🍄 Things To Research As A Green Witch MASTERLIST
A green witch is typically a witch whose specializes and focuses on natural materials and energies. They are often skilled herbalists and probably enjoys gardening. Like a lot. You might be a baby green witch or an experienced one. Maybe even an eclectic one, no matter what, all is welcome!
I am most certainly not entitled to knowing everything about green witches but I want to help out some people when stuck on not knowing what to research.
As always, enjoy!
gif by @la-petitefille
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🍄 plants!
🍄 edible plants :)
🍄 non Edible plants :(
🍄 other uses for non edible plants that’s not eating :)
🍄 history of herbal witchcraft
🍄 herbal brews
🍄 aromatherapy
🍄 drying flowers/herbs
🍄 harvesting flowers/herbs
🍄 endangered plants (so you don’t accidently pick them)
🍄 medicinal plants/herbs
🍄 teas
🍄 tinctures
🍄 meads
🍄 smoke blend recipes
🍄 different types of other natural based witches
🍄 seasonal magick
🍄 when to start sowing
🍄 when to reap
🍄 wheel of the year
🍄 types of plants
🍄 types of herbs
🍄 what types of animals/insects (bees, butterflies, etc.) do your flowers/herbs attract?
🍄 usage for *plant name*’s roots
🍄 usage for *plant name*’s stem
🍄 usage for *plant name*’s flowers
🍄 usage for *plant name*’s leaves
🍄 usage for *plant name*’s bark
🍄 usage for *plant name*’s seed
🍄 plants
🍄 what are herb sachets?
🍄 pressed flowers <3
🍄 smoked herbs
🍄 poisonous plants
🍄 essential oils
🍄 extracts
🍄 cacti/succulents
🍄 gardening 101 (haha, i’m so lame)
🍄 what are some good botanical books?
🍄 the fae
🍄 candle correspondence to elements
🍄 PlAnTs
🍄 houseplants
🍄 sage (god, I love sage)
🍄 lavender
🍄 rosemary
🍄 basil
🍄 chamomile
🍄 crystals
🍄 aloe vera
🍄 tea leaf readings
🍄 dear me, I almost forgot to mention plants
feel free to add on, loves!
♡ That naked witch in the woods
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What causes damage to crystals
Water: Angelite, Azurite, Boji Stones/Shaman Stones/Moqui Marbles, Calcite, Celestine, Desert Rose, Halite(rock salt), Himalayan Salt, Hematite, Jet, Lapis, Malachite, Moonstone, Pyrite, Selenite, Unakite
Salt: Angelite, Azurite, Calcite, Carnelian, Hematite, Jet, Kunzite, Kyanite, Lapis, Labrodite, Lepidolite, Malachite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Pyrite, Selenite, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz, Ulexite/TV Stone
Sun/UV: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Calcite, Celestine, Citrine, Fluorite, Jade, Jet, Kunzite, Lapis, Malachite, Quartz, Sapphire, Sodalite, Super Seven, Topaz, Tourmaline
Heat: Cinnabar, Emerald, Moonstone, Sodalite, Unakite
Acid: Apatite, Sodalite
Everything: Amber, Opal, Pearl, Turquoise
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Apple: spirit work, offerings, love, healing, beauty, wisdom, harvest
Apricot: love, self love
Avocado: beauty, love, lust, fertility, spell work
Banana: wealth, luck, spirituality, religion, masculinity
Blueberry: protection, banishment, curses
Blackberry: protection, fertility, femininity, funerals, afterlife, moving on
Cantaloupe: spell work, protection, grounding, energy work
Cherry: lust, love, fertility
Clementine: childhood, dreams
Coconut: protection, cleansing, femininity
Cranberry: holidays, blood magic, spirit work
Date: fertility, luck, money
Dragon fruit: lust, passion, spell work
Durian: curses, cleansing, protection
Fig: happiness, divination, love
Grapefruit: cleansing
Grape: money, spell work, fertility, offerings
Guava: love, self love, lust
Honeydew: cleansing, energy, love
Jackfruit: divination, spell work, happiness
Kiwifruit: health, love, lust, happiness
Kumquat: luck, health, money
Lemon: cleansing, purification, protection, curse breaking
Lime: cleansing, protection, love
Lychee: love, self love, femininity, beauty
Mango: love, lust, fertility
Nectarine: love, self love, spell work
Orange: cleansing, protection, divination
Papaya: curse breaking, banishing, spirit work, love
Passion fruit: lust, love, passion
Peach: fertility, love, happiness, spirit work
Pear: offerings, happiness, luck, money, confidence
Persimmon: healing, love, luck, protection
Pineapple: protection, health, offerings, money, luck
Plantain: fertility, masculinity, lust, passion
Plum: love, healing, offerings
Pomegranate: offerings, blood magic, fertility, divination, spell work
Prune: cleansing, protection
Raspberry: love, dreams, health
Strawberry: love, wishes, dreams, happiness
Starfruit: lunar/solar magic, spell work, cleansing
Tangerine: solar magic, strength, energy work
Tomato: protection, cleansing, love, passion
Watermelon: healing, femininity, lust, love, spirit work, cleansing
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💘L o v e w a t e r 💧
For the attraction of 😍🌸
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a jar
🚰 in jar
🌹 rosepetals (for 😍)
basil (for lucky and harmony)
oak leaf (for wisdom)
bergamot oil (two drop) (for health)
a piece of cinnamon (for happy 😍)
red 🕯️ (optional for confirmation)
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Mix the ingredients and think about who you want!
