kinsfolk · 4 years
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the gofer project is a discord roleplay server for danganronpa set in v3′s non-canonical concept of a space craft sent to space to preserve the last of humanity. join with your own muse to interact with characters from all three games, in the setting of a post apocalyptical, post despair, serenity.
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kinsfolk · 4 years
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hi im still alive!!  with my masters program coming to a close next week, and me taking my nce in early december, i’ve just been in a little over my head!!  im v sorry to everyone i owe replies, i swear ill be getting to them as soon as im able!!
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kinsfolk · 4 years
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drawing meme|| CLOSED
@kinsfolk​​ ASKED: can i get my nightmare seesaw boy in red seven please
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anything for you pops I love you very much 😔
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kinsfolk · 4 years
“Come now, Fukawa-san… is it truly so mysterious?”  he hummed.  As anxious as the Ultimate Writer seemed to be, Shinguuji was oppositely at ease; he slung one leg across the other under the table and his golden gaze didn’t waver.  He preferred to fashion himself an observer as opposed to an active participant in most conversations, but he had to admit: there was something to be enjoyed in these sorts of tête-à-têtes.
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“You ask why I sought you about this matter, to which my answer is: love and murder are two sides of the same proverbial coin… if anyone could boast such a refined understanding of romance, it would certainly be you.  After all… you are quite prolific in your craft.  Ku ku ku…”
He spoke in entendre, shaped his lips around the word ‘craft’ like there was something hidden within it (and oh, there was.)
“This is why I wished to speak with you, Fukawa-san… so I will ask again.  Would you be willing to aid me with this?”
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 ❛        i don’t understand why you needed m-me…  i write romance novels, n-not unsolved mysteries…      ❜   toko mutters quietly, as though her thoughts are not a double-edged sword. such a woe to condemn, she knows that she too holds her own, kept veiled behind a shaky foundation ( for it’s become too much, a girl cannot hide two identities within one. ) yet, she remains selfish,  but never apathetic.  he is the closest to a reflection she has found, as she is to him. the nervousness drags her back, if only for a moment. the dejection that seeps from every pore of her body makes her sigh. there’s only one way to deflect this off of herself.     ❛                a-after all, not even someone like y-you could pull ‘it’ off.  f-far too many people have seen us together…       ❜   / @kinsfolk​  ♥‘d!
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kinsfolk · 4 years
Which Unpopular Archetype Are You?
Tagged by: @missinnocentscarlet​ !!  thank you! Tagging: anyone interested in giving this a go!
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the loyal
it’s a good thing you’re so patient. you know what it’s like to feel the full weight of doubt bearing down in you. for years, it tried to squeeze the life from your lungs. but nothing’s going to make you bow. you kept the candle’s flame alive. you whispered the names at nightfall. the vigil still lives inside of you. one day, the waiting will have been worth it. all your love is going to come home to you. you’re more important than you know. you’re still the one true believer. / / personality: calm, level-headed, stubborn / / counterpart: the accomplice
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kinsfolk · 4 years
                                                『 X:\Sources>bootrec /convo 』
                 "Are you insulting my father, now??!! Why would you choose to imply that he was cast out??!! He’s done nothing wrong, ever!! Professor Idabashi is kind and understanding, forgiving, accepting—!!”
                 —even of a wretched automaton like him. Even after how badly he’d hurt him, after permanently disfiguring him and nearly taking his life, after not deserving the life that he’d given him anymore, Idabashi had never failed to give him his love. All of K1-B0′s fondest memories were of the professor — of playing catch with him, of being read fairy tales while gazing up at him adoringly from his knee, of him tousling his synthetic hair with a warm, broad hand while he watched him make himself dinner and helped with cutting the onions at the kitchen counter. They were all such human things, or at least they seemed to be to him. The professor had warned him ahead of time when he’d first been accepted to Hope’s Peak that other humans probably wouldn’t regard him as fondly as he had, but that was alright. They wouldn’t be able to understand the concept of him feeling and responding to emotional stimuli as intensely as any of them could, he’d cautioned. They could say things that would hurt him, mess around with his body in ways they wouldn’t dare with any of the other human students, pick fights with him and call him names. He’d assured his father time and time again that he’d be well prepared to receive whatever they wanted to give him.
