kitjameson · 3 years
Colt shook his head. “She just needs time and kindness.” Despite being a vet, he didn’t believe in medicating animals unless it was the only option. They didn’t have a choice, and it was the human’s job to discern if it was a necessary element or something that was done to just make the companionship easier. The latter didn’t strike him as the right thing. “Just because she’s hurt, she’s going through something, that doesn’t give me the excuse to get her stoned. It won’t help her in the long run and it’d be selfish of me as it would be just to make it easier on me.” Colt had seen glimmers of a normal dog in there. She would come around. “She’ll sleep on the floor next to me. It’s a big step for her.” There might be some salvation for Colt there too. If he did right by her, maybe he could restore himself in the process. Colt’s lips did turn into a smile fully at the mention of his companionship and he elbowed her. “You’re just mad because I encourage you to stop being a bitch ass and put more weight on the rack. And yes, I think you’re the one who doesn’t know how to cook. I went from married life to sad, divorced man life. I had to learn - I was used to a certain way of living.”
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“You’re right, I mean, you are the vet here.” Kit shrugged. “Oh, I don’t think it can get them stoned if there isn’t any THC in it. I’m talking about the CBD ones, it doesn’t have any of those ‘high affects’- at least for humans. I don’t know if it’s any different with animals?” She tilted her head. At least that was the case for her, the last time she got some weed from her dealer he said it was CBD and she didn’t know what that meant until she tried it and felt absolutely nothing except her knees weren’t hurting and she was in a good mood. “That makes sense though, and I’m sure she appreciates you even if she can’t tell you.” Kit was glad to see the smile appear on his face. The little bit of sunshine she remembered the man showing before. She missed it. “Oh, really? You wanna go there, Colt 45?” She raised a brow, teasing him. “Before you know it I’ll be the one kicking your ass in the ring, right? The student surpasses the teacher- or whatever they say.” She brought her hands up in front of her to mock fight him.” Kit crossed her arms as they walked. “Yeah, well, are you going to teach me or what? I’m not that bad, I don’t usually burn things, I just don’t exactly know many dishes.” She shrugged again.
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kitjameson · 3 years
“Okay, theeen-“ Kit elongated the word as she flipped through her planner. She had to get one for Industry as there were so many things she had to be on top of for that place, something she was starting to hate due to the fact that she wasn’t well paid and wanted to own her own place already. Kit sighed as her eyes passed over an entire week blocked out for employee reviews and meetings with vendors to negotiate prices. “Oh, how about next Monday?” She asked with a tilt of her head. She took a sip of her coffee as she listened to her friend. “Yeah – that.. that’s a lot, for anyone, but especially with everything else going on. I’m sorry Alara.” She gave her friend a small smile. “How’s he doing?” She asked. She wanted to ask Colt when she ran into him the other day at the farmers market but she didn’t want to make him talk about it. “Oh, yeah! The last time I went my arms hurt for like a week, but 10/10 would do again.” She leaned forward, setting her arms on the table.
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starter for @kitjameson​ …​
     They were fresh out of tea, so Alara had gone with a hot water and lemon as she sat down opposite Kit. Crossing one leg over the other, she pulled out her phone and checked her schedule to realise — she had zero plans, ever. Aside from work, seeing her father-in-law and dropping Pike to and from Colt’s place a couple of times a week, she didn’t have much in the way of a social life. “I’m free pretty much whenever, I drop in to see my father-in-law as many days as I can, so as long as we work around him I’m happy.” Everything else she would move about, if needed. “Have you ever been to the climbing center?” She asked, “It’s not too far from here. It’s pretty fun, if you like working out and stuff.”
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kitjameson · 3 years
After the dozens of times that Kit had spent sitting at the bar and drinking with Hudson her mother had only come up a handful of times, but Kit knew what he did for work so when her maternal grandmother had passed away she knew the one person who might be able to find her deadbeat mother. She deserved to know. Kit walked into Hud’s office, expecting that she might meet his new assistant. She wasn’t sure how new she was but she only remembered Hud talking about her a couple of times. “Hey, is Hud in?” She asked with a smile. Her arms were wrapped around a family photo album that her maternal grandmother had left her, and a few folders with legal documents that had her mother’s name and information. She wasn’t sure what she needed to bring but she wanted to be ready.
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closed to @kitjameson​ location: sweeney investigations
super assistant rebecca bailey wasn’t a career move that bex ever thought she would make in her life. she had enjoyed working with hudson, and she really wanted to get further involved in the field that he’d introduced her to. the bex who grew up in kingston would be in shock if she could see her now… but bex was absolutely thrilled with the direction her life had taken. she was playing around with the stuff on her desk when she heard the door open, looking up and putting on her best customer service smile as she looked at the woman who walked in. “hi!” she leaned forward, “welcome to sweeney investigations. what can i do for you?”
