kingschool-rpg-blog · 9 years
Dearest King, it is my pleasure to announce, and invite you to The King University. After a much needed extended break from the internet for my mental health, myself and Jesse have been working on a new roleplay. We threw various ideas back and forth, and discussed things, but in the end we kept coming back to King. The atmosphere, the characters, we just could not get passed it. While we knew re-creating King would not be the same, we decided that tweaking the backdrop for all our favourite spoiled rich children was exactly what we needed. We'd love to see our old king favourites come with us, or even you guys bringing new ones! Either way, we invite you all whole heartedly to join us on this en-devour. And on a personal note, I'd just like to say thank you to anyone who was apart of King, you all mean the world to me, and will forever be in my heart. 
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
An (Unfortunate) Update
As many of you may have noticed, the admin team around King has changed a little recently. Kayla parted ways with us amicably and Jesse stepped in to help. However, Nikki's hiatus had to be extended. She's having a hard time currently, the details of which are personal, and King is impossible to run alone, especially when ill equipped. We gave it a good run with a temporary solo admin but it just wasn't working. Jesse decided this morning she could no longer be responsible for running King alone.
We apologize to those of you who we accepted yesterday, knowing you came to King to be active members, but this decision has been up in the air for awhile. And we apologize to our long term members. You've been great. We love you and everything you brought to King. Please don't be strangers.
However, at this time we are closing King's doors. It is not set to be locked away forever. Nikki has said when she starts feeling better there is a good chance she'll be reopening King and Jesse is on board with that. All of you will be welcomed back with open arms when that time comes.
Again, we apologize, we love King as much as you do.
The best to everyone, The King School Admin.
(You can contact Nikki on tumblr at mermaidqueenmuse and on Skype at ooohpie. Jesse can be found on tumblr at obtusecaboose and on Skype at jesse.nay)
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
i wanted to apply but missed acceptance :( do you know if you'll be accepting again soon?
A this time I am unsure of when that will be.
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
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Welcome to King, INDIANA ROCKWELL.
NAME: Indiana Ava Rockwell
AGE AND D.O.B: Seventeen, 06.07.1996
GRADE: Senior
HOMETOWN: Las Vegas, Nevada
FACE CLAIM: Crystal Reed
PROMPT: None used
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Childish, finicky, mischievous, animated, haughty
HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT KING: Indiana thinks of King how she thinks of Caviar, it’s just necessary class.
BIOGRAPHY: Indiana Rockwell lives her frivolous lifestyle like the deck of cards she was born under. Everything is a beautifully high pointed risk, the consequences for which she never has to deal with which has contributed to her spoiled attire. The Rockwell Empire excels predominantly in Vegas, harbouring some of the most successful casinos that the city of sin has to offer. Though behind the ace of spades lays tainted family portrait. The scandal faced from Indiana’s elder brother Marcus getting expelled from Harvard Business School over the controversial exposé regarding his involvement with the infamous Foxes Club for Gentlemen – a front for an array of illegal, violent activities surrounding the cocaine and champagne lifestyle. Narrowly escaping jail time through the use of Daddy’s lawyer, Marcus barely scuffed a Marc Jacobs cuff link throughout the headlines but the weight on the Rockwell name fell brutally and Indiana felt the hardened price. The image of success has been hard born sewn into the vision of Rockwell children from the moment they graduated preschool. It was with that in mind that Indiana must attend one of the most prestigious schools in Connecticut, the King’s School, in order to preserve at least one potentially successful Rockwell. Withstanding that matter, Indiana has trouble writhing within her veins. When her Alexander McQueen stilettos touch down in Connecticut, she aims to make as much as a name for herself – being the naturally competitive sibling, Marcus has set the bar and Indiana aims to raise it.
For every wilting wallflower, there’s a white oleander who strikes strong, almost as if absorbing other’s weakness in order to grow. Indiana’s shallow fingertips graced the tender skin of the petals, gleaming against the bore of fresh dusk sunlight. Her hazel irises wandered along the depth of the stem and the strength exonerated there; a slight, weak smile approaching upon her curved lips. She enjoyed the roof top garden, terraced to fend off the rest of the skyline. It was her pattern of peace against the roaring pollution dispelling from the traffic thirteen stories below. Up here the air was fresher, the world was quieter, just the way she needed it to be.
