4 Uses for Kitchen Cabinets Outside of the Kitchen
What separates the best chefs in the world from outstanding home cooks? They can make use of and repurpose basically anything for the sake of getting the most bang out of their buck. This is important for restaurants because they have to operate on a fixed budget in order to remain economically viable. While cooking and home design may not share very many similarities, we can always take inspiration from our kitchen artists in coming up with new and interesting ways to use our old stuff.
While many San Diego residents will use the warm season to do some home renovations, your old kitchen cabinets can be useful in other areas as well, so here are a few ideas for what you can do with them once you’ve had them replaced.
#1. Tables
Residents are turning their old kitchen cabinets San Diego into tables. You’re going to want to hang onto the cabinets that are the same size vertically and then use wood screws to fasten them together. Then you’re going to want to find something that you can use to for the top of the table. The reason this option is such a great idea is because it has built-in storage space. If you’re using the upper kitchen cabinets, you’ll need to find something that works for the base as well.
#2. Toy Chest
For those with kids, finding a spot for all those toys can be a hassle. Here’s where repurposed kitchen cabinets can be a great way to save a little money while simultaneously creating storage space for all those toys. In this case, the upper kitchen cabinets are going to be the better option since they don’t have a floor base and you’re going to want it to open from the bottom as opposed to facing out. For those with smaller children, replacing the original hinges with safety hinges may be the best option. Then you can paint over the original wood with your child’s name and you’re good to go!
#3. Laundry Room Cabinets
If your cabinets are in good shape, but you just feel it’s time for a change, or you don’t feel like they work well in the kitchen, a good place to move them would be your laundry room. We all know that laundry rooms fill up with various items, and can get quite messy. Repurposing your old kitchen cabinets in the laundry room is a cost effective way to create space.
#4. Tiki Bar
For this project you’ll need a mirror for the surface of the bar, and then a whole lot of wicker. The cabinets themselves make a great place to store your items, and the sky's the limit in terms of add-ons. What a fun summer project!
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5 Ways to Tell if It’s Time to Replace Your Cabinets
For some folks, the prospect of replacing their kitchen cabinets is an exciting time to redesign their kitchen. For the rest of us, it’s something to be put off until the latest possible moment after all other options have been exhausted. This is a brief checklist that will help you determine if you can forestall the replacement of your kitchen cabinets san diego for another year.
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 #1. Crappy Particle Board
 If your cabinets were cheaply built and constructed of mostly particle board, your best bet is going to be to replace them completely. You won’t be able to reface them, and particle board is notorious for absorbing moisture making the cabinet wood more prone to rotting and mold. If you’ve reached the point where you’re asking yourself if it’s time, and you notice your cabinets are constructed of particleboard, it’s time.
 #2. Structural Damage to the Frame
 Refacing your cabinet is a sound option if you’re looking to save some cash, but that option presupposes that the frame itself is in good shape. If not, it’s time to replace the cabinets entirely, because no amount of refacing a damaged frame will do you any good whatsoever, and will likely cost you more money in the longer term than you think you’re saving by going with the cheaper option.
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 #3. You’re Remodeling the Kitchen
 Don’t bother trying to save the cabinets if you’re remodeling the kitchen anyway. It isn’t worth, even if for some reason you are really attached to your cabinets. In the event that you are take a good picture and treasure it forever.
 #4. Metal Cabinets
 Unfortunately, metal cabinets cannot easily be refaced. The idea behind them was that you wouldn’t have to reface them because they were made of metal, and thus suffered less wear and tear over time than wood. If you’re cabinets are metal, then there’s no sense in trying to reface them, it’s time to replace them.
 #5. There’s a Nasty Stink Coming Out of Them
 In the event that your cabinets smell, the last thing you need to do is give them a makeover. Even a shower won’t help them at this point. They’ve gone moldy. If the mold is completely restricted to door faces, which is highly unlikely, then you may have a miracle on your hands. But otherwise, it’s time to let go. Once the mold has made it to the frame, the cabinets are basically beyond repair. This also goes for insect damage and water damage. Any damage to the frame is a time bomb waiting to happen.