Drops to your body every morning!
I 😍 it because it is simple and fast 🤗
Good luck 😍! ❤️
I never dropped it, it was just on the table in a mini bottle, and so did what I expected from it. thank you so mutch ❤️
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“I am Loved, I am Protected” Spell Bottle
I did this during my meditation time today. I needed a little reminder that I am always loved (both by myself, my divine creator, and my friends/family), and that I am safe and protected because of that. So I decided to post this in case anyone else needs a spell to keep them filled with a sense of love and protection. With minor editing, this spell bottle can be made to be more love oriented, healing of a broken heart, protection *from* a broken heart, etc. Just do your research and change your intentions and/or ingredients.
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You will need:
Bottle with stopper
Salt (protection; pink Himalayan for love/self love/contentment)
Rosemary (protection, blessings, purification)
Sage (purification, protection, healing)
Lavender (love, purification, happiness, peace)
Dried flower petals (preferably from flowers a loved one gave you, but any flowers you love will work)
Amethyst (healing, blessing)
Rose quartz (unconditional love)
Candles to seal (choose what fits best for you)
Red (self-love)
Pink (love; harmony)
Blue (tranquility)
White (protection)
Purple (drive away evil)
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To assemble:
Layer items in the jar as listed (salt, herbs, flower petals, crystals), imbuing and charging each with the listed aspects (or alternatively as suits your needs).
Stopper the bottle. Using the candles that best suit your needs, seal the bottle. If you like you can etch the seal with sigils for love, protection, etc., or leave the seal untouched.
Charge, bless, and activate your bottle. Keep it in a place your will see it regularly, or in your safe/happy/“me” space to fill you with a sense of love and protection when you need it most.
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Blessed be!
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Witch Tip!
Tea roses work better and have a stronger, more powerful, potent, and immediate effect than any type of rose in love spells.
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💋⚘💖Herbs, Roots and Curios for Love Spells in Hoodoo 💖⚘💋
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Just a little list of different herbs and roots and stuff regularly used in hoodoo/rootwork for love drawing, attracting lovers, creating passion, etc! Feel free to do more of your own research, as these various herbs and roots can be used in all sorts of spells, bags, baths…
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💖JEZEBEL ROOT - attracts men and lovers with money! Highly loved by sex workers.
💋QUEEN ELIZABETH ROOT (Orris root) - I’ve seen some people say this root should only be used by women trying to seek a man, but that’s not true. The root itself can be consecrated in the name of the woman you wish to attract. If you’re a lesbian or a woman or someone who is more femme aligned and are searching for another femme aligned partner, you can use two of these to represent you and the target you’d like to draw. If you’re more masculine and your target is more masculine, like for example if you’re butch, you can use High John root, and if your target is femme you can use Queen Elizabeth. Or if youre both masculine, you can use High John. Same goes for gay men, and literally everyone lol. Even if a lot of websites try to put heternormativity on these roots, regardless of your assigned gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc, you can use them. These roots have always been used by LGBT+ identifying practitioners. You just gotta make it work for you, don’t let them tell you otherwise. Let the roots and their energy guide you and you decide how to best implement them in your work.
💖CATNIP - amazing in both love work and attraction. Used traditionally to attract lovers and catch and keep their attention.
💋DAMIANA - a strong aphrodisiac long used by the indigenous people of Mexico, this plant can be used to increase passion or to make a lover stay with you.
