kinusune · 28 days
[Water ] - The liquid of life, the quencher of thirst. Served in crystalline glasses. And what’s more dramatic than throwing water at someone’s face!
"Here darling!" Camilla gave the kitsune a warm smile and a glass of water.
      "OH, I WAS JUST THINKING I WAS THIRSTY!" she'd been running around for a little while and eating stuff, but some of the drinks here were really gross. she's just glad it's not champagne! kinu happily takes the glass and drinks the water down to the last drop. "aaaah!" she hands back the glass and wipes her mouth off with her sleeve. "thanks, camilla!" hm, maybe she should'a said princess camilla?
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kinusune · 28 days
      "OKAY!" yaaaay! she was so lucky today! kinu hadn't gotten a chance to play hide and seek in a really long time, so it was kind of thrilling! even if it meant that she didn't get to tackle anyone. she turned to face the nearest tree as soon as alear dashed off. "one! two! three! four!" she'd have to rule out the chasing part of hide and seek today because that rule really only works if you had more than one person. plus, alear probably still needed to dance or something later!
      and to give her a fair advantage, kinu—well, that was hard. she was just so good at tracking people down!
      poor alear couldn't have possibly known that, though. she'd probably find her just be smell or hearing her alone! maybe she oughta not use those, but that's so hard! "eight, nine, ten!" her ears flatten against her head as she thinks of how to muffle out the sound. that didn't really work. maybe she needed those earplugs or something? ooh, or maybe if she just started singing really loudly so she couldn't hear anything else between the ball and herself? "... thirteen, fourteen, fifteen!"
      but, what about her nose? maybe she should just pinch it shut?
      using her tracks would've been okay. she hadn't been wearing very good shoes for hiding. but, then again, neither is kinu! "... nineteen, twenty! ready or not, here i come!" but, contrary to all her thoughts, kinu resolves to strike her advantages by pressing her ears down with her head and breathing through her mouth. "alllleeaaar! where aaaare you!" her hair was pretty bright and the skirt was pretty wide, so she couldn't imagine that she was in a bush and kinu couldn't notice. "hm, hm, hm! ♪"
Hand hovered her mouth as she giggled at the idea of wrestling, had it been a training session she would have accepted right away but she preferred to not stain the dress—atleast not until the ball was over. "I can hide! Why don't you count until twenty?"
And as Alear said that, she rushed to find a good hiding spot. There were many bushes she could hide in but perhaps a little too easy to be found on, she could go inside instead but that felt like cheating... or perhaps she could climb a tree! Yes that sounded like a good plan.
Eyes scanned the nearby scenery until she found a tree with thick branches, that was it! Clumsily climbing up, she made her way high enough to fit a place to rest above ground.
Quietly she rested her buttocks against wood and slowly began moving further away from the branch to have a better view of the seeker in this game of two. As she moved one of her hands slipped and the dragon was sent moving backwards, with a yelp she bended her knees as tightly as possible to not fall over and stayed there in silence... on plain view.
Her braid swayed with the movement of her hands, the outer skirt slightly covered her back and the now two free hands kept the white skirt of her dress in place. All while Alear could only think of one thing.
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kinusune · 29 days
      WHAT DID SHE WISH FOR? what kinds of things would she want? the first thought that comes to mind is easy and she's quite pleased with her answer, but minerva works to find hers and kinu starts to think that hers might be a little inadequate by comparison. the glass clinks slightly beneath her nails as she taps it, watching as the professor settles on peace. or so, she guesses, and kinu can't help the laughter that bubbles up in spite of herself.
      yeah, definitely! definitely, her answer wasn't a very good one!
      she hadn't been thinking too hard about it when she asked. but, maybe she should've said so, or maybe it was just that kinu needed to consider things a little more. but, no point in backtracking! ( it'd be pretty silly to have two people wish for the same thing. total waste of a wish! )
      "i was going to say that i wanted to be bigger!" in all senses, kinu wanted to be bigger. she'd like to be a helpful adult to her dad one day, so that she could go to the hamlet with a sense of pride and dignity. the kinda person that people would kinda ooh and aah at like they did with corrin and some of the hoshidan and nohrian royalty. but, also she wanted to be a really big kitsune! strong, powerful and pretty! having a few inches in this form also would've been nice!
      kinu tries to imagine herself with more muscles and can't.
      "yours is better, though!" she replies after a beat, smiling. she didn't think about peace too much. kinu never really had to. maybe that was a good thing!
