kinggideon-blog1 · 7 years
After years of practicing travel sorcery, and hundreds of failed attempts, it was finally time for Gideon to get it right. He knew tonight was the night. The spell was ready, and the ingredients were set out perfectly in his chambers. He stood facing a barren wall, all of his energy focused. He whispered the secret incantations over and over until they were all that occupied his mind, until the wall was no longer a wall, but a door that led him anywhere his thoughts could take him ( if he focused hard enough ) . 
It worked. He opened his eyes, a flourish of energy surging through his body as he passed through the portal and landed....face to face with a very startled person. Soooo maybe the spell hadn’t been perfected after all....since he had no idea where he was or who he was encountering. Either way, he closed the magical portal behind him with a flick of his wrist, and turned with a smirk: “First off, don’t freak out, it was just a magic doorway I created, I can definitely go back. Secondly, I’m Gideon, nice to meet you.  And thirdly...where are we exactly?”
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kinggideon-blog1 · 7 years
( hey everyone !!! my name is naya and i will be playing your badass magical lunae king. i’m as hype asf  rn, but i’m still writing his pages, so bear with me. for now ill provide a brief description of his personality under the cut but things may change here or there as i develop him more !! i’m also doing a lot of sorcery research sO THAT is fun. message me if you want to plot, even tho ill def be getting around to messaging everyone at some point !!! )
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
Gideon Blackwood
King of Lunae
“Started by an escaped convict arrested in Solis for sorcery” - ie. Gideon
Before he was king of Lunae, he was living in Solis as a (some sort of job I will figure out later), mainly practicing magic and becoming more and more entwined with its wonder
He doesn’t necessarily want to start a war but the thought of winning feeds his ego, so we’ll see what happens
( + ) efficient, energetic, self-confident, strong-willed, strategic, charismatic, inspiring
( - ) stubborn, dominant, dogmatic, impatient, emotionally distant, lacks sympathy/empathy skills, selfish
Gideon considers himself a master of persuasion and the art of seduction
Is very confident in getting what he wants in every aspect of his life, especially since starting his Kingdom
Doesn’t ever show fear/cowardice, even if he is feeling it - he doesn’t like looking weak in front of others
His trust is earned, but he’s learning more and more that being a King means you can hardly trust anybody
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