kintsxgi · 6 years
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Joeliana:  Seasons  1-3
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kintsxgi · 6 years
What’s your muse’s tarot card ?
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You got: The Moon
You’re deeply creative and intuitive, and many people find you mysterious. You can be manipulative and have a dark side that you’re good at hiding, and maybe have a few skeletons in your closet. That said, there’s a distinctly dreamlike quality about you — some might even say psychic.
TAGGED BY: @jahrnull TAGGING: anyone who hasn’t already
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kintsxgi · 6 years
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“I’m  sure  I’ve  been  here  too.    Many,  many  times.”
“Me  too.    I’ve  imagined  this  moment  many  times.”
Juliana  Crain  and  Joe  Blake:  Season  Three,  Episode  Four
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kintsxgi · 6 years
Bold applies to all verses. Italics for specific verses.
TAGGED BY  • @brockethxll TAGGING  • @intransigentholmes @fountoflife @stoleforher @lifedeathpeacewar
Laughter-loving. Sweet smiles. Dressed in silk and satin. Flowers in their hair. Sees the world as a runway. Unapologetically sexual. The sea washing their ankles. In love with love. Stirrer of passion. Cunning concealed by painted lips. Secret daggers. Doves.Revolution in their kiss. Delighting in the waves. Flirtatious winks. Strolling along the beach. Staring wistfully from a balcony. This is how to be a heartbreaker. Wants to be adored. Gets turned on by danger.
Glitz and glamour. Art galleries. Turning the volume up. Being made of gold. Neatly-organised music sheets. Notebooks filled with poetry. Bathing in the sunlight. The powerful urge to create. Collecting vinyl records. Beautiful cover of Wonderwall. Playing multiple instruments. Tasting like sunshine. Healing touch. Speaking in prophecies. Smile mingled with wrath. Shunning lies. Sporting shades. Hanging out at music festivals with their friends. Sleeps naked. Arrow to the heart. Paint brushes. Probably has a Tinder account.
Armed for battle. Wants to raise a dog with their significant other. Soft spot for children. Gives piggyback rides. Scarred body. Blood on their hands and face. Willing to fight the world for the ones they love. Fights against injustice. Warm hugs. Well-worn combat boots. Boxing gloves. Bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles. Fist raised in protest.Ignites revolutions. Fear is a prison. More sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think. Exhausted. Damaged goods. Force to be reckoned with. Red roses. Curses under their breath.
Keen sense of a hunter. Freckles like constellations on their skin. Piercing eyes. Dishevelled braid. Moonlight peeking through the shadows. The calm of the forest at night. Lying on the grass and staring at the stars. Mother doe and her fawn. Protecting their kin. The moon shimmering on a still lake. Quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree. Running with wolves. Bonding while circled around a campfire. Not being much of a people person. Arrow hitting a target. Popping egos. Patience on 3%. Touches heaven and returns howling.
Discerning gaze. Unreadable face. Quiet museums. Owl perched on their finger. Armour that intimidates. Eye for architecture. Plays the Sims for the sole purpose of building houses. Studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid. Big fan of logic. Loves brain teasers. Ancient buildings. Sweaters in neutrals and cool colours. Hair done up. Can kill you with their brain. Heads to the library often to research. Sharpened pencils. Abs that can cut steel. Stoic statues. Pottery classes.
Soil-covered hands. Smile that can bloom flowers. Skin loved by the sun. Being the mom-friend. Can lift you and your friends. Flowers kept in the pockets of overalls. Takes pride in their beautiful garden. Speaks to their plants. Leaves rustling in the wind.Stalks of wheat. Picking fruit. Greenhouses. Heart as strong as a mountain. Values simplicity. Daisies dotted across a collarbone. Curls crowned with flowers. Folded pile of sweaters in warm hues. Pulling fresh-baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
Drunk shitposter. On their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second. Seductive smirks. Untamed curls. Rich fabrics on dark skin. Sleek-furred panthers. Theatre masks. Stage productions. Receiving a standing ovation. Rose caught between their teeth. Being the baby of the bunch. Wild parties that last from sundown to sunup. Creeping vines. Inspiring loyalty. Grand opera houses. Masquerade balls.Rolls of film. Shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor. Pouring champagne into flutes. Lives for the applause.
The calloused hands of someone who knows labour. Sweaty brow. Flames burning in their eyes. Inventive mind. Broad shoulders. Steampunk goggles. Nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes. Ashes. Striking a match. Blueprints for future projects. Fixing up a busted car and giving it cool upgrades. Wrestles with bitterness. Work boots have seen better years. Wrinkled plaid flannel shirts. Iron melted in blazing fire. Huge jackets. Crafting masterpieces. Grease-stained overalls. Fascination with robotics. Pain is fuel. Stack of weaponry. Even their muscles have muscles.