                 From where he stood, peering up at Shinguuji, K1-B0 had to wonder if he’d been right or wrong.
                 He could not cry. His father had neglected to give him such a function; some part of him often wondered if the others would respond to him more kindly if he could. Tears activated some level of empathy in most humans, didn’t they? All he could do in lieu of them was shrink back on himself and shake his head, his expression contorting into one of genuine anguish. Why was he being so robophobic? What did it matter, whether he was a flesh and blood human or not? The professor had said that their similarities would bring he and his classmates together in spite of their differences, so why was Shinguuji going out of his way to be cruel?
                 "… I am NOT an imitation of humanity.”
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                 "How am I supposed to prove my humanity to you??!! Flesh and blood doesn’t make a soul!! I was accepted into this school just the same as you were — we’re classmates!! I want to make friends and fall in love and make my father happy — I want the same things that any human would want, so why do you care so much that I happen to be a robot??”
                                                             『 X:\Sources> 』
“If you were to die and leave behind a spirit, I suppose I would be convinced.”
He spoke the answer with ease and nonchalance — and his tone could send a chill down anyone’s spine.  If he were talking to a human, he’d have his golden irises pinned to their face; he’d want to watch how they reacted to death as a concept.  He’d want to see if his words stuck to them like flypaper, or if they danced right on over the topic to avoid fathoming such an unfathomable thing.  Either way, it would have been something to behold.
Not now, though.  Now, with no human being to hold his attention, he simply took another sip of his beverage.  Only after he’d gazed at his teacup, at the clock on the wall, and (longingly) at the moving blurs that represented people behind the mosaic window of the dining hall, did he finally glance back at his classmate.  He tilted his head, his long hair cascading over his shoulder with the gesture.
“...I can see that my words have upset you, Kiibo-san.  I wish to apologise… that certainly was not my intent.”  He sounded genuine - or at the very least, like he took no pleasure in delivering his verdict like this.  “You asked me if a robot could have a soul, to which I gave my answer…  but there is more to this conversation that I feel you are blinding yourself to.”
He certainly couldn’t blame K1-B0 for aspiring to humanity with the verve that he did.  Humans… were lovely.  That was a notion that he himself thought perhaps a bit too strongly.  Only Onee-san had matched his vim on the topic, but he’d bet that K1-B0 would come close.  
Watching the robot scramble and try to claim he was human, though…
“To be someone’s masterpiece… is there not poetry to be found in it, as well?”  He spread his arms magnanimously.  Beneath his mask, his lips curved into a soft smile.  “I think that, to carry around the soul of someone who loves you so dearly — and someone who loves you in turn… is poetic in its own right.”
(‘You’re being coy, Korekiyo,’ said a voice that only he could hear.  His heart warmed.)
“You do not need to fear death… do you, Kiibo-san?”  The shift in topic came abruptly, perhaps too much so.  “Humanity lives haunted by the knowledge that they will not last forever.  They spend their lives trying to leave something behind.  Their craft, their legacy, their love… that is the root of human culture.  Entire peoples have capitulated to the passage of time… as an anthropologist, all I do is attempt to hold onto those remnants for a little bit longer.  To preserve them, until we too succumb.  Everything about humanity is fleeting, Kiibo-san.”
He lent time to that concept, letting it linger in the air like the descant above a symphony’s final note.  A certain reverence had crept into his tone — the human condition itself left him breathless.  But that reverence was gone when he finally addressed K1-B0 once more. 
“You are not.  You will not age as humans do.  You will not die as humans do.  You do not fear death as humans do.  You have achieved what humans pursue with their entire being… but that, in and of itself, is not human.”
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          “You understand… yes?”
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kinsfolk · 4 years
fill this with what you most associate with your muse in each of these ( some slightly unusual )  categories !
