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It looked like this.
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So I hallucinated again.  It hasn’t happened for a while, but I woke up this morning and right next to my pillow, hovering a few inches, was some kind of ... like a little silk black rope sort of tied in a very decorative knot, and the little tassels at the base were floating on an imaginary breeze.
I looked at it and thought..  Huh.  That’s interesting.  But it’s not really there.
And I rolled over so I wasn’t facing it, and I went back to sleep.
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So... It’s been four months.  And I am STILL bleeding.
I don’t know if this is normal.
It’s whittled down to almost stopping completely many times, and then starts up again.
At first it was VERY HEAVY, and gradually tapered off since then.  But I’ve basically been having my period for FOUR MONTHS.
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Aaaugh  I’m bleeding.  But they said that might happen.
I took some ibuprofen and extra strength excedrin before I went in.
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I got the IUD.  The doctor was really nice, but it was still awkward and painful and upsetting.
But I did it.  I just needed a few minutes to lay there and hold my stuffed gingerbread man until I felt better and then I went home.
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getting an IUD tomorrow.  Kind of scared.
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Ok, weird uterine blood again.  Not heavy, but enough to make me go ‘wtf...’
I guess ovulation can cause that??  Just weird it only started happening after I started my anxiety medication.
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Got my cycle this morning after about a week of foreshadowing pains.
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bleeding has stopped.  There wasn’t a lot, just enough to make me think ‘what the hell...?’ But now I’m having uterine pains like my cycle is just two days away.
Literally this never happens.  I had my period two weeks ago.  I realize all this can be related to ovulation but I’m almost 40 and this is not typical for me at all.  Not this much.
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Ok, so .. I’m bleeding.  randomly.  Like my period is very light or something.  But I’m nowhere near starting my cycle.  Maybe it’s ovulation blood?  That’s a thing that happens right?  Even if it doesn’t really happen to me..
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Got my cycle suddenly late last night.
It’s a little strange it happened so suddenly.  Usually I’m feeling a dull ache for a couple days before it strikes.  This time, I just kind of knew it would be soon and suddenly it happened.
I feel ok, just taking some excedrin to be safe.  The pain hasn’t been intense as it often is. I have a slight fever, but that often happens on my cycle because my immune system freaks out from the added stress.  Again, pretty normal.
I feel like I’ve been sleeping /more/ on this new medication.  I was too tired to take Kashi to the dog park yesterday even though I think I slept something like 10 or 11 hours.
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I have a slight fever.  Again, this is a normal thing that happens to me, and probably not the medication. My body freaks out and thinks I’m sick when I’m not.  The chemical changes from the medication maybe triggered something.
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12:46 and I suddenly /don’t/ feel like I’m badly hung over and my vision cleared up a little.
I dunno if it’s the advil or the allergy pill or the new stuff.  Headache is a lot less now.
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Day two on my new medication
I got  really really sleepy and tried to fall asleep but I couldn’t.  Tried to do it again later and slept for about an hour.
Day three I woke up with a level 5 headache.  I took some dual action advil because I’m also having some mild uterine pains.  I don’t think the uterine pain is related to the drug, that’s a normal thing for me.
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On a weird note; I did a little research and found out that the aches and pains associated with being hung over are actually VERY similar if not identical to the pain of fibromyalgia.  
I lost all the technical terms for all of this.  But basically, I found out that people can actually detect a higher level of the /byproduct/ created by the toxins that create those muscle pains, IN YOUR URINE.  Even though they insist fibromyalgia is a diagnosis of OMISSION, in theory they could run a test for this in a URINE SAMPLE and basically say “yeah, you have this byproduct of the toxin that creates widespread muscle pain, even though you don’t drink.  That’s fibromyalgia.”
Apparently taurine counteracts the toxins??  So I was lazy and looked up the fastest way to get taurine in your system, and found out they put it in energy drinks.
So I’ve been drinking Monster energy, and the PAIN is actually /gone/.  I mean, I dunno what it’s like to feel like a normal human, but comparatively, it’s gone.
Unfortunately, I still have debilitating chronic fatigue, and if I over expend myself trying to act like a function human for a day, my immune system goes “AAhh we’re under attack!!”  and ruins the next couple of days for me and I sleep 12 or 13 hours at night.
NEVERMIND if I have my CYCLE on top of that, or get an ACTUAL VIRUS.
So yeah.  Not very functional, pretty much ever.  I can be cute and clean and social and semi-functional for maybe a couple hours at a time, maybe TWICE A MONTH if I’m lucky.
But yeah, taurine.
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Having weird lower abdominal/uterine aching last couple days.  Very slight spotting.  Also having flu symptoms off and on the last couple weeks.
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current diagnoses: Fibromyalgia, (autoimmune issues and chronic fatigue, pain though I have the pain managed for the most part.  I’m strong but have the energy level of someone TWICE my age.) Adenomyosis (Looking at treatment with Mirena IUD, if that doesn’t work; hysterectomy.) PTSD (Getting results back the 21st for genetic testing to recommend which anxiety medications work better with my body - NOT Lexapro)
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