Resting bitch face. Dressed to the nines. Cows grazing on a pasture. Cool rain. Loving and hating fiercely. Hand clutching a string of pearls. Large chandelier with glittering crystals. Plays the Sims for the sole purpose of killing off their Sims. Romance to realism. Pictures of the sky while flying on a plane. Files that under ‘fuck it’. Downs glasses of wine / bottles of beer as they relax with a scented bubble bath and Netflix. Like their selfie or you’re grounded. Knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man. Dark eyes that penetrate your soul. Marble and gold.
Devil-may-care smile. Always up-to-date on the latest technology. Will steal your fries. Does it for the vine. Shitposter. Puts googly eyes on everything. Meme hoarder. Long drives on the highway. Ma and pop diners. Spontaneous road trips. Folded maps. Fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop. Shooting hoops on the basketball court.Chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations. Goes jogging in the morning. Mixes Red Bull with coffee. Menace on April Fool’s. Hoodies and sneakers.
Storm with skin. Colourful coral reefs. Waves crashing against the shore. Stroking the soft fur of a cat. Their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop. Tousled locks. Clothes smeared with paint. Owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more. Leather jackets. Fondness for DIY projects. Handwriting that flows across the page. Nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin. Velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams. Mood as ever-changing as the sea. The roar of a motorcycle. Compass with a spinning arrow.
Thunder in their heart. Running on coffee. Flash of lighting. Natural charisma. Eloquence.Badass in a nice suit. Aficionado of history. Force of nature. Lenny face. Nightmare-filled nights. Proud arm around their lover’s waist. High-rise buildings. Planes soaring through a cloudless sky. Technician on the piano. Maintains order. Strong handshake. Juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease. Expensive watch.
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kintsxgi · 6 years
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- Rupi Kaur
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kintsxgi · 6 years
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“Neither am I,” he said, reaching up to slowly pet her hair, nuzzling against her as they laid there. His eyes drooped closed and he couldn’t help but start to drift off again. When they were like this he never had to remember anything else or think about the world outside. This was the best and most ideal way to spend a day.
Eyelids easily slipped shut as his hand slipped over her hair, Juliana feeling surrounded by warmth and safety.  How could she not, held as she was by such a wonderful man?  That he felt they could actually afford to simply spend a morning wrapped in each others’ embrace was simply glorious, a rare treat of which she would enjoy every moment.
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kintsxgi · 6 years
starter for @kintsxgi
[today isn’t turning out to be quite the day joe had pictured. not that he’ll complain. it’s been more odd than bad but he’s always been one to roll with the punches. he had to break up a fight in the cafeteria between two of the quietest kids in the school. he left his lunch at home. and he nearly ran out of gas on the way to work. his guitar popped two strings and he’s pretty sure the art teacher is trying to woo him. but that’s passed and he’s headed home to have a beer and relax a little.]
[he’s halfway home taking almost always empty back roads. it’s his preferred way to travel after a long day. quiet. simple. he takes his eyes of the road for a quick moment to grab the lighter to light his cigarette but when he glances back he’s shocked to see a woman stumbling into the road. he swerves just in time to avoid hitting her but he’s baffled. what is she doing there and is that….blood?]
[concern immediately replaces the shock he was feeling as he realizes the other is injured. hopping out of his truck, he makes his way to her clearly worried and trying to help if he can. and definitely get her to a hospital.]
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         ❝ Hey! Hey! Are you alright? ❞
                  FINGERS  KEPT  A  WAD  OF  SLIP  pressed  tightly  against  her  shoulder,  slipping  about  against  the  slick  fabric  made  more  so  by  hot  blood.    Would  it  do  any  good?    The  wound  extended  through  her  shoulder,  a  constant  drip  of  blood  seeping  out  the  exit  wound  even  more  so  than  the  front.    Head  swam,  though  mere  minutes  passed,  she  thought,  since  she’d  been  flung  into  an  abandoned  version  of  the  mine.    So  disorientated  she  was  that  she  didn’t  notice  the  road  until  her  knees  scraped  against  the  pavement,  a  truck  screeching  to  a  halt  as  it  bore  down  on  her.
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                  HEAD  HEAVY,  LIGHTS  BLINDING,  SHE  NEVERTHELESS  looked  up  though  it  did  no  good.    She  could  see  nothing  but  the  lights  and  the  dark  around  it.    Folding  over,  she  half  expected  a  load  of  Nazi  soldiers  to  pour  out  and  drag  her  back  to some  cell  or  another,  but  instead,  a  familiar  voice  called  out,  the  sound  stabbing  her  heart  over  and  over  until  she  gasped  for  air.    Impossible.    He’s  dead  and  there  was  not  a  thing  she  could  do  about  it,  the  familiarity  merely  a  result  of  her  blood  loss.
