kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
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Possibly the best porn/hentai gif ever created
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
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#camping , Waking up to the mountain sight 🏔 
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
I’m really quite baffled and concerned about some of the comments I’m reading on my posts about using tin foil. Yes, this absolutely is a felony. Anyone should know this.
What’s concerning to me is the comments. Guys, if you’re carrying a magnet or hook, you ARE committing a felony. If you’re taken to jail, this will be found. There is no hiding that. I’m hearing people say that tin foil will up the charge but people think that a magnet is more likely to be dropped from the charge.
No, NOOOO. The INTENT to steal and using TOOLS MAKES the crime felony level. DO NOT tell lifters that their charges will be dropped. If you are holding out for that, stop using your magnet immediately. If you can’t accept you are committing a felony, it is time to STOP. You 100% are committing a felony if you have a tool, especially one you purchased online for upwards of a hundred dollars with the sole purpose of stealing, and you should absolutely expect to be charged.
It’s not a judge’s opinion that you committed a felony. You DID. Same if you stole more than a given amount based on where you live.
If you are afraid of using foil, fine. But your charge will still be a felony if you are using ANY tool. Do not foolishly expect to be charged any differently than for what the crime you’ve committed is. That’s why it’s called a JUSTICE system.
Do not tell people that their charges are more likely to be dropped for one tool vs another. That’s not what makes it a felony. INTENT makes it a felony.
Stop spreading misinformation.
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
Signs LP are watching you
Today was my first lift since being caught. Talk about PARANOID!! It took me 5 HOURS to hit 3 stores in the mall.  
Pre-Caught, I’d hit about 5-7 stores in less than 2 hours and get 10x the amount!  I miss the confidence, adrenaline and FUN I had. I see it in you guys now.  Enjoy every minute of it people. I really hope to get it back one day.  Baby Steps….Or, baby hauls. 
So I thought several people were LP in any and every store I went into today. I was crazy paranoid!!!  ANYONE who made eye contact with me, pissed me off.  Especially MEN in Victoria Secret. Mind your own business Asshole!!! Constant staring, constant looking. A lifters pet peeve! Especially today.
So one mistake I made when I got caught was I paid zero attention to the two LP that were following me on foot. I kinda noticed them, but it wasn’t until afterwards that I kept kicking myself for not paying more attention.
After you leave a dressing room, walk away and then quickly go back as if you left something in it…because hopefully you did leave a few items behind so you have an excuse. Anyone rush in there? Pay attention.
You finally get into a dressing room to conceal and hear someone  go in the room next to you. If it’s not that busy, be very suspicious! Look underneath if you’re able to. Not completely underneath, Hahaha, but at their feet. Are they doing anything or just sitting there? If they’re not trying on clothes or seem to be trying on 1 item for 10 minutes, be careful.
Go to random areas of the store and reach into a pile of jeans and move them or re-stack a couple shirts. That person who followed you, do they go there too and pretend to look at the same stack? How convenient.
Do they get in line behind you? Not just anyone, but a person who’s been following you, checking your dressing room or constantly on their cell phone and watching you? Watch for this.
This could save you 1 Arrest, $2000, a ride in a cop car, community service hours, a boring diversion class and court costs.
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
Vegan Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Recipe under the cut!
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
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Just A Box Of Cat
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
this is perfect for lifting makeup! depending on the bag and size of the slit you make, you can make pallets disappear. i did not in this video but i highly recommend grabbing a decoy as well so you have something to put back on the shelf. i’m also much more discreet about it in real life. repost if you found helpful and good luck! 😉
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
I'm pointless.. meaningless.. useless.. worthless..
Why am I even here... it's not like I'm making you happy... but you don't want me to leave.. you break down and beg me not to.. but when you're not doing that, you just push and push and push and push me away... I'm the one who makes you want to end your life so much, but I'm the only thing keeping you here... I don't know what to do anymore... you're looking elsewhere for the thrill we no longer have... but you still don't want me to leave... you barely kiss me anymore.. but you don't want me to leave... you don't like having sex anymore... because I ruined it.. I ruin everything... I told you that from day 1.. but you still don't want me to leave.... why? Because you love me? But you do all this? And the way you talk about me makes me seem like the biggest Bitch in the world..