💖LAVENDER - this sweet smelling herb brings love to you regardless of gender, especially when mixed with rose buds. A very peaceful herb.
💋DEERSTONGUE - gives you fine speech, so I can imagine this is good for sweet talking your way into someone’s arms. Popularly used in both court case and love spells, used to attract and convince someone to love or marry you.
💖CARDAMOM - Brings good luck in love affairs and sexual relationships! Use this if you’re looking for more lusty effects, as this is a warmer spicier kind of thing.
💋DILL - another lusty herb, these seeds bring good luck to romantic matters, and can be used in love drawing baths
💖HIBISCUS - amazing in love spells, this sweet flower is another good ingrediant if you’re looking for a lusty effect. Used as an aphrodisiac, for passion and for lust and love.
💋MANDRAKE ROOT - (poisonous obviously so be careful) believed to aid in fertility, considered a strong aphrodisiac. Can be used to make love dolls.
💖GINGER ROOT/JAMAICA ROOT - in hoodoo it’s used to heat up love spells, and is good for increasing passion.
💋LOTUS ROOT- used in love works and works of fertility! It’s associated with water and the moon.
💖GENTIAN ROOT - draws good luck in love! Attracts love towards you and keeps it with you.
💋HONEYSUCKLE - enhances love and sexuality, these petals are also used to sweeten people to you, but also for good luck and prosperity.
💖LOVAGE ROOT - a go-to root for love work! Used to make one more attractive and alluring to others!
💋JASMINE - the scent of these flowers evoke passion and love! Some call the scent an aphrodisiac, and many use it in love drawing spells.
💖CUBEB BERRIES - used to control a lover. Another herb that is better suited for lusty and sexual love kind of spells.
💋JUNIPER BERRIES - they’re great for sexual love magic! Used to attract a sexual partner but can also be used for protection.
💖CORIANDER - the seeds create passion! Helps with keeping your love faithful.
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💘 “The Smolder” love spell 👀
inspired by disney’s “tangled”, a pocket love spell/glamour you can use by fluttering your eyelashes 
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💘  if you wish to enchant a specific mascara or eye shadow, apply the charm to the outside of the makeup container instead of your eyes
👀  gather: moon water, rose petals, and strawberry leaves
💘  dab around eyes with the clean water, avoid direct contact with eyes
👀  dab the water droplets with the rose petals and strawberry leaves.
💘  apply to your eyes either the day/night of, or by makeup
👀  the enchantment words if you wish to use them, are “here comes the smolder”
note: use clean water you don’t mind washing your face with to make the moon water, wash the rose petals and strawberry leaves
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Can you please create a love spell using just one candle since I can't get hold of many materials. I live in a country where I can't find much things required for spell casting. I read on the Internet about love spells getting backfired, what r the reasons of that? Please tell me a way to prevent that from happening. I mean any tips for a successful love spell
Love spells can be considered manipulative and kinda rape-y if you gear it towards a specific person, so it’s better to cast a general love attraction spell. Sometimes people feel these “backfire” because they get too much attention from too many people or from people they dislike, or from some really creepy obsessive people. Attention is not always good. If this spell does turn sour, there are ways to dispel it’s effect on the internet.
Now that you know what could happen, here’s a simple love spell.
simple love attraction spell
Carve a heart shape onto the candle.Light the candle, feel it’s warmth but be careful not to burn yourself.
Whisper or think:
As I watch the flame danceI draw to me hopes of romance. As it warms my face, I’ll warm others hearts,Who graze the feathers of cupid’s dart.
Blow out the candle.
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‘Over the Moon’ Love Spell ❤🌜
particularly potent when the moon is full and/or in taurus, a spell to attract general love and happiness to you
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🌜 gather: rose quartz, full moon water, rosemary, and white thread, a sight of the full moon. 
❤ perform during the full moon, if possible.
🌜 kiss the rose quartz
❤ let it sit in the full moon water for a while. 
🌜 bind the rose quartz to the rosemary using the white thread. 
❤ hold the quartz in front of or above the moon in your line of sight as you bind it.
🌜 keep near your bed, or as a charm on your person
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attraction spell: a relationship that resonates
a relationship that resonates
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an attraction spell for attracting those with similar intentions as you in romantic, personal or business relationships if you offer a service and seek to make your customer base more concentrated. for relationships that resonate with your vibrations.
empty bowl, jar, or dish
pink salt
small piece of paper + washi tape
a penny
rose quartz
☁️ visualize the bowl overflowing with love and the deepest sense of fulfillment. tune into the feeling of being in a relationship that makes you so overwhelmingly happy, where you feel understood and the other person completely vibes with you. when the bowl feels blessed, set it down.
