kiniiro-blog · 9 years
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                 ❝ I’ve trained hard too !! I’m not just going to sit back & watch anymore !                     Not when it counts the most – most of all, i’m not going to let you                     guys get all the spotlight anyways – ❞                                                        i ii iii iv v [ Art Cred || BG cred. ] 
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
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                Rin waited PATIENTLY outside the home of                   her sensei. Body curled up as she rested                    upon the CHILLED step. Body wrapped up                   almost like a MARSHMALLOW. Fingers                    wielding a christmas present she wanted to                   PRESENT to her mentor. Brow lowering as                   she says.
                          ‘ aa.. maybe he didn’t hear the                             knocks? 
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
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                 There was a MELANCHOLY look within her coffee                       brewed hues, her grip becoming increasingly strong                       on the steam of the flower she held. A red scarf tightly                      knitted around her still CHILLED neck.
                                “ Konbanwa, Obito..It’s Christmas, remember                                     the times we've had? aaa.. the snow and                                     joy is a lot more powerful this year -- is it not?                                    are you able to hear the songs ? the laughs?                                      . . . i hope your smiling too. “
                    Voice become SHAKY and UNCONTROLLABLY hard                     to speak as the lump grew bigger in her throat. RELENTLESS                      tears streaming down her redden checks; heat breathe shooting                     out of her QUIVERING mouth; as if it were smoke from a cigarette.                     Her eyes never once were REMOVED from his head stone that held his                    name forever -- a name that everyone seem to forget, but no -- not her                    never. Bending down, her knees cracking the way down -- her paled                     digits being removed from a sheltered glove are press against the TOMBSTONE,                    brushing all the snow and dirt away.                    Upon her knees she bows her head, silky strands are framed against her                    features with a DELICACY. Fingers retracting and recoil onto her lap, trembling                    with each second that passes. Rin held anger within her, yes -- but more or                   so QUILT and REGRET where her greater foes in the death of her comrade.                                ‘  M-Me-merry Christmas.. o - ob - obito. ‘                        
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
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          Hello, everyone! I know I haven’t been very active on this blog lately but I do know that I promised all of you a little giveaway. Though follower count shouldn’t mean much to us, it still is an honor to gain many in a short span of time. I think it makes us all feel more appreciated and because of that I wanted to give something back to you. I don’t feel like I know you all enough to make some sort of follow forever but this is something I can do. Just see it as a belated Christmas present from me to you. 
I think the most important thing is that the giveaway will end on January 1st. But I’ll get to the gifts right away: 
1st Place: 
                      - One theme background or promo banner.                        - 50 icons of your muse and the psd
2nd Place:
                      - One theme background or promo banner                       - 40 icons of your muse and the psd
3rd Place:
                      - One theme background or promo banner                       - 30 icons of your muse and the psd
                      - You must be following this blog. If you unfollow me right after                          this is over, your gift will be passed on to someone else. This                          is for my followers and not for people who just want to win                          something.                        - You can reblog and like this post as many times as you want.                       - Only roleplay blogs can participate.                        - I’d prefer to make manga icons for you. If you have permission                         from a list of artists who allow you to use their art you can give                         that to me though. Colored manga icons would look like this                         [ x ]. You can be sure that I’ve colored them myself.                       - Don’t worry about themes or promo banners. I will ask artists                         for permission for you. 
                      Themes: x x x x                        Icons: x x x x x                       Promos: x x
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
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                 ❝   Here’s what I tell anybody and this is what I believe.                       The greatest gift we have is the gift of life. We understand that.                       That comes from our Creator. We’re given a body. Now you may not like it,                       but you can maximize that body the best it can be maximized. ❞
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
[ ✵ ] // Gimme dem smooches tho
                send ✵ to catch my muse under a mistletoe 
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                                 ‘ How about without the mask ? ‘ 
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
Send me ✵ to catch my muse under the mistletoe!
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
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❝ Naruto . .  .there has never been a time i DIDN’T believe in you, your heart – it’s UNWAVERING  it’s UNMOVABLE Your mind is made up, and nothing will ever change that.  Kids like you come ONCE and a LIFETIME – but, the moment you were born - a new ERA had began .. other’s STRIVE to be like you. Never stop at just good, to become GREAT. I can’t FATHOM the amount of PRIDE and PROUDNESS i feel for you – to keep this simple and short …. YOU’RE GONNA GO FAR KID. ❞                                                                    i ii iii iv c 
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
“I like the way you smile.”
       Send me “I like the way you smile” if your muse                               has a crush on mine.
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     There was a sudden feeling of falseness in his words, someone like     him could never fall for someone like her. Of course, there was that     tinted fluster of her cheeks, a hand automatically coming up and      swatting the comment away almost.            ‘ Kashi-kun, you really know how to make a beating heart run.’ 
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
                   Send me a ♚ if you like my writing.
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      //chokes like srs – u made me choke         on me cookie – but iz okay CAZ it was totally worth        choking –
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
                    Send me a ♚ if you like my writing.
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    oh u precious leaf u.    c’OME HERE —        // doesn’t wait for you to come, kinda just flings self at ur FACE!? 
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
Send me “I like the way you smile” if your muse has a crush on mine.
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kiniiro-blog · 9 years
Send me a ♚ if you like my writing.
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