kisses444katie · 11 months
hi babes, I love your reading so much-I got a request for you. Tom kaulitz in love wit the tokio hotel assistant? Since the job interview with the band, he fell in love idk😭😭
hiii lovely, sorry i took a while to reply and that this may not be too well written - ive had sooooo many assignments lately
i might end up rewriting it as well, but nevertheless enjoy ml ♡
(not proofread 😭 so sorryyy for any mistakes)
-love always, katie
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despite the ‘smoking prohibited’ sign, you found yourself leaning upon a cubicle wall, lighter clutched in one hand, as you used the other to place the cigarette between your rose tinted lips. your finger hastily flicking the click and producing a flame. Inhaling the addictive smoke, letting it explore your lungs, before releasing it into a swirling cloud of grey.
after a few drags, you tossed it to the floor, before stubbing it out it with the bottom of your heel. you were too anxious to really care about littering. 
stepping out of the cubicle, you let the door swing, taking in your appearance in the mirror set in front of you. 
bringing a digit to your lips, you noticed the rosy stain had left them. looking for a gloss or lipstick, you fumbled between the discarded cash, pens, and papers of your purse. finally finding the first gloss you could, you twisted the cap open and applied a crimson layer to your parted pillows. fixing any smudges swiftly, and spritzing a light prolific coat of perfume. 
taking one last glance, you smoothed down your outfit and slung your purse on your shoulder.
clutching a paper copy of your resumé, along with your portfolio, you entered the room. your gaze immediately laying upon him. 
“please, take a seat.”
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you couldn’t quite tell when the flirtatious remarks, or lingering glances had become more. but every time you so much as glanced in his direction, you felt a wave of heat washing over you, leaving you a bright shade of rose in its wake. 
for him, he couldn’t quite understand how you, some random girl, had left him so consumed. perhaps it was your alluring good girl facade. always so punctual, always so organised, so sweet, so pretty, so perfect - he knew there was more to you, that this was a little act. your beauty, to him, was ethereal. the way you had left an ingrained image of you in his mind. he only had eyes for you.
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your eyes fluttered shut, bringing your fingers to your temples, massaging away as if you were to dismiss the boy’s effect on your head. 
you had so much to do: scheduling, organising, planning, and yet all your thoughts were invaded with the idea of that immature teen with the guitar. 
hearing the blasting music, you weren’t sure you could help yourself, maybe you’d give in and distract yourself from the work. sure, tom would be there, but maybe that’s exactly what you wanted. 
stepping out from your make-shift office, you were in a trance; watching, listening from behind the scenes.
midway through the band’s performance, instead of his view set on the thousands of crazed fangirls, he found it lingering on your figure, standing in the stage’s entryway.  
your hips swaying side to side in sync with the rhythm, your hair wild, the clipboard clutched in your hand. 
catching a glimpse of his stare, your lips parted subconsciously, before forming into a smirk.
you couldn’t lie, you adored how infatuated he’d become with you, because you found yourself feeling just the same about him. 
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a calloused hand wrapped around your forearm, pulling you through a slight crowd of people. the performance had just come to an end, and in a blurred rush, tom had come off stage, dropped his guitar off, and almost dragged you away.
pushing you up against some backroom’s wall, you were lost, seeing stars just from his touch. he’d held an arm against the wall, the other draped around your warm body.
his face glistened with the light layer of sweat painted across it, parted lips just mere centimetres away from connecting. “not so professional now, hm?” he mumbled breathlessly, a slight sense of smugness intertwined between his words.
you wanted to reply, but failed to. you were drowning in lust. the hand once wrapped around your figure, found its way travelling to your face, before tilting your chin upward. “you looked s’pretty, dancing like that,”
“shut up,” you closed the gap between you, pressing your soft lips on his. 
the kiss was hasty, reflecting how much of a long time coming this had been. so dangerously, obsessively, wonderfully heated. 
when he reluctantly allowed for you to come up for air, you rested your forehead against his, a slight blush tinting your plush cheeks. “wanted this for so long, so long”
bringing his head to the nape of your neck, nuzzling into it, “so long,” his voice vibrating against your heated skin, leaving you shuddering. 
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you justified it with post-concert adrenaline, but deep down you knew it was more, you wanted more.
and in your absence, he could smell that sweet sillage of your perfume all over him, leaving him wanting more.