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kinusune · 29 days
      OH, THIS HUMAN IS SO NICE! well—she sniffs the air again. she couldn't really tell. the jury was out. something was just kinda off? mm, maybe her nose isn't as good as she thinks it is. especially not lately! she'd thought to herself recently that it must've been the altitude. too high up, so her senses are dulled, but that's not quite right either: she still heard very well! smelled, looked, touched!
      but, it was always around certain people that she thought there was something wrong or that something wrong would happen. like, she was supposed to be scared of it? not that she was. kinu wasn't scared of anything that she couldn't put a face to.
      it might've been more like—
      the braid falls from her hands and the thought slips from her mind as her mind finally fills in the blanks for the game that they could play. "let's play hide and seek!" they were in a garden! "you can't run in that, right?" or sweat in it either, she's sure! fancy clothes for a fancy occasion! they might've been playing a little, but kinu didn't want to be too inconsiderate. she hadn't dressed up for the occasion at all herself, so it'd be unfair to tell alear to chase her.
      'cause, you know.
      she'd win! and kinu never wants an easy win. sometimes.
      "do you want to be the hider or do you want to be the seeker? ooh, or we could wrestle! wa—oh, wait. no, your dress again, hm ..."
moved from here / @kinusune
Oh wow this girl sure was lively! The curiosity towards her bicolored hair perhaps matched in enthusiasm the thought she had while seeing a tail wagging rapidly without a stop—Alear found it very cute. The fluffiness of it alongside the slight twitching when the girl heard her voice had the dragon looking fondly rather than be bothered by her hair being played with out of nowhere.
"It's nice to meet you Kinu! Your different streak of hair is very nice, did you know that?" Kinu's curiosity was met with a compliment of hers, she thought that the hairstyle matched her energy nicely. "I like it a lot."
Alear's invitation to exchange got stopped by one to play with her new companion.
"Alright then, let's play together!" She wasn't sure what 'play with me' would entail, but with how friendly and energetic she seemed to be probably something fun and matching her behavior. Thankfully she was wearing boots with little heel, if she had to run it would be much smoother than doing so with stiletto heels! "What game will we be playing?"
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kinusune · 29 days
      "RIGHT, RIGHT?" kinu preens at the praise, a fox-like grin crossing her expression as she watches him drink. she's not quite so silly as to think that it really is as good as she'd sold it as, especially when she watches how slowly he kind of laps at it. it reminds her a little of when she watches deer in the forest. slow, and prettily, they'd make their rounds to the lake and take careful little sips.
      this stranger feels kind of delicate like that too, though she doesn't think to say it outloud. it's probably just his face. and she knows plenty of pretty-looking people that were actually very strong and scary, herself included!
      privately, kinu is enthused that she didn't actually taste test it herself. outloud, however, the same point is just as apparently made: "nope! i don't want any. it smells weird, so i wanted to see if you'd like it first!" she taps her nose to make a point as her tail swishes behind her a little faster, entertained. "you can tell too, right? there's berries, which i do like. but then, there's some pine needles and way too many flowers and other stuff; yuck!" she shakes her head. "you want more?" wait, she asked that already, right? um. "wanna try some other drinks?"
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kinusune · 29 days
LET'S KEEP PLAYING, @justices-blade!
      HMMMM, THAT WAS A GOOD QUESTION! at the end of the day, kinu always ended up just resigning herself to the mess. if it was going to happen, then it was going to happen. no point in splitting hairs over it! but, making a mess of a formal occasion did seem like a pretty bad idea. she taps her chin with quiet consideration. "that does sound pretty tough!" the point of dressing up was to keep looking fancy, so taking it off was the coward's way out.
      she'd still offer, though: "i can carry it for you?"
      though, her holding it was no guarantee that she wouldn't also keep from getting into a mess. "ooh! or maybe you can get one of those! uh, those!" she snaps her fingers. "it's like a thing that you put around your neck! but, it's not a scarf, it's like—" she can't even bring up her tail high enough to demonstrate! "oh, it's a bib! we could get you a bib!" a pause, as she searches around for something suitable.
      you needed some kinda fabric, right? something kinda long. thicker than a napkin, though she thinks there are lots of napkins around that could be used.
      she lifts the cloth adorning one of the tables, silverware rattling as she did. "you can just use this!" problem solving, yay!
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kinusune · 29 days
LET'S KEEP PLAYING, @reprisalet!