Until a door stormed forward, cutting through her tranquil serenity.
“Thought I could find you up here, Indi.” Marcus tore through with his breath caught heavily in his throat.
His head of golden curls shone brighter against the auburn sky. Indiana opened one eye to gaze at him, still lounging around solemnly in her white wicker sun chair. She tried to decipher from his firmly placed body language whether or not the rude entrance was worthy of her attention.
“No pastries or macaroons with you? How disappointing.” She mused through pursing, crimson lips. “What can I do for you?”
Reaching sideways to lace her grasp around a martini glass, Indiana pulled her posture a little upright so she could compose herself in a conversational stance. Marcus ran a frenzied hand against his sweating brow, his nostrils flaring against the dripping heat that begged him to remove his overcoat but still he stood rigid. Without another word due, the Harvard boy tore back through the way he came, causing the glass door to create a defying noise as it slammed shut behind him.
“Nothing, apparently.” Indiana raised a sceptical brow and sank back into the wicker seat.
French martini firmly in hand, her free fingertips went back to stroking the feathered Oleander. The alcoholic concoction warmed her insides as the petals caressed her porcelain complexion. To go back to being quiet, yes, that would be so ideal.
NAME: Pand
AGE: 20
TIMEZONE AND ACTIVITY LEVEL: GMT time zone, regular and daily activity
A FUN FACT: I just ate some crisps.
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
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Welcome to King, WYATT PARSONS.
NAME: Wyatt Parsons
AGE AND D.O.B: 17, 15th September 1996
GRADE: Junior
HOMETOWN: Nashville Tennessee
FACE CLAIM: Colton Haynes
PROMPT: no prompt.
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Selfish, Romantic, Athletic, Compassionate, Helpful
HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT KING: Wyatt feels King is a necessary evil in his education. 
BIOGRAPHY:  Wyatt and his sister grew up in a family based around creativity, his life panned out like one big story; his family has a tire swing in the garden, his had a big old country house, and his mother and father had fallen in love in the city of love, Paris. Wyatt is an avid hockey fan, and wants to join the team and work his way up to captain. He is the louder out of the twins, preferring to sing and dance and have a good time, rather than sit in bed listening to old country music. Wyatt is a chivalrous soul, known for his tremendous attempts to “score” with the ladies, but he isn’t a pig; Wyatt knows when to stop. Wyatt is known as a gentleman among his peers - he has a heart of gold when you really get to know him, despite masking this a little with sarcasm when first meeting. This athletic twin is a gregarious individual, always extending a smile to people he passes in the corridor or speaking fondly to those he is meeting for the first time, especially women. Being a rather moral compass, Wyatt is sometimes disapproving of the other elitist students that attend the King School - he dislikes that they should choose to value wealth over the more basic foundations to decency, such as manners or diligence. Parsons considers his bond with his sister unbreakable; nothing can ever tear these two apart - he would go to any length to ensure his sister is happy and safe at all times. Some could consider him over-protective where his sibling is concerned, but Wyatt believes it necessary to keep her safe while they are away from their family - they are both each others life-lines, the only connection to home for the benevolent twins. 
Wyatt found the whole idea of packing quite troublesome, the idea that you had to fit everything important that you wanted into one tight space, where it might get crushed; his sister on the other hand, Elora was in her element, shoving bits of nothing into random assorted bags thrown across her room, as his father, Desmond came into his room. “Get a move on, we can’t wait all day, we have a four hour journey ahead of us.” But Wyatt was too busy day dreaming about all the amazing things he was going to do, he was going to meet a lovely girl, have many adventures with her, lose his virginity on their wedding night, and then they would have two beautiful children called Bradshaw and Lila.