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spice: cardamom & cloves. weather: a crisp overcast & foggy morning. primary colour: red & gold. colour of the sky: white.  the kind that’s so cloudy that you can’t find a break in it. animal crossing animal: an eagle. magical power: necromancy & spirit mediation. shoe: combat boots & red stilettos. houseplant: carnivorous plants.  venus fly traps & pitcher plants. blade weapon: katanas & scythes. school subject: ...anthropology. social media: instagram. makeup product: eyeliner & lipstick. candy: licorice. tangible fear: agoraphobia. ice cube shape: cubed. method of long-distance travel: helicopter, plane. art style: romanticism. historical period: the romantic era. mythological creature: nagas & skinwalkers. piece of stationary: sealing wax. three emoji combination: 👻💋👹 celestial body: a quasar. rom com archetype: the (supernatural?) love interest who watches you sleep — it’s totally romantic, guys.
tagged by: @roborights​ doki doki pidge
tagging: anyone who’d like to give it a go!!
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kinsfolk · 4 years
bold whatever applies to your muse.   italicize the things that only somewhat apply / are verse dependent.   REPOST, DON’T REBLOG.
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been cheated on   |  been bullied   |   had your heart broken   |   broken someone’s heart   |   told a horrible lie   |   been betrayed  |  been framed / set-up   |   stolen something of value   |   overdosed on drugs   |   been drunk  |   cheated   |   bullied   |  been publicly humiliated   |   punched someone in the face   |   been beaten up   |  broken a bone   |   been admitted to a hospital   |   put someone in the hospital   |  had a near - death experience   |   been drugged   |   done drugs   |   smoked   |  been arrested |   been homeless  |   been forced to commit a crime   |   died and came back to life   |   kissed someone you weren’t attracted to   |   bled severely   |   killed someone   |   been forced to kill someone   |  had an attempt on your life   |   made an attempt on your own life   |   lost someone  |   loved someone   |  watched a loved one die  |   failed to save / help a loved one   |   felt helpless  |  watched your world die / disappear   |  had your life’s work stolen /  destroyed
gone without food for over three days |  gone without sleep for over three days  |   been tortured / questioned   |   been shot  |   been stabbed   |   been poisoned   |   been held prisoner  |   been trapped  |   been buried alive   |   been held hostage   |   held someone hostage   |   been stuck in a different world / universe / time   |   been abused by someone who should have loved / appreciated / valued you   |   had a panic attack   |   had night terrors   |   been in a car accident   |   lost your job  |   lost a fight   |   had sex with a stranger   |   been divorced   |   been abandoned   |  passed out from pain   |   cried yourself to sleep   |   spent a whole day in bed   |   hurt yourself   |   taken your anger out on yourself   |   taken your anger out on someone you love  |   been used   |   been manipulated  |   felt used   |  manipulated someone else   |   had your memories / mind wiped / stolen or tampered with   |   been taken over by a hostile force   |   been terrified   |   played a cruel game on someone   |  been forced to smile   |   felt too many things at once  |  laughed when you felt like crying   |   been in denial   |  been denied   |  faced your demons
TAGGING: @roborights​ @missinnocentscarlet​ @ultimatevcosplayer​ @ultxmate-hxpe​ @ultnvntr​ & anyone else looking to give this a go!
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kinsfolk · 4 years
                                                『 X:\Sources>bootrec /convo 』
                 "H-… Huh??!! What??!!”
                 Never be the robots own?! Was he… Was Shinguuji implying that robots were soul-stealers?! That they could only emulate whatever their initial programming permitted and could not grow or change or develop on their own? The anthropologist’s words cut into the very basis of his soul ( which he most certainly HAD, thank you ) with his unkind words. It hurt to think about — how could his own classmate look him straight in the lens ( for a split second or not ) and tell him to his face, after all the daily experiences they’d shared together, that the best that he could hope for was the mere imitation of a soul? K1-B0′S finger trembled against the metal of his collar — was it his chassis, designed to imitate the look of a human’s clothing, that made Korekiyo so certain that he could do nothing but reflect back on humanity and its actions? He’d been built by humans, certainly, and the Laws of Robotics put him into a position of immediate subservience towards humans, but…
                 … But the Professor had always acted so kindly towards him, in a way that no-one would ever treat their roomba or zenbo — and the very fact that he’d thought it appropriate to bring up those sorts of machines was simply—!