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kitjameson · 3 years
“That’s all you have to say huh?” Jake asked, wondering what he expected for Kit to say after so long. He hadn’t seen her in years and his life was so drastically different from what it was when they were together. In the last few years he’d really thrown his life away and made so many bad decisions that he didn’t know how to recover from it anymore. He was trying but Jake was never good at doing the right thing. “How are you? How have you been? Can I buy you a coffee?” Maybe she didn’t want to see him and that was why she hadn’t said much or maybe it was just…awkward? Either way, Jake was never the one to acknowledge an uncomfortable situation. He’d rather push that aside and pretend things were fine.
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“No, I’ve- uh, imagined this so many ti-“ Kit cut herself off. “What I meant to say is that no, I have much more. I just couldn’t place the words.” She let out a nervous laugh. Kit tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she nodded. “It’s really great to see you.” She reached out and gave his arm a gentle squeeze. “Of course, I would love to catch up. Sorry –“ She waved at her lazy outfit and hair that was pulled up into a bun. “-you caught me a little hung over,” as if he couldn’t tell. “I’ll have to take a large coffee today.” She joked. “I’ve, well, I’ve been alright. Things with my dad are pretty much the same,” he had been in and out of AA for about a decade now. “I’m managing Industry, it’s pretty much what I’d like to be doing right now except I’d like to own it instead of just run the place.” She had been saving up some money to buy out the owner for years, but she had to dip into it time and time again to help her grandparents with their space rent at the mobile home park, or to pay for her fathers rehab. “What about you, how have you been? You look good.” She couldn’t help herself, she had to give him a once over.
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kitjameson · 3 years
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While the stranger took the stage and made it hers, all Sebastian could do was admire her way of owning the song, a small forming on the corner of his lips, brow rose in admiration. Sensing the way the other was enjoying herself, the elementary teacher decided to lose himself and the inhibitions that often tied him down and mimic the other alas, as his time to accompany her approached, Sebastian approached her and started doing a silly little dance as he sang along to the song he knew by heart, the smile not once leaving his face. 
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They continued, loving the energy that the audience gave them. “Don’t go wasting your emoOootion-“ Kit sang from her belly as she belted out the lyrics. “Lay all your love on meeee!” She ended the note and released a breath, looking over to her new duet partner and giving him a wink. She noticed he wasn’t looking at the lyrics as he sang, something Kit found endearing. “Do you do this often?” She asked as there was an instrumental break in the music. “Karaoke, not just singing with strangers.” She clarified with a laugh.
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kitjameson · 3 years
As a person Elliot considered herself to be pretty decisive but when it came to choosing something to watch she was a total lost cause. Elliot hummed in thought but then the idea of Christmas movies was floated about, “well if we are going Christmas Rom Com then I vote Happiest Season because if I’m being forced to watch a cheesy couple I want them gay,” she declared. “Not too bad, I sang at an open mic and have definitely caught the performing bug again.” 
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“Have you seen that yet? It makes me SO mad. I have a totally different ship in the movie that I think should have ended up either, but maybe that’s cause I just want to see Kristen and Aubrey together.” Kit said with a full pair of heart eyes on the tv as she scrolled through Hulu to find Happiest Season. “We need more queer holiday movies, forget about coming out movies we have enough of those. I just want movies about gay people living their lives, like make it romance make it comedy, whatever, just make it gay!” Kit shook her head.
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kitjameson · 3 years
“Home is where the heart is.” Kit spewed the well known quote. “I’m just glad you’re back.” She said, looping an arm through the others. “Eh- I mean the owner’s not around very often if at all, so I pretty much get to run things how I want but I am not getting paid for all that work.” She scrunched her nose. “Oh, you know I’m always up to no good.” Kit winked at her friend. She used to get into a lot more trouble as a teen and a young adult, but recently she’s prided herself on pulling her life together into one that would make her dad, and herself proud. “How was your trip?”
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─── starter for @kitjameson​
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LEGAL GROUNDS ESPRESSO BAR, DOWNTOWN — “Oh, thanks,” she casually said to the male that reminded Lucia of her luggage as she moved along in line with Kit. Grabbing the handle, she pulled it along with her and let her deep russet eyes wander around the familiar walls. “You know, all the coffee shops and cafes I’ve been to, there’s really nothing quite like this one.” It was true that after a while they all seemed to be the same no matter what zip code you entered or what part of the world you traveled to. “Or, maybe I’m just feeling ridiculously nostalgic. Travel does that to me sometimes. How’s things at Industry?” Unfortunately, that was one of the bars in town she didn’t frequent too often. Back in the day, when she was young and foolish and married, it was a favorite of his whenever they’d visit her hometown. All these years later, Lucia still avoided the place to a degree. “You been up to no good?”