🌹 first, add pink salt. this will ensure the pure foundation of your relationships and cleanse you of any draining or mismatched ones.
👁 add a couple drops of sage oil to salt to attract awakened and equally conscious people.
☁️ add the rose quartz to attract loving and compassionate people.
🌹 add a penny for luck, joy and abundance.
👁 finally, write your intentions on a small piece of paper and seal with washi tape. add to bowl.
☁️ leave out for however long you like to keep the spell active, revisit every now and then to rearrange and add more oil or salt to the bowl.
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🍓❤☀️Summer of Love Strawberry spell☀️❤🍓
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A tasty snack, and spell, to bring you love this summer.
What you need:
🍓Strawberries- love (all types), happiness, summer magic (this spell also works with strawberry ice cream)
💎Sugar-love, sweetness, attraction
🍂Cinnamon- love, warmth, sun magic
☀️A sunny spot, especially outside
What to do:
🍓Get as many strawberries as you’d like
🍓Mix the sugar with a dash or 2 of cinnamon
🍓go sit in your sunny spot and feel the suns warmth
🍓say “this summer, is the summer of love”
🍓dip the strawberries in the cinnamon sugar. And as you do, focus on intent and the type of love you want in you life. Feel the sunshine manifesting the energy with you as you eat.
🍓when you finish eating the spell is done! Enjoy!
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my love knows no bounds spell
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for amplifying your love energy, making its presence undeniable even to those who don’t like you.
☁️ small empty bottle
✨ mica shimmer/glitter to represent your undeniable flair and magic
💧 rosewater/moon water for abundance of love energy
🌸 pink salt for purity and cleansing
🔮 rose quartz to assist amplifying your love (will not go in bottle)
🕯 candle
cleanse all materials before beginning
as you add all the items to the bottle, you can speak your intentions aloud. for example, I silently affirmed this:
my love is radiant and present in every encounter.
it is impossible to ignore my love energy.
others can’t help but fall under love energy. may they, too, experience joy and love.
leave bottle by candlelight for a while to soak up additional energies
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summer fruits in magick
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✧ watermelon: powerful healing, helping spirits move on
✧ peach: happiness, wisdom, intellect
✧ strawberries: love, romance, favourable circumstance, luck
✧ pineapple: healing, protection, financial fortune
✧ mango: romance, protection
✧ cherries: love and divination
✧ passionfruit: peace, harmony, love
✧ blackberries: sex magick
✧ plum: sex magick, protection
✧ apricot: attraction
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EASY & CHEAP DIY Oils to use INSTEAD of Essential Oils
This DIY oil isn’t nearly as potent as EO, so it’s not recommended medicinally. BUT, unlike EO, It can be ingested and direct skin contact safe!
Use coconut oil and put it in a pot on the stove. Add in your mint leaves, orange zest, culinary lavender buds; whatever herbs you want the flavoring/scent to be! Let this simmer on the stove anywhere from 30 min to an hour(Until the oil starts to change color and smells like the herb usually). Let it cool and strain your herbs out. Put in a jar or ice cube tray to harden. Done!
(If you want a liquid oil then replace with olive oil and keep in a jar or bottle.)
Now you have a skin safe, edible, aromatic oil that you can use in skin products, cooking or put in a wax warmer to burn!
(Note: Research what is or is not safe to use, please. I don’t want sued because someone made an oil out of pokeberries to eat and got sick; I’m a broke enough witch as it is.)
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Smart asf.
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Candle properties
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black: grounding, wisdom, learning, protection, safety, hex-protection, banishing negativity.
brown: house blessing, animal magick, earth magick, stability, earth element, food financial crisis
gold: great fortune, abundance, divination, fast luck, solar energy, positive attitudes
gray: glamour, contemplation, removing negativity
green: prosperity, abundance, money, acceptance, weather, luck, marriage
lavender: intuition
light blue: spirituality, peacefulness
orange: creativity, self-expression, overcoming addiction, investments, celebration
pink: love, compassion, nurturing, emotional healing, protection of children.
purple: wisdom, influence, independence, breaking habits, spiritual power.
red: passion, strength, danger, conflict, fire, fertility, vitality
silver: stability, intuition, communication, moon magick
white: all purpose, unity, purity, cleansing, balance, truth, consecration
yellow: pleasure, imagination.
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