                “That’s… You’re wrong!!”
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                 “If I was just a reflection of my creator’s soul, then I’d be just like Professor Idabashi, wouldn’t I?? The Professor… No, Father raised me as though I were his own child!! I began life quite similar to an infant, and as I learnt and experienced new things my personality matured and developed just like a human’s would in a similar situation. You’re just… That comment is incredibly…!!”
                                He wanted so BADLY to call him out on his robophobia.                                                      But no. He had to play nice.                                                               Stupid meatbag.
                 "I am… My own person…!! I am not just some passion project!! Couldn’t you say the same of any human in regards to being created by their parents??!!”
                                                             『 X:\Sources> 』
It was cute, really — the way that K1-B0 played pretend with such unbridled desperation.  Just like dogs or cats, doing what they could to mirror human behaviour with their limited understanding… or perhaps more aptly, like a great marble statue carved painstakingly into a human’s exact likeness.
But no matter what, that statue would never breathe or blink or exist as a human did.  Even the expressions on its face were no more than simulacra of the human experience.
He wondered, idly, if humanity would look back on K1-B0 with the same fondness with which people look upon videos of dogs barking in ways that sound like ‘I love you,’ or cats walking upright.
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“Kukuku… Kiibo-san…”  Even though his mask obscured the curvature of his lips, the smile could be heard in his voice.  “When you gaze into a mirror and raise your right hand… the reflection in the mirror raises its left hand, yes?  A reflection is not a flawless recreation… if it were, surely you would be a prolific inventor yourself, among other things.  One can liken it to the Chinese concept of dualism... or perhaps the story of the red Oni and the blue Oni, if you are familiar.  
Ah… but I digress.  By understanding the concept of dualism, and recognizing that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’... one can infer much about Professor Idabashi through you, if one were so inclined.  He wanted a son, first and foremost.  He was a kind man, one who found joy and fulfillment in taking care of someone and in someone depending on him… one who chose an imitation of humanity over power.  Perhaps he felt cast out by humanity himself…?  Ah… is that the root of your ache to be recognized as a human at heart…?”
Shinguuji’s gaze flitted thoughtfully upwards, but only for a moment.  Within a second or two he lost interest — or, maybe it would be more pertinent to say he abandoned interest.  Korekiyo Shinguuji was not the type to lose things.
“Forgive me, but I am actually not at all interested in the kind of person Professor Idabashi is.  Was there anything else you would like my help with, Kiibo-san?”
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kinsfolk · 4 years
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          “Versatility is the spice of life... kukuku.”
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kinsfolk · 4 years
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“To pick a FAVOURITE holiday celebration seems somewhat of an unfair thing to ask someone like me to do...
...but yes.  I am, in fact, quite fond of All Hallow’s Eve... how ever could you have guessed?”
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kinsfolk · 4 years
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@doutanishin​​ asked:  "but isn't that extremely dangerous?"
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“Hm…?  Do you think so?”
He’d taken to meeting his doppelganger pretty well, all things considered.  Of all the people he’d met in this mortal coil, there had never been a single person who he felt could truly understand him — all of his intricacies, all of his secrets that he’d only ever previously shared with Onee-san.  Meeting someone who knew him so completely filled him with a certain sense of intimacy that he hadn’t ever considered himself to be lacking — yet, he certainly wasn’t opposed to the way it sat warm against his heart.
“I think that only adds to the beauty of it… wouldn’t you agree?”  A sharp shhhhk punctuated his question, the sound of metal-against-metal.  He honed the blade of a ceremonial knife as he spoke, his expression serene, his gestures metronomic and cadent.  “It is, of course, an act that is usually done privately… but that is only out of necessity.  When such an opportunity presents itself, it would be a waste to let it slip by... even if there is a certain risk involved...”
Shhhhk.  Shhhhk.  Shhhhk.