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
Please Don't Lift If You're:
(Highlighted points are common things I’ve seen on Liftblr) •Pregnant - if you get caught you run the risk in some places to have your baby taken away from you after birth. •With your kids/with small children - the charges WILL be harsher and they can get taken away/you will have a restraining order/restriction for visitation put on you. •Feeling off - you need to be on your peek game. You WILL mess something up and heighten the risk of getting caught. •Not sober - especially when drunk it WILL be obvious and they automatically watch you more. •!!**Feeling greedy**!! - greed is your enemy. Greed is what gets you caught. If you don’t get caught in store, you run the risk of a store case building on you. Stores these days love to case build these days since the punishment will be harsher. •!!**Intending to do a large haul from one store**!! - that ruins it for other lifters. That also is very dumb in general since multiples of one item/a large amount of shrinkage will alert the store to a theft problem. •Under probation/semi-permanent watch - this is just asking for trouble and you’d think that it would be obvious but I’ve found a few lifters in my old jobs in retail who were on probation and begged me not to say anything. Don’t. Be. Dumb. •Are with a large group of friends - you’re already being watched just because there’s a lot of you. Most retail jobs train you to watch for large groups of people. It’s unusual and suspicious especially if there’s more than 5 of you. •!!**Constantly getting sussed/almost caught**!! - Lady Luck won’t always save you. You WILL reach your demise. In-store lifting probably isn’t your realm. Try scamming instead or hone your skills in an easier place like the dollar store or known easy stores (I’ve seen H0t T0pic listed as a really easy store) •With strict restrictive parents - if they’re nosey at home and you’ve got no private space that they have no access to in order to hide your stuff, don’t. For your own personal safety please don’t. ESPECIALLY IF YOUR PARENTS ARE ABUSIVE
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
1. You want to take your clothes of in a room full of guys... 2. His response made me want to punch him in the face.. "why not? The more the marrier*" *fuck it idk how to spell it.. little pissed..
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
every single person who reblogs this
will get “doot doot” in their ask box
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
Starbucks tip!
So this isn’t exactly lifting anything, but you do have to be sneaky. Starbucks coffee and k-cups have these little gold star tags on them in grocery stores, and if you have the app on you iphone/android you can enter these codes and earn a free star. So basically just sneakily get these little stars off the bagged coffee and enter them online here until you’re a gold member (30 stars) then you get a free food or drink every 12 stars. Happy drinking!
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
😭😭😭💀 made a song & everything
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
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I don’t collect stamps.
*Okay.* I’ve had quite a few people ask me about my methods for hiding tags. I don’t hide tags. I take them with me.
Pictured above are fewer than a quarter of the tags we’ve collected over the course of a couple months since we’ve gotten our magnet in the mail. We’ve gotten RFIDS, a slew of super tags we disposed of (they’re very large and not practical to keep), ink tags, golf tags, pencil tags, you name it. I didn’t beep taking ANY of these tags with me. Not once!
I’ve easily carried ten plus tags into a store and not made a sound. Dozens of times. Left with a concealed tag a hundred times without beeping.
What I’ve done is layered a Ziploc container in THREE layers of foil, individually taping each one. Make sure the top has the same amount of foil too! Nothing should be left uncovered! This will counteract the tag detection of the towers.
Everything I’ve read online has suggested using more foil, some people even say to use ten to twenty layers. Seriously? We’ve used three. I haven’t beeped at American Eagle, Express, Abercrombie, Aritzia, Garage, Cleo’s, Ann Taylor, Urban Outfitters, J Crew, Adidas (walking in with a bunch of tags), Payless, just to name a very short few off the top of my head.
You can use any container you’d like! Make it non-suspicious! We haven’t gotten around to making a better one yet. Put the foil on the inside! Make it invisible!
I detag in the dressing room, and place tags in the container. This stops the beeping, I can abandon the container if need be, it’s less likely to be noticed by employees and doesn’t make any crinklimg sounds at all! If you’re taking tags anyway, you have a magnet. So just detag in store. Don’t bother wrapping your whole bag. Waste of time and way more suspicious.
I’m getting really sick of all this double tagging non sense. Stop leaving behind your evidence. You’re already getting a felon charge if you’re carrying a magnet and removing security tags. Don’t pretend you’re a fucking angel because tin foil is somehow any more scary. Get over yourself. Maybe I’m more *illegal* than you (whatever helps you sleep at night) but I won’t be caught because sales associates call the police next time I’m in store after repeated instances of me leaving a dressing room of double tagged items. Miss me with your superiority. It is SO misplaced.
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kingkanoee-blog · 7 years
Love how everything and everyone else is more important than me..... but I keep forgetting I'm useless and worthless....
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