kiramizukiii · 2 years
Hey loves! I have entered the void state and have already manifested for a few people already. Unfortunately I scalded my hand today when I was pouring boiling water and I might need go to the hospital to treat it 😭 I will continue to manifest for the rest most likely on Sunday onwards 🤍🤍
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
Day 2
Hihi loves! So I have entered the void state yesterday for both M and all of you and used umbrella affirmations to manifest. Please do update your results here or through my dms so I can see if by using general affirmations is helpful enough. If not, I shall be entering the void once again today and manifest in bulks. I will be referring to your void manifestation lists so have that prepared for me!
Once again, I will he having a full shift work today so i’ll most likely tire myself out and won’t be online too much. I kept forgetting to post the void charging post so I shall post it after I ended my shift today! 🤍
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
I was so exhausted yesterday, I fell straight to sleep😭 But the day has arrived! I will be posting a void charging post, as promised, later on and I will be entering the void at night for M, then everyone else. I plan to split manifesting for everyone else for 3 days. Today will be more of experimental to see if I am able to generally manifest by using umbrella affirmations, and everyone could report back to me tomorrow! If not, I shall be going into much more specifics. Please do finish up your void lists by 11pm today, GMT 8+ timing! Super excited for the results!!🤍
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
Hihi my loves! Here is the update for the day:
I will be having a full shift of work today so I will only be able to enter the void at night. I am going to prioritise one of you, M (she wanted to stay anonymous, since we did talked before my break and seeing how urgent the matter was, it is best that I get to her first). If I have enough energy left, I will be entering the void to manifest for the rest too. If not, I will be doing it tomorrow since I’m at home and would be fully rested from teaching kids 🥹
So what I’m asking everyone to finish up your void manifestation lists. I will be uploading a small enchantment later on, probably in the afternoon, so that you are able to charge your own lists as a compensation for my late service! It will help to manifest your lists faster, or some even before when I start to enter the void since it replicates the void already. You do not have to resend me your lists, if you already have. I’m super excited and hope you are too! Thank you everyone and have a nice day ahead🤍🤍
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
I believe I owe everyone a better explanation of what happened so here it is.
I had covid for the 3rd time a few week back and it started off fine since I just had to quarantine myself in my room but things worsen since I started to feel out of breathe and I felt as if I was about to black out. Soon enough, I did and I was so glad my mother checked up on me in my room. She told me that “she heard a loud noise” in room and when she opened the door, she saw me laying unconscious. I quickly was sent to the hospital, where I was monitored. Since there was different variations of Covid, I had the Omicron virus, which was much stronger than the rest. I was worried since I have got so much to do but luckily I had the help of my boyfriend. I told him about shifting, manifesting etc. beforehand so I didn’t had any problems passing him my accounts to update everyone here. It took me awhile to get out of the hospital, no one knew this except for my family and other half since I’d like to keep my personal matters to myself, and I continued resting at home since I haven’t fully recovered. The effects of Covid which I had (still having flu, cough and shortness of breathe) was still there. I’ll admit it was very frustrating because the process of recovery was very slow and I couldn’t do anything well such as meditating and carrying out my daily chores so one day, I decided to force myself into the void to heal myself. I just float in the void in silence and took my time in there ^^So before everyone else keeps accusing me, no I wasn’t dying and I still could do simple tasks but I decided to give my boyfriend my accounts so he could hold it while I was focusing on resting. It is quite stressful for me to balance both updating and resting, so I decided to do what’s best for me first. Now that I am better, I am ready to continue my journey and help others as well^^ I hope everyone can understand my situation because it wasn’t easy for me to recover and it would be appreciated if people were to stop harassing and accusing me.