Again, his father’s voice resonated within the walls of the spacious country home, reminding him of the last few chores he had to fulfill. “Head to the shop to get some snacks for the car, would you?” With a loose lipped sigh Wyatt turned the corner out from his bedroom, heading down the corridor and exiting the expansive estate of his childhood. Within the few minutes it took to make his journey toward the shop, he noted familiar features of the streets that he knew to be home - the diner where he had his first date with Mary-Lou, exchanging milkshakes and after shy kisses under moonlit streets, the grocery store where he assisted his mother in the weekly shop, the café he and Elora often attended when the months grew cold and they sought a warm beverage to melt the frost away from their red noses. He would miss this place. But with the new adventure, came new opportunity and he wasn’t going to deny himself of such a prospect.
The woman at the counter was a goldmine of memories; years had passed at the tip of a hat and as he had grown, she had witnessed his maturing and it was due to this fact that she always greeted him with a smile. That was something he would be a little nervous to leave - the security that a place he knew like the back of his hand would bring.
After exchanging a fond goodbye with the lady manning the register, he stepped out onto worn tarmac, his leather boots sounding their presence as if to leave a mark on the town he so cherished. His family were already waiting across the street - Elora currently bickering over her seat in the car and disputing the fact that she in fact “did definitely not pack too much!”. Cracking a smile, Wyatt bathed the narrow street in attention, the dwindling sun leaking in through the gaps of the buildings and casting a warm, amber light over the cobblestone and brick. “Wyatt, come on, we don’t want to be late.” He paused to glance back over his shoulder, giving the area one long, lasting look. Then it was his time to leave, to build, to move onto greener pastures and see what life had to bring him. He turned his back on his childhood, welcoming all of the adventures that his life yet had to offer him.
NAME: Tom (or Thomas whatever floats your boat.)
AGE: 18
TIMEZONE AND ACTIVITY LEVEL: GMT, probably an 8/10, I have college but I’ll be on for hours after haha.. no life..
A FUN FACT: I’m obsessed with wrestling ok, it’s horrible
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
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Welcome to King, HENRY CALDWELL.
NAME: Henry Caldwell
AGE AND D.O.B.: 18; 9/4/1996 (unless it’s not past September 4th in which case he’s still 17)
GRADE: Senior
HOMETOWN: Garden City, New York
FACE CLAIM: Andrew Garfield
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Shy, underestimated, observant, self-deprecating, jealous
HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT KING: Henry hates King; it’s just another setting to be compared to his brother, and this time, by his peers. It’s become another hell away from home. Before Ryder joined him at the school, Henry enjoyed attending King, but he blames his brother for ruining his experience.
Henry jokes that the first two years of his life were the best ones because they were spent without his brother. Since the day Ryder set a finger on a field hockey stick, he’s been living in his younger brother’s shadow. His parents had always been invested in Ryder: they’d attended all of his games since he could play any sport, made room for every career day at school, and even neglected throwing Henry a twelfth birthday party so the family could travel to Ryder’s field hockey tournament. He’s despised his brother ever since, and while he went off to become the athlete of the family in their parents’ footsteps, Henry was left in the dust and expected to become the history buff his parents always hoped he’d be; they didn’t name him after Henry VIII for nothing.
When Henry’s parents introduced him to King, he thought he had found his second home. His first two years of the school were almost as good as the first two of his life; glorious, but too good to be true. While he’d assumed Ryder would be attending some prestigious sports academy or another ridiculous institution like that, after hearing all of the good things Henry had said about the school, the Caldwell’s deemed it good enough for their youngest son. Henry was determined to make King hell for his younger brother during freshman year, and being already a junior, the task seemed easy enough.
Until it wasn’t. Ryder had joined every activity and team Henry was in, and beat his ass in all of it. While Henry was benched every game, Ryder was the star player, and everyone seemed to love him for it, too. King started to feel exactly like home, and Henry had had enough of being socially abandoned. He started to withdraw himself from his friends, his work, and especially his activities. He’d quit everything but field hockey for the sake of not being disowned, and found that he was excelling academically while his social status suffered. With all of the extracurricular he’d quit, Henry had a hell of a lot more time on his hands, but it wasn’t only used for studying.
