kingdom-of-demons · 6 years
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kingdom-of-demons · 6 years
when u accidently type me instead of my 
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kingdom-of-demons · 6 years
Tagged by @askullinajar
Drink: water.
Call: either my mother or an old childhood friend, can't remember.
Text message: @eridansquared
Song: We Are Young by fun. featuring Janelle Monáe.
Time you cried: probably less than 2 months ago. I don't cry often.
Dated someone twice?: Hell no, I'm not that much of a masochist.
Kissed someone and regretted it?: Never regretted it.
Been cheated on?: Not that I know of, but I'm super oblivious so anyone could cheat on me and I would probably never know.
Lost someone special?: My grandpa 2 years ago.
Been depressed?: Today.
Gotten drunk and thrown up: I don't drink (I'm underage and hate alcohol, so...)
-Fave colours: blues, greens, black.
-Last year:
Met new friends?: Yes! And I couldn't be happier!
Fallen out of love?: Hell yes, screw my ex.
Laughed until you cried?: Yes! I love laughing my ass off <3
Found someone was talking about you?: Yep. And badly, too.
Met someone who changed you?: Everyone I meet makes me change, for better or worse (mostly better, though).
Found out who your friends are?: Yes.
Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list?: Nope.
# of Facebook friends you know in real life: all of them.
Any pets?: Sadly, no, but I want kitties.
Wanna change your name?: I love my name, and it's actually a little inside joke between my parents, so hell no.
What you did for your last birthday party: Harry Potter movie marathon with my best friends.
Time you woke up today: 11 am I think.
What you were doing at midnight last night: watching South Park. I'm addicted to it.
Something you can't wait for: I'm not sure, but I do really look forward to the release of Hiveswap Act 2 and meeting my online friends.
Listening to right now: nothing.
Talked to someone named Tom?: Not that I know of...
Something that gets on your nerves: people that ask the same question multiple times.
Most visited website: Pornhub... Just kidding, I actually have no idea.
Hair colour: dark brown!
Long or short hair?: Really short!
Do you have a crush?: Not really.
Something you like about yourself: I'm apparently very nice and most people enjoy my company, a thing I'm glad of because I do my best to make people happy.
Want piercings?: Hell yes.
Blood type: A+
Nicknames: King, Oruga, Popcorn.
Relationship status: so many fish in the sea and I always get the boot.
Zodiac sign: taurus.
Pronouns: he/him and they/them are preferred, but I'm fine with she/her too.
Favourite TV show: South Park!
Tattoos?: I'll take 20 *slams money onto the table*
Right or left handed?: Right.
Ever had surgery?: Nope, and even the thought of getting one terrifies me.
Piercings?: Don't have any, want many.
Sport: badmington! (Too bad it's bad for my back so I can't play it...)
Vacation: my favourite vacation I've gone on was to Ireland. So much green <3
Trainers: I love anything that's comfy.
Eating: currently nothing.
Drinking: idem.
About to watch: South Park probably.
Waiting for: the sweet embrace of death.
Want: happiness for everyone.
Get married?: Maybe...
Career: animationnn.
Hugs or kisses: depends on the person giving them. If it's my couple or a close friend, both please, I'm needy!
Lips or eyes: eyes ftw.
Shorter or taller: shorter is really cute but I don't really have a preference.
Older or younger: older or younger by a few months.
Nice arms or stomach: I don't really care for either of those.
Hookup or relationship: Relationship!! I am psychologically incapable of hookups unless it's with someone really close or I have a crush on them.
Troublemaker or hesitant: how about neither.
Ever kissed a stranger?: No! And never plan to.
Drank hard liquor?: Again, I don't drink.
Lost glasses?: Thankfully not. I'd have an anxiety attack.
Turned someone down?: Only those that confessed to me as a joke (which is sadly more than once).
Sex on first date?: Nope.
Broken someone's heart?: Probably my first girlfriend's :v
Had your heart broken?: Sadly, yes.
Been arrested: never done anything illegal.