      "OH, YAY!" she's been looking for someone to do something fun all day. everyone's been all stuffed corsets and awkward smiles! kinu peeks at the mints in hand, counting them off before she splits the difference between herself and the stranger. "you just gotta throw these into those tall-looking glasses! can be any of 'em around the room, but i'll give you bonus points if you can get 'em into the glasses that people are holding or the ones that are moving!"
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kinusune · 30 days
      IT HITS HER BEFORE SHE EVEN REALIZES. there kinu was, minding her own business! talking to some people, sampling more of the refreshments and food, thinking about dancing a bit even though she didn't really know how to ( it's just a lot of wiggling and shimmying, right? ), when bam! it hit her! not a revelation of some fiery dance moves that she somehow stored in the back of her brain, but a meatball! one of the big ones from those heaps of other pasta!
      she didn't even have her mouth open!
      the meatball—though, it no longer had any semblance of a ball shape and was now more of just, minced meat and garlic—slid down her face. kinu furiously scrubbed the tomato sauce off of her face, then pressed a thumb to one nostril to snort out whatever had gotten up her nose onto the nice, pretty ballroom floor. she smacked her lips. it takes a minute before she realizes where it'd been thrown from, but instead of being angry: kinu giggles with delight.
      "finally! i've been waiting all night for someone to play with me!"
      "we're playing catch, right?" she calls back, her fur standing on end with anticipation. the meatball wasn't really salvageable anymore, though she thinks she can scrape it up off the floor and still lob it. instead, kinu turns and finds the first bowl of meatball-less pasta ( probably her doing, if not someone else's ) and digs her hands in. "your turn!" she sings, flinging back pasta noodles with as much force as she could put behind it. problem is, spaghetti noodles don't exactly have the structural integrity to stay on its planned trajectory.
@losojos-decupido, @berglietz, WATCH IT! I'M WALKIN' ERE—
stupid ball i'm fuckin balling
Ethereal Ball 2024 | (meatball fight meatball fight)
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kinusune · 1 month
LET'S KEEP PLAYING, @reddragonprincess!
      WITH ENCOURAGMENT, kinu quickly navigates the two of them through the crowd. at times, it seems less that she weaves with it than she merely pushes her way through. students part at a moment's notice and kinu comes up just a few heads above where the bar rests, absent the bartender but accompanied by a few fruity syrups that had been left in their absence.
      "hm, hm, hm!" she hums with excitement, popping the lids off of the bottles to take in the smell of which was what.
      "what about—" mm, no! not this one. this one smelled like lemons and kinu ate a lemon raw once. that'd been pretty unpleasant. she recorks that bottle, then tries another. strawberries? well, she did like berries! so, maybe she'd keep that one in mind. this one smells like raspberries and that one smells like oranges and that one smells like it's supposed to be something close to cherry blossoms, but is clearly not even close to what she expects in hoshido.
      ( too flowery, anyway! she doesn't want to drink a flower. )
      she pours a different one into her cup altogether, swishing it around to some mixed consistency before she returns her attention to minerva. "really? oh, like a birthday!" people always said to make a wish when it was a birthday. or a shooting star! that made this pretty important, though kinu's not so childish as to think that she'd really have something granted from toasting to something.
      "what do you want to wish for?"
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kinusune · 1 month
LET'S KEEP PLAYING, @nelithic!
      OOH, SHE'S BUSTED. and so quickly too! here, she thought that she'd done such a good job of sneaking around, but this—professor? student? these people need to have name tags!—caught her. she didn't even notice! and usually she did! so, instead of looking guilty or embarrassed, kinu's eyes sparkle with newfound interest: "how'd you catch me?" she giggles. "no one ever catches me!"
      well, except for her dad, but of course he did!
      does she have super special hearing? her ears looked normal. so did her face, her nose! she didn't even have a tail. maybe she just had really good peepers? kinu leans in as close as she can, poised on her toes to see if there was any sign to the contrary, but finds nothing for her efforts. something about her smelled off, but not quite dangerous. but, everyone'd smelled off to her all night at this point and the old sniffer was out of commission. kinu's decided to chalk it up to, well, everything.
      hands splayed out at her sides, kinu drops back onto her heels.
      "does that mean you don't want any?" she supposes she could put them back on the plates, as suggested, but that means someone else would get a very unfortunate surprise. though, maybe that'd be funnier!
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kinusune · 1 month
LET'S KEEP PLAYING, @semperiuvare!