Henry had always known the effects of alcohol: attending a prestigious prep school sometimes isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. A few bribes and numerous fake ID’s later, Henry had access to all of the alcohol he needed to get him through the last two years of school, and his parents didn’t have to know a thing about it. His grades dropped back to their average standards while his dependence on the alcohol increased, but Henry couldn’t care less. If the drinks were what was going to get him through to the end, then so be it. No one but his few friends knew about his newfound addiction, and he’d intended for it to stay that way until the day of the field hockey championship. It was the day after Carter Billings had disappeared, and with Henry the best of their subs, the King coaches had collectively decided to let him play in place of their star player. Henry was having one of the worst of his hangovers, and the few bottles he’d chugged earlier that morning weren’t helping his case. With the game tied and five minutes left in the game, Henry knew it was his chance to finally beat his brother at his own game. While he could brag he scored the game winning goal, it wasn’t much of an accomplishment if the other team won.
Since then, Henry has become somewhat of a social outcast; more so than he was before. Half of his friends haven’t talked to him since the day of the championship, and the only one he has left is Ryder. Ironically, his younger brother has taken Henry’s older brother role away from him and assumed it himself. He’s taken the liberty of confiscating every ounce of alcohol his older brother has in his possession and stays with him before curfew, partially for the tutoring he’s demanded for his services: protection comes with a price. The Caldwell brothers have begun to patch up their damaged relationship, but Henry’s still not sure whether or not he wants it to be fixed.
Second character :)
NAME: Kayla (not the admin obvi)
AGE: 15
OOC MASTERLIST INFO: Already submitted
A FUN FACT: I met Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson :
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
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Welcome to King, CARA OLSEN.
NAME: Cara Olsen
AGE AND D.O.B: Seventeen, October 27th
GRADE: Senior
HOMETOWN: Bridgeport, CT
FACE CLAIM: Marie Avgeropoulos
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Passionate, Reckless, Idealistic, Short-Tempered, Naive
HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT KING: Cara feels a touch out of place at King. While she appreciates her grandparents spending the money to send her to the school, she doesn’t feel as if she belongs.
BIOGRAPHY: Around 300 words of your character’s history, family, and life at King.
Cara Olsen grew up in a lower-middle class home in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Her parents eloped when they were eighteen, having Cara only a year later. While her household was filled with love, money wasn’t always there. Still, Cara was content with her life. Sure, she got into a bit more trouble than her parents would like, starting fights in school with boys who wouldn’t let her play with them and telling off teachers who doubted her abilities. Cara never thought there was anything wrong with her upbringing or her family life. However, her grandparents changed that.
After her parents eloped, her mother’s parents severed ties with them, not approving of the relationship. When Cara was thirteen, she met her grandparents for the first time. They wanted to get to know their granddaughter, and even offered to pay for the best education she could ever receive. She never heard of King until then, but it turns out it was her mother’s alma mater. After a tour, Cara was overwhelmed. Though, she couldn’t exactly refuse the two new people in her life.
Cara started at King her freshman year. Surrounded by rich kids, she couldn’t help but feel out of place. Though, she refused to pretend to be anyone other than herself. She still got into trouble, but not as many fights after she was threatened with expulsion. Cara knows that she’s lucky to be there, and while she might not belong, she’s not going to jeopardize the opportunity she was given. Over the years, she fell into a bit of a pattern at the school. She’s going though the motions until she graduates. Though, that doesn’t mean she’ll say no to a bit of fun every once in a while. Her grandparents never need to know.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
The alarm sounded, loud and unforgiving, ruining Mackenzie Caldwell’s deep sleep. Of course, she set the alarm herself, and knew her slumber was bound to come to a swift end before she closed her eyes the night before, but there was still a sense of dread about the upcoming day. Still, 5:30am, bright and early, she got out of her warm, soothing sheets.
The hardwood floors felt unfamiliar under her bare feet as she walked to her unfamiliar dresser in her unfamiliar room. It was larger than her room in her apartment back in New York, but it didn’t feel like home, and she knew it never would.