Cried when someone died?: No. I barely ever cry. Not because I'm nod sad or anything, just because I never show my negative emotions outwardly.
Fallen for a friend?: Yes, and I regret it.
-Do you believe in:
Yourself?: Hahahahahaha oh wait it's not a joke...?
Miracles?: Nope.
Love at first sight?: I find it superficial, tbh
Santa Claus?: Uh... No...
Kiss on a first date?: Depends on how close to them I was before the date.
Angels?: No.
-Best friend: can't choose only one.
-Eye colour: hazel.
-Favourite movie: none.
-Favourite actor: no one in concrete.
And then again, I tag whoever wants to do this.
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kingdom-of-demons · 6 years
Tagged by @eridansquared
Name: Oleg
Gender: trans male (probably, still kinda confused)
Star sign: taurus!
Height: 1.58 m, tall enough not to be made fun of, short enough to not reach anything.
Sexuality: demi-pansexual and panromantic (love for everybody!)
Wallpaper: a friend of a friend cosplaying as a character I designed =v=
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: Uh... No... Weird question...
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Witha badly-payed job that I actually somehow like, sleep deprived and with a thousand cats but hopefully without wanting to die.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: Somewhere quiet in Ireland or in Akihabara (Tokyo, Japan) buying tons of yaoi manga.
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: I'm too lazy to put on costumes, to be honest...
What's your favourite 90s show?: Most of Cartoon Network's.
Last kiss: last year from my now ex.
Have you ever been stood up?: Luckily not.
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: I don't even wanna go.
Favourite pair of shoes: any that's comfy (so 90% of my shoes).
Favourite fruit: I love dates and sour tangerines.
Favourite book: the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud. Seriously, they're so good.
Stupidest thing you've ever done: everything I do is stupid.
And, again, I tag anyone that wants to do this bc I'm way too lazy for my own good.
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kingdom-of-demons · 6 years
Tagged by @skull-in-a-jar :
Name: Oleg
Nicknames: King (bc of my URL), Oruga (bc it's how my actual name sounds in Japanese), Popcorn (bc of my poofy hair).
Average hours of sleep: without nap-> 4-5, with nap-> about 8.
Coffee or tea?: Water.
Why I made a Tumblr: no specific reason, but mostly to follow artists.
Reasons for my URL: I love demons and all that dark fantasy stuff, and the kingdom part was mainly random.
Favourite colours to wear: black, blue and green mostly, but I also like how red looks on me.
Lipstick or chapstick: neither, I hate having stuff on my lips.
Favourite hobbies: drawing is my passion, and nothing entertains like a good book.
Last song I listened to: We Are Young by fun. featuring Janelle Monáe.
Last movie/TV show: South Park!!!
Dream trip: any trip is my dream trip, I love travelling.
Relationship status: single and ready to mingle.
Favourite colour: most blues and greens.
3 bands/artists: Panic! At the Disco, Gorillaz and Studio Killers!
Currently reading: The Mortal Instruments: City of Lost Souls from the Shadowhunters Chronicles by Cassandra Clare (well that's a mouthful).
3 favourite foods: anything Japanese (mostly sushi and takoyaki), ceviche and fried chicken.
Last thing I googled: South Park online :v
Dream job: animator, storyboard artist, character designer or freelance artist.
And I tag anyone that wants to do this bc I'm lazy.
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kingdom-of-demons · 6 years
fuck myer briggs fuck astrology
if you ask someone who their top 3 favorite homestuck characters were you literally know everything about them
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kingdom-of-demons · 6 years
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I can’t believe they oblitered straight men like that
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kingdom-of-demons · 6 years
after dying god informs you that hell is a myth, and “everyone sins, its ok”. instead the dead are sorted into six “houses of heaven” based on the sins they chose.
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kingdom-of-demons · 6 years
We might have misunderstood Hogwarts Houses for years
I have a theory that the valued quality of each of the four Houses isn’t really about the personality of its students.
The valued quality of each of the four Houses has to do with how they perceive magic.