“All of her family and friends, getting to watch the moment she would ascend to the greater plane… so many people lament not being there when their loved ones died… none of them would have to carry such regrets.  Is that charity alone not worth the risk?  Kukuku…”
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kinsfolk · 4 years
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send a character and I’ll show you kiibo’s opinion on them in a meme slide || ACCEPTING
@kinsfolk​​ ASKED: ⚠ drapes self seductively across the seesaw
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kinsfolk · 4 years
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“I will never dial it back.
          I will never change.
                    I will never improve.
                              I will never apologize.”
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kinsfolk · 4 years
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me, in the middle of class, seeing people share their hot takes on the n.drv3 ending and pre-game personalities, with a miGHTY NEED TO THROW IN MY TWO CENTS
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kinsfolk · 4 years
Fall was approaching, the tips of the leaves beginning to turn a blur of reds and oranges, and so the contortionist thought it best to take this opportunity to make some homemade apple cider to fight against the B I T E of chill in the air.  Evening set, classes and after school activities had ended for the day, and the concoction of various apples, an orange, spices and sugar had finally finished cooking over the course of seven hours in the slow cooker.  It was after she finished mashing the fruits up, simmering them in a pot, and straining the cider that she noticed a tall figure pass by the kitchen.  Perhaps they had been lured in by the smell?  Upon squinting in the direction of the visitor, it was then she recognized the Super High School Level Anthropologist.  Scarlet took this opportunity to begin a conversation with him - something she normally never did, but this student in particular had piqued her interest for a while.  And so, she poured him a glass of cider and sat with him.
Pale eyes locked onto the taller student.  A toast?  She tilted her head, her gaze flickering to the scenery outside of the nearby window with a contemplative hum.  The winder solstice was fast approaching, a time of celebration and remembrance for those who have passed.  Her gaze returned to his, melancholy MASKED with a serene sort of expression planted on her features.
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❝ A toast to impermanence, for there is very little that lasts forever.  Just like the seasons, nearly everything is fleeting, ❞  she uttered, her voice flat and nearly monotone as she raised her glass with her scarred but doll-like fingers carefully curled around her drink.  ❝ That is, unless you have another suggestion. ❞ 
Indeed, the scent of citrus and spices and autumn incarnate that had lured Shinguuji to the kitchen — but it was the Ultimate Contortionist that kept him there.  She’d always existed in his peripherals; she’d always loitered just to the side of whatever girl he happened to be contemplating at the time.  It was not at all unlike a lost lamb, wandering home to its shepherd by sheer happenstance and good fortune. The Babylonians would blame the writings of Nabu, but Shinguuji would elect to simply call it fate.
Be it happenstance or good fortune or fate, he found himself sitting across from Scarlet, his legs crossed customarily beneath the table, and his hands wrapped around the warmed mug.  His suggestion of a toast had seemed only natural to him.
The way she cocked her head, though, made him think that she hadn’t given it any thought.  Yet a moment later, a morbid (and beautifully-crafted) toast poured from her lips.  Beneath his mask, he smiled.
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“Far be it from me to call anyone’s suggestions better or worse than any other’s,” he began, leaning forward in his seat.  “Instead, allow me to build upon it.  To impermanence, and to all that is left behind.  To the fallen leaves that decompose and allow the vernal flowers to bloom.  To the spirits who live on in art and memory and song.  And to the us we used to be… long-since metamorphosed into something new, but living on as perennial snapshots in the lives of those we only once knew.”
With two fingers woven through the handle, he held out his mug to clink it against Scarlet’s.  Ceramic-against-ceramic wasn’t as pure or satisfying of a sound as glass-against-glass, but there was still a tink that resonated.
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kinsfolk · 4 years
to whom does your heart belong?
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your heart belongs to your lover
you were never loved as much as you deserved growing up. your heart catches fire when you feel the love of another now, & when you return that love you do so with the full force of your soul. to you, love is like air, your lungs are begging for it with every beat of your heart. you are passionate to the end, you embody the bones of your ancestors who were buried together. you are just as loved as you are human.
TAGGED BY: yoinked it from @ultnvntr​!
TAGGING: anyone who wants to give this a go!
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