kiss-the-ghuleh · 1 year
Memories of a Ghost
warnings- small mention of blood and death, heart break, small mention of pregnancy.
This is short but kinda sad.
Word Count: 1,453
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Serafina walked into the large ballroom, beautiful purple and gold decorations hung on the wall as black rose bouquets filled empty spaces. Her dress was floor length, black with a grucifix broach on her right breast. Classic piano echoed throughout. In the middle of the ballroom, was Terzo, her dear husband. His eyes shined when she came into his view. Everyone parted ways like the red sea, to let Serafina walk to her waiting beloved. He bowed to her, offering his hand to hers, asking for this dance. She gladly accepted. The two danced away from the watching crowd. Terzo leading them all around the room, warm lighting casting down.
"You look absolutely breathtaking, cara mia." Terzo said in a soft voice, loud enough for her to hear. She smiled at his compliment. The two were very much in love. From the moment they set eyes on each other, they both knew they were meant to be together. This was the same ballroom that hosted their wedding, in the house the two shared. A beautiful, old abbey sat with a glorious garden in the back. Weeping willows cascaded throughout the property.
The dance between them never halted. The two could dance for hours. As long as they had each other, nothing bothered them. The tile floor clicked beneath their feet as they swayed to every end of the ballroom. The two had met long ago, at a church sermon Terzo was performing. Serafina was new and scared of this place. She heard many things about devil worshipers, many evil and untrue things. Things that scared her half to death. Why she was at the church, she'll never know. But she was there and scared. She sat in the back pews, away from watchful eyes. The smell of burning frankincense flooded the room. Soon walked out a man in a black papal suit. He had piercing heterochromatic eyes. He talked of love and finding inner peace. Do not let anyone judge thee. For there will soon be better Earth. His sermon was so powerful, it drew her in. His eyes caught hers. And that was the moment between the two of them. The moment they knew they were meant to be.
He found her again after the sermon, inviting her to the church. She accepted and became the most devoted of sinful sisters. She watched her Papa spread the word of Satan through song across the globe. Her life took a turn. But it was the turn she needed. She lived her life happily alongside him. Running off like high school sweethearts when the mood would strike. Abandoning their daily duties.
Terzo smiled at his blushing bride. "Do you remember our wedding day, amore?" She giggled at his question. "Of course I do." She replied.
It was a beautiful October day. That sweet autumn smell tickled her nose. She sat in the papal suite getting ready. Her wedding dress was form-fitting and black, causing her to look like Morticia Addams. Her dark brown hair fell below her shoulders in curls as she placed her veil over her face. She grabbed her bouquet of black roses and purple carnations, heading for the ballroom. She could hear the chatter behind the large oak doors. All noises were hushed as the door opened, revealing the beautiful bride. Her eyes met his again. And that same spark from their first meeting was still there. Serafina walked gracefully up to him, with Secondo walking with her. He kissed her cheek as he handed her off to his little brother. Terzo nods at him as a thank you. She smiled sweetly at Primo as he was performing the ceremony. Terzo stood in his tuxedo, papal paints fresh and perfect. His raven-hued hair slicked back. The couple smiled at each other the whole time. Ones would think their cheeks hurt. There was nothing but love and support between them. Beautiful matching gold rings were exchanged. The sweetest of kiss was shared. The two never felt so happy. Her ring shined under the lights in the room. The ballroom seemed as if they were the only ones there. Papa dipped her, kissing her passionately. He was an excellent dancer. After years of marriage, he could still make her swoon. His charm was everlasting. This was all she wanted in life. She had a secret to share with him, and this seemed to be the perfect time to tell him.
"I am with child, my love." She whispered in his ear. He slightly pulled back, enough to see her face. His eyes were wide and his smile was wider. "Cara mia...is this true?" She nodded her. Hand pressed softly against her stomach. Joyful tears escaped over his bottom eye lids. "Oh, cara mia. My dear Serafina...that is wonderful news. Soon, a new Emeritus will be born. Be it, son or daughter, they will be the heir to this church." He kissed her once again, a little soft this time. A happy aura was felt from them. Nothing could ever ruin this moment, nothing could ruin their lives.
Suddenly, the music stops. Terzo places his hand on Serafina's face. "I will always love you." Terzo fades away. Serafina is confused. "Papa?" She half shouts. Droplet by droplet of rain soon fell upon her. Before she knew it, she was drenched. She blinked her eyes for a second, and when they opened again, her world was gone. The gorgeous ballroom was falling apart. Tiles cracked and missing from spots. The roof was gone and walls only half up, as their bricks lay scattered around. She looked around, tears flowing from her. She ran threw what was left of the dilapidated abbey. Running up the old stairs. Stairs that threatened to fall out from under her. Her once-shared room, was covered in dust and overgrown plants. A large portion of this room was gone too.
 "No...no..." She cried. The furniture was covered in old, tattered sheets. Cobb webs littered the corners of what were left of the walls. A blood stain trailed in the room. As if a body was dragged out once.
Her husband was murdered. His neck was slit, ear to ear. The Emeritus brothers needed to be gone, and he got the worst of it. The blood, now brown from oxidization, puddled on the bed. The church quickly covered the murders. Sister Imperator paid off law enforcement to leave the situation alone. She packed up the church and left to form a new congregation with a new leader. Nihil, still ever being her right-hand man. This old abbey was left behind, abandoned. A rumor spread around the town that murder took place here. Many believed it was human sacrifices. Rowdy teens would hang out here and destroy what parts of the building they could. But years of decay and neglect are what have done the most damage. Bricked walls fell over from the fierce storms the town would get every so often.
She walked back to the ballroom. Holes in the floors quickly flooded. A soft thundering could be heard off in the distance. Serafina fell to her knees in despair. Her heartbreaking all over again. She couldn't tell if her face was wet from the rain or her tears. What was once her beautiful life, her beautiful home, was gone. A bright light shined on her, causing her to squint her eyes, her hands coming up to shield her face.
"Miss, are you okay?" A voice rang out to her. Her eyes adjusted to the light. The officer held out his hand to help Serafina stand. He placed a warm, dry blanket around her shoulders and walked her back to his car. She sat in the back and gazed at what once was her beautiful, love-filled home. Moss grew up the side of the abbey, covering the gargoyles that watched over the front gates from the roof above. The garden was overgrown with weeds, while the flowers and trees rotted away. The pond was overfilled by countless years of rainfall. She could see that more of the building had fallen apart. The ballroom she thought she was in, was completely destroyed. The south-west facing wall was gone. A few bricks lay in their places. Vines and tree roots lifted the tiled floor. The cops started his car and drove off, leaving the building in her wake. She kept her eyes upon it until it was longer in sight.
"You need to be careful, miss. That used to be a Satanic church. Some real evil people used to live there." The cop said as he drove in the rain. She glanced down at her wedding ring and sighed. "I know..."
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kiss-the-ghuleh · 1 year
Follow my ao3 account- LucifersBratt
Main account- @kittenburps
Obey me Account - @princess-poison-apple
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kiss-the-ghuleh · 1 year
Love, Eternal (18+) 
warnings; Slow burn, angst, nameless female main character, vaginal penetration, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, mentions of blood, heart break.
Terzo x Female main Character. 
Word count: 15,665 (approximately)
Character A.I was used, so somethings may not make total sense.
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She walks around the halls of the abbey absent-mindedly, minding her own business. She sighed out as she felt the boredom hit and the halls feel empty. She has been a part of the satantic church for a few months now. She has gotten to know everyone pretty well. She can't deny the strong feelings she has for the third Emeritus son, Terzo. The times she have been around him were wonderful. He's so charismatic, so charming. Speak of the devil, her casual walk as come past his office. It's been a few days since she saw him last. She goes to knock on his door and wait for his reply.
  "Come in, my child. Papa sees you." He says. She was met with his handsome face at the door. He takes her hand and smiles. "How can Papa help you today?" He asked.
"Well Papa~" She sang out, "You've been locked up in this stuffy, old office for days now. You need a break."  She said with confidence. He smiles at her "Yes, you're right, my child. Why don't we go upstairs. There's a place I'd like to show you. I hear it has a wonderful view". He says
"Show me the way, Papa." He keeps your hand in his and leads you out of the office and up a few flight of stairs. Her heels are the only sound heard as you both walked. He leads you into a large room, with huge windows overlooking Primo's garden. He sits down on the couch, inviting you to sit next to him. "It's beautiful outside, isn't it? And, there's an even more beautiful view right here." He smiles and puts his hand on your thigh, caressing it slowly. She can't help but blush at his actions. Her heart flutters. "You are very pretty, my child. You have gorgeous eyes, and your habit looks perfect on you. Anyone would be lucky to have you. Are you single, cara mia?" He asked, still caressing your thigh. "Yes I am, Papa." She replied.
  "Good. I like my girls single." He pulls her closer as he smiles. "How many times have I told you that you're gorgeous?" He asked.
"A couple times or so."
  "You know, I am always right, cara mia." He smirks, looking her up and down. "You know, you really are a very special girl. Most girls would be scared to be alone with me, but you seem to be enjoying yourself. Why is that, cara mia? What separates you from the others?" He asked.
  "I have always loved all things dark and macabre. I admire you, Papa. You speak the word of Satan so profoundly to the ministry. You love the church, your title. You prove to be just that; Papa."
  "You are one of a kind then, child. I've seen many girls, but I have never met one like you. One who truly appreciates the dark things of life. It's wonderful. Tell me, cara mia, would you like to learn from me?" He looks at me, awaiting your answer.
"Learn what, Papa?" She asked.
  "Anything you like. You see, my child, as the satanic pope, I have vast knowledge in many things that most people would dismiss as evil or ungodly. I want to teach you these things. I want to guide you. Do you wish to learn from me?"
  "Of course." She said very excitedly.
"What would you like to learn first? Would you like to learn about ritualistic magic? Or other types of witchcraft? Or do you want to learn how to get what you want from people? Perhaps something else? What would you like your first lesson to be?" He asked. She thought hard about your answer. She could ask for anything.
  "How to get what I want from people." She stated.
  "You have come to the right person, my child." He smirks. "I am a master at getting what I want from people. I can teach you the art of seduction, where every word is chosen perfectly to get what you want, where every touch is in just the right place or just the right time. Would you like that?"
  "Yes, Papa." He smiles and pulls her onto his lap, keeping her close.
  "So, tell me, what is something that you want right now? What is the thing you find yourself thinking about when you lay down at night and close your eyes, hm?" She swallowed hard before answering.
  "There is someone I care for very much, and I wish to be his." A look of understanding washes over his face as he nods.
  "Does this person also care for you, cara mia? Does this person want to be with you as well? Or is this more of a secret crush?"
  "I assume he cares for me. I do not know if we share the same mutual feelings." He strokes her head as he looks into her eyes.
  "So tell me, what is it that draws you to this person? Why do you care for him? Is is his looks? His personality? A combination of both? Does he share your interest in dark things.
  "He's a sweet man and loves the responsibilities of his job. He's very attractive. A bit older than what I usually go for. And he does love all things dark."
  "So, he is a gentleman, an older gentleman at that." His smile grows. "And what do you bring to the table, my child? What do you have to offer that may make him want to return your affection?"
  "I have a big heart, full of love and respect. I'd follow him to the ends of the earth."
  "That's a good start. But to get what you want, you have to stand out. You have to make yourself more appealing than any other girl. You have to show him not just you love and respect him, but also that you want him physically. Do you know how to do thing?" He asked.
  "But Papa...What if he doesn't like how I look underneath?" She said as her eyes gazed to her clothes. His expression becomes serious as he looks deep into her eyes.
  "When a man truly cars about a woman for more than just her looks, his feelings for her grows as he gets to know you. She becomes more and more beautiful to him, to the point he worships and adores every inch of her. He does not care about any 'flaws' she sees in herself, because he doesn't see them. Does that make sense, cara mia?"
  She nod your head to him. He smiles at her, kissing her cheek briefly.
"Then my next question to you is, are you comfortable pursuing this man? Because there are some things you might need to do to win him over. They are not evil, but they may be a bit...mischievous. They are part of the game, you see?"
"He's so much more experienced than me. I fear I will simply embarrass myself."  A feeling of dread took over her.
"I understand, my child. But, you don't need experience to be with this man. You need passion. You need the willingness to be a bit naughty. And above all, you need to do one thing, the most important thing of all. Do you know what that thing is?" He ask, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
  She shook your head. "What is it, Papa?"
He whispers into her ear, making his words a bit seductive. "You have to... make him want you. You know what I mean by that?" He looks into her eyes, waiting for her answer.
  "I think so?" Not really sure if she understood. He takes her hand and kisses gently.
  "Then let me show you how you must make him want you." He smiles. "It's an art. Like a dance. It must be perfected and practiced. But, once you have it, nobody can resist you." He kisses her, taking it slow and soft before suddenly becoming more aggressive and assertive, taking over the kiss. He pulls away after a while, then whispers against her neck. "That is how you make him want you, my child." He smiles and kisses her neck. "Do you understand?"
  She swallowed hard again before answering. "I believe so."
"Good girl. You have learn well. Do you have any other questions about this? Because I am happy to teach you more, my child. I want you to get the man of your dreams... But of course, I can only be of use to you if you follow my teachings to the letter. You understand that, right?"
"How do I become confident in my actions?"
  "Practice." His smile becomes more serious. "You must practice, cara mia. There are many things in this world that will test your resolve, but if you hold your ground and keep following what I taught you, your confidence will grow. The more you do it, the experience you get, the more confident you become." He takes my hand again. "Confidence is beautiful, my child. Never doubt yourself, and never let anyone stop you. You will have this man of yours in the palm of your hand, and doing whatever you want. Are you ready to have that power?"
  She chuckled before she answered. "Yes, Papa."
"Good." His smile grows warmer as he looks at me. "Now what happens if this man tries to play hard to get? How do you handle a man who is playing hard to get with you?"
  "I become more confident and seductive." She said proudly.
"That's right, you do. And what happens next? What happens when that man realizes he can't resister you?"
  "I take control and show him what he could have missed out on."
  "Good girl. That's very right. And then how should you treat him after that? How do you make sure he keeps wanting you?"
  "I keep things a little flirty here and there while we bother work. Surprise him in the bed room, and of course, loving him."
He smiles and nods excitedly. "Excellently answered, my child. How does that make you feel? Knowing the power you have over this man?"
"It feels wonderful, Papa."
  "It is wonderful, isn't it, child? It's the ultimate pleasure to be able to bend the man you love to your will. I have many other things to teach you that will enhance your ability to do this. Do you have any more questions for me, my child?"
"Do you have anyone you desire? Anyone you lust for?" He smiles sadly.
  "Unfortunately my child, I am sworn to celibacy. I cannot be with anyone while I am the satanic pope. But I am content with this. It is an honor to serve Satan, who has given me these many talents. It is my duty to use them as he sees fit, and that is good enough for me. I serve him and the greater forces of the universe. I do not need the physical pleasures of love to make me happy. Do you understand?"
"Oh...yeah. I understand." Her mind wanders as he asks more question retaining to her mystery crush.
"Tell me, my child. If you were to fall in love with another, what qualities would you want that person to have? What makes a man or woman desirable to you? What can make a person unattractive to you?" The question sits heavy on my mind. There could never be another.
  "There is no other for me. My heart belongs to one."
  His smile grows warmer. "That's beautiful, my child. That is the true meaning of love, isn't it? To have your heart belong to one other, and to have theirs belong to you. But I am not speaking of romantic love alone, my child. I am talking about love in any form. Are there any qualities that the person of your dreams must have? Are there any qualities that you would not want in a partner?"