      SHE WATCHES WITH THE ANTICIPATION OF A YOUNG CHILD. kinu was pretty proud of herself. tea really wasn't something that she liked very much. it was all just boiled water and leaves, though she knows she likes the smell of it. this one—smelled as interesting as the stranger implies and she giggles with glee. "isn't it yummy?" she smiles, watching with wide eyes. "i couldn't decide on which tea because there were so many options, so i put all of them in!"
      "you like it, right? don't waste it! i can get more water!"
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kinusune · 1 month
[ Garden ]
Mismatched eyes fall on cute ears and fluffy tail, the latter reminded her of Merrin but from it's appearance it was clearly a part of her body rather than an accessory. Although unused to the sight she did not find it an odd one, instead as someone who wasn't human either she was drawn to talking to her.
"Hello! My name's Alear." She greeted her and then the dragon noticed a feather that contrasted her own black one. Alear was handed the perfect scenario to not only exchange decorations but also make a new friend. "Would you like to exchange feathers? I have a black one myself!"
      SHE THINKS SHE MIGHT SPEND THE WHOLE NIGHT HERE. the garden's clean and pretty. less sounds, less people—though, there's been an awkward number of run-ins where kinu's met other students ( and faculty! ) scurrying off to find somewhere to kiss and junk. for a second, she thinks that the footsteps approaching her are just more of the same and the kitsune resolves to peacefully ignore it until she realizes the voice is directed at her.
      ears perk to attention before her eyes do and her head swivels in the stranger's direction. she blinks once. then, twice.
      "wow!" kinu jumps up to her feet from the bench she'd been resting on, tail wagging a mile a minute as she circles the other student? teacher? she's not sure. she hasn't figured it out yet. "red and blue hair!" just like hers, though hers is not nearly as impressive. she only has that one sad, lonely brown streak in her hair, but this is all of her head! the kitsune ducks low and lifts the back of the stranger's braid, eyes twinkling with curiosity. "under it too!" she hums, stretching out the ends of her hair.
      "i'm kinu!" she'd nearly forgotten about the game.
      she wanted to win, but wasn't it just too boring to hand it over without anything? "i'll give you some of my feather if you play with me!"
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kinusune · 1 month
[ Champagne ] - Imported from the western shores of the Adrestrian Empire, the school purchases 70 bottles of this stuff well in advanced for this day alone. The bartenders are under strict orders not to offer any student more than one glass.
Minerva was so eager to try the several options served at the tables, but among them all, one thing got her attention, actually: a peculiar person, with some strange, long ears and a very interesting glass of seemingly champagne right behind her. She couldn’t ask for more.
She walked towards the table, picking up the drink and with a serene smile, she offered it to the young girl, introducing herself. “Mind sharing a toast?” she in the meanwhile served herself another drink, she couldn’t waste such good quality wine.
And then, she realized she made the terrible mistake to offer an alcoholic drink to a student. She blinked, stiffening the grin on her lips, “Oh, you must be a student, aren’t you?” she searched for another drink, a bit unsuccessfully. “My bad, I’ll have it for you, but please, let’s search for something more appropriate for you –oh, I’m Minerva, by the way” she offered her free hand, hoping to still have the opportunity to know better that curious student.
      HM! SOMEONE'S COMING? MAYBE? her ears twitch slightly as she works to figure out what exactly to do with herself. there's so much to see and so much to do that she's worried that she'll waste all her time thinking about it. but, kinu turns to face the stranger that she quickly works out to be a professor or at least one of the knights maybe as she offers to share a toast with a glass of champagne—which, she definitely tried earlier and didn't like. "okay! yay! i'm kinu!"
      her tail sways absentmindedly behind her as she searches the crowd for something that would suit her tastes too.
      there wasn't anything sweet like juice, and she doesn't want to just drink plain old water either. hm! "oh, i saw something bubbly that was clear!" it was LIKE water, but not quite water! offering an open hand to the stranger, kinu beams as she points out the bartender from across the way with her opposite hand. "let's go get that! and then, we can make a toast!" she doesn't really know what to toast because she's never made one before. but, she's sure minerva has to know!
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kinusune · 1 month
[ Garden ] "Beautiful night, isn't it?" Forde steps out of the ballroom for a moment to catch some fresh air, and runs into a sweet-looking girl. "You got a white feather too, eh?" He points at his brooch. "Wanna trade just for the heck of it?"