                  THROAT  DRY  AS  SANDPAPER,  NOTHING  LEFT  as  she  attempted  speech,  resorting  instead  to  a  tiny  shake  of  her  head.    The  action  pulled  a  groan  from  her  cracked  lips,  straining  the  fire  around  her  shoulder.
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kintsxgi · 6 years
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kintsxgi · 6 years
To the personals finding this blog, congrats, lots of High Castle content!  But just fyi, please don’t reblog any original posts, promos, or threads between another writer and myself.  Please don’t use this blog as a gif source either... that’s what the lovely Elise over at @joexjuliana is for.  Either of those drown my and others’ activities and is super annoying.  You will get blocked.
HOWEVER, feel free to like any of those original things, browse through the blog (I’m pretty through with tagging), and send asks (questions for Juliana and or for me about her) and messages to talk about the show!  JUST DON’T DROWN MY ACTIVITY PLEASE.
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kintsxgi · 6 years
Tag change
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kintsxgi · 6 years
Annnnnnd have a starter call over here as well CAUSE YOU KNOW...
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kintsxgi · 6 years
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                                    A  WOMAN  WITH  A  SINGULAR  MIND
personals, please don’t reblog
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kintsxgi · 6 years
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The  only  hope  we  ever  had…
Amazon  Prime  Orignal  Series  The  Man  in  the  High  Castle  Season  Three
Coming  October  5,  2018
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kintsxgi · 6 years
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He rolled over and reached for the phone, letting out a yawn. “Give me a minute and I’ll be right back to cuddle,” he slid his glasses on and kissed her cheek. “Just gotta call us in sick,” he mumbled. After a few minutes he came back and nuzzled back up to Juliana. “Cuddle day.”
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A soft groan pulled from her lips as he shifted away to give them what she so wanted, but she didn’t attempt to hold him back, allowing him to slip out of her arms.  Sleepily propping herself up on an elbow, she watched silently as he stood at the phone, greeting him with a smile as he returned.  Wrapping herself about him easily, she sighed once more, content.  “I’m not going to move...”
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kintsxgi · 6 years
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The  Man  in  the  High  Castle  Season  3  Trailer
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kintsxgi · 6 years
@kintsxgi continued from here; 
had she not reached out and touched him he would have believed her to be a figment of his imagination. it wouldn’t have been the first time it tormented him with thoughts of juliana. he viewed himself as a monster, a soul tormented and shattered to pieces. always unsure, rolling and crashing into sand like that of a wave along the ocean. but with juliana? with her he felt entirely different. so very certain and sure of himself. with her he felt that he could be more then what he was now. 
 they had taken everything from him. tore him apart and replaced him with a shell of a man. he’d been manipulated and lied to his entire life leaving him confused as to just who the hell he was. they’d taken his mind, plagued it with thoughts he believed to be true. formed him like clay into whatever they had saw fit. 
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a hand moves to reach out for her own, gently encircling her wrist before trailing to intertwine their fingers. his head bows towards her, chin angling down towards his feet. “i can’t bear to lose you again.”  
THERE  WAS  A  SENSE  of  peace  in  how  he  took  her  hand  in  hers,  even  if  it  was  him  who  needed  the  comfort  and  strength  so  much  more  so  than  herself.    The  sensation  of  his  fingers  stroking  down  the  back  of  her  hand  sent  a  shiver  down  her  spine  even  as  she  folded  into  his  bod,  straightening  to  press  her  forehead  against  his.    What  horrors  beset  them  in  their  lives,  their  world, but  for  that  moment,  she  wished  to  be  a  beacon  of  light,  hope,  to  the  man  before  her.
HAND  OVER  HIS  HEART  snaking  upward  to  curl  about  the  back  of  his  neck,  stroke  the  hair  there  as  she  attempted  comfort.    She  believed  in  him,  trusted  in  his  fortitude,  his  strength.    At  the  very  least,  she  knew  he  would  never  harm  her  and  that  remained  more  than  enough  for  her.
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❝  YOU  WON’T  LOSE  ME,  ❞  her  voice  quietly  soothed,  squeezing  his  hand  in  hers  as  the  other  threaded  in  his  locks.    ❝  Even  if  we  are  apart,  you  will  never  lose  me.  ❞
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kintsxgi · 6 years
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Joeliana  in  the  S3  trailer
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