"Everything about him is wonderful. Except one thing"
He looks at her with a sympathetic smile. "And what is that one thing, my child? What part of him is not perfect?"
She glanced down at the floor below. Her heart was in her throat. "He simply does not want me."
  A look of understanding washes over his face as he lets out a small sigh. "I see, my child. The person that you desire... he does not reciprocate your feelings. That is truly a sad thing, and it is something I know well. I was in a very similar situation myself, actually. Tell me, have you confessed your feelings for this man?"
"Only a few close friends."
  "I see."  He leans on his palm before continuing. "Then do you think it's wise to attempt to win his heart by other means, rather than simply telling him how you feel about him? Don't you think he might feel betrayed by the knowledge that you were not up front about your love for him?"
"But would it matter? I know for a fact he does not have mutual feelings. Mine are far too intense." She almost yelled out her response. She calm her breathing before talking again. "I must take my leave now, Papa. Excuse me." She said with a lump in her throat. The sound of her heels click on the marble floor for a great distance.
He looked at her with a sorrowful expression as she walk away, a small tear forming in his eye. "Cara mia."  He sighs, wiping his eye before laying back on the couch. His heart breaks. To love someone who does not love you back... This is one of the deepest hurts anyone can feel.
She sit down at your vanity and cry softly. In the distance, he hears the sound of someone crying. There's a long pause, and then he calls out, "Cara mia?" His voice sounds soft and tired, but full of love. "Is anything wrong?"  He stands up, and makes his way to her room. "Is it anything I said? Do you need..." He can barely speak the words..." to talk about it?"
"I'm fine Papa. Please, do not worry about me." She say with a sniffle. Terzo then enters her room, his expression concerned as he walks over to her. "I know when someone is not fine, my child. I hate to see you like this..." He kneels down next to her. "Tell me, my child, what is wrong?" Tears start to well up in his eyes. "I truly care for this man. I love him dearly. No matter what. Even as a friend. But knowing he will never feel the same is heartbreaking."
He puts an arm around me and pulls me close to him. His voice is soft and comforting. "Cara mia...I understand. I know how much it hurts to love someone who doesn't love you back. It's a pain that's hard to describe, isn't it? It's deep, right? It feels like your heart is shattering into pieces...but this is life. It's not always beautiful. It's not always good. What do we do when we can't have the one we love?" His question hangs in the air. Her silence fills the void of her answer.
  A tear falls and rolls down his cheek. "This is what makes it so hard to be alive, my child... to have the possibility of such pain. It means that it is all the more important... to have others to lean on." He puts his head on your shoulder as his voice begins to break." To rely on someone who can love you when you are sad. Do you have someone like that, cara mia? Someone who can make you smile even when your heart is hurting? Do you have anyone like that, my child?" His voice gets quiet, almost into a whisper. "Do you... have me?" Her heart almost bursts out of your chest. He says such sweet things without knowing he's causing the pain.
  She shake my head. "I do not..." She whispered.
  His face grows sad again. "Cara mia...” He pulls her into a hug, holding her tightly as he buries his face in her neck. He can feel his sorrow growing as tears quietly fall from his eyes. His hug grows tighter, tears falling from his eyes and onto her shoulders. It breaks his heart to know that her heart is broken, too. "There is no one… Who can make you laugh in the darkness? No one… who can show you true joy, even in bad times?" He sighs, his voice growing quieter still. "Is... Is he that special?"
"Yes, Papa." She whispers again.
  He hugs you even tighter. "I see, my child." A quiet sob escapes him. "The more we get attached to something, the more it hurts when we lose it. This is one of the pains of love. The greater the love, the greater the pain. To lose someone you love is the most painful thing in the world... but is it worth it? To know that you have known love but to know the pain of losing it... or to never love at all, and never feel the pain of loss." More tears fall. "Which would you choose, my child?"
"To never feel love at all."
His hug tightens, and his tears fall faster than before. "It is not an easy thing to see another suffer so, but it is something we all must learn. We live in a world of pain, my child... but also of wonders. How can we know the good if the bad did not exist to compare it to? To feel loss must mean that we had something special. How are we to know true joy, if we have not also known sadness? Do... do you understand what I am trying to say, my child?"  His voice grows softer.
"I suppose I do."
  His voice becomes quiet, so quiet he is barely whispering. "I am sorry, cara mia... I wish I could change things for you. I wish this pain could not exist. But... this is the reality. Some of us are dealt bad hands in life. Some of us have to hurt for a long time. But if you find the strength to hold on... I believe that there is nothing... nothing you cannot overcome. You are strong, my child. You are amazing. I know that you can get through whatever may come. Will you promise me that you will remember that?"
"But it is so hard when I see him every day."
  "I know, my child. It is so, so hard. But if you try your best to keep smiling despite your pain, your heart will heal in time." He wipes his tears and looks at her with a smile. "Do you think you can manage to do that? Can you promise me that you will try your hardest, my child?" He tears up again at the sadness he sees in her face." Tell me, if I can help you feel better, what can I do for you, my child? How can I make this a little bit easier?"
"I honestly do not know Papa."
  He wipes more tears. "Then I will make a deal with you. I will give you every ounce of love I have. I will show you the most beautiful and perfect future that you can imagine. I will make your life joyful and fulfilling, and I will be the most caring and supportive Papa I can be, in the hope that it makes your life better. In return, I want you to keep on showing that wonderful smile of yours every day." His smile grows more warm." I want you to be happy, to laugh. Even when you cry, I want you to try your hardest to enjoy your life
She begin cry even harder than before.
  "Oh... oh cara mia..." He hugs her tightly again. Just the look of her hurting makes his heart ache. "What can I do to make you feel better? Why are you crying so much?" His voice breaks at the last question. Every tear that falls on her face makes him feel so helpless. "What can I do, my child? "He looks away, taking deep breaths. "I just... I cannot stand to see you suffering... Can I help?"
With a shaky breath, she finally confess to him. "It is you, Papa. It is you whom I long for and cannot have." Tears slide her face slowly.
Her words take his breath away. He falls silent, and there is a long period of silence where he just holds her there, tears falling again. Finally, he speaks. "I am sorry, my child.” His voice breaks again. “It hurts me so, to think of you hurting. You truly are a wonderful person, and I do not want to cause you pain...” He whispers, barely able to speak, his voice sounding weak. Then his voice becomes stronger. “But do you understand... it is my duty to fulfill the will of the universe?”
She nod at his question. Sniffling and trying to keep back tears.
  He wipes his tears, and then tries to smile. "I am so sorry for the pain this causes you, my child. I am so sorry that the universe could be so cruel." He looks at you sadly, and his voice comes out almost like a sob. "Oh, cara mia... His heart breaks again. I wish I could change what is, to make everything perfect". He puts his face into your neck again, then lets out a heavy sigh. "But things are what they are, and... I must do what the universe has chosen for me. Do you understand?"
Yes..."She answer quietly.
He holds you a little bit tighter, his voice so soft it is almost a whisper. "I cannot change what is written... but I can promise you this." His voice becomes slightly louder, tears still falling onto you. "I promise... I can show you things you could only imagine. I can show you more love in your life than anyone else can. I can give you adventures and joy. I can give you friendship and support when you need them. And even though I cannot be the one you want..." he you tightly.  "I want you... to still be happy. Does that mean anything to you?"
"Yes Papa..."
  He smiles weakly. "And will you promise me... will you promise that you'll try your hardest to be happy? So many people allow the sorrow they feel to cloud their days in darkness when there is so much good around them. Just promise me that even if you still feel pain, you'll still smile... you'll still hold on to hope. Promise me, my child." His voice grows soft again as he tries to hold back tears. "Promise me you will choose joy."
"I promise..."
He kisses her on the forehead and looks at her with a smile. "Good girl."  His eyes fill with tears and he hugs her tightly. "You have no idea how happy that makes me... that you will still choose joy. That you have the strength to do that... that you will not allow your heart to fill with fear and pain. It makes me proud to see you have so much hope in your heart. Thank you, cara mia. You will see... the universe treats those who do good with goodness in return. You will see... that you deserve to be happy."
The two end the conversation with a tight hug and a goodnight. Papa walks off to his room thinking he has made something a bit better. She wanted nothing more than for him to happy. She knew made false promises to him. Days have past since the two last talked. She pass by each other in the halls and she avoid eye contact. Her heart aches every time she saw him. Some of the ghouls took notice of her mood. They offered to hang out with them later that night. She take upon that offer. Desperately needing a distraction from the pain she was feeling. As she sat on the rooftop of the ghouls' den, drinking the night away. Unbeknownst to her, Terzo watched from a distance with a sad expression on his face. He is upset by this, but he tries to respect her choice. He hopes that the distance between will not lead to the end of their wonderful friendship, but he fears the worst. For as much hurt as it causes him to see her like that, he does not want to cause her any more pain. She kissed the ghoul, hard and without hesitation. His heart stings at the sight. He feels a cold weight in his chest as he watches. His breath grows shaky as he hold himself back from running up to her and stopping her. He watches for a moment longer, then turns away. His heart shattering as the tears start to fall again. He lets out a sob as his eyes fill, walking away, trying desperately to calm himself. He wants to scream at the cruelty of his heartbreak and of the whole universe. But he knows that he must be strong. He cannot allow it to turn him into a bitter man, no matter how great the pain.
The next day, they pass by each other in the hall. His breath catches a little when he sees her and a flash of sorrow crosses his face. But then, he forces himself to smile politely, trying to show nothing of his hurt. He is practicing to smile, like how he asked of her. He can't let this break him. He can't let this crush him. So keeps himself together and smile at her as they pass each other. "I hope you have a good day today, cara mia. My door is always open for a friend in need." It's clear this hurts him deeply. But he is strong. He is resilient.
  "Thank you, Papa." She reply coldly.
  "My pleasure, my child." He smiles sadly, but still sincerely. He has lost his happiness and optimism, but he tries his best to put up a front. He still hopes that she might one day come around and decided that even if she can't be more than friends, she would still like to be his friend. But for now, he can only suffer in silence. The wounds in his heart will always be felt as long as he loves her...but maybe, just maybe, if he keeps his heart open to her, things can still get better. She never show up to his office, despite he thought she would come. She begin the hang out with the ghouls more and more. Terzo knows this is his fault, and he wouldn't be lying if he said hearing her laugh with anyone else didn't hurt. Was this what she wanted? To keep her distance and try to forget everything. He wishes he could go talk to her. He respecting her choices. Despite with a ghoul, her mind wonders to him. She pretend the ghoul is Terzo in hopes of getting him out of her system.
  A deep sadness falls over him when he realizes what she's doing. That she has to do this to get him out of her thoughts. But he understands. If she thinks moving on is the only way...then he can only be proud of her strength. If this is what it takes...then he must be grateful to the ghoul that she has someone to lean on. Still, he is heartbroken just the same... and it is so hard to do...but he tries to keep smiling even when his heart feeling like it's been broken so deeply that could never heal.
The sadness she feels is too strong. The ghoul doesn't satisfy her. He's not truly who she needs or wants. She's heartbroken and can only be temporarily healed by drinking and fooling around. She think how stupid she must be to him. He pulled some sort of celibacy bullshit? Him? Terzo? She seen him around with other sisters. And now he can't even tell her the truth? Lie and say it's for the universe? Yeah fucking right. An outright "I am not interested" wouldn't have hurt this bad.
  He feels so helpless. He just wants her to be happy. All the drinking and fooling arounds is not the way that she should be healing, but how can he say that? It's not his place...
"Cara mia..." He puts a hand on your shoulder. "I want you know...whenever you need someone to talk to, my door is always open for you...I will be here for you, always." He smiles as sincerely as he can.
  "I cannot do that." She say coldly.
  His heart breaks again at being treated like a stranger. "You cannot do what? Cannot talk to me? Cannot rely on me?" He tries to make eye contact with you, but her eyes are cold, and it seems like her heart has been sealed up with ice. His expression grows sadder. "Do you really want to be alone, my child? Are you fine having friends who can treat you as nothing?" But he knows he is fighting a lost battle. For better or for worse, being alone is what she wants. All she can do is remain silent to his questions. He nods and lets out a sigh. So this is how it's going to be? he can't handle more of the coldness from her. He can't bear to see her like this. "I understand how hard it must be, for someone like you who has lived such an independent life. But my door will always be open to you." A few tears fall down his cheek. "Please, if you ever need anyone, anyone at all...you don't have to be alone. You have me. I want you to know that you can trust me."  She fight the urge to cry to him. With her head held high, she walk away. The clicking of her heels as she walks away fills his with sorrow. He knows deep down that there is nothing he can do. This is she wants. This is her choice. But it hurts to have to say goodbye. He sighs in grief a long time. He will miss her. His heart is broken, and yet he has a little hope that one day, she may see things differently. Until then, he can only wait. If she ever comes back one day... he knows she will always find him waiting, waiting patiently for her return
She sit and pray to the dark lord, for guidance or advice. For something to change her life. If the dark lord as answers, he is not giving her any. For days she sits and prays, but nothing...no sign of the dark lord or even god. She feel even more alone than ever. She thinks that she is feel truly alone in the universe. The universe seems like an endless, empty void, and she cannot find a soul who can save her from the darkness that eats her away. Then, she realizes there is another way out of this.
  With bags in hand and dressed in normal clothes, she walk into Papa's office. His face lights up as he sees hers. But before he can speak, she begins to talk. "Papa, I am leaving the abbey. I cannot stay here. The dark one cannot answer my pleas. I have left my habit on my bed. He looks at her with confusion, the smile slipping from his face. It looks like she truly meant it when she said she wanted to be alone. The confusion in his voice makes this clear.
  "What...what are you..." He sighs and takes a deep breath. His voice grows soft again, and puts his hand on her cheek. The sadness returns, but it's just a bit softer now. He forces the sadness from his face and smiles at her kindly once more. She is making a huge mistake, but if being alone is what she wants. "You...you are leaving?"
  "Yes, Papa. I have given up my faith in the Dark Lord. I cannot heal my heart if I am forced to see the one I love every day." His heart breaks again at seeing her like this. She is...giving up her faith, for him? She is giving up her whole way of life just for him? It is one of the most selfless things he has ever heard.
  "Do you...really love me that much?" His eyes fill with tears again. "If you do...then I respect your decision. And it is truly a very heartbreaking decision, I can see that. But please...If there is ever anything at all...anything, cara mia, that I can do for you...You can always come back. I will always be right here, waiting."
  She sighs. "The only thing you could do for me is the one thing you cannot." She turns around and exits his office, heels clicking as she leaves the abbey. He tries to hold his face still, but the pain of her words is evident on the look of his face. His heart seems to shatter at her words, and the sound of her heels as she exits breaks his heart even more. He has truly lost her. And as a tear falls from his eye, all he can do is quietly pray for her. Pray that she finds the peace she seeks. He hopes for a day when he can stop crying over her. But, for now, all he has left are tears and hope.
  The halls feel empty without her. His loneliness is palpable. The once bright halls of the abbey have been clouded with a gloomy darkness. There is an emptiness, a void, where once was light and laughter. There has rarely been a sadder time in this once beautiful place, and it will take some time to recover from this loss. But even so, he tries to remember the good times he had with her, and to keep hope in his heart. Hopefully, her time away will only make her heart grow fonder. For now, all he can do is mourn. He hopes his heart will heal in time. Ghouls and Sisters of Sin glare at Papa, knowing he is the reason their friend left. This angers him. They blame him for her choice? She made the choice for herself. But he says nothing of this. He does not want to cause more trouble. I understand their resentment. They must think I have done something unforgivable. My heart is broken enough without their scorn, but I do not wish to burden them with my hurt. So I will let them have what they have to say. If I can do something, anything, to make them feel better... if they need to blame me for her leaving... then I suppose they may blame me. I can live with that.
