kinkwriter23 · 4 years
y’all know about the AO3 search hack for only getting fics with a single pairing listed, right? Just click on the pairing tag you want, and then filter and put “otp:true” in the ‘search within results’ box and BAM. Nothing but fics with that one pairing. Heaven.
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
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Jared on filming House of Wax with Chad Michael Murray.
“We had a good time. As much as I’d like to say it was the hot wax sequence,it definitely was not. We just had a good time. Sometimes we’d take a football and Chad and I would throw the football around and just play Xbox in the trailer and just have a good time"
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Jared Tristan Padalecki | Born July 19, 1982
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
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#when it turns out Yellow Eyes killing your wife was just the tip of a very shitty iceberg
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
“It’s amazing how the universe works sometimes. It’s amazing that they’re as close as they are.”
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“(...) Jared and Jensen’s relationship...”
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“-you know...they really love each other.”
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“You mean how it’s been to see Jared and Jensen’s relationship form? Such a sexually-charged question. I’ll try to navigate these waters.”
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“They were hanging out before they shot the pilot, and I remember Jensen describing [Jared]. He said, ‘man...he’s kinda awesome. He’s really tall, and smart, and he’s from Texas.’”
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“They have such a...special relationship. I’m not sure I can-...you know, they’re just so close!”
-Lauren Cohen ❤️❤️❤️
Jensen: “Little do I know it’s downloading all of my information right now.”
Aisha: “Seventeen pictures of Jared’s taint!”
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Double bonus: Jensen’s reaction to Aisha’s comment. He’s like ‘I know you were 60% joking, but...umm...’
Hehe 😂😉
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
Keep Your Eyes on Me
Title: Keep Your Eyes on Me Square-Filled: Sam/Claire( @samwinchesterbingo) Rating: Explicit Pairing: Sam/Claire Word Count: 697 Warnings: accidental voyeurism, voyeurism, sam likes to watch, voyeur!Sam, underage Summary: Claire thought she locked the door. Sam just likes to watch.
AO3 Link
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
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This is the new t-shirt design that Jared wants to show us.
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
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Welcome to my Masterlist of fics!!
I will do my best to update it regularly
Warnings: ✂ - noncon/dubcon with possible trigger elements 🔐 - alpha/beta/omega dynamics 🖤 - underage smut 🔊 - mostly smut 🔉 - little smut
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*bottom Sam only!*
1. Three is a Magic Number -  Sam didn’t know how or why it happened but thank heaven and hell it did. 🔊
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*bottom Sam only!*
One Shot
1. Sinners and Saints - in progress
1. Touch Like Lightning - Sam’s alpha passed away a year ago, leaving Sam with their two year old daughter, Lydia, all alone. Sam wasn’t looking for a new alpha, honest! Dean just happened to walk in at the right time. But will Sam go for it? Or will his loyalty toward Cas stop him? 🔐 AO3 Version  - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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 *bottom Sam only!*
Sam Winchester Bingo Card 2 Masterlist
Dean and Sam Bingo Card 1 Masterlist
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
Dean and Sam Bingo Card 1 Masterlist
Here is the Sam and Dean Bingo Card!! @deanandsambingo​
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- Longing for You: Mutual Pinning -  Sam’s alpha passed away a year ago, leaving Sam with their two year old daughter, Lydia, all alone. Sam wasn’t looking for a new alpha, honest! Dean just happened to walk in at the right time. But will Sam go for it? Or will his loyalty toward Cas stop him?
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
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J e s u s.
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
Longing For You
Title: Longing For You (Touch By Lightning Series pt 2) Square Filled: Mutual Pining (@deanandsambingo), Fluff (@samwinchesterbingo) Rating: Teen Pairing: Sam/Dean (non-related wincest); past Sam/Cas Word Count: 790 Warnings: Major fluffs, mutual pinning, daddy sam, sam has a baby, a/b/o dynamics, omega!Sam, alpha!Dean Summary: Sam’s alpha passed away a year ago, leaving Sam with their two year old daughter, Lydia, all alone. Sam wasn’t looking for a new alpha, honest! Dean just happened to walk in at the right time. But will Sam go for it? Or will his loyalty toward Cas stop him?
