kissaisa · 7 years
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kissaisa · 7 years
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Jerry Seinfeld, John Mulaney and Larry David
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kissaisa · 7 years
Ten things you need to know about anxiety from a person who likes sex... a lot..
1. It is better to be lost in somebody else’s skin then your own 2. It’s more intoxicating to count the freckles on your body than it is to count the scars on mine 3. No I don’t want to fuck to music, I wanna hear you moan my name to anchor me to this moment. so when you leave me I can remember the way you said my name. 4. I don’t need you to love me to Fuck me. I just need you to like me enough to tolerate me wanting to fuck you again. 5. When I let you dominate me that means I trust you, don’t take advantage of that. 6. I won’t need safety words because you’ll be able to read body language like it’s your favorite book that we both have memorized. 7. The beautiful thing about anal is that you have to take the time to relax me to be able to get what you want. 8. I’ll suck your cock for an hour and kiss you after, just to make sure you appreciate my work. 9. You don’t want to eat me out because I’m prickly? Dude your dick goes down my throat and your pubes up my nose… trust me you have a better end of the stick. you know where the door is. 10. You are in love with me? I know my pussy is magic, but come on love, the second it’s bleeding you won’t know my name. The second it’s dry you won’t remember my face. The second the person connected to it is hurting you won’t even remember me.
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kissaisa · 7 years
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kissaisa · 7 years
"Being different is the best art there is" - Omar Holmon
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kissaisa · 7 years
“You should never let a fool kiss you and you should never let a kiss fool you.”
Rage Almighty 
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kissaisa · 7 years
if i promise you make you spaghetti once a week for the rest of our lives, will you make sure i have coffee every morning? if you protect me from all the evil clowns in this world, i promise to hold you on the nights where it feels too hard to breathe. despite my fear of heights i will fall for you, if you promise to fall too.
4am (via 4am-reflections)
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kissaisa · 7 years
I want to love you with everything without hurting you. I don’t know if that is what’s best for you. Why do I always feel like a hassle? Why is loving me so hard? I know this is a reaction to a rejection that has not even happened yet and honestly, I hope it never happens, but I was ready to love you so quickly and with all of my heart that this is why I am scared beyond belief, that you have no idea what you want yet is terrifying. Loving you is terrifying, being afraid to kiss you is terrifying. I guess that is what its like loving your best friend. 
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kissaisa · 7 years
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when u realize people have been protesting against trump and his shitty ass policies from the day he got in office to his 100th day……….. 
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kissaisa · 7 years
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kissaisa · 7 years
Trying to explain to a country boy why most country music has NO real work put into it compared to rock and metal, AND how the same 3 cords are boring, is very exhausting.
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kissaisa · 7 years
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kissaisa · 7 years
Daily thought
In physics today we talked about the twin effect. Basically the problem stated this; If you have twins and one goes on a spaceship that travels at a velocity of .95C, and the other ages 42 years on earth, how much did the person on the spaceship age? (The equation used has been proven countless times using particles and is proven to be true.)  The answer was 13 years old, because the twin in the spaceship experienced acceleration. Which means that if both twins were 4 when this trial started, the twin from earth would be 48 and the twin from space would be 17,with many complications to health, my teacher explained it as they would look like they had been stuck in the microwave for way too long. This question raised many questions for me as to how we gage age. Is your age truly how many years your body made it around the sun? If it can not truly be gaged that way how else would we gage age, and what happens if your brain ages faster than your body? 
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kissaisa · 7 years
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kissaisa · 7 years
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Some awesome quotes
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kissaisa · 7 years
Feel like I constantly disappoint everyone around me.
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kissaisa · 8 years
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We have no control
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