Trying to keep her daily routine as normal as possible, she changed into her spandex shorts and loose t-shirt, a workout calling her name.
Soon enough, the empty house was filled with music, blasting from the speakers that were wired to the majority of the rooms. Her neighbours were more than likely not fond of the dubstep sounds that oozed from the walls, but Mackenzie did not care. Her neighbours in New York got used to it, her neighbours here would have to, as well.
Massaging her calloused feet, she stretched her legs, bending her torso to her knee. She loved the flexibility dance gave her, but hated her veiny feet, thankful nobody really had to see them.
Unlike most teenage girls, Mackenzie loved just about every aspect of her appearance. Low confidence was a waste of time and a sure-fire way to fail in the dance industry. If you didn’t love and believe in yourself, why would anyone else? Still, everyone had their little insecurities. Mackenzie’s just happened to be her feet, and of course, the pale pink scar that ran down her left thigh.
She was always criticized for her diet and workout routine, people doubting her confident resolve. She hated people like that, assuming eating well and exercise meant that she wanted to be thin to fit into society’s standards. Mackenzie could not care less about that. But to be a dancer, certain criteria had to be met. A strong, slender body was key.
After a few sit-ups, push-ups, and pull-ups on her door frame, Mackenzie finally started waking up. Beads of sweat formed on her skin, and her chest heaved as she took in deep breaths. Glancing at her phone, her clock read 6:30 and she figured she had two options. She could go for her usual jog, though, she knew she would probably get lost in the new, unfamiliar town. Her second choice, get her cardio in by dancing a bit. The latter seemed much more appealing. So, turning the knob on her stereo to maximize the volume, she starting spinning around her hallways. Using a few pirouettes and other various ballet moves, she practiced her poses and other things her dance teacher in New York would expect from her. However, she often found herself getting lost in her steps, gliding from room to room paying no attention to her foot or arm work. She lost herself in the music, forgetting about the world around her.
That was why she loved to dance. The reality and all her troubles just melted away. Nothing existed but herself and the music.
NAME: Evvie
AGE: 18
TIMEZONE AND ACTIVITY LEVEL: Eastern. I’m on Summer Break, but I do have a job. Though, I should be able to get on every day for at least an hour.
OOC MASTERLIST INFO: holllandmarie.tumblr.com
A FUN FACT: I’m studying drama at school! ((Also, I’m not sure if there’s a rules password or not…I assure you, I’ve read them!))
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
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Welcome to King, JADEN PHILLIPS.
NAME: Jaden Phillips
AGE / D.O.B: Seventeen / February 25th, 1997
GRADE: Junior
HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, CA
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Hilarious, Charismatic, Confident, Flirtatious, Weak-Willed
HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT KING: Jaden’s being sent here by his parents because of his reckless behavior back home. He’s not bitter about it at all. He’s more excited about the social life he’s about to have than anything else.
BIOGRAPHY: Growing up in the suburbs of Lakewood, California, Jaden was born to a business entrepreneur and his model wife. They had three sons, and Jaden came second. Since he was the middle child of three boys, he felt the need to gain attention from them. He was always in detention or in the principal’s office for a majority of his elementary and middle school days. Jaden had a thing for telling jokes, as well as pulling pranks on his friends and the teachers he may or may not have liked. He is very outgoing and talks to anyone that walks in his path which is why he always had a lot of friends. As long as he wasn’t home, he was content.
When Jaden reached high school, his jokes got dirtier and his pranks got more sophisticated. They started become reckless which ended with Jaden paying off fines for the school equipment that he had vandalized. His parents cut him off once the fines were all paid off and they sent him to King School in the hopes of fixing his attitude once and for all. Now that he is living on his own, he has his own trust fund account that should last him until the end of his senior year. Jaden is very athletic and participates in sports such as football, basketball and baseball. Music is one of his biggest passions. It’s what keeps him sane.
