kinky-chess · 4 days
I ever tell you guys about my ethically dubious radio show back in college? The Mad Dad Hour?
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kinky-chess · 4 days
A while back my pharmacist saw my deadname on my profile and accidentially called it out, he corrected and deleted my deadname from the system so only my preferred name shows up now. There was a crowd of people behind me, so as he hands over the pills he apologized, in equal tone and volume as when he called my deadname and lied saying it's been a long day and he didn't mean to call out -his own- name. I quietly told him it was fine and he didn't need to do that for my sake.
His response: "No, it's my name now."
I went to the pharmacist yesterday, his nametag is my deadname. He informed me he's immigrating and in the process he's changed his first name to my deadname to have an English sounding name. That's why he's now able to get a reprint of his nametag to be my deadname. And repeated, with the intense seriousness of someone who is going to die on this hill: "It's mine now. Not yours. I'm taking." His tone indicated that decision is final.
Bro literally deadnamed me once, and has committed to flat out stealing my deadname. It's his now. Legally. Officially. I over heard his co-workers call him by the name.
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kinky-chess · 4 days
we dont actually know what the most evil animal on earth is. if bunnies could speak they may say terrible, terrible things
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kinky-chess · 4 days
I'm built different. like incorrectly i think
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kinky-chess · 4 days
Ok so my kid had an ear infection, right? As kids often do.
The doctor scraped out a bit of earwax to have a better look inside.
I was sent a bill for $200 PER EAR for this 5 second procedure which I did not give permission for them to do.
That was key- they did not ASK me if they could do this "procedure". And, as I OWN a medical practice (it's me. The medical practice is me, sitting in my house on video calls) I knew to call them when this bill came in to be like "You did not obtain informed consent for this procedure, and it was not en emergency procedure. You had full ability to gain my consent and didn't. I'm not paying."
And the massive hospital who owned the bill said "yuh-huh you do have to pay."
And I said "I own a practice. I know these laws. I do not owe you money for this."
And they conducted an "internal review" and SURPRISE! Decided I totally owed them money and they had never done anything wrong ever.
And so I called my state's Attorney General office, and explained the situation because, as I mentioned, I know the law. The AG got in touch within a couple days to say they were taking the case and would send the massive hospital conglomerate a knock it off, guys letter.
Lo and Behold, today I have a letter where said hospital graciously has agreed to forfeit the payment.
"How not to get screwed over by companies" should be part of civics class.
Know your rights and know who to call when they're infringed on. This whole process cost me $0 and honestly less effort than I would have expected.
May this knowledge find its way to someone else who can use it.
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kinky-chess · 4 days
yeah joe mama is fun and all, but have y’all ever heard about a henway?
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kinky-chess · 11 days
toddler started playing a game a while ago where he points at dad and says "you're [toddler]. I'm Dada" and then they roleplay being each other. I gotta say. the schadenfreude, the absolute satisfaction, when toddler says "eat your hot dog" and dad says "no! I want a lot!!" (imitating what the toddler does when he refuses to eat unless he is given a GIANT PILE of food, which he will eat approximately 5% of) and toddler says "you can have this" (exactly what we say to him in this situation) and dad says "I WANT A LOT!!" and the toddler tries to think of a way to convince him and says "EAT IT!!" with visible frustration. exquisite. incredible
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kinky-chess · 11 days
florida hatsun miku i do not mkae the rules
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kinky-chess · 13 days
so i took out the trash today like the good house husband i am not, leaving behind the rank smell of long forgotten noodles and the regrets of two people with memory issues
i, like any good tumblr citizen, remember the tales of the person who put two cups of vanilla extract in their oven so i did the sensible thing to get out two Caps of extract
just then, inspiration struck. a bolt of lightning straight from the muses themselves, if i could use vanilla extract.... who's to say i couldn't use other extracts?
i scoured the cabinets, i knew my partner had secreted away some illicit non-vanilla type extracts for baking, and i found it.
hidden in the back of the cabinet was a lone bottle of mint extract
i emptied my two caps with abandon into an (oven safe) glass dish and gleefully set the oven for 300 for an hour
all that was left now was to wait for the sins of the mind to be purged by the mighty mint leaf
ten minutes in... starting to smell kinda like a thin mint
fifteen minutes in, i take a nice deep breath of lovely scented air and i am greeted by searing burning minty pain
i launch myself towards the kitchen, every step closer to mint hell, every orifice on my face burning with the freezing righteous flame of menthol
im fumbling for the oven mitt to rid my home of this foul demon, i pry the oven open and am hit with a blast unlike anything else
i feel what that vine kid taking shots of mouthwash feels, i was seared raw, my tits were blown clean off, and it was just me and that devilish beguiling minty fresh taste
quickly dumping the rest into the sink i ran towards the door, begging for the sweet sweet smell of un-minted air
learning nothing from this encounter, i dare to try once more, with the tumblr-approved extract this time
wish me luck
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kinky-chess · 15 days
I'm so glad the Olympics finally added the wet bear competition as an official event
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kinky-chess · 16 days
Hello remarkable Jewish person. I’m a remarkable Jewish person, too.
Let’s hug.
Because we all need it, I think. I certainly need it. Let’s reblog this to hug one another. And maybe hold on a little too long. And give it a squeeze. And do it again if you need it.
(This post is for Jews and Jews alone btw.)
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kinky-chess · 16 days
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kinky-chess · 16 days
me when someone complains about something that's been genuinely bothering me too but i just brushed it off because i was worried that i was just bitchy/callous/sensitive but now I feel Vindicated
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edit: original post is back, given its blown up sm im also linking the vetted fundraisers from Palestinians who've reached out to me recently here, here, here, here, here, here and here! please read their stories, donate if you can, and share them around!
edit 2: terfs get the fuck off this post. guarantee that you're the ones that we're all complaining about behind your backs. im trans and I fucking love my trans siblings of all stripes with all of my heart, way more than your pathetic arses could ever hate them
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kinky-chess · 16 days
i think angel would have been a 1000% better character if they just put him in more situations. make him attend a dinner party. have him babysit a kid. by a series of circumstances, have him pulled over for speeding, and have to somehow get a drivers license. get that man up to some hijinx or so help me god!!!
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kinky-chess · 17 days
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I was today years old when i found out that i was allowed time off to vote. Something no boss has ever told me.
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kinky-chess · 17 days
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One day he will be free
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kinky-chess · 17 days
your fat activism posts should include people who are not healthy at their current weight or have an eating disorder where they eat too much btw
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