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kisses444katie · 11 months
kiss (t.k)
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a/n: hi lovelies, if u ever have any requests or questions please feel welcome to ask, enjoy this lazy draft ♡
(not proofread)
-love always, katie
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the room was dark, only flooded with pale moonlight. gazing up at him through your eyelashes, your doe eyes only accentuated in the moonlight, they glistened innocently.
his calloused fingertips swirling around your plush cheek, tracing little hearts onto your soft skin. you found yourself falling into his warmth. he nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck, your ambrosial scent was like a descended fog, clouding his senses.
skin tickling by the contact of his warm kisses along your neck's cold skin. a thumb caressing your cheek.
the small pecks travelling to your jaw, to your cheek, and then finally to your lips. and when your lips connected and mouths met, you were on cloud nine. he was your form of ecstasy.
what had been intended to be a small peck had turned into a deep, passionate kiss. his hands on your waist pulling you closer, your arms slung around his neck.
moments like these were heaven-sent, it was as if the world had been made for just the two of you. however, you knew tom, you knew this wouldn't last forever.
"we can't." your pillowy soft lips breaking away from his, the crimson stain slightly smudged from his touch, directing your gaze into his confused one. "i don't want to be just a fling to you."
his gaze softened at your words "you'd never be a fling to me." your bodies still pressed together, the warmth making you lose all sense of yourself, and you realised you were in too deep to care whether or not his words were laced with lies.
your gaze shifted to his lips, his thumb on your cheek slowly dragging across your face and onto your bottom lip before you subconsciously parted your lips, allowing him to press his digit down on your tongue, flattening the curve out.
"and you want this." he whispered, before he removed his thumb and your lips connected once again. it was so gentle, so sweet, it was addicting. he bit your bottom lip lightly, yearning for all those sweet noises he knew you were capable of. when you gave him one, you could feel his cocky smirk form. using his hands set on your waist, he tugged you closer.
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358 notes · View notes
kisses444katie · 11 months
shattered heart (t.k)
a/n: heyyy cutie patooties this is my first post, i hope you enjoy ♡
(not proofread)
(last part heavily inspired by the lovely @thenighthekate)
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you were so, so naive. how could you believe those kind words, those sugary sweet affirmations? your infatuation had been your ultimate demise.
hair whipping your tear stained cheeks, pillowed lips parted as if words were to escape from between them, but failed to. hands clutched around the steering wheel so tight. your soul ached, heart shattered into thousands of shards.
losing any sense of yourself, you sped down the busy road, city lights blinding your already blurred vision. "fuck him," you coughed between sobs, "why did i give in, get myself involved?"
flashes of the scene unfolded before you, now drilled into your mind, replaying, replaying, replaying. "i gave my life for him, my innocence, my soul, my happiness," you muttered to yourself breathlessly, the volume slowly increasing, "and it was never fucking good enough." you spat, as you took a sharp turn.
it wasn't until you brought the car to a sudden halt and climbed out, slamming the door behind you that you heard the all too familiar screeching tires of another car.
your figure stiffened, adrenaline pulsing through your veins. you couldn't bring yourself to turn around, couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eye.
"meine liebe."
venom laced words leaving from between your lips, "don't call me that."
regaining your composure, you slowly turned to him, your gaze fixed on his. "i thought i knew you, thought i could read you," venom leaving your voice, it became softer, filled with sorrow. "thought i was different, had more to me, more to me that you wanted."
"but i guess your whole 'womanizing bad boy' persona applied to me too."
"guess the lines were blurred for you, hm?" you mumbled, "couldn't tell if i was a fling or not."
a soft look plastered across his face, his beautiful face that you couldn't help but adore even after everything. "you were always more than that, you are always more than that to me."
more tears had threatened to escape your glistening eyes, "why'd you do it then?"
"i felt lost, i feel lost"
"i don't know why i did it ______, i love you so fucking much, i regret it, you'll always be the only one-"
"you and i both know i won't," you cut him off, voice cracking as sobs had been released from between your plump lips, tears dripping down your plush cheeks.
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your mind was dazed, smoke waltzing in your tired lungs, a cigarette held in place by your fingers.
his strong arms slung around your drained body, your limbs aching. doe eyes stinging from previous tears gazing upon the city scape.
his soft kisses travelled from your neck to your damp cheek. "i love you's" spilling from his lips. his words continued to be as sweet as honey.
yeah, you were beyond infatuated. it was inexplicable. the way you longed for him, needed him. 
you were a moth to a flame, you got too close and ended up burned. this sick love created an illusion of beauty where your heart should’ve been.
he had you unravelled completely, every little thing about you engraved into his mind. you should have ran when you had the chance but you couldn’t and you wouldn’t resist his hold. when his cruel betrayals stabbed daggers into your already open wounds, he’d just kiss them away. at the end of the day you always found yourself by his side.
your heart may shatter, but its shards will always reflect the light of your everlasting love for tom. forever.
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