kingsshade · 19 hours
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360 Free Sitting References for Artists
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6 different models in 12 different poses! Reference sheets included
Download the uncensored pack on my Patreon
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kingsshade · 19 hours
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pet pets
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kingsshade · 19 hours
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kingsshade · 19 hours
Literal definition of spyware:
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Also From Microsoft’s own FAQ: "Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. 🤡
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kingsshade · 19 hours
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yall if i was misa in this scene im not even kidding i would’ve gone like actually feral. if a hot, strange, deep-voiced death god knelt down to be eye level with me and told me they were my ally and were trying to protect me i would’ve kissed them sloppy style right then and there. i’m talking leaving cartoonish red kissy marks all over their face and walking away with bruised and bloodied lips. i’m not even playing rn
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kingsshade · 19 hours
Unidentified protist. Quite the hyper one. 
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kingsshade · 19 hours
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first quote can be found in Landmark Speeches of National Socialism ed. Randall L. Bytwerk (including the next sentence of the speech not quoted in the tweet, which imo is relevant in the comparison to the specific argument from frum & other zionist propagandists). speech by Julius Streicher delivered on 10 November 1939, after Kristallnacht:
We could have killed all the Jews in Germany yesterday, but we did not do it. The demonstrations in Franconia were, in general, disciplined, clear, and farsighted. They proved to the world that the days when the Jew could take out his wrath on us, whether from within or without, are finally over.
second quote published in 1939 by the Nazi Party’s Central Propaganda Office, archived in the German Propaganda Archive (source materials also collected by Randall Bytwerk), plus additional surrounding text not included in the tweet:
The behavior of the Führer and the Reich in these days of continuous Polish and English provocations were remarkable. No other nation would have been as patient. It would have done what the Führer finally did on 1 September much earlier.
Our remarkable restraint was noted by all the neutrals. The Spanish newspaper Alcazar wrote on 2 September: "Hitler has exhibited extreme patience, until the Polish attack forced the German army to respond. Nothing is more consistent than the behavior of the Führer and the Reich government. While Poland was attacking Germany along the border, Hitler published his last appeal for peace. The responsibility is not only Poland’s, but also belongs to those statesmen who encouraged Polish insanity."
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kingsshade · 19 hours
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Weird son
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kingsshade · 19 hours
If this pops up while you’re scrolling, I wish you unconditional love and massive success.
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kingsshade · 19 hours
Exo Failsafe design because she deserves to go on adventures with us <33
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kingsshade · 19 hours
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ata tu corazón, mi amor, y arrástralo por la tierra
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kingsshade · 1 day
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15 YEARS OF HALO 3: ODST • September 22nd 2009
Prepare to drop.
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kingsshade · 1 day
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May or may not have gotten ~very~ into destiny, ~very~ quickly
Featuring my ghost Múmo and the one and only crucible handler, Lord Shaxx
(I swear he’s the only reason I’m pushing to get the deadeye title, pvp has been kicking me in the teeth)
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kingsshade · 1 day
One of the most important things I’ve learned as a Real Adult™ is the importance of a job half done. 
Today I did a load of dishes, wiped off my stove, and swept the kitchen floor. Did I do the best job, or finish every dish? No! My stove still has that caked on caramel that I need to bust out an SOS pad to take care of, one of our big pots is still sitting in the sink, and somehow a kitty kibble unearthed itself while I was wiping down the stove (?? how??).. but the kitchen looks a LOT better. It’s once again an inhabitable, usable space.
Parents, bosses, teachers, even my own self, harp upon absolute perfect completion of a task as the be all and end all of a job well done, but god damn, my kitchen isn’t terrible because I took the time to improve it. Little steps, especially when you’re struggling, are important. They mean a LOT. They are a sign that you won, if only in that brief moment, and they make getting all the other stuff done so much easier later on down the road. 
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kingsshade · 1 day
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kingsshade · 1 day
yall with adhd or autism or such ever just get…. bored. like so Painfully bored. like its not “oh hehe i was so bored and i made this” to flex or “oh im so bored bc i have nothing to do” but like a “i am physically incapable of ending this horrible understimulation with any activity i might attempt” and its genuinely fucking painful
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kingsshade · 1 day
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