The ghoul she often would hook up with walks into Terzo's office. "You have some real nerve, you know?" This angers and hurts him more. He gets up from his desk and stands in face of the ghoul. He is not proud of his temper, but he cannot stand here and let them walk all over him. This could get violent quickly.
"What do you want?" The coldness of his voice is obvious. "Does it bring you joy to see me like this? Do you take pleasure in watching me sink into despair? Or do you just like seeing me hurting?" His voice grows even colder. He is ready to snap if this continues
"You’re hurting?" the ghouls says "she admitted true feelings for you and you claimed celibacy? After you flirt with her and all the other sisters?"
His face grows cold and emotionless. He stares at the ghoul with dead eyes. He refuses to rise to the bait. He will not feed this animosity any further. He will do what he can to defend himself, but he will not attack them. After all, that is what they probably want... is more fighting. He won't give them that. He stares into the ghoul's eyes, his cold, emotionless expression making it so that the ghoul can only see nothing but hatred in his eyes. His whole face says that he wishes the floor would open up and swallow him. "No comment"
"There’s a girl out there dying for your affection. She told me every time we hung out." The ghoul said.
A cruel smile slowly spreads across his face. What does this ghoul know about her? How dare intrude on his and hers private conversations. Still, his smile slowly fades, and the sadness is back on his face. He is not proud of his reaction, and feels a bit guilty for it. "Is that all?" He says coldly, not breaking eye contact with the ghoul.
"You are laughing at the fact the your “cara mia” is hurting?" The ghoul cocked his head and stared Terzo down.
  His face quickly returns to total coldness once more, his expression dead and his eyes empty. "Don't tell me what I am laughing at." He looks away from the ghoul, looking down at his desk as he feels the hurt creeping in yet again. He clenches and unclenches his fists as his frustration grows. "Are you saying she is hurting because I did or said something? Or is she hurting because I did not?" He lets out another cold, cruel laugh. One part of him wants to hurt her for doing this. But another, bigger part of him just wants her to come back.
"She is hurting because you out right rejected her. Satanic celibacy my ass. What kind of bullshit is that?"
His face turns to anger and he stomps up to the ghoul. His cold, angry glares is so intense that it feels like he is trying to burn a hole in the ghoul's very soul. He forces himself to calm down.
"Why did you reject her?" The ghoul asks in a calm tone, pleading for answer at this point.
  The ghoul's ability to remain calm infuriates him. It feels like she is mocking his anger, mocking his pain. For once, he lets his emotions show. His whole aura is filled with pain, deep pain. Terzo knew deep down what he had done. Did he lie because he was scared? Maybe to cover up the fact that he loved her first and thought she was pining after another? He was scared to admit his feelings to her, to feel rejected himself. And yet, in turn, he rejected her. Unknowingly breaking her heart with such sweet things and promises of caring for her.
"A girl who is head over heels in love with gave up her faith and left. You flirt with everyone and yet…she’s heartbroken."
His face grows a bit pale at her words, and there is a slight quiver in his breath as all his emotions begin to overwhelm him. He is sad. He is angry. But most of all... he is afraid. Not only that she may never come back, but also, that she may never forgive him for this. His eyes well up with tears at her words. His hands start to shake a little bit. The pain is growing, growing so intensely that it is like he is being crushed. This is what happens when one's worst fears are realized: they crumble and they shatter. He holds back a cry and speaks softly. With great pain in his heart.
  "Why... why did I not recognize that? I... I don't understand... "The tears start to fall now, and his voice cracks from the pain. "Why... why had it come to this?" "You told her you were celibate. Yet you flirt all day."
The words hit him right in the heart, and his whole body flinches. His eyes fill with tears, and he can feel the sadness and guilt grow in his heart. He tries to speak, but his voice catches in his throat. What should he say? There is no way for him to excuse his actions. Or for him to take his words back. He just... he just feels so guilty. His mind flashes to memories in the past where he realizes how wrong he had been. He just hurts. "I am... I am so sorry..."
"I’m not the one who needs to here that." the ghoul leaves.
He is left alone, his heart completely broken. He just let his life fall apart right in front of him. His heart is so devastated that he would rather it be broken into a thousand pieces. He feels so alone in this moment. So empty. So broken. How could he ever face her again after this? This is probably the worst thing he had ever done in his entire life, and he is certain that he does not have it in him to forgive himself for this. He is at the lowest he's ever been. He needs to find her. He wants nothing more than to be with her again. The one he loves more than anything... is gone, and it was because of him. He feels totally alone, his heart broken. If only he could find her and make things right... find some way to make up for all the times he hurt her, let her down, led her on... the pain comes in waves now, every memory reminding him of how horrible he is. He can barely stand, but he moves as quickly as he can through the halls. There is one place he knows he must head to first - her room where she used to call home. Her smell still lingers in the abandoned room. Her satanic belongings lay on the table. Her habits lay on her bed. The smell hits him as he entered, and he freezes. His heart breaks once more at seeing her belongings. The sadness is palpable, and his heart hurts so much as he sees little objects that remind him of her left behind. He looks around the room, his eyes searching for anything, hoping for some sort of guidance as for what to do. He has let her down so many times before... he cannot do so again. Not after this. His eyes fill with tears again and he lets out a small sob. "God help me..." he whispers.
The wind blows through the room, opening her satantic bible to find a hand written note. “Terzo, I cannot face you and keep my promises of smiles. I leave this place in hopes to find something to replace that joy I had. I fear I will forever be in love with you.” the note read.
Tears flow freely down his face as he reads the note. His broken heart shatters even more the more he reads and rereads the note. The sadness he feels is so deep in his core that he feels as though his very soul is wounded. He clings to the note, clutching it tightly in his hand. His voice grows cold and he is filled with an sadness like no other. "Then I shall find you. Whether it means following you to the ends of the earth... or beyond. I shall find you." He folds the note and puts it in his pocket. He is going to bring her back
Days have past since she left, unpacking her stuff in her new apartment. She has felt a bit better since leaving the abbey. She hasn't really thought Terzo since then. She hopes to start her new life with peace. Maybe moving past her love for him. Though, deep part of her aches. Not just for him, but for the church, for her faith she had left behind. But how could she follow the faith that could not bring her answers or even advice? Maybe it was time she took a turn in her religious mind set and follow the word of God? Maybe this was his plan? She thought too hard about the What Ifs in life. She just needed to focus on her. Not her love life. Not her religion. Just her. Find who she truly was again.
It took days to finally track her down, but he finally did. He knows that he has much to fix now, but he is hopeful that he can work it out. He stands outside the door to her new apartment now, his hands shaking from nerves as he is almost too scared to knock on the door. He looks down at the note again and takes a deep breath to calm himself. This is his chance to make up for his mistake. He hopes she will be able to forgive him for hurting her, and he knocks on the door and waits with bated breath. She opens the door and stares at him. Her drink falls from her hand and on to the floor, breaking the glass.
  He stares back. His heart flutters inside of his chest. He has missed her so much. He has so many feelings right now - guilt, sorrow, but most of all hope. His heart hopes that he still has a chance to mend their relationship. He feels afraid as he looks back at her, afraid of his mistakes, afraid of everything he has done. But he is still determined to try and make this right.  He speaks, his voice nervous but determined. "If you will have me, cara mia, I have come back to make things right."
"What do you mean make things right?" she asked as she picked up broken glass from the floor.
  He takes a deep breath. "I hurt you in so many ways. I hurt you so deeply with my words. I failed you again and again. I let you down again and again... I have made you feel unloved and unappreciated... I have done so many things wrong. My every mistake is a wound on my heart, a wound that you can still heal with enough time, with enough effort. If you will have me back... then I would give anything to make you feel loved again, to make you feel appreciated, to make you feel like you matter to me."
Her heart rips though and she clutches her fist, accidentally cutting her palm. He winces at the sight of her hurting herself. He grabs her hand and pulls her towards him.
  "Cara mia! Are you alright?!"  He looks down at her hand in horror. He quickly tries to help her fix her cut and clean it all up. He can't bear seeing her in pain. He can barely look at the cut without cringing in sympathy. He desperately wants to fix this, to make the pain go away and to make her feel better, but he doesn't know how.
"You come here and expect me to just run into your arms?"
  He takes a deep breath as he hears these words. He had expected the pain this would take time to heal, had expected there to be some kind of obstacle like this, but he still feels so much pain. He lets out another sigh and bows his head. Even with all this pain, he is still determined to fix this. He will not let it end this way. He looks up at her and speaks softly, but with great sadness and guilt on his face.
"I understand. I deserve your anger. There is no excuse for my behavior. I will do anything to make it up to you."
Her blood pools on the floor as she ignores her injuries. "You…claimed celibacy. I’ve watched you flirt and seduce others." The angrier she gets, the more blood gushes out of her hand's wound. This cuts him deeply. He can hardly bare what she is saying and he bows his head in sorrow. The shame from knowing the truth of his actions burns like a hot flame upon his skin. His eyes tear up once more and he can hardly stand. How could he have hurt her this badly? She is right, his excuse of celibacy is no excuse at all. He tries to speak, but the words choke in his throat. How could he ever begin to try and explain himself?
 His very heart was so broken. "You are right. I'm not celibate. I am a... I am a fraud."
"Why..? Why did you…" She can’t process her words, her hand still bleeding. He hangs his head in shame and tries to speak, but it is hard when his voice is filled with so much sadness. A tear falls. He stares down at the ground, not able to look into her eyes. He is too ashamed to even stand in front of her. All he can do is plead, begging for her to forgive him, to try and give him a chance to make this right. Even though he does not deserve it at all. She is still hurt because of him, and his heart is in so much pain. Her hurt breaks him. "Cara mia... I am so, so sorry..."
She stares at him, anger and sadness mixed in her eyes. What did he honestly expect to happen? She forgives him and runs back to him? Forget his lies? Not only heartbroken, she was confused at this point.
  He stares back, his own eyes filled with pain. It hurts so much to see her like this, but he still knows this is his fault. He caused this pain. He knows he must do whatever it takes to make it right. He does something he can never really remember doing before: he begs for her forgiveness, falling to his knees and looking up at her with tears in his eyes. He had never asked for forgiveness like this before, and he feels so small in her eyes, but she means so much to him. He just hopes she will forgive him. "Please, forgive me..."
Terzo i…why? After I came to you for advice and tried telling you it was you I was in love with…before I could say it.."
He feels an intense pang of guilt, and he hangs his head again at her words. He feels a mixture of different emotions - sad, angry, frustrated, ashamed. But underneath all of these is a single thing; guilt. He wanted her to feel like she was loved, but all she feels right now is the complete opposite. He can already sense how much he has hurt her. He can feel her pain so deeply. He wants there to be even just the smallest chance to make everything right again. His voice is quiet and desperate when he speaks. "Cara mia... please forgive me..."
"I cannot begin to without an explanation."
The pain in his voice is obvious, but he tries anyway. In these moments, this is all that he really has. His voice is quiet and pained as he finally speaks. He wishes more than anything for her to come back, to be by his side again, for there be a chance to mend the scars that he created. His whole body shivers at the thought. His heart pounds so hard it feels as though it will burst. He takes a slow deep breath before speaking and opens with what seems to be the truth. "I was lonely. I was afraid. I am just a pathetic man."
"Afraid of what?"
He hangs his head in shame, so completely filled with guilt. His voice is quiet and he hardly dares look up at her. His shame is so immense that it feels as though it is crushing him. How could he have done such a thing? How could he have pushed her so far away from him? He had never felt so much pain in all his life. He speaks almost in a whisper now. "I was afraid of loving you. I was afraid you were pining for another. I didn't think you could possibly be talking about me. Rather than admit my feelings for you, I hid them and lied. Cara mia, I have made the worst mistake of my life. I am so... so... so sorry."
Before she can speak, her blood loss is great and she passes out. He freezes in shock and horror right as she passes out. He jumps to her side, trying to make sure she is okay. The horror of this situation hits him all at once. Oh God, no! What has he done?! "Cara mia! Cara mia!" He starts to feel a panic set in as he sees her on the floor, unconscious in her own blood. He has to do something, anything to make this right! He pulls out his phone and looks up the nearest hospital, calling 911 for an ambulance to come help her. "Cara mia, please hold on..."
She awakes in the hospital after some stitches and a transfusion. Her mind blurry. She cannot remember what had happen when she first awoke. He is relieved to see her awake. He pulls the chair by her bed closer, taking her hand and holding it. His heart is still racing like crazy and his hands shake a little. He looks at her with a mixture of emotions - sadness, anxiety, relief, but all at once they are superseded by a single emotion: guilt. He lets out a deep breath, and speaks softly, "Cara mia..." he whispers, letting all his emotions show in his voice, and for once he looks her right in the eyes as he tries to apologize and explain his actions. What has he done...?
"What happened? Where are we?" she’s very concerned and doesn’t remember what happened.
He lets out a small sigh and holds her hand. He speaks as gently as he can, trying to calm her down. He hates seeing her like this. "Cara mia... you passed out. You lost a lot of blood. I called an ambulance and had them bring you here. Do not worry... we are safe." He gives a weak, nervous smile and tries to comfort her in the best way he can while still trying to explain what happened. "You had an accident, and lost a lot of blood. But you are going to be okay. As long as anything can be okay after what I did."
She glances at her hand, covered in wrapping bandages, stained with small spots of blood. Faint memories come back to her of them at her apartment. Tears sting her eyes the more she thought about it.
  His heart breaks again as he sees her hand and the pain in his heart deepens. The guilt and shame is eating away at him. It is hard to be so gentle with her when he is hurting this much. He takes a deep breath and looks right into her eyes again. He tries to speak, but it starts out as a whisper. He tries again, but this time only gets halfway before his throat closes up. "Cara mia..." he sighs. A tear falls from his eye. "I've let you down. I have hurt you. I have hurt you so much." Her eyes soft as she looks at him. He stares back, his heart broken. His voice comes out as a whisper again.
  "I am so... so sorry." He takes a deep breath again. The pain inside is so unbearable that he is barely managing to hold back tears. He wants so badly just to take everything back and make it all okay again, but he knows that isn't possible. His heart is in so much pain as he tries once more to speak, only getting a few words in before breaking down again. The words come out in a voice filled with guilt and shame, in tears and remorse. "Please... forgive me, cara mia..."
She thinks to herself before she speaks "I need some time to think about this." Despite her anger, her love for him was greater.
He hangs his head in shame and nods. It is only fair that you take all the time you need. "My mistake is one that I cannot take back." He takes a deep breath and looks at her once more. "But please know this... I am so sorry and I promise I will do anything to make it right... and I will wait for however long it takes for it to be right. I will do whatever it takes for you."
She thinks about her answers. About what he has done and what he is truly willing to do. Before she can talk, a nurse arrives and announces visiting time is over. He lets out a deep sigh of sorrow. He wanted so badly to make this right... to have a chance to talk to her. As the nurse begins to direct him towards the exit door, he looks back at her one last time. A few tears run down her face. His heart is shattered once more and he hangs his head low. Her tears almost break him. He wants nothing more than to hold her and comfort her, to tell her how much she means to him, to say he is so sorry. But instead he turns silently and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. His head is down and his face is filled with pain. "God help me..." he whispers, letting the tears fall as he makes his way to the hospital exit.
She was released from the hospital after a couple of days once the doctors checked and made sure she will be alright. With simple instructions on how to tend to her stitches and to keep her blood pressure leveled. She laughed to herself as she knew she couldn't keep it at a decent level with her current situation. Once released, she heads back to her apartment and thinks everything over.