 “Replacing cabinets is expensive, but we work with a lot of folks that only need their cabinets refaced,” says one installer from San Diego. “But there are limitations to what a refacing can do.”
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How to Check if Your Kitchen Cabinets are Structurally Stable
For those that are considering whether or not their kitchen cabinetry is worth saving or if it’s time to install entirely new cabinets, there are a couple of quick checks that you can perform yourself. The sense of doing this is simple. Refacing cabinets costs a lot of money, but less money than installing them new.
Here’s what you need to know. The process of refacing cabinets is almost entirely cosmetic. It’s also expensive. If the cabinets aren’t structurally stable or if they have various forms of damage, refacing won’t do them a bit a good. So, this is what you’re going to want to look for.
#1. Particle Board
If you’ve recently moved into a new home, and the cabinetry in the kitchen is made entirely out of particle board, there’s no sense in dumping money into giving them a makeover. The only time it’s going to be worth investing the money into cabinet facelift is when the structural integrity of the cabinet was good in the first place. If it’s made out particle board, it was never that good.
#2. Frame Damage
There are certain kinds of frame damage that make a cabinet completely beyond the repair and not worth the time to reface. If you look inside the cabinets and see that even some of the frame is rotting, water damaged, or molding, investing in a refacing is going to be like putting lipstick on a pig.
If there’s damage caused by termites, it’s lipstick on a pig. If there is swelling or warping of the wood, it’s lipstick on a pig. If the wood is beginning to soften, it’s lipstick on a pig. In some instances, some of the frame may be able to be replaced, so consulting with an installer on when you need to replace the entire cabinetry, assuming you want to save any of it, is your best bet. But the last thing you want to be doing here is to put lipstick on a pig.
#3. The Cabinets Smell Bad
This is where the lipstick on a pig metaphor is most apt. Refacing the cabinets won’t do anything to improve the smell of the cabinets. In this instance, there is probably an issue with mold, mildew, or both. In some instances, cabinets can collect a basement-like mustiness to them, which probably just indicates that they are very old.
“Kitchen cabinets san diego take a beating on the microscopic level,” explains one San Diego installer. “Over time the wood absorbs moisture from the kitchen naturally. The kitchen is one of the moistest rooms in the house, next to the bathroom, so even the best kept cabinets are going to need to be replaced on a long enough time scale.”
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4 Materials Homeowners Should Think Twice About Before Adding to Their Kitchen
Low-End Thermofoil Cabinet Fronts When it comes to kitchen cabinets san diego, thermofoil cabinet fronts are far from the most attractive option. Despite their relatively hifalutin label, these products are essentially comprised of fiberboard with an outer layer of vinyl. The main issue with these cabinet fronts is that they tend to peel, discolor, and/or crack, both in warm and damp settings. This will lead to the material weakening significantly over a relatively short period of time, providing a loose, shabby look.
Flat Paint Flat paint, while great for ceilings, low traffic areas, and accent walls, has no ideal place in a kitchen. Flat paint is notoriously expressive of even the most minute fingerprints and scratches - on top of that, it’s relatively difficult to keep clean due to its delicate finish. It’s generally recommended that a gloss/semi gloss paint be used for a kitchen. Talk-of-the-Week Backsplash Materials It seems as though, with every year that comes and goes, kitchen trends take in and effectively dispel dozens of backsplash trends. New backsplash designs tend to come and go at an amazing rate, while classic designs are still around, and for good reason.
Even if a homeowner is absolutely enamored by a new backsplash pattern that was recently released, it’s best to take some time to meditate on the choice before committing to it. While a homeowner’s design tastes might waver over time, the backsplash will (ideally) be set into the wall for years to come, so it’s important to stick to a reliable, durable choice. Subway tile patterns are always a safe bet, and it’s advised that homeowners stick to the classic, tried and true materials: natural stone, porcelain, metal, and glass.