Jaden knows how to adapt to a new environment quickly, considering he has moved across the country at least five times since he was 13. His charming personality gets him all of the ladies, even though he doesn’t plan on going anywhere serious with them. Jaden’s never had a serious girlfriend and would rather stay single than tied down to one girl. He loves having a good time with his buddies and keeping things as “manly” as possible around them. He doesn’t want them to see him as “whipped”.
Dallas had just finished unpacking the rest of his stuff after the show, so he decided to take a moment for himself and light a cigarette, taking a long and heavy drag off of it and flicking the ash out of habit. He was impressed by Caysea’s set and was looking forward to getting to know her better over a few beers and a game of Texas Hold ‘Em. Jude was unfortunately gone for the night. Dallas wasn’t sure where he was, but he was glad he had the place to himself. Although poker would be a bit boring with just two people, he planned on making things more interesting so her trip isn’t a total waste of time. With a six pack of five different beers stacked in the fridge, he got the two decks of cards that were in his duffel bag and set them on the kitchen table.
Once he heard the knock at the door, Dallas approached it and opened it smiling as he saw who was on the other side. “Hey, you.” He greeted before putting the cigarette back up to his lips for another drag. He stepped aside and allowed her to come in, and Dallas went to the fridge and got both of them a beer. Handing one of the beers to Caysea, he tried to make conversation so things could loosen up a bit. “Jude’s not here, but I figure we can play just the two of us. That was a great set, by the way. I caught myself nodding my head to a lot of your songs tonight.” He let out a chuckle before taking a bottle opener and popping the caps off of both of their beer bottles. “I hope you don’t mind the smell. I’m quite the chain smoker. He joked, hoping it wasn’t too much of a bother.
NAME: Torrey
AGE: 21
TIMEZONE / ACTIVITY LEVEL: PST / I’m free almost every day until the 1st or 2nd of July, then I will be on hiatus going to Seattle for a week or two. Then I start school again, but I can still remain active.
OOC MASTERLIST INFO: { x } Me & Afroman — From my personal blog.
A FUN FACT: I smoke weed to help my depression, insomnia and anxiety. They’re all minor cases so it’s not as bad as it sounds :p
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
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Welcome to King, CASEY SUTHERLAND.
NAME: Casey Melanie Sutherland
AGE AND D.O.B: Seventeen, 18th of July.
GRADE: Senior.
HOMETOWN: Washington DC
FACE CLAIM: Elizabeth Olsen
PERSONALITY TRAITS: + Intellectual  + Friendly + Family Orientated  - Overprotective  - Naïve.
HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT KING: Casey enjoys going to school at King, although feeling homesick at the start of year. She grows into the swing of things…eventually. Casey, a deep lover for education loves going to one of the best schools in the country.
Casey Sutherland was born into a wealthy family. The money runs in their blood or so her parents say. So none of the kids in the family have anything to worry about. They get everything served on a silver platter. Eldest of six siblings, Casey is by far the most responsible. Often when she was little and her mother was preoccupied, Casey used to try and help out with her little brothers. Which often ended up with a chunk of her hair on the nursery floor. Casey and her father have an extremely close bond, when her younger siblings were out with her mother. Casey and her father used to sit in the office while he worked, Casey reading fairytale novels and colouring in without a peep when he had important meetings to attend to. Although he loved all his children, he was very protective of Casey. She was always going to be his baby girl.
Her parents spoiled her and her siblings though some how this never had an effect on Casey’s hardworking or friendly nature. Despite how much money her family had, Casey wants to work, do something with her life that seemed to be dismissed by the rest of her family due to their fortune. She wanted to have a life, not just have children and then having nothing to do when they grew up.
Casey’s reputation around King is alright, she doesn’t have the crowd split when she is walking by but she doesn’t get pushed into lockers either. She is just sort of there. Of course she has her friend group and talks to some people outside of it but other than that. Casey is just…nice? Some people might think she is fake but others might think her genuine. Really Casey takes other people’s opinions to heart, sometimes too much if she is honest.
(My para sample for a Harry potter rp, Molly Weasley finding out she was pregnant for the first time!)