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Sam had been staring at his phone for the last hour or so, debating on when he should call Dean. Or even if he should call the attractive alpha. There really wasn’t a point to do so, but Sam desperately wanted to see him again. There was something about the way he moved, the way he spoke. It drew Sam in, and now he is stuck, needing to see this man again.
He let out a soft groan, thumping back on his bed with an exhausting sigh. This shouldn’t be happening. Sam should be focused on work and his kid, not some totally gorgeous guy who happened to waltz into his life quite suddenly.
What would Cas think of this?
That made Sam pause. 
Cas would want Sam to be happy. Cas would want Sam to live his life, take care of his kid, find love again. He knew that was what his late mate would have wanted from him. 
Sam swallowed, plucking up the courage to pick up his phone and dial the number written on his arm.
The phone rang twice before that familiar deep voice picked up.
“This is Dean.”
“Uh, hey, Dean. It’s...Sam..from Wal-Mart...” 
Sam nearly thumped his head on his side table at how stupid he sounded. 
“Hey, Sammy,” Dean’s voice was warm and soft. “Was wondering when you were gonna call.”
“Haha, yeah. Just...needed some time ya know?” Sam blushed for some unknown reason.
“Yeah, I get it. How is the munchkin?”
“All tuckered out from coloring. She’s taking a nap right now.”
“Aww, that’s cute.”
“She really is,” Sam agreed with a laugh before falling silent. Both Dean and himself were listening to one another breath, finding it somewhat relaxing. 
Dean spoke first though he seemed reluctant to end the silence.
“So...you uh call for a reason?”
Sam hummed and played with his long hair shyly though the alpha couldn’t see it. 
“Um yeah. I was just...checking up on you. Um, well, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out? Sometime?”
Sam could feel Dean’s grin from his side of the phone.
“Well, Sammy, I think that’d be amazing. Where do you wanna go?”
Sam smirked, “I’ll let you figure that out, Mr. Alpha.”
He could hear Dean let out a playfully growl, causing goosebumps to appear on Sam’s arms.
“Alright then, little omega. I can pick you up Saturday if you’d like?”
“That’s so faaaaar,” Sam couldn’t help but whine, wanting to see the alpha sooner. Saturday was only two days away, however, which wasn’t long at all.
“I knoooow,” Dean whined back. “But I think we will both be a bit busy till Saturday, huh?”
Sam couldn’t help but agree. He not only had work, but he also needed time to find a babysitter to watch over Lydia. Preferably, someone they know which would make the whole situation easier for both of them. 
“Yeah....” Sam pouted but relaxed against the couch. “I..I seriously can’t wait, Dean.”
“Me neither. You are a beautiful omega. And I really hope I get to learn more about you.”
Sam blushed and preened at the attention he was getting. 
“Thank you. You are mighty handsome as well.”
Dean let out a breathy laugh, Sam treasuring the sound. It was like warmth encased him completely, making Sam feel safe. And that was only from a little laugh. Sam idly wondered what a real laugh from Dean would make him feel and couldn’t wait to find out.
“Alright, hun, I have to get back to work,” Dean sighed, sounding sad. “But, I will definitely call you and text you, yeah?”
“Please do!” Sam immediately agreed. “I will look forward to it!”
Dean laughed and said a sweet goodbye before hanging up.
Sam laid across the couch with a dramatic sigh, smiling dreamily up at the ceiling. Dean really was something special. He was unlike any alpha’s that he’d met before.
Sam immediately perked up as little footsteps ran from down the stairs to the couch before a small body flung herself onto his chest. 
“Yes, baby?” Sam smiled softly, kissing Lydia’s head.
“I liked De-De’n.”
“Yeah? I liked him too.”
“Are you gonna see him again?” Lydia asked curiously, playing with Sam’s long hair.
“Maybe, why, hun?”
“Cuz, he makes you smile like papa used to, and I like it.”
Sam paused, blinking down at his daughter, tears welling in his eyes as he smiled. 
“You still remember papa, huh. You think he’d be okay with me seeing Mr. Dean again?”
Lydia nodded excitedly and nuzzled Sam’s neck. Sam purred at her softly, chuckling as she gave an answering purr back.
“Now, who wants chicken nuggies for dinner?”
Part 1
Next Part
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
Title: Insatiable Square Filled: Boy King! Sam Rating: Explicit Pairing: Sam/Demon Word Count: 317 Warnings: cockwarming, 18+, boy king Sam, random demons Summary: The boy king has powers beyond belief. He also has a sex drive like no other. He truly is insatiable. 