Vinyl Flooring (of the Cheaper Variation) Since vinyl is relatively cheap, and the available finishing options are vast, it tends to be quite an attractive flooring option for homeowners on a budget. However, when it comes to vinyl flooring, there is much more than meets the eye. In essence, vinyl is a non-renewable petroleum resource, making it extremely unviable from a purely environmental perspective. Aside from that, the material comes with its fair share of safety concerns; throughout its life, cheap sheet vinyl flooring can release volatile chemicals into the home. These chemicals can potentially lead to irritation in the eyes, asthma, and other respiratory issues. If that wasn’t enough, vinyl flooring is highly vulnerable to being ripped and teared, and its color and pattern may fade if exposed to consistent levels of strong sunlight. Finally, since vinyl cannot be resurfaced and is difficult to repair, it will likely need replacing sooner rather than later.
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4 Things to Avoid When Designing an Outdoor Kitchen
The Outdoor Kitchen Must be Properly Ventilated with Vent Panels Outdoor cooking is usually a fun activity carried out on a relaxing day, and there’s nothing that can hamper that kind of day like an explosion in the outdoor kitchen caused by lack of ventilation. In all areas of the home where gas is used, it’s important for homeowners to engage the help of licensed contractors to ensure that the kitchen is properly ventilated. Vent panels should be installed every four to six feet in order to prevent significant gas build up. The placement of these panels is key, so it’s important for homeowners to be careful during this step. In cases where natural gas is being used, the vent panels should be installed as high as possible. When using propane, on the other hand these should be installed as low as possible, since propane is a relatively heavier gas that sinks to the floor.
Gauge Whether Cabinets Will Work kitchen cabinets san diego are always a convenient addition to a kitchen, whether indoor or outdoor. However, when it comes to an outdoor kitchen, enclosed storage components may not be the best option. In some cases, plumbing may restrict an enclosed piece of cabinetry being installed under a sink. It’s advised that homeowners fully flesh out the design of their kitchen beforehand — laying out the placement of their doors and drawers — so that no nasty surprises are discovered upon installation. Leave Adequate Counter Space Any successful new kitchen is fully practical, which is why sufficient counter space is absolutely necessary when building an outdoor kitchen.
It’s tempting for homeowners to throw multiple functional appliances into their outdoor kitchen, but it’s crucial that these extra appliances don’t take too much kitchen real estate from the countertops. There should be enough counter space for homeowners to easily be able to prepare food as a minimum; extra counter space might be needed for outdoor kitchens that will double as a dining area.
Only Purchase Outdoor Rated Appliances This is an obvious one, but it bears stating. Only outdoor rated appliances should be considered for an outdoor kitchen. This insures the longevity and, more importantly, the safety of homeowners. Simply put, appliances that are exclusively rated to be used indoors are not suited for the challenges that come with an outdoor environment. As time goes on, these appliances might become rusted or discolored, or they may fail entirely, none of which will be covered under warranty. Worse yet, the appliances may leak fluid that can combine with potential gas leaks, leading to considerable health risks or serious injury if the compounds ever form to cause an explosion.
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Three Ways to Improve Kitchen Cabinets Without Replacing Them
People who are still stuck with typical kitchen cabinets from previous decades might wish they could replace them to make them handier and more efficient. This is particularly true for people with kitchen cabinets San Diego and other expensive markets. In cities where real estate is very expensive, most folks need to maximize space. The good news is that it's entirely possible to make cabinets more efficient without totally replacing them.
3 Kitchen Hacks to Make Cabinets More Efficient
These are some tips to make the most of cabinet space:
• Store items over the cabinets: In many homes, there is some space between the top of the cabinet and the ceiling. Instead of wasting this space, consider it as an extra shelf for items that don't get used very often. If some of these items don't really add to the decor, they might be stored inside pretty baskets that will complement the look of the kitchen.