Stick with me a second: Hogwarts is a school to study magic. Magic as Hogwarts teaches it can be seen as many things: a natural talent, a gift, a weapon, etc.
So how you believe magic should be used will both reflect your personality and change how you handle that power.
“Their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart,” Gryffindors perceive magic as a weapon. Gryffindors tend to excel in aggressive forms of magic, like offensive and defensive spells, and they are good at dueling. But a true Gryffindor knows that the power is a responsibility, and so they must always use their powers to stand up for what’s right. They are the sword of the righteous, which makes them as good at Defense Against the Dark Arts as they are at combat magic.
Hufflepuffs believe that magic is a gift and that the best gifts are to be given away. Hufflepuffs, “loyal and just,” would naturally abhor the idea of jealously guarding magic or using it to hurt someone else. So Hufflepuffs share their magic to benefit of Muggles, like the Fat Friar, to protect the overlooked, like Newt Scamander with his creatures, or to oppose those who would use magic to torment and bully, like the Hufflepuffs who stood with the DA and the battle of Hogwarts.
Slytherins are the opposite: they believe their magic is a treasure that they have been entrusted to protect. The Slytherin fascination with purity, with advantage, with cunning and secrecy–all of which were perverted by the Death Eaters–comes from the idea that people with magic in their veins have been given something special that it is their duty to protect at all costs. And perhaps they aren’t entirely wrong: power in the wrong hands can be dangerous. And power interfering at will with Muggle affairs is a gross presumption that could turn the course of history. Though the series shows some of the worst that Slytherin can be, “evil,” is not a natural Slytherin tendency. “Cautious,” is.
Ravenclaws believe that magic is an art form, one that is beautiful and should be appreciated and studied for its own sake. If “wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure,” then asking what magic is for is useless. It’s more important to immerse oneself in magic for its own sake. Ravenclaws push the boundaries of magic to see if they can, hence Hermione’s spell experiment on the DA coins being dubbed a Ravenclaw quality, but like Luna Lovegood in the pursuit of extraordinary creatures: they can also be content to plumb the depths of what already exists.
So while you can see where personalities will overlap over Houses, perhaps in Sorting we should be asking ourselves less what we think we are and more what we think we believe. 
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kingdom-of-demons · 6 years
Why aren't we talking about the Bartimaeus Trilogy more?
Like, this book series is amazing. First of all it stars a sarcastic djinn and his misadventures with a young boy wizard who isn’t painted as this perfect kind hero. Nathaniel isn’t a sugar coated chosen one. He’s a flawed boy who makes selfish choices and who ultimately has to learn how to overcome his own selfish ambition. His talent gets him into more trouble than not, and it’s refreshing to see this change in YA lit.
Secondly, the books are totally about class revolution as the trilogy centers around magicians being the top elite 1% as they use their magic to control the populace and wage wars with other nations (America included). As the stories unfold we learn to question who are and who are not the actual heroes of the trilogy as we learn more about the government and the resistance fighting back.
Thirdly, the books are set in this unique alternate history where a lot of our real world events happened, but things have been drastically affected by magic. For instance, the American Revolution never properly took place as the British had demons and magic to fight the rebellion. Additionally, the Native Americans had their own magic and summons, so colonists were never able to get further than the East coast, so most of what we hear about America in the trilogy is about guerilla warfare being fought in the Appalachian mountains.
Fourthly, the books address that adults and guardians aren’t necessarily good. It flips the trope of the wise magician mentor trope on its head, and it presents a pretty frustrating, if not more realistic, representation of power struggles between the government and the people, masters and apprentices, parental figures and wards, and magicians and demons.
Fifthly, and most importantly, Bartimaeus’ footnotes and quips are legendary. Bartimaeus may be a djinn bound to serve whoever summons him, but he does not give in or fawn over his masters. He has more salt than a winter road, and he is eager to season everything with it.
So yeah, if you like shape shifting snarky demons, reimagined histories, and revolution against oppressors (that is not told in the typical dystopian sort of way) then the Bartimaeus Trilogy is for you.
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