather.  But in the chapel this morning, he had seen the rain against the stained glass, and in the atrium the wet fog passed overhead. 
It was easy to imagine, even here, he could feel the lake swell and surge, as it had when he arrived here, tossing their skiff, and his insides. 
He shuffled his feet and shook his hands, sore in their heavy gauntlets.  Another Templar stood at guard with him, some yards away, still as death, looking straight ahead. 
Cullen could never manage it, that dead-eyed stare at nothing.  He imagined, or hoped, it would come with time. 
After only eight months in the Hold, everything was still new to him.  He was half-fascinated, half-afraid, his eyes on everything and everyone. 
Mages filed through the hall, apprentices delivering scrolls on errands, enchanters carrying armfuls of vials to laboratories.  He could not help but look at them going about their business.  He had not yet grown weary of watching what they did—intently, with purpose and interest. 
It was his duty to watch them, but most Templars, he observed, did not look closely.  They were silent and jaded.  All they watched for was a wrong move, something out of place. 
They did not see the small triumphs and tragedies among the mages, friendships and enmities, that were not so well-hidden from view. 
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