Molly stared blankly at the test, it shaking between her fingertips. They were only 17, they couldn’t be having a baby! How was she going to tell him? It is a pretty serious thing and they had only been dating a year. I mean they were in love but they hadn’t even talked about moving in together never mind marriage or babies. Of course Molly wanted them. She had always had that motherly nature about her. Taking care of first years if they were ever hurt and giving the one who had done bad a firm warning.
She had been in the bathroom a while and her dorm mates had started wrapping on the door, pleading for her to hurry up in there. As they had to get ready but Molly stayed put. Continuing her trail of thoughts until she had came to the conclusion to sit him down and tell him during the free period they had during the day.
It was a pretty ballsy thing to do, considering she had only knew herself for a good space of a half hour. He needed to know that he was going to be a father. Molly had always one to hit the situation right in the head before it was obvious or dragged out.
Then it was on to worry about what her parents or brothers would say…Her dad might possibly kill Arthur for making his only daughter pregnant when she was seventeen and still had thousands of opportunity’s still in her life to choose from. Her mother might be happy of being a grandmother consider how much her mother loved kids, one of the traits that Molly seemed to get from her mother as well as her ginger hair.  Her brothers might go either way,   they could possibly kill Arthur or maybe even be happy to be an uncle. One thing that Molly did know, That she just hoped to merlin everything works out.
NAME: Cupcake! (Erin but I see you already have a player called Erin so to save confusion:) I went with a nickname I have!)
AGE: 14
TIMEZONE AND ACTIVITY LEVEL:  GMT, About a 6 or 7 because it’s summer but I still have days where I wont be on!
OOC MASTERLIST INFO: A link to an image you want used to represent you (can be anything), your personal or rp blog if you want it listed, and any messengers you want listed : Since this isn’t my main blog and it’s a rp blog, I would like the blog www.fabulousevans.tumblr.com linked and a picture of the beautiful Karen Gillian!
A FUN FACT: I LOVEEEEE DOCTOR WHO! and anything mint!
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
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Welcome to King, QUINN MANCHESTER.
NAME: Quinn Manchester
AGE AND D.O.B: 17, November 12
GRADE: Junior
HOMETOWN: Bristol Rhode Island
FACE CLAIM: Shailene Woodley
PROMPT: Please note here if a character prompt was used. Though it is absolutely not necessary to use a prompt, these are just helpful ideas.
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Introverted, Quiet, Smart, Kind Hearted, Gullible,  Depressed
HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT KING: Quinn doesn’t know what to think about King honestly. She likes it enough and its English program. Her father shipped her to king so he could be with his family and not have to think about her. But it could be worse.
 BIOGRAPHY: Around 300 words of your character’s history, family, and life at King. 
Quinn was raised by her mother, living in the small coastal town of Bristol Rhode Island. Her mother was young when she had Quinn, no older than seventeen. Tessa Manchester did her best in raising her child with help from her own family, and Quinn happened to be an easy child. She went through the normal public school system and was happy with her life.  She was outgoing, spent her time on dance classes, book club and hanging out at the beach with her friends was the norm for fifteen years.
Everything changed one night in December. Quinn, her grandparents, and her mother all went to Providence to see A Christmas Carol. They had dinner and saw the show like they had almost every year since Quinn could remember. Singing carols on the home the student impact of the car hitting them shocked Quinn. They had been driving through an intersection in the city when another car went through a red light and broadsided them. Her grandfather and grandmother died on impact as they had been directly hit, and she and her mother were rushed to the hospital. Her mother did not gain consciousness and died two days before Christmas, Quinn woke up Christmas morning alone.
Quinn had no aunts or uncles in her mother’s family; all she had was her dead beat dad whom she had never met. He hadn’t even had the respect to go to the funeral, just sent a car for her after the funeral. Even from that Quinn lost all respect for the man she now had to call “dad”. She lived with him and his family in New York through her rehab, but was always an outsider to the family. She was the little secret that was never really spoken of or to. It was a shock the day she heard she would be going to King.