• Use cabinet accessories to maximize space: There are all sorts of store-bought space savers that can be purchased to make cabinets more useful. Some examples are storage baskets that can hook to the underside of shelves and revolving turntables that can make condiments and containers easier to reach.
• Reorganize and discard: Even the most ample cabinets get disorganized over time. If it's impossible to find room for new purchases because old and unused items take up too much space, it's time to decide which items really deserve valuable storage space. It might be time to discard expired food items or give away a gadget that only seemed like a good idea when it was on sale but never got used.
Certainly, it's also possible to buy entirely new shelves and fixtures that can replace the old ones. This will cost more, but it will still be cheaper than totally replacing the old cabinets. It will be much cheaper than buying a new house with a larger kitchen. Before taking any drastic steps, it's better to consider ways to maximize available space in a sensible way.
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Special Considerations When Installing Stainless Steel Kitchen Cabinets
Stainless steel kitchen cabinetry is a relatively new and modern trend. Though stainless steel is prominent in many commercial kitchens, it's only recently been introduced into residential homes. Stainless steel has many benefits -- but it also has a few notable drawbacks related to structure and cost.
The Benefits of Stainless Steel Cabinets
Stainless steel cabinets give a sleek, modern look to a kitchen. They work well with many other materials and color schemes, and they have an extremely unique experience. Stainless steel is exceptionally durable and can be polished if it becomes scratched, scuffed, or otherwise loses its luster. Stainless steel is also very easy to keep clean and sanitized. Stainless steel frames can be used along with glass to make cabinets that are easy to look into and easy to use.
The Potential Drawbacks of Stainless Steel Cabinets
• They can be difficult to keep clean. Stainless steel easily reveals marks, dust, and dirt. Special products need to be used for cleaning and, in general, all surfaces will need to be wiped down on a regular basis.
• They are heavy. Stainless steel cabinets are significantly heavier than similar cabinets in either wood or PVC. Because of this, stainless cabinets need to be anchored correctly if they are to remain in place.
• They may look industrial. To some, stainless steel is always associated with a commercial kitchen. Stainless has a unique type of reflectivity and glare, which can be associated with a more industrial feel.
• They are expensive. Stainless steel is generally more expensive than other options, such as PVC and wood. However, stainless steel can also last much longer. Different styles of stainless steel cabinetry may also be less expensive; thin stainless steel will usually be fairly affordable.
Properly Installing Stainless Steel Cabinetry
Stainless steel cabinetry and cabinet doors need to be planned for at the very beginning of the project, as they can add additional weight. When installing stainless steel, the functionality of the cabinets should be considered, in addition to the cost. Because stainless steel is still unusual, it may not be known whether or not the stainless cabinets will actually improve upon a home's value.
Kitchen cabinets San Diego come in a wide variety of materials, each with their own pros and cons. A professional cabinet installer will have samples of each of these material types, for homeowners and home buyers interested in exploring their options.
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Tips for Getting Through Your Kitchen Remodel
You’ve been planning your kitchen renovation for a long time. Once it’s finished, your kitchen is going to look brand new, and you’ll enjoy using it again. In the meantime, you’ve got to get through this kitchen remodeling stage. Here’s how. Relocate if Necessary Renovations of any kind cause dust and other particles to become airborne. These particles may cause problems for allergy sufferers. If you have serious allergies that can be triggered by dust, consider temporarily moving in with family while your kitchen is being renovated.
To avoid feelings of guilt or infringement on either side, make an effort to help out around their house. Minimizing your footprint during your stay will help safeguard family relationships. Reassign a Space Your kitchen renovation may entail new or refaced kitchen cabinets san diego, appliances or flooring. This will often require removal of your appliances, at least temporarily. Most likely, you won’t be able to cook on your stove, and you might not have access to your refrigerator.