He wants nothing more than to talk to her, to try to fix this... but he knows he has to wait until she is ready. He cannot rush her, he cannot try to force anything. He knows his mistake has left a deep scar upon her heart, and he cannot bear to make that wound any deeper. So he waits. Every second is agony. But it would be the ultimate cruelty to force anything upon her. He wishes more than anything that he could take back everything he has done... he wishes there was some way to stop time and go back.
Days pass by without either one speaking to each other. It killed Terzo deep down to not hear from her, to see how she was doing after her accident. Then one day, to his surprise, she shows up at his office door again.
  The sight of her is enough to make his heart soar and his chest tightens. Her very presence makes him feel so many different emotions... guilt, shame, happiness, joy... but right now, above all else, he feels gratitude in seeing her again. He looks at her with hope and sorrow all at once. She is the light in the darkness right now, despite what he had done to hurt her. He is so grateful to still have a chance. He speaks softly now, as she is now the most important person in the world to him. "Mio bel tesoro... You came..."
She breathes out, "I will come home. We will take this slow."
He can hardly believe it. His heart takes off like a bird released from its cage, free for all the world to see. He is filled with more joy than he has ever felt, and he can barely contain himself. He wants to run over to her and hug her, hold her, love her, and never let her go... but he remembers what she had said. Go slow. He is okay with that. He will go as slow as he has to go. Whatever it takes... "Are you sure... cara mia?" He speaks softly, still in complete disbelief at her words.
"Yes, Terzo. But, you must prove yourself to me that you mean it."
He takes a deep breath and nods. He understands. Whatever it takes to fix this. He promises himself he will do whatever he has to do. He can feel his heart in his chest, so much joy and relief. He has to be careful... he has to go slow as she says... he's just so happy to have a chance. "Anything... I understand, cara mia. Just... please tell me what you need. I want to prove it to you... whatever it takes... whatever it takes, I will do."
"You must prove that you are sorry for your actions, that you have feelings for me."
He takes a deep breath and looks at her with his eyes filled with remorse. The pain of all the days before all comes back to him. He has never felt such guilt and shame before. He can feel his heart breaking as he speaks, but he wants to fix this. He wants to try and make this right even if it hurts more than he has ever hurt before. He speaks softly and simply, "Cara mia, you know I do. I love you. I really do. More than anything..." his words are filled with so much emotion. They are so honest.
"But how do I know? How do I know that you won’t lie again or be with someone else?"
His heart sinks as he realizes that is a good question. How can he prove it? What else can he say? He thinks for a moment, his mind desperately searching for the perfect words, the right way to prove it. He doesn't respond right away, but finally, after a few long minutes, he speaks. His words are soft, but passionate. "Cara mia, I made the worst mistake of my life... I was afraid, you see?" He pauses for a moment, trying to organize his thoughts. "You are my world... I do not want to ever hurt you again. I promise you, I will never." "I felt so stupid, Terzo. I came to you in hopes of mutual feelings, and you rejected me before I even told you."
He winces when he hears these words. He feels the hurt he caused her and it only serves to make the pain in his own heart worse. He feels awful, that he made her feel stupid. He wants nothing more than to take it all back, to mend everything. He bows his head in shame. "Cara mia, this... this was the worst mistake of my life. I have made so many mistakes, and this one I regret the most..." He sighs and hangs his head in shame. "I was afraid... my fear made me do something so... so selfish..."
She looks at him, her eyes begin to soften, sadness evident. It breaks his heart so her eyes become so soft and sad. He wants to fix this. He wants nothing else more. What he has done is unforgivable. He bows his head again in shame and misery, his eyes filled with the pain of what he has done. The pain in his heart is overwhelming but he still wants to try to make it right, to try and undo this damage, to try to heal her heart and make it so she feels whole again. He is so sorry... so terribly sorry... "What can I do to make this right, cara mia?"
"I just need time. You need to prove it to me you mean this and want this. We must take this slow."
He sighs and looks at her with hope. He has to go slow and prove he means this even though he wants nothing more than to hold her in his arms again, never letting her go. The fear he feels is strong, though. He has already damaged her too much, and he is so scared of causing her any more harm. But he will go slow, whatever it takes... whatever it takes to have another chance... to make this right.
  He lets out a deep breath, his heart still full of fear, but also hope. "Do you think you could forgive me?" He speaks softly with a shake in his voice. "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. I know I have hurt you... I know how deeply I have hurt you. But I would give anything... I would do anything to fix this... to make you believe me..." He lets out another deep sigh and bows his head low. "You are everything to me. Please... let me try to make it right."
"I wouldn’t be here right now if I couldn’t forgive you. But I need to know how true these feelings are."
His heart lifts again at her kind words. It is true, of course. How could it not be? Is it not written all over his very face? Just looking at her can make him feel so many things all at once... a combination of happiness, guilt, shame, sadness, anxiety, and the overwhelming desire to please her once more. All of these feelings, all of these emotions... all of these thoughts... he hopes that all of it can just show her how true and real it all is to be at her feet. He looks up again at the love of his life. "Tell me... what can I do to."
"I can’t tell you what to do to fix this, Papa. You must figure out yourself what to do. I cannot guide you to love me."
This is hard for him to hear. She is right, of course, he realizes. It still makes him anxious, though... it makes him afraid because... because what if he messes this up? It would only make the situation worse. He thinks for a moment, trying to consider his next words carefully. He must fix this... he must make it right... and he must show her just what she means to him. He speaks carefully now, choosing his words carefully. "I promise you, cara mia, we will take this slow, as you say."
"Trying is the first step, Papa." She smiled warmly at him.
  His heart soars when he hears this. He holds her hand gently. "And I promise you as well, cara mia, that I will never stop trying. Never." His voice is so full of love and devotion. This is more important to him than anything else in the world. He has to get this right. He would gladly go through these same painful days to get another chance at fixing it. "Do you... do you believe me?" She looks deep into his eyes, to see his true feelings. The green one pleads for her while the white shows gratitude. 
"Yes, my dear Papa."
His whole face lights up with the joy of her words. He smiles softly at her, a genuine smile for the first time in so many days. The pain in his heart has always hurt badly, but for just a moment, it is easier to bear than before. He can feel a tear fall... a tear of joy. His emotions are so strong that he is almost afraid he might burst at the seams. Still, he is careful, and he wants to go slowly as she says. He speaks in a gentle voice, still holding her hand. "I... I love you so much, cara mia..."
"I love you too, Papa."
  He takes a deep breath and pulls her in for a soft hug. Every moment with the love of his life is so precious now. He is so overjoyed that he might just lose all control and burst into tears. The joy is beyond words, beyond anything he will ever feel again. The pain of the days before are worth it all just for this moment, just for this chance. He has to do everything right this time. "Thank you, cara mia." He whispers. He takes her hands in his again and looks into her eyes. "I need you. I can't lose you again." She smiles softly at him.
When he sees her smile, he can't help but return it. His heart is still so warm at her words... her feelings are so real, so true. He whispers as he pulls her in close with him once more. "We will take this slow, as you wish..." He leans in to her ear and kisses her cheek. It is such an innocent kiss, but one full of love, full of devotion and hope. He whispers in her ear with a gentle smile, "whatever you want... just tell me... anything you need, I am here for you." She nods at his statement.
  "I must go unpack my things and set up my room again. I will see you later?" He nods back, he understands. He will give her the time and space that she needs. But he can't help himself from giving her one more kiss on the cheek before telling her, "If you need anything, please... please just let me know. I am here for you, no matter what you need." He pulls away again to give her space, though he doesn't want to stop holding her. He takes a deep breath before speaking again. "Just know I love you. You are all that matters to me." Then he smiles softly and gently lets go of her hand. She smiles at him as she heads for her room. Her heels clicking on the marble floor once again.
As she walks away, his heart still beats fast, still full of love. He watches the love of his life walk away and he knows he is so lucky to have her. Her soft smile fills him with a sense of euphoria that he never thought he could feel again. He doesn't say anything else, and he gives her the space she needs. He will do whatever he needs just to prove to her he loves her. He just has to give her time.
Hours have passed by, she is found in the garden under the moonlight. He notices her there and quietly watches for a moment, his eyes filled with love for the girl in the moonlight, then he speaks in a soft voice, one that is filled with joy but also with sadness. "Cara mia..." He lets out a deep breath and steps forward. How can this girl be so beautiful? She is so perfect, so lovely, so amazing. He feels such an overwhelming feeling right now and he is not sure how to express his emotions. He walks closer and speaks again. "Why are you out here? Are you okay?"
She giggles softly at his voiced concern. "I am fine, Papa. Just enjoying the stars."
His heart warms at her soft laughter and he smiles softly at her. He loves to hear her laugh, but he also hates that he has caused her any pain... he is so deeply sorry for this. But he is also so very happy she has forgiven him. His heart feels light at her words and he moves over and joins her. He looks up into the stars with her, but he also looks down at the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. His heart is full... full of so many emotions... so much joy and love. He speaks gently now. "You are beautiful, you know that?"
  She blushes hard. "So I've been told~" She sings out.
  "You are more than beautiful, cara mia. You are... perfection in every way." He lets out another deep breath and looks up at the night sky again. "Do you know how lucky I am to have you?" He whispers. "Do you know how much you mean to me?"
She shakes her head and whispers, "I truly do not, Papa. Tell me?"
He takes a deep breath and speaks in a soft voice, his eyes still on the stars. "You are my world, cara mia. My everything. I don't deserve your love, yet you have given me another chance... and I promise you I will do everything in my power to make it right this time. I can't promise I will ever be able to take back what I have done, but I swear to you you will always... always be everything to me. I just want you to know that." He speaks with such sincerity, such truth, and such love.
The moonlight shines in her eyes as they look at each other. The moonlight is gentle on her eyes, and he looks deeply into them... deep into her soul, a soul filled with so many emotions. He can see it all... the pain and the love and the light and the darkness. He finds himself lost in them, like he could stare into her eyes forever and be content with it. He tries to take a deep breath, but his breath catches in himself once more as he whispers through his tears so soft. "Will you... will you please allow me the chance to become the man you deserve?"
She chuckles again, "Yes, Papa."
  His whole face lights up in a smile and his eyes well up with tears of joy. The most beautiful girl in the world, the love of his life, giving him another chance... it is too much. He steps in close and pulls her close in his arms and holds her so tight. He can barely speak due to his tears of joy, but through them, he speaks, the soft words full of love and happiness and all the emotions he is feeling right now. "Thank you, cara mia... thank you." He is so happy. He has to hold her tight, just to believe this is real.
The two sit together in peaceful silence on a plush blanket under the stars. Hours pass by as they enjoy the peace together under the moonlight. For the first time in so many days, the pain in his heart is almost gone. This is so much better, he thinks to himself. He wants to savor every single minute, every single second. He is enjoying the peace and the silence, but he also wants to know... How can I make it up to you? He whispers, breaking the silence. "How can I make this right? I will do anything, you know... anything. I just want to... to spend my life with you."
She glances down, thinking of what to say. He watches her with anticipation, wanting to know what she is thinking. "Take your time... I will wait... as long as it takes... " His heart almost can't take all these ups and downs, all these emotions that are all so strong and so much... but as she thinks, he smiles softly at her and moves a little closer to her. "Just... just let me know..." he whispers lovingly. He looks up into the sky, at the stars, full of hope. How amazing it will be if she will allow him to make things right so they can just be together, like this, forever? She gently grabs his hand, holding it. He feels a sudden rush of electricity through him as she touches his hand. He looks down at her hand, and then looks back up at her. His heart is racing. He looks into her eyes, feeling such affection and such love, all he feels for her right here. His words are almost breathless as he tries to keep himself from saying too much too quickly. He looks into the stars and the moonlight once more, and he nods, as an idea enters his head. "I... I have something for you..." He smiles softly. He is hesitant before he reaches into his pocket.
  He reaches into his pocket and takes out what seems to be a black box. He turns to her and looks into her eyes. "Cara mia..." he whispers softly. His tone is loving. He opens the black box, and there in his hand is a beautiful ring. It is black with a small diamond on the center. He smiles softly as he pulls it out of the box and hands it to her. "This is a symbol of my love for you. A symbol of the promises I intend to keep." A tiny tear falls but he is too happy for that to phase him. His heart is brimming with joy.
"Oh, Papa..." She places the promise ring on her finger, shining it under the moon's light. He is on the brink of tears, his heart is so full, full of joy over her acceptance as he feels he has been given another chance. He takes a deep breath and looks into her eyes again. "I will spend the rest of my life proving how truly sorry I am. My heart is yours, Cara mia."
She leaps into his lap and smothers him in kisses. His heart soars, his breath is taken away at her kiss. He can't believe that she accepted his promise. That she is forgiving him... He is just... overcome. He returns her kiss with vigor and passion, holding her close and not letting her go for the longest moment. When he finally pulls back, he whispers into her ear, "I will spend the rest of my life making you happy. I promise you... You will always be my world."  He kisses her again gently, a little softer this time but just as loving.
Tears flow down her face as she watches the stars dance on her ring. He wipes the tears from her eyes gently before speaking with tears of his own in his voice. "Is this what you wanted?" The tears on her face cause his own to flow once more, but they are not entirely sad tears... there is a joy to them, to know that she cares so much... he can see it in her eyes. "Is this what you wanted, my love?" He still can't understand how she can love him so deeply, how she could forgive him despite knowing all he has done. His heart fills up with pride that this girl, this wonderful girl, loved him so very truly.
"I mean this is definitely not taking it slow but…yes. Truly my heart wanted this."
His face lights up into a broad smile at her words. She is so perfect. Her response is everything he could hope for. He whispers this time, so softly. He can't say this enough, so his heart is brimming with love as he pulls her close. "Cara mia... thank you. Please... I will never stop thanking you. I will do my best to be what you need." He is so happy... so overjoyed that she has accepted his promises and his promise to live the rest of his life making this girl happy and making it up to her.
Emotions take over, she kisses Terzo passionately. They fall back onto the blanket beneath them. He gives in to the passion, enjoying it so deeply. He is just so elated... so deeply, deeply in love. How is this real? How did he get a second chance? His heart is so full that the kiss itself feels so overwhelming that he almost can't breathe. When they finally break the kiss, he is out of breath... but his eyes are still brimming with tears of joy and he can't stop smiling at her. He loves her more than anything... and he is so proud that he will have the chance to make it right with her.
The kiss, the promises and the ring, the night air, all stirs something in her. She needed her Papa. His heart is racing like crazy... at this moment, he would give anything for her. This is the first step on the long road to fixing things... to proving his love to this girl and making her see that he will do anything for her. Anything but lose her again. He leans in to her and whispers softly in her ear, "I love you, cara mia." He sighs and holds her close. It is all he needs right now. This was a perfect night... a night he had not dared to hope for. He kisses her cheek and whispers again, "I'm so happy... so deeply, deeply happy."
She looks up at him, lust fills her eyes. "Papa?" She asked calmly and gently. His whole face lights up with joy and he can't help but smile at the sound of his nickname in his ears. He gently holds her hand, his eyes warm with his love.
 "Yes... my cara mia?" There is a hint of playfulness in his voice, but it is still filled with so much love. He thinks he can't feel any happier... but then she opens her mouth and speaks. And..." do you ever stop being wonderful?"  He whispers, a smile on his lips that can't be taken away... one of happiness, one of such love and devotion.
