kios-dolls · 7 years
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Selling! Soul Doll Lot - 900 USD
I'm selling my Soul Doll Lot, he's a 65.5cm from the Zenith line and is just to big for me to really keep in my collection. He comes with the following:
Full Doll Jointed Hands from Dika Doll Regular Hands COA Eyes Shown Wig Shown Clothes Shown Other Surprise Items~
I can either ship him in his original box or take him apart to make the package smaller. He will be wrapped in bubble wrap when shipped.
Price is 900 USD+ Shipping from Canada. I am not willing to split. Layaway is optional, but non refundable with a 400 down payment and 250 a month there after with shipping being paid on the last payment.
Feel free to ask me any questions! I can be found at my RP blog here
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kios-dolls · 7 years
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I figured I should get around to taking a family photo.
I have 12 dolls of my own now, and 2 of them are my boyfriends, 2 of them being my rooms mates dolls, meaning we have 16 total in the house. Not pictured is Zypher he doesn’t have a wig anymore : (
My current family includes
Zypher - IslandDoll Finley Destiny - ResinSoul Yun Alita - Batchix Mini Machina Izo - SoulDoll Lot Ethan - SpiritDoll Dandelion Takehiko - Sugarble Naga/Rudy Head Ambrose - Doll Chateau Matthew Violet - IslandDoll Sweet Amy Maki - Volks DD Nico - Volks DDS Unnamed - Doll Family H Xia Ruo Mia - DollZone Mirai
My Boyfriend’s Dolls
Unagi - DollZone Hid Freya - Hujoo Freya
Room Mate’s Dolls
Mira - RingDoll Nana Cledwyn - MysticKids Ellis
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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And here she is all dressed up! I had to go out and buy some velcro to get her wig to go on, why are Island Doll wigs always like this?
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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I ordered an Island Doll Sweet Amy and she wasn’t expected until tomorrow... Well surprise surprise she’s here today!
Featuring my lovely assistant Emrys.
She doesn’t have a name yet, maybe someone could help me out?
Included in the box was the last of the clothes I ordered AND she came with a bonus carrying bag since Island Doll was having an event!
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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Maki and Nico's heads finally came back today! Maki's wig needs a bit of styling and Nico's hasn't arrived yet, but at least they're not headless anymore.
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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Some new clothes came in, this isn’t all of it but here’s three dolls dressed up!
Izo was actually supposed to have a full suit but the jacket doesn’t fit on him : (
The DD’s heads went out to get painted so that’s why she’s headless. They’ll be back soon, maybe even tomorrow, GASP?
The suit comes with a black jacket, a funky~ dress shirt, and a black pair of pants, if anyone is interested in it for their SD boy feel free to message me at my rp blog.
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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So I said I always wanted to own a dollfie dream and well...
Surprise I own TWO now. The box was huuuuge but for good reason, we got the two dolls, four pairs of hands, two pairs of eyes and an extra bust because the DDS’s character has a small chest size.
As you can see customs charged me out the wazzo, I didn’t ask or you to do this, why am I paying for this!
This is just temporary clothing and their wigs are coming in, sadly none of my current wigs actually fit their heads, but here they are! After a frustrating morning of  swear up and down at Canada post for our shitty mailman I was able to pic it up last night.
I actually plan to have them be Nico and Maki from Love Live so let see how that goes.
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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The bubble wrapping had little heart bubbles like???? That’s so cute.
I’m kind of laughing though because the tracking number still says he’s in Shanghai? But I got to pick him up today and I’m so happy. I love that wig on him and I’m so happy he’s home!
Each photo has a comment but ooooh I’m so happy he’s so adorable, and my first MSD. He WAS supposed to be here for Anime North but Doll Chateau went on a holiday so he got delayed to much and didn’t make it, ahh I can share photos of him now though.
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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Browsing the Doll Market (well not really)
What did I buy? A cute cherry skirt to go with Destiny’s strawberry shirt
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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Playing BJD Bingo!
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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Visiting the Doll North Ramen shop set!
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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Found a dolly is cosplay!
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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Selfie with Momiji!
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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My project runway outfit!
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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* Your arrival at Doll North!
Popped down stairs to see what was going on, the displays are beautiful this year.
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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Ayyy manage to get the plane selfie for the doll north challenge!
* Were by the airport, lets see a plane!
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kios-dolls · 8 years
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Oops shitty photos but Takehiko has clothing for AN!
I had to give his old Kimono to my otaku moose because it was falling apart but now he has a new outfit!
Anyone want to take a guess on what the pattern of the kimono is?
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