Choose a space in your home that you can use as a makeshift kitchen area. This may be a den, a sunroom, a rarely used bathroom, or a corner in the living room. A bedroom isn’t a good choice because of privacy issues. Make Like a Camp In that space, set up a small table or free-standing tray table. Stack paper plates, cups and plastic spoons, forks and knives so you won’t have to worry about washing dishes. Place a large insulated cooler in the area to store cold bottles of water, sandwich supplies and snacks and vegetables. Plan on grilling food outside when weather permits. A grill basket is a convenient way to grill a healthy meal of vegetables tossed in grape seed oil and a little seasoning. Plug in a slow cooker to make meat and vegetable dishes that don’t require a lot or overseeing or extra pots and pans. A simple drugstore hot pot offers a way to warm soup or make instant coffee and tea.
Forego Cleaning When renovations are taking place in your home, you can guarantee that there will be an endless chain of dust landing on every horizontal surface of your home. If you try to keep up with it, you’ll be frustrated by your inability to do so. Instead, resign yourself to the fact that you’ll have to look at a layer of dust on everything until the renovations are complete. You can, of course, try to keep it at a minimum, but you won’t have a perfectly dust free home until the project is over. When the workers have gone and the renovation is finished, treat yourself to a professional house cleaning. It will be worth it to see your whole house get cleaned in one long afternoon.
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Projects That Add Value to a Home Before Selling
There are a variety of home remodeling projects that can be done to increase the chances of a home sale. Kitchen remodeling projects have some of the highest returns for the investment. Buyers appreciate a remodeled kitchen because it means that they won't have to do it. They often overestimate the work and money put into a kitchen project, too. Here are some remodeling projects one should consider before putting a home on the market.
Cabinet Refinishing and Replacement
Hardwood cabinet doors that are scuffed and dirty can be sanded and refinished. With new cabinet hardware, they will look like new. Soft wood cabinets, such as those made from pine, or cabinets with veneer panels should be replaced. A company that specializes in kitchen cabinets San Diego will have a number of hardwood cabinet styles from which to choose. Hardwood cabinets deliver years of use and can be refinished easier than cheaply made cabinets.
Stock cabinet shapes and sizes come in a variety of storage configurations. If the kitchen has been through several remodeling projects, one may have to look to custom cabinets built for the space. The standard shapes and sizes may not fit the space without expensive construction work in the kitchen.
Countertops and Other Work Surfaces
Laminated countertops should be replace with one of the popular stone or composite surfaces. Granite comes in a variety of colors and can be polished to a shine or left with its matte appearance. Choose a granite color that contrasts with the hardwood cabinets. Composite countertops can be made to look like a number of other materials, such as wood, copper, or marble at a lower cost than using the original materials. Concrete is a versatile material that can be poured, molded and tinted to create custom shapes and sizes. It can also be tinted and polished to look like a variety of natural stone.
An island in the kitchen is an ideal place to create a focal area that draws one's attention to it and away from the other surfaces. A polished granite countertop on the island with halogen spots highlighting it will capture the eye of buyers walking through the kitchen. They will spend less time inspecting the inexpensive work surfaces installed on the other cabinets.
Flooring Materials
Vinyl flooring and tiles should be replaced with long-lasting ceramic or stone. Concrete can also be used in the kitchen to create the look of stone, even expensive marble. Any floor should be sealed and polished to prevent stains from spills. The sealed floor will hold up to scrubbing better than leaving the original material exposed.
A remodeled kitchen adds value to the home, increases the aesthetic qualities and creates a welcoming feel to potential buyers. They will see themselves in the new kitchen space, preparing meals for their family or entertaining guests. It becomes an enticing selling point because the work has already been done for the buyer.