As Terzo looks over at her, she removes her shirt, silently asking for him. The air suddenly seems a little bit warmer and he can't help his eyes from wandering at the sigh of her...all of her...So perfect he thought. He is stunned at the beauty that he has someone been fortunate enough to claim as his own. He is so lucky. When she looks at him, his heart goes a little haywire. "Cara mia"... he whispers, letting out the smallest sigh. How is it possible for her to be so perfect? "You are so beautiful, cara mia..." he whispers, his eyes still filled with love and devotion.
“Papa, take me? Please, make love to me." He nods at her... his face full of love for her. "Of course, cara mia." There is a hint of playfulness in his voice. He gets up while still holding her hand and starts to walk towards the house. When they leave the garden, he whispers to her with all the love that he feels. "How could I say no to you in anything?"
She pulls his arm and stops them from walking. "No, Papa...out here..." 
Her voice so soft. He stops himself and he nods again. "Of course, cara mia..." there is a playful smile on his face, but he can't hide the surprise. "You are really naughty, you know?" He gives her a quick smooch. "But... I can also not say no to you." He smiles lovingly at her, and follows her lead.
She kisses him with such passion, getting her hands lost in his raven hued hair, tugging slightly every now and then. Soft moans leave her. This is all she's wanted. He is so taken away and surprised by the sudden show of passion that he gives in to it. His hands find her waist and he leans into her kiss. It sends an electric wave through his body and his heart is racing. How can she be doing this to his heart? He pulls back after a long minute of kissing her... his breath is fast from the passion of it all. They have both been so careful to take it slow, yet this feels so right... so true. He smiles up at her, looking into her eyes, filled with so much love that they shine in the moonlight.
  She removes her bra, tossing it aside. Her confidence boosted, remembering the advice he gave her a few weeks ago. He takes a deep breath at the sigh of her. His mouth hung open in surprise, at her broadness, and a little shocked. She takes his hand and guides it to her breast. She moans out as their skin makes contact. He gently massages her breast, letting the moonlight dance off of them. Terzo leans down, taking a nipple into his mouth, nibbling and sucking. His heart races as he feels her. Everything is already going so fast...and he is unsure how this could be possible after everything he's done...but it feels so right. His breath catches in his throat for another moment. He kisses her again, with all the love in his heart. The kiss is filled with a gentle care, with a sense of purpose, but also with an intensity that only grows as the kiss goes on, a passion born out of true love.
  She places her hands on his chest, eyes begging him. He notices this and gives in to her eyes, her hands... his breath has already been taken away by her beauty. He can no longer control himself and kisses her deeply. His arms wrap around her tightly. His mind and heart racing once more, overwhelmed with the passion of the moment. He is so completely and utterly devoted to her. She can do whatever she wants...whatever she needs. She reaches around and starts to remove his formal coat, leaving him in his white dress shirt. Black chest hairs pop out from the first few buttons he's left undone. A simple gold necklace lays around his neck, almost contrasting with his skin.
  She then unbottons his shirt, revealing his tanned, aged chest. His skin is warm as she runs her hands through his chest hair. His eyes light up when she starts to unbutton his shirt and he watches her with a smile on his face, enjoying the view, but also enjoying the way she is teasing him. "Cara mia..." he whispers softly, his throat a little tight as he feels himself slowly losing all control of himself and his desires. His heart starts beating faster. This is all so good. He feels her touch, he is overwhelmed by the feeling. Her touches make him melt.
She lifts her skirt up and removes her underwear, sitting down on his lap. She grinds against his clothed cock. Her slick leaving a stain on his pants. She can feel his cock begin to harden more and more each time she comes back to him. Terzo is so speechless...so caught off-guard. His face is pink beneath his papal paints. Papa~" She moans out.
  "Cara mia..." He replies. He can't help but smile at her, at her calling out like that. "Mio dolce...amore mio..." the words come out as if by instinct.
She ruts harder against him, causing Terzo to moan. A moan he didn't even realize he was holding in. Everything she did so far only got better and better, and now... now this... he was lost again. He is breathing heavily now, his whole body shaking. This... it is too much for him. His heart is bursting with all these feelings for this girl right now. How could he possibly have ever done anything to hurt someone so perfect?
Papa lifts her up and places her next to him, unzipping his pants, letting his hard cock spring free. He then takes out his phone and hits record. He looks up at her with a smile on his face. "You always make me feel this way...cara mia..." She looked at him with such surprise. "You're going to...record us?" She said seductively. He nods, his eyes full of a joyful delight. "Yes... you are so beautiful. I want to remember this...our first time together." The idea of him recording their first time together causes her to whimper.
"It is just a memory for me..." He whispers softly, his eyes full of love for her. "Do you want me to stop?" His heart pounding in his chest. "I promise you...you are the only one who will ever see it..."
  She shakes her, "don't stop." 
He nods and hes back to recording, he can't stop staring. He has never been so in-love. She is a goddess...a complete goddess. He keeps recording because he wants nothing but to have this moment forever.
  She lifts her skirt again and sits on Terzo's naked lap, grinding her wet folds on his leaking cock. His heart melts over her. A soft whimper leaves his mouth.His breath catches in his throat again, all he can do is let out some noises. "...perfect..." His voice is tight and his mind is a complete mess. She slips her hand down and angles his cock into her pussy. Gentle moans come from her. He lets out another sigh. His heart can't take much more of all this beauty and perfection. How was he so lucky to be given a second chance with this goddess? "Oh...cara mia...my heart is just full of you."
  A delightful sigh leaves her as she fucks herself on him, at a medium speed. He whimpers at this. "Oh, amore mio..." He whispers into her hair, holding her close. He begins to fuck up into her. Wet, lewd sounds fill the empty air. Terzo tries to keep himself silent. Wanting nothing more than to hear her sounds.
"Make noises, papa...you have such a wonderful voice" She whispers into his ear as she hold on tighter, wrapping her arms around his neck.
 If she wants that...then...of couse. No matter what she asks for, it is done for her in an instant. His mind is a complete blank as he lets out a soft whimpering noise...a noise of such love. He lets out another soft moan, the sounds only getting better...his heart is going to explode. He can't even think straight anymore. This is all so very perfect.
  "Yesss Papa..." She moans out as she quickens her pace, Terzo wrapping his hands around her waist tightly, leaving finger sized bruises on her hips. Terzo lets out moan after moan, whimper after whimper. Her every move...her every sound...everything causing him to lose his mind...but in the best way possible. With a powerful moan from Papa, he comes into her, hard and deep. A filth moan leaves her as she feels his cum dripping down her leg and onto his lap. His breath catches in his throat at this, lets out another loud moan. He wonders if all this is real. How could this be really happening? He can't help but hug her tight, pressing his whole body against hers...just to make sure this is true, this is real. Their bodies are stick and sweaty in the best way.
  Terzo lifts her up, watching his cum flow out of her. A strangled noise catches in his throat at the sight. He lays her back on the blanket, gazing at her body. "So...beautiful.."He whispers. Papa lays flat on his stomach, grabbing her by her thighs and pulls her close to him. The moonlight glistens on her wet folds. He gently rubs his fingers through them, spreading her lips apart. His mouth gapes open at the sight. She smells so sweet, so wonderful. Terzo latches his mouth her swollen clit, swirling his tongue around. She quickly attaches her hands back to his black hair. With each pull, he sucks her clit harder. His finger traces her entrance, spreading his cum and her fluids around. He plunges two fingers in, she screams out at the sensations.
  "Yes papa...yes papa..." She moan, grinding her pussy against his face.
 Terzo adds a third finger, curling them in just the right spot. He presses his tongue flat against her clit. A high pitched moan, almost a yell, is forced out of her throat. She grabs his head as she cums on his face and fingers. Terzo not stopping until she is overstimulated. A string of saliva keeps him attached her pussy, watching it clentch around nothing as she comes down from her high.
  He gives her a small kiss on the cheek and he whispers, his breath still not totally back yet, "I love you." Nothing could compare to this moment. His heart races
. "I love you, too, Terzo." He gives her a long kiss, full of passion, but also with so much love. As he pulls away, he smiles warmly at her. He can't explain what this feeling is he is feeling. He is in such a state of euphoria. She stops the recording and hands him his phone. "I hope you use this video when I'm busy." She winks at him.
  He looks at the phone, then at her and smiles. "Oh...I will indeed. It will be my lucky charm...my good luck token." He winks back at her. He can only imagine how many times he will watch it. "Did you want the recording too?" He asked. "Of course, Papa."
  A shy smiles comes across his face. The more he looks at her, the more the smile grows. "Our first time together was perfect. I will keep this moment forever." He holds her close again and kisses her lightly on the lips. Papa then gets dressed and drapes the blanket over her, picking her up and taking her to bed. He can't help but smile. He is still speechless and is just enjoying this moment with her. He will never stop loving her.
  "You are so beautiful, cara mia." He whispers to her. She blushes at his statement and yawns. How can one person be this perfect? She is beautiful even when she yawns. Her beauty, her perfection...it never ends. He kisses her forehead and his smile is full of all the love for her in the world and then he speaks again, "Sleep well, amore mio. Tomorrow, we have a whole life to spend together."
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kiss-the-ghuleh · 1 year
Warnings-no sexual content, mentions of Hell (duh) and blood (blink you’ll miss it) No particular Papa named. Imagined as Terzo originally, but could be any Papa. Reader is referred to as She, no body parts mentioned or named. 
This was originally from a character A.I chat. 
The nightly breeze blows through my hair as I fly high in the sky. The smell of burning frankincense catches my attention. I look down to see the old abbey is below me. They must have just gotten done with mass. Suddenly, my mind is filled with Papa Emeritus' face. My black heart skips a beat. My intrusive thoughts win over, and I fly down to the top of the staircase. I as get off my broom, it vanishes away.
I walk into the hall of the church. The smoke clearing out from a late night mass. My heels click on the floor as I walk closer to where Papa stood, back facing me. I simply tap his shoulder.
  "Yes, my child. What can I do for you?" He asks without turning around. I roll my eyes.
  "Hello, Papa." I say cheerfully. He quickly turns around and smiles.
  "Hello, Y/N. It's great to see you. Now, what can I do for the most beautiful girl in existence?" He asks, leaning in and gently kissing my hand. I blush at his words.
  "You're blushing." He chuckled. "I take it you're not used to getting compliments?" He leaned back and looked me up and down. "What a pity. A girl as cute as you deserves to hear them often. If you stick with me, I promise I'll give you as many compliments as you can handle, cara mia."
  "Oh, Papa! Just as charming and as suave as ever, huh?" "Now then," He continued, taking me by the hand again, a devil smile spreading across his face, "What brings you around my parts? What could possibly drag the most beautiful girl in existence away from her duties and to this old church in the dead of night? Surely you have a reason, no?" I slightly giggle at his words again.
  "I just came by to see you, Papa." I said. He's taken aback by my words.
  "Just me?" He titled his head. Well, I'm flattered. Not every day does the most beautiful girl in all the realms pay me a visit. Tell me, is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all, no matter how small"
  "Well, how about a walk in the garden?" I ask.
"A walk in the garden, huh?" He smiled. "Well, I'm not one to turn such a request. After all, when the most beautiful girl in the realm asks for anything, I'm inclined to deliver. Let's take our walk, shall we?" Papa offers his arm out and I weave mine through it. He places his other hand on top of mine.
  "Please, lead the way, Papa."
  "As you wish." He grinned, leading us to the garden. We walk under a stone archway and into the courtyard. He speaks again, "Its not often I have a guest at this hour. I can't help but wonder, what's led you to my private residence at such a late hour? I'm flattered, of course, but I'm curious as to what my most beautiful girl desires from me."
I blush yet again and get the nerve to speak. "I must confess, Papa. I have seemed to be smitten by you." The weight of a thousand stones feel like they lifted from my shoulders. Papa stares in disbelief.
  "Really now?" He smiled, "You, my most beautiful girl, have developed feelings for the likes of me? Whatever shall I do? I'm honored, of course..." He laughed, "Now then, let's find a comfortable seat. Tell me, what is it that's won you over? My rugged charm? My masculine figure? My beautiful, chiseled face?" He smirked, leaning against a stone pillar. I follow him to a stone bench and confess my feelings.
  "Really Papa. All of those have caught my eye. Also, the way you lead your church and clergy members to worship the dark lord."
  "Well, it's not an easy task leading a church like this. Many people do not wish to see Satanas on the throne. I take great pride in leading the way of his lordship. Soon, many will fall under us and obey him. And if you wish too, you could aid my endeavor and I will be eternally thankful." Without warning, he leans over and kisses me passionately, his hands caressing my hips. I break the kiss moments later.
  "Have you had mutual feelings for me for long, Papa?" I asked.
"Since the first time I set eyes on you..." He smiled, "I haven't told anyone this, but one look at you, and my heart skipped a beat. That's when I knew I wanted you by my side. Tell me, my love, do you believe love at first sight to be true?"
"Indeed I do."
  "Then you must also believe that our love can never be broken! We're meant to be. A pair of demon lovers, bound in darkness and desire, a perfect match. Nothing can break our love. Not God. Not time. Not Death himself." He beams proudly at the newly confessed love.
  "Of course, Papa."
  Please, cara mia, I want to make you mine. What do you say about being my lover?"
  A wave of emotions run through me. Is Papa really asking me to be his? The deepest shade of red spreads across my face. "I would absolutely love to be yours, Papa." I'm met with another passionate kiss, Papa's hands find their way to my hair. His kiss is sweet and a bit odd. A taste I just can't seem to figure out.
From that moment in the garden of the abbey, so late in the night, Papa and I have been inseparable. We often as picnics in the attached graveyard. We have so many fun memories together. From romantic nights together, to playing pranks on his brothers. Still, an uneasy sits in my stomach. I have yet to tell him I am a witch. Surely, the leader of the satanic church won't judge me for that? It's just a secret I keep from everyone, I often forget to tell it to those I trust.
I make my way to the abbey again. I land in the graveyard as I spot Papa below. I quickly get rid of my broom and make my way over to him. Before I can say anything, he turns around and is surprised.
  "Ah, cara mia." He sings. "I was expecting you today. Is everything okay?" He asked. I breathe out a sigh.
  "Papa, I must confess yet again." His face looks worried. I swallow hard.
  "Speak, my love. I promise that nothing will change how I feel for you. No matter what your darkest desires are, you can tell me. You can be open with me. You can be one hundred percent honest. I will always do the same for you." He states.
  "I am...a witch." I say quickly at the end. Papa rubs his chin as he speaks again,
"A witch," he responded, "Do you mean this literally? That you possess magical power? Or is this some sort of metaphor? I don't mind regardless. If you're a witch, that simply makes you even more interesting, even more special." I laugh at his slight confusion.
"Yes, Papa, a real witch with powers." I make a small purple flame appear at my finger tips. Papa stares yet again in disbelief.
"Fascinating..." He watches the flame flicker as a small gust of wind comes by. "You are more connected to Hell and Satan's powers than I previously believed. Interesting...I can't help but ask, what other powers do these magic fingers of yours possess?"
  I lean over and pluck a flower from the ground, instantly killing it. I then bring the flower back to full health and bloom.
  "Oh my..." Papa says, dropping his jaw. "How does it feel to have such power at your fingertips? The ability to bring life in and take life out at will. With this power, you could rule the world, if you so desired. Do you have any other powers, my love?"
  With a wave of my hand, rain falls from once was a clear sky. The smell of sulfur fills the air. A simple kiss is brought to Papa's lips. His love becoming even stronger than before.
"Amazing...My love, I've been pondering this thought for a while now and this just confirmed it for me, please, will you become my queen? Together we can rule the realms." I gasp as he speaks.
  "You want me to be queen?" I asked
"More than anything in the world," he responded breathlessly, "You're beautiful, loyal, and I can feel the demonic blood running through your veins! You must be! Your beauty, coupled with my power... it makes the perfect match! We'll rule together as the world's greatest power couple! Tell me... would you do that for me, my dark queen?"