For the record, if you have paid for a service and you have asked for a refund, I shall still be carrying out for the service for you. If you want to opt for this service, it is, of course still open. Like I said, I won’t be replying to other platforms but only here for now so if anything, you can send me a comment (which I will most likely read) or a message here! I will be getting back to you slowly on other platforms if you have gotten other services as well. I will be extending this service for another 1 more day just for everyone to finish up your lists before I enter the void since I feel like my sudden comeback might surprise everyone and you might not have prepared your lists fully. Again, thank you so much everyone for waiting, and Merry Christmas to all of you! 🎄🎄
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
Hello loves! I am back from my long break. As you may have known, I was from the hospital due to covid, but I am feeling much better now. I am very sorry for the inconvenience I have caused to everyone and for the long wait that I have caused for all of you. I know that many speculated that I was a scammer since I haven’t replied to all of you personally and extending the dateline and I would understand why so. Please do forgive me once more. I am feeling better now and as promised, I will be manifesting for everyone and the services will be back and running. Thank you everyone for waiting for me and I hope that everyone could understand my situation^^
The only source of platform that I will be replying to is here since I am no longer using Instagram and Amino at the moment. I shall be manifesting for everyone tomorrow so please do get ready. Lots of love, Kira 🤍
Edit: To those who were wondering why it took me quite awhile to reply, I was still healing and I did entered the void state to heal myself faster since naturally healing myself was quite slow. My lungs are doing much better now, and I’m very much glad^^ I really do appreciate everyone for waiting for me, and I want to apologise once again for the inactivity. I hope that everyone would be able to forgive me for my lack of professionalism. I do not have the intention to scam anyone here since I truly pride myself with my work and helping others. Thank you so much everyone and please do finish up your void manifestation lists by tomorrow!
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
Hi everyone, this is kira’s boyfriend updating. Thank you everyone for all of your well wishes and concerns about her. She is currently still very weak and unfortunately, isn’t able to still depend on her lungs alone to breathe properly. She told me to update everyone here so that all of you would not need to worry about her so much. Aside from that, I know I am not in a place to read her comments and messages, but I as her other half, is very disappointed on how some of you are acting. Please do remember that she is a human too, not some sort of god-figure who would not get sick. She is fighting for her life here when some of you are prioritising yourselves over a human being who is extremely sick at the moment. If she isn’t caught up in the hospital bed, she would’ve already helped all of you. This makes me not believe in humanity anymore…but I still do appreciate everyone else who have been so kind and helping her. I hope that all of you can understand Covid isn’t something small that can be cured overnight, let alone when Kira is already hospitalised. I really do hope that she wouldn’t be so affected from this when she comes back online…I’ll try to keep this away from her until she fully recovers. Thank you.
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
Hello, this is Kira’s boyfriend speaking. As you may heard, kira was hospitalised last week due to shortness of breath and also because she fainted. She did explained to me about shifting, manifestations etc. beforehand and she passed all of her personal accounts to me, just in case if anything where to happen to her. She is still not doing so well due to her lungs being extremely weak from covid and I am very worried for her. To everyone who did messaged her well wishes, thank you very much. I also heard that she opened up a manifestation service here to help others? I hope you can give her time to recover because I really don’t know how her condition will be from time to come. I hope everyone can do your part and pray for her recovery because seeing her in this condition makes me worried sick…
I am not able to personally answer everyone’s message since I do respect Kira’s privacy and she knows much more about this than me so hope everyone can understand that . Thank you very much
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
Hello my dearests^^ For those who don’t know, I was hospitalised yesterday due to having troubles breathing. I got to know that my lungs had been significantly weakened due to covid but I’m doing a little better now. I still will be trying to enter the void tomorrow but there is a big chance that I wouldn’t be successful due to the amount of pain I am in. So I ask for your consideration and patience if that is ok with all of you and wait for later updates. Thank you and have a nice day/night ahead 🤍
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
Hello everyone, here is an update:
I am still recovering from covid and for those who aren’t that well informed, covid takes around 2 weeks to completely recover. To everyone who has been spamming me or spread rumours about me, please do read my posts before you do. It upsets me that all of you are trying to prioritise yourselves first and push me to the limits, when I’ve already said I’m not feeling well. I know that manifesting your desires are your top priority, but I hope that you can spare some empathy for me. I am not capable of answering each and everyone of you personally since I am very sick but please do read my posts. I shall be ready to jump back into finishing up my requests when I am feeling better.