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Take Cabinet Customization to the Next Level
There are several things to consider when choosing new kitchen cabinets san diego. Thinking through them in advance and coming up with specific requirements provides the chance to eliminate frustrating elements as well as improve the appearance of the kitchen area. Here are a few key choices to consider: Color In many homes, woodgrain is the standard for cabinets. Even so, there's a wide variety of woods that can be chosen ranging from very light to almost black. Buyers should also consider ditching woodgrain altogether. Painted cabinets open up the color palette and can be perfect for themes such as beach, tropical, South American, and contemporary.
Number of Cabinets It can be hard to imagine the kitchen with more cabinets than it originally came with, but it's definitely worthwhile to do so. Most Americans complain of a lack of storage space, and adding more cabinets is a great fix for this problem. This is easier than it seems. Kitchens tend to have cabinets along just one or two of the walls. This leaves another one or two walls open for more. Cabinet footage can easily be doubled by using this space. Cabinet Interiors Typically, cabinets come with between one and three shelves inside. When the cabinet is to be filled with small items like spice bottles, this arrangement leaves loads of wasted area.
Have spice cabinets made with more shelves inside to gain access to all of that blank headspace. Conversely, the standard shelf arrangement is also poor for storing large pots and pans, which often don't fit. Designate some cabinets for these cooking tools before they're put in. Have them constructed with just one or even no shelves at all. For the rest of the cabinets, get organizer shelves instead of the standard flat wood planks. These shelves can have dividers, slide out to meet the user, have wire baskets instead of flat surfaces, and more. Choose a collection of organizer types that will perfectly meet storage needs.
Cabinet Height The standard height of wall-mounted cabinets leaves a good amount of space over the counter, but it also places the top shelves too high for many people. If the wall has no counter, think about having the cabinets placed lower so all of their space is within easy reach. By thinking of these things in advance instead of just going with the standard issue designs, homeowners can make their lives more convenient. Clutter will be reduced as well.
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Re-Facing Kitchen Cabinets
Cabinet re-facing is a fast and easy way to give your kitchen a whole new look. Cabinet re-facing is a remodeling technique where you change out just the doors on your cabinets. This means you can skip having to take down and replace your existing kitchen cabinets. Following are the simple steps to transform your kitchen with cabinet re-facing. Remember that cabinet re-facing is only worth it if the existing cabinet boxes are in prime condition. If not, it's better to invest in new kitchen cabinets San Diego.
Step 1: Removal
Remove all the doors and hardware from your kitchen cabinets. You can do this with a handheld screwdriver, but use a drill with a screw head to save even more time. You can save these cabinet doors to donate to a recycling center, or you can stain or paint them for re-use.
Step 2: Cover Up
Cover the front edges of each cabinet with strips of wood veneer cut to the correct width. Choose veneer that matches the color of the new cabinet doors you plan on installing. There are two ways to attach wood veneer. You can use the peel and stick variety or you can use the kind that you glue on with wood glue.
Peel and Stick Veneer - With this kind of wood veneer, you just peel off the back paper and stick on. You have to be careful with this type because once you start, you can’t adjust it. So you have to make sure it’s on straight before you continue pressing it on, or you’ll end up with crooked veneer.
Glue-on Veneer - With glued veneer, you apply a thin ribbon of wood glue on the back of the veneer and apply it to the front edges of the cabinets. If it doesn’t go on straight right away, you can slide it into position before it dries. If you’re gluing on your wood veneer, you’ll have to use clamps to hold the veneer in place until it’s completely dried. Make sure you use a wet cloth to wipe away any glue seepage.
Step 3: Attach New Cabinet Doors
Now you’re ready to attach your new cabinet doors. You can use your old hinges and handle hardware, or you may want to buy new ones to modernize your look even more. Make sure you screw everything in evenly so that the cabinet doors hang straight.
Now you have what appear to be brand new cabinets, in less time than it would have taken you to drive down to the hardware store to pick out new cabinets.
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Ugly Cabinets? Don't Despair!