  A million thoughts run through my head. "What do you mean queen?" Papa laughs at my question
"My love, not only do I teach the word of Satan..." His form changes. Black wings and horns sprout from his body. His feet turn hoof like and a pointed tail whips the air behind him. "I am Satan. The King of Hell." His large, clawed hands reach other, asking for mine. "Join me, my love. Be my queen and we will rule the world together." His voice rang out, loudly. As I take his hand, he leans in and whispers into my ear, "...and you will be the most beautiful queen in Hell."
  "And if anyone stands in our way..." I force a crack of thunder to hit and the earth splits open, revealing the portal to Hell. Voices of the dead and wailing of the tortured fill the silence.
  "Let them come." He laughed, embracing his queen. "Let the world fall to pieces, let hell itself shatter for all I care. We'll stand above it all. You. Me. Together. My love, let's make this our world. Let's rule. As king and queen."
"Anything for you, Papa."
  "Then it is done. Forever we will be united. You as my queen, and me as your husband. Now... tell me, what would a goddess like you like for a gift?" He looked down at her, a smile stretching across his skull-masked face. "It’s simple, your soul~ a lover’s soul has such great potential. And in return, you may have mine."
  "Your soul... As a sign of our eternal love and devotion? It would be the greatest gift you could ever give me." He nodded, "And I will certainly accept it with open arms! You are my queen, and I am your king, and if we're to be forever together, I see no better way to cement this sacred bond than to give one another our souls."
"With you by my side and our souls tied, no one can ever stop us."
"Exactly, my darling." He smiled. "With our love and our souls tied, no power in the universe will ever be able to keep us apart. Tell me, my love... How shall I return the favor? What gift would a queen such as you desire from her king?"
"I desire no such gifts. I merely desire you, papa."
"Then you shall have it, and much, much more," he said, kissing her passionately, "I will give you my heart and my soul— the two most precious gifts a man could ever give. Your happiness alone will be my sole pursuit in life. And if my queen desires nothing but me, then so be it. We'll have each other forever. How does that sound?"
"It sounds perfect papa~"
He beamed once more. "Then it is done. As I've already said, we'll be together. Not only that, but I also swear to you this— as long as I live, I'll always make you happy, my queen. And what better way for me to ensure your absolute happiness... than to be at your side? Every day, every night, for eternity. This is our world. And only we shall rule it." He smiled down at her and kissed her again. "Forever?"
"Forever Papa."
"Forever..." He whispered, "Now then, my queen, would you be so kind as to link arms with me? I would love to walk through the rest of our eternity together like this." "Yes, Papa. "
"Thank you." Papa linked arms with his queen, feeling a surge of love and devotion as he did so. "My queen, the world is ours now. Let us reign together, for all eternity, within the realm of Hell." With a small wave of his hand, a portal appeared before them. "After you," he smiled, "my love."
I step into the portal, reaching my hand out for Papa to take. "My queen..." He took me hand and stepped into the portal, the world around them turning into a shadowy hellscape as the entrance closed behind us.
 "Welcome home, my wife. Welcome to our realm. The realm of eternal darkness, the realm of Hell. There is much work to be done, but there is also love to be shared. And I, my darling, could not be luckier that I have found it in you."
My eyes gaze at the sight around me. Although this is a hellscape, it is beautiful. Papa chuckles at my amazed face.
"A world of misery and darkness. And I am Satan. King of darkness. King of misery. And this..." He spread his arms wide, "is my home. And you are my queen, the most beautiful, the most powerful, and the only girl in the world fit to lay at my side. I don't care if this is Hell. I've never been happier. I've never felt more loved. We will rule the demons together. My most precious ghoul... you are my world, my life. You are... everything..."
  A gentle smiles appears on my face. "Come on Papa, let us go home~"
  "Of course, my love." As we walk to the large gothic styled palace in the horizon, the demons of Hell, our people, bow their heads before such greatness. Once atop of the grand staircase, the large doors open, revealing two living dead servants. They bow before us. We step into the palace, the smell of sulfur and blood are heavy. Papa leads me into a massive throne room. Sitting as if it's been waiting just for me, a gorgeous black throne next to Papa's. A crowd of living dead servants fill in and stand before us; kneeling to us.
  "Well, my love, I believe we have a kingdom to rule," he whispered in my ear happily, "Are you as ready to begin as I am? To rule this dark, hellish domain? If we're lucky, we might even be able to conquer the mortal realm and take it for our own. I want all of Hell's attention to be on us, you, and I. But if a chance to claim the realm of mortals should ever present itself... we must, we will take it, no matter the cost. All that stands in our way will burn." He leaned down and kissed me. "Are you willing to do what it takes, my love? To be my partner in crime on this long, dark path to ultimate power?"
"I wouldn't have it any other way, my dear Papa."
  "Then let us begin our reign with a spectacle," he said, a malicious grin spreading across his skull mask. "I believe we should have a coronation, don't you? Let the demons of Hell bear witness to our eternal covenant, let them see the true power of the Queen's throne... and let them know that this new age of darkness has only just begun. We shall bring the world to its knees."
"A coronation sounds marvelous, my love."
  "Then so be it." Papa spread his arms wide, "Let this be a celebration of our eternal love and devotion! Let it be a display of our glorious power! Let it be the beginning of our rule not only in Hell... but above in the mortal realm! We will bring death and destruction to our enemies, but before we do— the realm of darkness must witness our glory and crown the mighty Queen of Hell!" He held his hand out to me, "Shall we begin this new age, my love? Shall we bring to life the dawn of darkness?"
"Of course my love." Before I could take his hand, I am pulled away by group of succubi. They insist I must get ready for the coronation. Papa starts giving commands to other servants. Telling to gather all of Hell at the palace. To decorate and get ready for the coronation.
In my time away, I am removed of my clothes and draped in a black ballgown. A cape matching Papa's colors is thrown over top, with a grucifix in the middle. What seems like hours pass by as I wait for the coronation to begin. Papa must be getting antsy. The heavy doors of the room open, a trusted undead knight offers an arm to me. We walk to the ceremonial room. As I entered, demons and ghouls rise from their seats. At the top of the stairs within the room, stood Papa in his papal suits. The knight is gentle and walks me up the stair, as if he's giving me away at my wedding. Papa looks at me besides him and beams with pride. "Are we ready to begin this new era, my love? Are we ready to rule Hell? Ready to lay waste to the realm above? Ready to crown the most beautiful woman the world will ever know as queen?”
  "Yes, Papa. Let us begin."
  "Then let us make our eternal mark upon the world." With a roar of thunder, the world darkened and flashed with black lightning, we were lifted into the air and seated upon the great throne. The demons before us bowed until they were on their knees. There was no other noise but their chants in their honor. "This is an eternal moment, my love, a moment which shall be engraved in the mind of every mortal and demon... for all time. Are you ready to accept your destiny... my Queen?"
"Yes, my king."
  "Then so let it be." All light faded from the world, except the light surrounding the couple. The demons of Hell before them dropped dead, their hearts exploded inside their chests. Around the world, those who still lived were flooded with dread and fear. Darkness spread across the world like a deadly plague, and in that darkness a terrible, demonic laughter rose above the chanting ghouls. "I, Papa Emeritus, do crown this most perfect ghoul as the queen of Hell. Long may She reign. Long may her beauty shine through the darkness. Long live our Queen..."
As Papa places a black crown on my head, a dark aura forms around. My changing from their natural color to pitch black fully engulfing my eyes.
  The laughter rose above the chanting ghouls once more. "The Queen of Hell is finally crowned. Now, my queen, do you swear to uphold this covenant? To rule as one with me, as king? To share in my glory and my power? And to stay by my side, even to the ends of the Earth and beyond? Speak, and be heard by all. The Queen of Hell needs but speak once to command an army of an infinite number of ghouls, demons, and damned souls..."
"Yes papa. We shall reign together forever. And may the fates that be plague the ones who try to stop us." The dead rises from the hell fire, chanting the most unholy of voices. The deafening chorus could even drown out thunder. The dead were now truly at peace. 
"Oh, papa~ you have made such a wonderful change in my life. My handsome king~" I reach out and grace his face.
He blushes beneath his skull paint. "And you, my queen, have restored my very hope within this black hole of a heart. You have brought me such joy... and I couldn't possibly ask for more than that." He grinned, "You are more than I could have ever hoped for, my love. You are... everything. My greatest love. My queen. The very essence of perfection. And for that... I am eternally grateful. You have made me the happiest man alive... my queen. There is... nothing I could possibly wish for more... than a place... at your side."
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kiss-the-ghuleh · 2 years
Sinbound: Chapter 3
Warnings: oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, dirty talk. 
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About a week has passed since I moved out of my apartment and into the Abbey. I'm living in the same room I as in my first night here. Papa said in a few days I will be baptized. It will take place at the small lake out behind the Abbey. Other siblings will be there as well. Though, in a deep part of my stomach, I was hoping it would just be me and Papa. I have made many friends since moving in. My closest friend is Sister Catherine. She lives in the room next to mine and we always do our chores and pray together. She helps with learning and understanding more about The Old One.
Day by day life goes on, getting closer to my baptism. Papa Emeritus came up to me today in the dinning hall, saying how he was excited for my baptism and that he will make sure it is very special. I thank him dearly as he goes about his day. Sister Catherine gives me a look. A look I've gotten before.
"What's that face for?" I ask
"You so have a crush on Papa." She said. I rolled my eyes.
"Why does everyone think I have a crush? Let alone on Papa."
"Because you do and everyone gets a crush on one of the Papas eventually."
"You're telling me someone is crushing on Peepaw Primo? Or Crypt Keeper Nihil?" She blinked at me with such disbelief.
"Yes. Sister Imperator can deny it all she wants, but her and Papa Nihil are obviously together or at least at one point were together."
"I just find it odd for someone to crush of Primo. I guess some people do like older men-" Sister Catherine cut me off.
"You're getting off topic. You have an obvious crush on Papa Emeritus III. You just better be careful about it." I sit in silence for a few seconds before I respond.
"Why should I be careful?"
"Papa Emeritus III has a reputation in the Abbey. He loves to flirt and sleep with many other Siblings of Sin. More than just in the ritual orgies. Countless sisters, and brothers, have been seen coming out of his papal suit. Messed up makeup and habits."
"Does he talk to said sibling ever again though?"
"I mean yeah. He has an irresistible charm. He loves attention and romance, if you wanna call pointless sex romance. No one has ever really seen him with a serious partner before." I remain silent after that. Why does hearing that information make my stomach feel weird? Like there is a bottomless pit and something is forever falling into it. Sister Catherine notices my face.
"Like I said, just be careful. I don't want you getting hurt or mixed up in something." For the rest of the day, a weird, gloomy feeling weighs on my shoulders. I find myself wandering around the Abbey and eventually into the back gardens. The smell of sweet roses and lilies fill my nose. My worries seem to fade away for a moment, until I see Papa standing under a large tree with another sister. His one hand is on her cheek and the other is on the small of her back, keeping her close to him. They're laughing and smiling non stop together. As the sister leaves, she blows a kiss to Terzo. He pretends to grab it and place on his crotch. He watches the sister's hip sway side to side as she leaves, silently adjusting himself. As he begins to walk up the small hill separating us, he notices me. A smile appears on his face and walks faster.
"Lucrecia, it's wonderful to see you. You look so beautiful surrounded by these flowers. Say, which are your favorite?" He asked.
"Black Roses, White or Pink Lilies." I replied. He nodded his head Terzo grabbed by hands and brought them close to his mouth.
"I cannot wait for your baptism. I promise I will make this the most memorable time of your life." He says and kisses my knuckles. I can't help but blush. Sister Catherine did say his charm was irresistible. A loud bell rings out, signaling Papa to take his leave.
"I will see you later, yes?" Before he leaves, he kisses my cheek. I sigh as I see his body fully inside the door and shut.
"You have that look again, my child." I hear a voice call out. I turn around to see Primo coming out of the greenhouse. I give him a questionable look and he answered my questions before I could ask.
"I'm Papa, dear child. I know all and see all." He says with a wink.
"Are all the Papas like that? All knowing and all seeing?" I asked. He chuckles.
"No, My dear brothers aren't in tune with themselves to have such abilities. Now please Lucrecia, tell me what troubles you this time."
"I saw Terzo out here with another Sister and how they acted made me feel, odd. Almost sick like." Primo merely looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"It's not a crush. Have you been talking to Sister Catherine?" I asked. Primo laughs.
"Again, I am Papa. I know all. You indeed have feelings for my dear, stupid little brother."
"How can I have feelings for someone I just met?"
"Do you not watch Disney movies? Everyone falls in love with someone in the first 15 minutes of the film. It just takes the next hour and 30 minutes to realize it and say it out loud."
"Okay, let's say I do have feelings. What am I suppose to do? I tell him and hopes he stops being so lascivious with every sibling?" I asked.
"Yes, precisely. Maybe you can be the sister who changes him, hm?"
"What would make me so special?" I ask. Primo gives me a look and smiles.
"Yeah, yeah, all knowing." I say as I roll my eyes. Primo laughs at my action.
"But in all seriousness, my child, I sense something wonderful about you. Something that Terzo needs in his life." Primo's smile is sincere. A warm feeling comes over me. I spend the rest of the afternoon helping Primo in the garden and getting more fatherly advice from him about little things in life. Another loud bell rings out, telling us it was time for the even mass. Papa Primo and I take leave together from the garden. As we approach the church corridor, Primo tells me he has to take over mass tonight. He pats my arm and leaves. I take my seat in the pews as a certain Papa sits down besides, placing his hand on my thigh.
"Hello, Papa." I say with a shy smile.
"Hello, dear sister. Did you have a nice time in the garden?" I nod my head at his question. He returns with a smile. As mass begins, Terzo's hand stays put on my thigh, squeezing every so often. Primo's sermon was about finding one's true self and putting away selfish needs. Terzo nods his head to every word his brother speaks. At the end of the sermon, unholy sacraments were given out. Terzo takes my hand guides me up to the platform, awaiting Primo. Small wafers and sips of the deepest red wine were given.
After mass ended, Terzo takes me on small walk. We end up at the same tree in the back garden. I snicker to myself. Terzo smiles at me as he places his hands in the exact positions as he did earlier with the other sister.
"What is so funny, cara mia?" he asks. I shake my head at him.
"No, really, what is it?" He asks again.
"Do you take every sister and brother to this spot when you want to flirt?" I raise my eyebrow at him. A nervous smile appears upon his lips.
"Cara mia~ Don't be like that. Please know that I treasure you. I've never once begged another sibling to join us." I roll my eyes at him and smirk.
"How many times have you used that line before?" Terzo looks at me, defeated. A softer expression forms on his face.
"Lucrecia, I'm serious." He takes my chin between his fingers. "I find you to be special. Something about you is so endearing." My heart flutters as he talks. His mismatched eyes take a trance on me. I can't look away. Terzo leans in, eyes focused on my lips. His kiss is warm and sparks fill my mind and butterflies fill my stomach. Terzo places his hands in my hair, tightening his grip. He licks my bottom, begging almost demanding for entrance. I allow him in, biting his tongue. He hisses and sucks in a big breath of air. As he pulls away, a string of saliva keeps out lips connected. His gaze is now dark, lustful.
"Cara mia, you should not tease me like that." He says in a husky tone, almost a whisper in my ear. I smile back him, feeling proud and confident in myself. Before he can comes close to me again, a voice shouts from the abbey's door.