Just to remind you again, I will be entering the void and manifest for everyone, thus, I will be spending in the void for quite some time. For orders besides the void manifestation, I will be doing them after entering the void ^^ You can still send in your lists if you want, as many as you wish. I hope that everyone here can understand my situation since I’ve been trying to clear this up repeatedly. Thank you :)
Edit: For everyone who constantly sent me ask’s regarding about my situation, hope this answers your question! I won’t be answering the same asks again and again.
Another Edit: I shall be entering the void on the 4th of December, Sunday. Hopefully I will feel better by then^^
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
hey kira! im a bit confused and was hoping you could clarify.
so you said that your void state services is closing this week. however, today is saturday so does that mean it closes tomo? also you said you'll be entering the void anytime this week. again, tomo or like sometime in the next 7 days? if you could give out dates, id really appreciate it. thanks and stay safe ❤️
Hey love^^ Like I have said earlier, I will be extending the dateline before the void service closes since I am really sick (hope people can understand that). I know that many of you wants your manifestations to be done but I’m just not in my best condition right now so I hope that you can understand 😭 I will be entering the void anytime this week when I feel better, not on the 27th. There isn’t any specified date yet so please do keep a look out! I shall be posting it anytime soon. I’m trying my best to answer your asks even though I’m not that well so please try to avoid from asking me repetitive questions (to everyone). I would greatly appreciate that 🫶🏽
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
hi! do you have a date for a deadline for ur void service? was thinking of switching to that one!
The deadline is this week and sure love^^
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
I just got paid, is it okay to make a late payment for the void? If not, I completely understand! 💖
It will still be open up until this week so yes^^
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
so with the manifestation service, we can ask you to shift us to our drs with manifesting?
also i am sorry if this was hard to get or already got asked, english is not my language :(
thank you ❤️
Yes ofc! The possibilities are endless^^ It’s fine love and your english is perfectly fine. No problem 🫶🏽
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
Hi kira! I was wondering, is it absolutely necessary to send you our full list of desires for the void or could we make a list on our personal device and then just ask for everything in our list to be fulfilled? my list feels personal and i feel a bit awkward/embarrassed to share the entire thing haha. i was wondering when you enter the void, will you be going through the entire list for each person or just manifesting that everything in the list comes true for each person?
Hello dear! And please do whatever that is most comfortable for you <3 I understand that many of you want to manifest things that are much more personal so do write it down somewhere, even if you do not want to send it to me^^ I’m manifesting for everyone’s desires to come true, so I will be in the void for quite awhile to make sure that it works 🫶🏽
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
Hi! How long will you be offering the manifestation services for? I've been interested in it for a while and am considering it still but I think I'd like to get it soon-ish. I hope it will still be available then!
Hello darling! My void manifestation would probably be available up until this week only. The rest should be up for awhile^^ I hope so too love! Do take your time to think it through 🤍
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kiramizukiii · 2 years
KIRA YOURE THE SWEETEST TYSM 🤍🤍 I hope you feel better soon 🥺 and I am one of those who paid for the void option! I sent u my desires through insta dms ahhh I’m so excited to wake up with them!! 😭 also if I can may i please ask by when u will enter 👀 and can I send another dm w/ an extra desire as well if I suddenly want something else? ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much dear! I hope so too😭 You deserve everything in life dear so I really hope that this service would be of help to you 🤍 I will be entering the void anywhere this week, when I feel a little better^^ And yes of course! This applies to everyone. You are allowed to constantly update your list of desires up until I want to enter the void!
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