Many people are dissatisfied with their kitchen cabinets san diego, but assume that fixing them will require a large investment. In reality, improving a cabinet situation can often be done for a much lower price than expected. Here are some things to look at that will make it easier to decide whether affordable alternatives like refacing will work: The Insides of the Cabinets This area is the main determining factor for whether or not cabinet refacing will be enough to bring the cabinets up to snuff.
If the insides are in good condition, without sagging, cracked, or rotted bottoms, there's no need to replace the entire cabinet. Instead, have it refaced or refinished to bring back that like-new look. The same principle applies to the visible sides of the cabinets. As long as they're structurally sound, cosmetic upgrades are good to go. The Hardware Cabinet doors often sag after many years, and this is often what makes people think they need entire new units.
In reality, doors almost always sag because of failed hinges. With many hinge designs, there is a hidden spring that helps to hold the doors flat to the cabinet frame when they're not in use. This spring eventually fails, and when it does, the door sags. Later, it will hang partially open as well. The off-kilter doors, combined with the worn finish common on cabinets of this age, can fool people into thinking that their cabinets are beyond hope. Fortunately, fixing these problems is actually simple. Replace the failed hinge hardware and have the units refinished or refaced. They'll look and work like new at a fraction of the cost of full replacement.
The Amount of Space Available If there simply isn't enough kitchen cabinet space to store everything, there's no way around it. New cabinets will have to be added to increase storage if clutter and annoyance are to be prevented. However, this doesn't mean that the existing cabinets have to be replaced. Simply have them refaced to match the new ones, and it'll look as if the entire kitchen was fully redone. As this shows, there are very few instances when entire new cabinets are actually needed. Instead, refacing the old ones will usually work fine and will present the desired brand-new look. This makes the dream of beautiful cabinets much more attainable. With this in mind, there's no need to settle for stained or sagging cabinets in the kitchen.
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The Role of Cabinetry in Reinventing a Kitchen Design
By renovating kitchen cabinets, homeowners can change the ambiance of their entire kitchen. Kitchen cabinets play a key role in the aesthetic appeal and function of a kitchen, making them of utmost importance in a kitchen renovation project. New or upgraded cabinets can give a kitchen a whole new look, transforming it into a unique and special environment. When deciding what kind of cabinets to integrate into their kitchen, homeowners should consider the following:
Custom Designs Homeowners have various options for upgrading kitchen cabinets. Investing in custom cabinets gives homeowners the opportunity to incorporate innovative designs into their kitchen that make it a more functional and attractive environment. A reputable contractor or remodeling company can provide homeowners with the designer cabinets they desire. Hand crafted cabinets with features such as wine racks, pullout shelves, lazy Susans and customized dish drawers can transform a blasé kitchen into a state of the art setting the whole family will love. High quality, custom cabinets can be created to a homeowner’s exact specifications for size, color, materials and style.
Refurbishing Existing Stock Refurbishing existing kitchen cabinets san diego offers an alternative to purchasing new ones, while still enabling homeowners to recreate their kitchen environment. Renovating existing cabinets costs much less than buying custom designs, providing homeowners with more funds to invest in their renovation project. An experienced contractor can help homeowners come up with affordable cabinet renovation ideas to create the ambiance they desire.
Experimenting with Color Rather than settle for traditional wooden cabinets, why not experiment with different colors or finishes to make a kitchen stand out. By browsing through sample colors and discussing options with their contractor, homeowners can get a better idea of cabinet colors that would complement or contrast their kitchen décor. Adding color to a kitchen can make for a more fashionable kitchen setting that reflects a homeowner’s personal taste and preference. When incorporating color in their kitchen, homeowners should consider what kind of atmosphere and tone they want to set with their new kitchen design. A change in kitchen cabinetry can make a tremendous difference in the overall function and appearance of a kitchen. Rather than renovate the entire kitchen, homeowners can focus on one aspect – cabinetry – to get the beautiful results they desire. Whether investing in new cabinets or refacing existing ones, homeowners can transform their kitchen into a sophisticated, user-friendly setting that complements their lifestyle.
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