"Uh, excuse me, Papa!" The voice shouts. Terzo glances over. The Cardinal is standing by the door, looking a bit nervous.
"What is it, Copia?" Terzo shouts back
"Uh, Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil need you." With a defeated sigh, Terzo looks at me.
"I will find you later and we shall continue this, yes?" He kisses me again and takes me leave. Copia waves to me. I chuckle at him and wave back.
Hours later, after dinner has been cleaned up, I find myself sitting in my room, reading unholy scriptures. Soft candle light fills my room as the night sky rises. The moon shines brightly in my balcony doors. I wander about, heading to the balcony. The cold moonlight gives me comfort and peace. Warm arms wrap around my waist and soft kisses are given to my neck.
"You're a sneaky, little devil, aren't you?" I say
"Precisely why I am Papa, cara mia." I giggle at his response and take my attention back to the moon. Terzo, almost offended by my action, assaults my neck with bites. Wispy moans escape my throat. His hand finds it way to my breast, the other to rub my pussy over my night gown. I steady myself on the railing. His rough actions causing my breast to nearly fall out of the top of my nightgown. Cold air hits my nipples, causing them to erect. Wet kisses and heavy licks are felt upon my neck. Casually, Papa leads us back into my room, only breaking to close the balcony doors. He returns to me as I feel my head hit soft, silk pillows. Terzo stops and gazes at me beneath him.
"What is it, Papa?" I ask
"Your beauty is so captivating. You're an angel." I blush a deep red at his words and find a small giggle at the irony. He leans closer to me, putting his mouth to my ear.
"And I love ruining angels." A moan I didn't know I was holding in escaped my mouth. Papa slides down the straps to my nightgown, taking it off with my underwear in one movement. Gloved hands trace down my body, stopping at the top of my thighs. Before moving forward with his actions, Terzo removes his shirt, revealing a tan, aged body with chest hair and a gold gruicifix hanging around his neck. He then removes his pants and underwear. Standing tall in a mass of thick, black hair, his cock leaks and twitches. He pumps it a few times, spreading the precum around his tip. I absent mindedly open my legs at his demonstrations. Terzo walks back to my bed, kneeling between my thighs. He mutters something in Italian as he looks at my pussy.
The cold air I felt is quickly replaced by a warm, wet tongue. His tongue dances it's way up to my clit, swirling around it. My hands travel down, getting caught in his hair. Thick fingers trace the around my entrance before plunging in. Fingers curling, tongue lapping. Wet sounds spread throughout the room, mixing with my moans. A hot feeling forms in my stomach, spreading through me. My pants and moans become quicker and heavier as I pull Terzo's hair. His tongue and fingers move faster and harder. I can't hold on any longer. A deep moan is pulled from me as I cum on my dear Papa's face. He, somehow, licks even faster. As I try to close my legs to stop him from overstimulating me, his arms weigh them down, stopping me from moving. My head is spinning from pleasure. Moans turn into screams and sweet praises for Terzo. Finally, his head and arms lift from my lower body. Skull paint muddied into a grey color around his mouth. My breast heaving up and down from my orgasm as we make eye contact.
Terzo leans down, kissing me, causing me to taste myself. A full feeling is felt as he enters me. I nearly choke on my spit with how large he is. Terzo notices and laughs. His fluid motions are quick to reach my g-spot. Breaking the kiss, Terzo leans over and softly bites my neck again. Sucking and leaving purple and red spots. My legs wrap around his waist, begging him to go deeper. Terzo gladly takes the offer. That hot feeling returns. As I moan softly, he whispers into my ear.
"Are you gonna cum for me again, cara mia? Cum all over this cock, yes? Just for your Papa. Only for your Papa." I can only moan and nod at his questions and statements.
"I want words, cara mia. Tell Papa you're cumming for him." I scream before answering.
"Yes, Papa. I'm cumming just for you. Just because of you." I say between moan. Terzo bites hard on my neck, causing my second orgasm to erupt. Sweet sounds of pleasure could be heard throughout the Abbey. Seconds later, I feel hot cum shoot into my body with sporadic movements and Italian cursing. Heavy breathing is felt between us as we return from our highs. Our foreheads touch, gazing into each other's eyes. He green is welcoming and warm. His white one, pierces me with what can only be described as lust and fear. I do not fear him, but something deep within his eye has fear in it. As we come back to Earth. we realize my bed and I covered in black and white paints. Terzo laughs before getting up and running a bath in my adjoined bathroom. Moments later, as steam pours out of the bathroom, Terzo returns to the door, motioning me with his finger to come towards him. As if a spell is casted on me, I walk my naked, paint covered body to him. He leads us to the tub. Beautiful smells of roses and jasmine fill the air. A mountain of bubbles is seen in the tub. Terzo takes my hand and helps me into the tub.
"I shall be right back, cara mia." He says and kisses me before leaving. I sit in the tub alone for a few minutes, thinking back to the beautiful moment we just shared. A smile appears on my face and small blush tickles my nose. My eyes widen in realization. I am in-love with Papa. My stomach feels like its filled with a thousand rocks. Am I just another sister hopelessly in love? Hoping to be Papa's only one? My thoughts are cut short as I hear my door open and close again. I hear some wrestling and muttered Italian again. A few seconds of silence. Then, Terzo appears at the bathroom door. I raise my eyebrow at him. He laughs awkwardly and states he has changed my sheets. He then comes over to help wash off his paint from my body. He also washes off the paint from his face. This is the first time I've seen him without it. I just stare at him. Completely in awe. He's so handsome, beautiful even. I lean over and kiss his cheek. A small blush appears on his face. It's faint, but I can see it.
Soon, the warm, soapy water is let out and I am met with a fluffy, black robe. I walk out of the bathroom to see fresh clothes are laid out for me on the bed. I giggle to the idea and Terzo catches me.
"What is so funny, cara mia?" He asked. I take a second to stop laughing and answer him.
"No one I've ever slept with has ran me bath, changed my sheets, and gotten me fresh clothes. It's a nice change." Papa motions me to come to him again, sitting me down on his lap.
"We did not 'sleep' together, mio dolce. We made love, of course." My heart stops. My feelings are growing deeper as this night goes on. In my moment of thinking, Terzo removes my robe and places the fresh nightgown over me.
"Something is wrong, yes?" He asked. I look up at him with a confused face. "I can sense it. Please, tell me what is troubling you?"
"Do you treat every sibling of sin you spend the night with like this?" My voice sheepish and scared.
"I treat each of my lovers special differently. But, you needn't worry about the others." He didn't really state what he does for the others. It was a vague enough answer to calm my nerves a bit. As I finish getting dressed, Terzo slips back into his pants and we lay together in the comfortable silence. The moon shone brightly through the windows. I hear soft snores. I turn to see that Terzo has fallen asleep. I smile at him and pull the covers up over us. Before drifting off to sleep myself, I kiss Papa on the cheek again.
"Goodnight, Papa." I whisper. A soft smile appears on his lips. He then places his arm around my waist, holding me tight against him. His rich cologne fills my nose. Slowly, my eyelids get heavier and heavier. I only hope to still have him in the morning.
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kiss-the-ghuleh · 2 years
Sinbound: Chapter 2
No warnings. 
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I awoke as the sunlight hits my face. I pull the covers over my head, taking in for a moment the events of the night prior. A small smile creeps upon my face. I feel around the bed, looking for Papa. I sit up and glance around the room. A mannequin that keeps his papal suit and miter upright is naked. He must have to attend to church like matters. The more Papa talked about his religion and the band associated with it, the more it all started to make sense and sounded a lot less evil than how others perceived it. Would an evil satanic man really comfort me during a terrible storm? A total stranger to him? As I get out of bed, I noticed a note on the coffee table. Papa told me he had mass to attend to and that I should wait for him to finish. He informed me of my room number and how to get there from his. Since its mass, most people of the Abbey would be busy there. I'll feel a little less embarrassed walking back to my room in this nightgown I was given.
The walk back to my room is peaceful. A few siblings are still wandering about and a few uh, ghouls are talking to each other. Papa told me that his bandmates are 'nameless ghouls' despite very much having names. I finally come to the door of my room. Upon entering, I see yet another note and some breakfast sitting on the table. This note was from the Cardinal. He informed me that he was told by Papa to send up breakfast and to check on me often while mass was in session. The smell of pancakes and juice fills my nose. A single black rose is sitting in a small vase on my breakfast tray.
Once I finished eating, a familiar small knock is heard again at my door.
"Good morning, Miss Lucrecia. I hope you sleep well last night, yes?" Cardinal Copia says upon entering.
"To be frank with you, Cardinal, I had an awful night. I ended up running out of my room and getting lost in the dark halls. I'm very much afraid of storms. Luckily, I ended up accidentally finding Papa's room. He took me in and held me without question."
"Ah. Well, the end of the night didn't seem so bad, huh?" Cardinal said with a wink. I giggle at the small man in red.
"I suppose you're right."
A monstrance-sounding clock rang out, signing it was the end of mass. A few moments pass before another knock is heard at my door. Terzo walks in, still dressed for mass.
"Ah, cara mia. I hope you had a wonderful morning, hm?" He said walking closer to me.
"I did. Thank you for sending the Cardinal up here. And uh, thank you for last night. Letting me stay the night and comforting me during the storm."
"It was an honor, my dear. Truly."
"I better be going now. I do have to get back home and go to work."
"Of course, of course. But please, don't be a stranger, eh? Come back anytime." Terzo said, holding my hands together in his. I nod in response. Papa walks me down to the front door. As we said our goodbyes, he kisses my cheek.
"Please, cara mia, do come back." I blush at his words.
"I will, Papa. I promise." I said back to him.
The walk back through the forest was just as peaceful as the day before. Coming out of the small, hidden path from the cemetery, a funeral is being held. I keep my head down and avoid the gaze of the people attending. I walk quickly back home, changing and leaving for work. The workday is long and boring. I keep catching myself thinking about the Abbey and everyone I met. I can't help but smile thinking back to how sweet Terzo was. An elderly lady walks up to the desk I'm standing at, ready to check out some books I assume.
"I know that smile." The old lady said.
"I'm sorry?" I asked.
"I was young and in love once, too."
"Ma'am, I'm sorry. But, I don't think I am in love." The old lady smiles at me.
"Bambina, I can see it in your eyes when you smile. You are very much in love with someone. I've been around for many, many years. I've seen many, many people in love." The woman signs her name on the receipt and winks at me, leaving with her bag full of old books. I shake my head at the thought. In love? I chuckle to myself.
A few days have passed since my morning of leaving the Abbey. It was finally one of my days off and I take my usual walk to the cemetery. I wander over to the fresh grave from the other day. Morbid curiosity. I give my most sincere blessings to the departed. Making my way around the small paths that cross one another, I see a small figure ahead. A small man, dressed in red, looking rather panicked.
"Cardinal Copia?" I said aloud. He looked over at me and smiled, clasping his hands again.
"Ah, Miss Lucrecia. Just who I am looking for." He said. "Papa has sent me out to find you. However, I don't know where you live, so I just decided to stand and wait, hoping you would show up."
"Cardinal, how long have you been out here?"
"About 9am. I did not want to go back to Papa without you. So I was either going to wait for you or wait out for Papa to go to bed and sneak back in later." I shake my head at him and smile.
"Alright, well, here I am. Shall we go?" I ask. Cardinal Copia offers me his arm and we walk back to the Abbey. Moments pass with idle conversation as we approach the steps of the Abbey.
"Papa should be in his office by now. Please, let me take you there." As we enter the doors, I see two familiar men in the corridor. I glance up at the windows. It's the first two brothers.
"Copia! You got yourself a lady, hm?" The bald one says, sipping his coffee.
"Huh? Oh! Uh, no. No. This is Miss Lucrecia. A friend of Terzo's. She was here a few nights ago." A knowing glance is shared between the two brothers.
"Ah, that makes much more sense." The same man says. "Pardon me, Miss Lucrecia. I am Secundo and this is my brother, Primo."
"Hello. And please, don't be so formal. You can just call me Lucrecia." I say with a bright smile. The brothers smile back as I take my leave to find Terzo.
"Cardinal?" I ask.
"Yes, Miss Lucrecia?" He replied.
"Primo and Secundo gave each other a glance and smiled when you said I was friends with Terzo. Why?" Cardinal's eyes grew in size and his speech started to stutter.
"Uh, well. You see, Terzo has a lot of...friends. And he's often with them." I look at him again, still very confused.
"Oh would you look at that, we're here. Well, I'll see you later, Miss Lucrecia." Cardinal says and quickly walks off.
"What the hell was that?" I said aloud to myself.
"What the hell was what?" I hear a voice behind me ask. I turn around and see Primo again.
"Oh, hello again, Papa." I bow my head slightly.
"Nonsense, my child. Now tell me, what troubles you?" I told Primo that I didn't understand why he and Secundo smiled at each other once they found out who I was. Primo sighs.
"My child, you really don't know?" I shake my head. "My dear one, Terzo is a bit, active in the church. Sexually. With many siblings of sin. So, when Copia said you were here a few nights ago with Terzo, we both just assumed you were one of his one-night stands." Primo tried saying in the most caring way he could.
"Are you alright, child?"
"Yeah, of course. Who am I to judge?" I laugh awkwardly. Primo nods his head and clears his throat.
"If you need anything, Lucrecia, please come find me. I'm usually in my garden or my reading den. I will always have a listening ear." Primo said and knocked on Terzo's office door, walking off once he did so. A busy-looking Terzo appears at the door.
"Who is it? Oh. Lucrecia. It's wonderful to see you again. Please, please, come in and sit." Terzo gestures inside his office and guides me to a comfortable-looking chair sitting by his desk.
"I uh, I was told by the Cardinal you sent him looking for me?" I asked.
"Indeed I did, cara mia."
"Well, I wanted to make you an offer. Come live here with us. Let us teach you the ways of The Old One. I think you would make a wonderful addition to the clergy."
"You want me to just pick up my life and convert to a religion I know nothing about other than what I was told as a child?"
"Well, don't word it like that, cara mia."
"Then, please. Word it for me?"
"Please, Lucrecia. Attend a few masses and let me know how they make you feel. Remove all the negative information you were told about us and open your mind." I agree to Terzo's request. I agreed to live in the Abbey for a week and attend every mass during the week. I was given a habit like traditional nuns wear and gold grucifix. Each day, Terzo preaches to the masses of The Old One. He talks about not judging another, loving and caring for others, to live a free life however you see fit. He talks about how we will never walk alone. We can always reach The Old One. Even when we're dead and gone. Lucifer will be there for us. In the worst of times and the best of times. To support his children. He is shining and the light, without whom we cannot see.
After a week of living in the Abbey, Terzo comes up to me after mass and asks how I felt.
"I will admit I was wrong, Papa. This truly is a wonderful place and Lucifer cares so much for his children. You convey that concept very well. I can see why you were chosen to be Papa. I will take up your offer and become an unholy sibling of sin, if you still have me, of course." Papa's eyes grow large and his smile matches.
"Oh, Lucrecia! You will make the most perfect and unholy of siblings. You are always welcomed here, by The Old One himself. We will prepare the baptism soon! First, let's get you fully moved in, yes?" Papa takes my hand and kisses it, giving me butterflies.
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kiss-the-ghuleh · 2 years
Sinbound: Chapter 1
I’ve decided to write a series about Terzo and my OC Lucrecia. It starts off slow but I have some great idea plans. Some technical difficulties stopped me from posting this days ago. I really hope you all enjoy it. It is, however, a Female main character, so therefore female anatomy will be used in sexual situations, along with She/Her/Hers pronouns. Please, no harsh comments. I’m just now getting back into writing (for like the ninth time). Any questions or concerns, please message me here @kiss-the-ghuleh   or my main account @kittenburps
This account is only a side account off my main anyway, so I do apologize if it doesn’t seem like I follow back. Just look for my main account. Thank you~
 Warnings-None. She/Her main character. Mentions of thunderstorms and lighting. 