      KINU STOPS MID-FAN TO TURN, half-surprised that anyone'd be out here at all! the whole party was inside. with all the food and the dancing, she's enthused to find that the academy was able and willing to go all out when it wanted to! on the other hand—and her ears flatten against her head—it was so, so, so loud in there. she thinks her ears are still ringing! and her nose! it crinkles involuntarily at the thought and kinu drops the hand she'd been using to cover her nose instead.
      she doesn't know how any of the other beastkin can tolerate it!
      it's leagues better out here though, and kinu smiles from ear to ear in spite of herself. "yeah! it's really nice out!" ignoring the nasally wilt of her voice, her attention is drawn to the white feather that he wears pinned to his nice, but apparently stained clothes. "mm, sure!" dropping her hand to her own brooch that she'd fastened to her hair instead, she pulls the remaining half of vane on the rightmost side of her feather to drop into the stranger's hand. though, as she nears, she gets another sniff.
      her hand falls away, and she laughs unprompted. "i'm wearing tomato tonight!"
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kinusune · 1 month
      HONESTLY, SHE'S A LITTLE CONFUSED. someone told her that there was going to be a ball. she doesn't really remember who. it might've been one of their teachers? or maybe it'd been in passing about another student? it was kind of hard to not hear everyone preparing and bustling around all morning and day, so kinu had been hard pressed to not poke her nose around out of curiosity. she'd thought it would've been a good chance to find someone to play with, but now that she was here? it was a little—
      she scratches behind one of her ears. it's a bit much, isn't it?
      everyone looks like they're really dressed up and wearing make-up and—she clasps her hand over her nose, shaking her head. oh, there's so many smells. so many different perfumes and colognes and then the underlying smell of teenage anxiety and embarrassment, ough. it's a little hard to avoid noticing, but then she's handed a white feather and explained the game: kinu thinks she just might be able to tolerate it long enough to win! now, if she could just find someone to talk to.
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kinusune · 1 month
      PRANKING PEOPLE IS BAD. it's mean and she's not supposed to do it. kitsunes are supposed to be equal parts graceful and gracious. supposed to be, and kinu's old enough to know that means that she definitely shouldn't be doing this. the tip of her tail sways just above a few crates as clever eyes peek from just behind her hiding place. a little trick or two wasn't a bad thing though, was it? "hehe," kinu giggles as she surveys the scene. it's been pretty simple.
      she didn't really even have to go out of her way to do it!
      before, she used to have to dig holes and stuff or hide people's junk. digging holes here means that she'd have to go pull up rocks and she wasn't so serious about wanting to play that she would go into someone else's room to yank things. stealing—ahem, borrowing people's practice weapons also was a big no-no. you didn't mess with somebody's sword 'cause then someone would get hurt, whether that was her or someone else uninvolved. learned that the hard way once!
      but, pulling up a little grate was easy!
      and if it wasn't supposed to be pulled up, why was it easy? did anyone think about that? hehe, she'd even done a neat hunter trick. stuck a little net there with some leaves and everything! now, all she had to do was watch and see who'd fall in! and then—well, and then she'd help them of course. she wasn't a monster! ooh! someone's coming! she's gotta hide! kinu ducks back down, back to the crates and her hands covering her mouth as she snickers. stealthy!
@justicefanged; if she can't see you, you can't see her!
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kinusune · 1 month
      SHE'S GONNA GET THAT BIRD. she's seen lots of 'em. all the ones around the monastery are big and plump, fattened up by the scraps that they must've gotten from some of the students. she liked chasin' those ones, but they didn't get real far on account of being real big and so it wasn't nearly as fun. so, imagine her surprise when she went waltzing outside in the nearby forests and saw the biggest dang hawk she's ever seen in her life!
      a wingspan from here to there, a nice sleek back with rippling feathers and thighs like you wouldn't believe! she'd always known birds of prey could get pretty big. she's definitely thought about eating an owl once or twice. but, the problem with them was that they didn't run. predator birds were still predators and that mean that they could darn well poke or claw her eyes out if she got too close. in the back of her head, she could definitely hear her mama yelling at her to leave that bird alone. but on the other hand, wouldn't daddy just be so proud of her?
      they had that—
      that, photo whatchamacallit!
      she could take a picture with it! like, those people with the big fish! ooh, and then she'd marinate it and it'd be all juicy and—ah! no, wait. she's getting distracted. paws pound into the dirt, earth squished between her toes as she charges forward in leaps and bounds. this bird's kind of stupid. if she was a bird, you'd never catch her flying down a straight path, but this one keeps doin' it! silly, that's how you get caught!
      with a wiggle and a shake, she launches herself up from the ground. jaws snap at the air and her snout brushes just barely against that silly bird's talons. dang it!
@kingstalons, come down here and fight me!
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