Quinn is still grieving her family, her real family. Her outgoing personality has been dulled by grief and being pushed aside. She is almost like a ghost at school, avoiding things she thinks she shouldn’t enjoy anymore. The only thing she indulges in anymore is reading, and it helps her avoid creating relationships with people. She thought about taking some dance classes, joining some clubs that would have interested her before, but she doesn’t. How can she be happy in any form when she’s the only one left alive.
She journals every day. started when she woke up, the therapist in Providence suggested it and her therapist in New York encouraged her to continue as part of the grieving process. The journal has every thought she has had since the accident. She sometimes writes things that scare her, thoughts she didn’t know she had until they were on the page. It physically does not look like it would be filled with what is written on its pages. A simple white leather bound thing with two black elephants on the front. Elephants were her mom’s favorite. Matriarchal animals with no need for males besides procreation, “Just like us Manchester girls” she would say.
At least 300 words paragraph sample. Does not have to be in character, but needs to be an actual rp paragraph, and must be third person, past tense. 
Quinn had silently slipped out of class before the rush and crowd of everyone else, not like anyone would have wanted to talk to her anyway. It had been nice out, the sun shining brightly making campus seem happy. Quinn never stayed out to long, only long enough to get to the building she needed to anyway. She went to the library to hide in the stacks somewhere. She was reading Jane Eyre again, her third time since arriving at King. Her old mass market paperback was so broken from all of the notes she had made.
She entered the library and quietly took a seat at one of the study tables. She pulled out her Algebra homework to do during her breaks from Jane and Rochester. Her grades had been doing better lately, perks of not having friends. But it sat untouched after that as she began reading again. Rochester’s proposal was where she had left off, let it all go downhill; The library had little to no activity for a while, but slowly filled up with her fellow students.
Quinn never really went out of her way to make friends since starting at King, her being alone was her own fault. And it wasn’t like anyone noticed her anyway as it was. I could just disappear. No one would care, not Keith… she refused to call him dad anymore. His wife Sarah couldn’t stand the sight of Quinn anyway. And his kids were awful, spoiled, bratty, clearly Keith’s creations. Even if Quinn really wanted to just end it all she couldn’t. She was all that was left of Tessa Manchester. She was her mother’s creation, they couldn’t change that. She had to become something for her mother, for her grandparents, the people who actually loved her.
She put her book down, her thoughts becoming too much for her. She had to write it down, get it out before it festered and became something harder to deal with. She wrote everything that had been going through her mind and stared at her hands when she finished. The paper was so indented from how much pressure she had forced on the paper. When she was depressed it was always so indented. She knew she needed to call her therapist, but she didn’t want them to know. She didn’t want anyone to know. Keep it in, keep it in the journal. She packed up everything after that. She wouldn’t get her algebra done at this point.
NAME: Letty
AGE: 22
OOC MASTERLIST INFO: A link to an image you want used to represent you (can be anything), your personal or rp blog if you want it listed, and any messengers you want listed
A FUN FACT: I am a proud cat mama. And she likes to sleep on my face.
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
Applications have been read, messages have been sent. I will be posting them and then updating the face claim and the follow list. Any other lists that need updated will currently have to wait.
If you did not get a message concerning your application - both accepted and denied - your ask box was not on. 
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
I'm messaging to say that I will be online hopefully by tomorrow. My computer was able to be salvaged!!!!!
Good to know! Thanks!
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
Would the person applying as Wyatt Parsons please turn on your ask box.
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
when will you be accepting?
I am currently running King by myself. I am going to try my best to get to applications tonight but that may spill into tomorrow.
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kingschool-rpg-blog · 10 years
I'm messaging you because on the 25th I'm leaving for a job that is going to keep me away from the computer until the 30th of August, and I just wanted to request a hiatus if that's alright. I know that it's a long time and all, but I have exact dates and I can be one hundred percent sure that I will be back on the 30th (I'm going to be working in the woods, away from technology, so that's why, and I just wanted to ask ahead of time.)
A long hiatus it is, yes. But however, the fact that you seem dedicated in coming back makes it all that much easier to grant you that hiatus. Have fun, dear.
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