I used this as a writing drabble to be honest so I hope you like my smut XD
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
*bonks my stupid head with yours* I love you
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
let’s talk about this iconic moment in honor of its first anniversary
it’s incredibly sad that after the amazing supportive loving hug j2 had, it had to be tarnished because of bearding
so right after j2 hug, jared goes to gen to look less gay i guess but for whatever reason it’s not enough for gen and she leans back towards jared which leads to the audience laughing and jensen stops his speech to see what’s going on as seen below
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and his reaction is just so sad look at him!
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when he sees what’s going on you can literally see him swallow his bitterness and anger and hurt and disappointement. You know this feeling when you get so mad but you can’t express your anger and you have to swallow up those strong negative feelings because if you don’t something worse will happen. it’s what jensen’s doing there! with a disdainful nod like “no, i can’t believe this”
and it’s even worse because this happens RIGTH AFTER j2 had their beautiful hug in front of everyone with jensen showing off his akf shirt and support for jared and i totally get that jared had to go to gen because if she was here he wasn’t gonna ignore her and it was fine because jensen couldn’t see anything but then this bitch had to put all the attention on her bullshit OTT PDA which made jensen interrupt his speech to see his partner fooling around with a beard that doesn’t give a shit about him and can you imagine seeing your long term significant other being cuddly in front of everyone who see nothing and laugh and cheer as if they’re looking at a real couple being cute and you have to bottle up this jealousy because “it is what it is” and you can’t do anything about it. and knowing that you’ll never be able to do the same with him in public. It’s so fucking unfair and sad. i hate this so so much
look at how done jensen is after witnessing this bullshit
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and jared’s reaction when he sees that jensen saw what he was doing is sooo telling, it’s like looking a switch turning off what the fuck!! just LOOK AT HIM he knows he fucked up and hurt jensen
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he looks so sad and resigned and he KNOWS how jensen feels, he had to watch jensen with his beard too after all and jared didn’t want to make jensen feel this way but it’s too late and he knows it’s what their life is like: being constantly pissed and hurt at watching from afar their true love faking it with someone else 
it’s so sad
that being said 
you don’t piss off jensen ackles without getting some payback hahaha
so what’s awesome about this is that you can pinpoint the moment when jensen decides to throw some heavy shade on J/G he’s like “she… she’s” and he starts raising his eyebrows but keeping his eyelids low as if he’s unbothered and uninterested and the scornful smirk, it’s so condescending lol
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look at his smile after he said it “yep i just did that, BITCH”  HAHAHAHA
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and then he’s making fun even more with the way he says “so back off” (as in “yeah look at her with her “husband” wouldn’t want them to break up uh?!”) he’s completely exaggerating his face but just look at it in the video (every single frame taken separetely is PRICELESS) and i love THE COMPLETE AND UTTER DISDAIN in his “that’s what i’ve have been hearing” with the pursed lip and raised eyebrows just… it’s so beautiful!!! i love jensen so much. He was just so fucking done there it’s incredible. His face there is literally the face you make when you work hard on something and it’s someone else who gets all the congratulations for it like: oh yeah she’s totally the one who loves and supports him! and the one who sucks his dick after a long day of work! sure congratulate her she’s his “wife” that’s what we’ve all been hearing! lol
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honestly this closing ceremony was incredible, i still can’t believe it happened but it is sad that this response only came because jensen was pissed and hurt in the first place, he just couldn’t help himself and though i don’t like seeing j2 hurt like that i’m so glad it happened because you simply cannot get any more obvious and blatant than that. SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK there’s ZERO subtlety in that, NONE! that’s how pissed he was
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
dean: happy anniversary, baby! I have dinner reservations at seven
sam: our anniversary is in march
dean: ...happy birthday?
sam: it’s literally december
dean: stop being difficult and let me spoil you for fucks sake
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kinkwriter23 · 4 years
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Can we talk about how adorable it is that Dean knows
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exactly how Sammy sleeps?
he’s mapping it out
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putting himself in Sammy’s (oversized) shoes
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and then this adorable little shit
tosses and turns like the rebel he is
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till he settles down into
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you guessed it:
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right where Dean knew he would
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