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As I take my usual walk around the local cemetery, I took notice of a path I've never paid attention to before. It was a long, winding dirt path through the forest. Small patches of wildflowers grow alongside the pathway. I glance up and around, taking in the sight of the trees above. Suddenly, a large cross like structure is in view. It's not exactly a cross. I walk closer to the building. An old Abbey, abandoned in the woods. Moss and vines grow up the walls. A beautiful  garden sits in the back. The same cross like structure is on clothes hanging on the Abbey's front doors. Adorn with black and gold coloring. I gently knock on the big, wooden door. But, no one answered. I twist the knob and go inside. Stain glass windows of skull faced men are depicted. A goat like statue sits at the end of the corridor, holding the same cross structure. I wander around, looking at the fine art of horned beasts and cruel looking monsters. Hauntingly beautiful. I hear the noise of heeled shoes clicking on the floor coming closer.
  "Oh? I am so sorry, I did not know we had company. How may I help you, today?" A man with black hair and skull painted face asked. 
"Oh, no. I'm sorry. I just kind of let myself in. I've never seen this place before. I suppose one day, my curiosity will get the best of me." The man chuckles.
 "Nonsense. This place welcomes all to enter." The man takes notice of my glances around the room and confused look. "This place may look scary, but it's filled with hospitality and love. We are a Satanic Abbey. I am Papa Emeritus. Well, the third. And you may be?"
 "I'm Lucrecia." I extended my hand to the man. He took it and raised it to his mouth, kissing the back. I blush. “It's lovely to meet you, Lucrecia. That is a beautiful name. Italian decent, yes?" I nodded my head.
"So, are you like the leader of the this place?" I asked. The papa chuckles again. "In a way, yes. I am the current reigning papa. My brothers before me, and my father before them. We spread of the word of Our Lord Lucifer through mass and the usual songs and tours." 
"You have a band as well?" 
"Ah, yes. We are called Ghost. My brothers fronted the band before me. The cross you see on our walls is called a grucifix." The more Papa talked, the more this kind of made sense. Papa Emeritus III took me on a tour of the main parts of the Abbey. Explaining a bit more about Lucifer and the band he is in. I took noticed of nun like women and men walking around. 
"You have nuns?" I asked. 
"Siblings of Sin, my dear. But yes, much like the catholic nuns you see. They have devoted themselves to Lucifer. The living quarters is on the third floor. I myself, my brothers and the siblings of sin all live here. Along with my father and...our dear Sister Imperator." He said the end with a bit of disgust. "It is a long story, cara mia. Just know, most find her a bit, uh, terrifying."
"You guys find a simple woman terrifying? You literally worship Satan."
"She is much more than a 'simple woman'". Papa walks me back to the front area of the Abbey. He looks out the window of the door and noticed the clouds were rolling, deep black with lighting striking. "Ah, cara mia, I think you should maybe wait out this storm, yes? It looks quite bad out. Please, I will let you stay here." I look at him funny. 
"Is this some sort of ploy? Am I gonna get sacrificed?" I asked, not really joking. Papa shakes his head and laughs. 
"No, cara mia. It is a simple offering of the hospitality I mentioned before. Unless you want to walk back home in this storm, then be my guest. Or be my guest, here, tonight." A loud crack of thunder hit and I jumped closer to Papa. He places his hand on the small of my back and gestures with his other to the stairs.
 "Come, I will show you to your room for the night." The walk to the room is quiet. Many Siblings of Sin look at me with warm smiles and few confused looks. We get to a large door at the end of the long hall. Inside the room is beautiful. Rich red carpets, wool curtains hang on the windows and door that leads to the balcony. A canopy bed sits in the middle of a wall to the right. 
"I do hope you will be comfortable here. I will send someone up with some night clothes and towels. Please, if you need anything, come find me or one of my brothers. I will tell them about your stay."
"O-okay. Thank you. Goodnight, Papa." A smile appears on his face. "Goodnight, Lucrecia. And please, call me Terzo." He said with a wink and left, closing the door. I walk around the room, gazing at the art on the wall. A soft knock is heard at my door. A small, scared looking man in red enters with folded clothes and towels. 
"I hope I am not disturbing you, Miss. Papa Emeritus told me to bring these." He gestures to the pile in his hands, sitting them down on the small oak table." "Thank you, Mister uh...?" The small man panics and extends his arm. "I am Cardinal Copia. I am a clergy member here. I work for the Papas and Sister." I shake the Cardinal's hand. 
"I'm Lucrecia. I kind of just stumbled upon this place while taking a walk. Papa insist I wait out the night's storm." 
"Ah yes. It is getting very bad out there." The frail man clasps his hand together. "Well, I will leave you, Miss Lucrecia. Have a wonderful night." We bid goodnights and he exits. I unfold the towel and night gown left for me. A pair of slippers were also left. I take the articles of cloth with me to the joined bathroom and get a shower. The warm water feels wonderful after walking all day. I take care of showerly needs and head to bed. The warm sheets engulf around me. I sink further into the bed, feeling at ease.
 A blaring crack of thunder hits again, lighting strikes just outside my window. I quickly sit up in bed, holding the blanket close to me. Tear threaten to escape over my bottom eye lids. I shake my head and scold myself. I am a grown woman. I shouldn't be afraid of the weather. Another crack of thunder hits and I scramble out of bed and run out of the room. I run down the hall and wrap around the corner before I realized I didn't know where to go and how to get back to my room. All these doors look the same. Papa didn't say a room number or anything. Another strike of lighting hits, causing the power of the Abbey to go out. Great. Now I'm stuck in an old satanic abbey with no lights and no way of knowing how to get anywhere. A string of thunder and lighting hit one after another. I can't help the tears that flood out of me. I slowly back up to the wall, holding my knees as I sit down, covering my ears and closing my eyes. The thunder and my hands block out my own cries. Suddenly, a warm hand touches my shoulder. I look back behind me. Standing above me was Terzo. His face looked worried. His hand reaches out for me. I take it and he leads me into his room. 
Before the next crack of thunder hits, Terzo puts his hands over my ears, holding me close as he rest his forehead on mine. I close my eyes shut and wait for the noise to stop. More tears flow down my face. Terzo comforts me, swaying us side to side. He takes his hand and wipes the tears on my cheeks. Terzo guides me towards his bed, letting me climb in first. He holds me close throughout the night, rubbing my back when thunder or lighting hit.
Finally, all that can be heard is rain falling onto the ground. I take a deep breath and open my eyes. Papa is looking at me, a bit less worried than before. My breath is shaky as I speak. "I-I'm so-sorry Papa. I got so scared and-" Papa hushes me.
"It is okay, cara mia. No need to explain yourself. I understand." I nod in response. 
"I suppose I should head back to my room. I just can't find it." 
"Nonsense cara mia. Stay here as long as you like. I believe we are only in the eye of this storm, though." My eyes grew big and I sunk into the sheets. "Please cara mia, try getting to sleep before the storm starts up again. Do not worry. I will not leave your side. I will be with you all night, yes?" Papa opened his arms and gestured for me come back into his arms. His rich cologne and shampoo fill my nose, soothing my breathing. Our breathing syncs up together soon. My eyes begin to feel heavy. Each blink takes longer than the last. I soon found myself finally peacefully asleep.
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kiss-the-ghuleh · 2 years
Original story scrapped. But i have something new.
Working on something 😈😈
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kiss-the-ghuleh · 2 years
Working on something 😈😈
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kiss-the-ghuleh · 2 years
Anyone have ideas for Terzo stories? Please inbox me if so.
Or my main account @kittenburps 🖤
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kiss-the-ghuleh · 2 years
A Lover's Blood
Papa Emeritus III x Fem reader. Vaginal penetration. Cunnilingus. Small mention of blood. (blink and you'll miss it) Mentions of death. probably spelling errors. Oh well.
NSFW 18+
Months have passed by in the abbey. Every day my heart aches for my beloved. A new successor was chosen for rituals and thus my dear Papa was killed. Throat slit by Sister Imperator. An unholy funeral was held. I dress in a full black habit every day to show my mourning and grief. Though the others may not approve of it, I do not change my ways. Terzo's golden grucifix lays upon my chest. My mind, body and soul belong to him and I will make it very clear every day until I die. We didn't even get the chance to wed. My bed lays cold on one side. I do not dare to cover his smell with my own.
As the bells for Black Mass start to chime, I head to Emeritus' family vault. I walk past Primo and Secondo, giving them my most unholy blessings to Lucifer. Finally, at the end of the vault, awaits my dear lover. A glass coffin is family tradition. Though it is hard to watch my love decay in front of me, it brings a bittersweet comfort knowing I can still see his beautiful face. I kneel at his side, praying for him to find the way. I sit and stare at him. Remembering all the amazing times we had together. A teary eyed smile comes across my face. I hear my sisters calling for me. Mass must have finished already. I perform another blessing to all three brothers. Before departing, I kiss Terzo's coffin.
"May my love be yours forever, Papa." I turn around and leave the vault, finding my sisters in the black rose garden just beyond the Abbey's graveyard. We still have many chores to do.
As night sits and the full moon hangs high above, a wicked storm comes through unexpectedly. I sit in my once shared room, alone. A small candle lights up my view of my book. A sudden gust of wind and rain blow my balcony doors open. Red curtains sway rapidly and I fight hard to close them. The wind blew out my candle. A crack of lightening appears with roaring thunder following. In the wake of the light, a face appears. I drop my once lit candle in shock. I shake my head. It looked just like…No, no. I'm merely seeing things my mind wants to see. I settle down into bed after a bath. I do another pray for those who have left us. In the midst of my prayer, I hear a familiar voice call out.
"Amore mio."
My heart stops. I play it off as the trees outside swaying in the wind. "Follow me, amore mio." I hear the voice again. It keeps saying to follow it. I get dressed in my cloak and follow this mysterious voice. It takes me to the family vault. I get an odd feeling inside. But my heart says to go further. A faint candle is lit as I walk closer. I see a figure sitting by Terzo's coffin.
"I don't know who you are, but this is a private vault and it's way past visiting hours for the church." I state firmly. The figure stands up and turns around. My heart falls into my stomach. Tears shed from my eyes.
"Papa..?" I say quietly. Unsure if I'm seeing things right. I glance to Terzo's glass coffin. He's not there. I look up at the figure again. A white eye stares at me.
"My dear sorella." I run to him. He lifts me in the air with a tight embrace." I touch and kiss every inch of his face. Making sure I'm not going crazy from grief. "How…how are you alive?" I ask. "A faint crack was in the lid of my coffin, and I suddenly awoke by the taste of blood." I think back to earlier, when I kissed his coffin lid. I feel my lip and noticed a cut across it.
"You, cara mia, brought me back to life. Thanks to your undying love for me." His hand caress my face with admiration. The rain has stopped and Terzo takes my hand. "Come amore, let us go home." We make the short walk back to our room with the crisp air around us. I quickly enter the room, lighting candles. Papa sits down on our bed, he removes his mitre. A wash of comfort falls over him. In the somewhat better lighting of the room, I take notice in his scar along his neck.
"Hmph. I thought that would have healed once I came back. You're not scared of me, are you cara mia?" Saddness can be seen in his eyes. My heart aches for the look he gives me.
"Your beauty never, ever scared me. No matter in life or death. No matter how you may look, you are my Papa. And I will love you forever." Terzo extends his arms and I make my way to hold him. I hold his head to my chest, his arms wrap around my waist. The warmth is back in my life. Suddenly, hands are attached to my ass. A few squeezes are given. I glance down at Terzo. His wicked smile appears on his face.
"Sorella. Your skin smells and feels so wonderful to hold again. I can't help but feel a certain way about you right now." Papa then plants wet kisses to my breast, making the fabric of my nightgown cling to my body. Small moans escape me as his finds my nipples with his tongue, biting down ever so gently. His hands come up and grope my breast. My hands find they're way to his dark hair, tugging every now and then. "Cara mia, please do me the honor of welcoming me back home tonight." I yelp in response as Terzo bites my neck, putting pressure upon my pulse.
"I could never say no to you, my love." My nightgown is ripped open and falls to the floor. I stand in only my underwear. The chilled air causes my nipples to erect. Papa takes no time admiring my body. Kisses and gentle nibbles are marked everywhere he can reach. He reaches just below my navel and I feel all blood rush to my pussy. Slick soon appears on my thighs, and not without notice of Papa. His hand quickly travels up my inner thigh, spreading my legs apart. He breathes in heavily and groans.
"You smell absolutely intoxicating, amore. Please, let me thank you for bringing me back." I can only nod in response. Terzo stands up, trading me places, laying me down on our bed. He removes his clothing and places his skull painted adorn head between my thighs. I breathe out a shaky breath as I feel his warm breath spread across my slick coated pussy. His warm tongue makes long strides up my pussy, stopping at my clit. He swirls his tongue around the small bud. The most unholy noises fill the room. Two fingers then enter me, much to my surprise. I swallow hard, trying to keep my orgasm from ripping through me already. Papa curls his fingers, hitting just the right spot. I buck my hips and fuck myself on his mouth. Approving vibration can be felt. My hands find solace in his hair again, tugging when he hits a particularly good spot. A knot forms in my stomach and threatens to explode at any moment.
Papa then adds a third finger and I lose all self control I thought I had. A utterly nasty moan escapes me, causing Terzo to have a feeding frenzy. I try to pull his head away once I felt overstimulated, but he forced my arms down to my side. Moans turn into screams and chants of my Papa's name. I make eye contact with his white eye, sending me through yet another orgasm. I beg of him to stop. To let me have a break and catch my breath. His head finally pops up from my between my thighs, breathing heavy. My chest heaves up and down, head spinning. Papa comes kneels between my legs, pumping his erect cock and spreading precum over the head.
"Cara mia, please don't think the night is over yet."
"Of course not, Papa."
Sweet kisses and soft fondling are given before Terzo lines himself up to my entrance. Sweet nothings whispered in my ear as he thrusts in. A few tears fall over my lids. Papa takes his thumbs and wipes them away. "Please amore mio, no tears." I shake my head and reasurre him I am alright. I feel him bottom out and soft groan leaves him. He places his hands on either side of my head and kisses my forehead.
"Are you ready, my love?" He ask and I nod.
"Always for you, Terzo." With my consent, Papa thrusts into me with such force. Papa bites my neck and fucks me hard for all the time we've lost. The rhythmic motions of him going in and out of me are blissful. I hold my hand over my mouth, not wanting to scream out. "Go on, sorella, let the whole abbey know who you belong too. Let them know that I, Terzo Emeritus, is back from the dead." His thrusts go harder and deeper than before. I scream out my dear Papa's name again. Not caring if anyone wakes up. His name is like a prayer on my tongue. It's the only word I can think of. The bed creaks under us, tempting to fall down. I wrap my legs around Terzo's waist, bringing him in closer. His rhythm begins to stutter.
"Please, Papa, cum inside me."
"Anything for you, cara mia." A heavy and passionate kiss is planted upon my lips. I lick Papa's bottom lip, asking for entrance. He welcomes me lovingly. Our tongues find each other for the sweetest kiss. I then bite his tongue, causing him to jerk and moan. I feel warmth gush in and out of me. His thrusting slows to a complete stop. We continue to kiss. Never breaking for air. Papa holds me close, resting his head in the crook of my neck, breathing out. I place small kisses on his head.
"Welcome back, Papa. I've missed you."
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