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kitjameson · 3 years
Colt didn’t feel the need to mince words with Kit. She had gone to school with Wes, she knew of him. She likely at least felt the sense of shock over it. Colt clicked his tongue at the thought of Midnight. “She’s fucked. I went into the store to get something with her in the cab, and she tore the seats down to bones.” Colt shook his head. “I wonder what she saw.” The dog was acting like it was war-torn. The CIA had not released details of his brother’s death. Likely because he wasn’t supposed to be in some place that they were. Colt wished Midnight could speak. Did his brother suffer? Did she blame herself? Colt’s hands clenched and unclenched. Rage and grief swirled into deadly cocktail of emotions. Fighting was keeping the pressure off. The valve lifted just enough to keep him from popping off again. At her jest, he actually did smile. It didn’t reach his eyes, but it was nice regardless. “I’m kinda shitty company these days, but I was a black belt and fought on scholarship, so I can teach you a few things.” A smile flickered again. “Anyway, what are you trying to cook? I feel like you can’t cook.”
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The news of Wes’s death shook their community, she wanted to stop by and check in on him but she was sure the condolences and loads of food strangers dropped off for him could be overwhelming. “Whatever it was, it doesn’t seem good. Animals get PTSD too, maybe he needs some sort of... animal therapy? Maybe that pet CBD? Either way, he’s in good hands with you.” Kit switched the shoulder that she kept her produce bag. “You’re saying this as if you weren’t shitty company before.” She winked. “Okay, show off, sign me up.” Kit’s mouth fell open in shock at his comment, entirely entertained. She reached out to gently smack his arm with the back of her hand while they walked. “You think, that between the two of us, I’m the one who doesn’t know how to cook?” She swiftly deflected the question. After her mom left her dad kind of gave up. Sure he was a great dad, but she missed out on that part and instead generally relied on takeout or one of the only five dishes her dad taught her to make. She tried following recipes but she didn’t always execute them well.
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kitjameson · 3 years
Something about the first love seemed to never go away. He’d heard people say that over the years, that your first was always gonna have a place in your heart, that they’d be special forever but he’d never really known what it meant. At least until Kit. She was the one who he’d first fallen for. She was the one who made his heart flutter and his pulse race. When things had inevitably not worked out, because truthfully she was too good for him and always had been, he’d never openly admitted how much it hurt. “Only a small puddle on my new boots.” Jake smiled down at the familiar brunette. “Hey stranger.”
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Kit blinked a few times, taking in the man before her. He looked older, he looked good. A flood of emotions ran through her. He had the same sharp features and he towered over her as he always had. “Jake?” Her lips turned up into a smile, her cheeks inexplicitly red as she tucked her wet hair behind her ear. “Jake!” Kit was happy to see him. Of course they said it ended on good terms, but she would still always feel guilty about leaving town and would often think about what could have been for them. She wanted to reach out and pull him into a hug but she was stopped by two things, being soaking wet and the fact that he might not want a hug from her. She ignored the pit in her stomach even as it filled with butterflies.
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kitjameson · 3 years
“Oh yeah that’s true. Or is she going to be one of those kids who just throws everything in the closet and shuts the door quickly?” He asked. “Because well I think that’s something that she got from me.” He mentioned to her as he laughed. “I used to just throw that shit in there and pray that it didn’t come back out at me and then my parents would open it to pick out an outfit and it just all came out in front of them.” He laughed as he moved with her towards the actual rink and nodded in agreement. “Of course! I would love to get some tacos after this!” He explained. 
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“Mmm?” Kit tilted her head as she smirked. “That’s exactly how my dad was, I’m so glad I realized it wasn’t the best way to keep a place organized.” She laughed, wobbling on her skates momentarily. “I find it hard to keep my place neat, it’s usually somewhat tidy but that doesn’t mean I don’t have clutter.” Kit circled around him once before pulling up next to him. It felt good to be in skates again, she forgot how freeing it felt to just roll around. “Are you still close with your parents?” 
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kitjameson · 3 years
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“In that case, it’s my pleasure” the eldest chuckled, bowing playfully as he walked up to the stage. As the other inquired on the song to choose, he pondered dramatically for a second, arching a brow wickedly upon reaching a conclusion. “I say we start with Lay All Your Love and if they are a good crowd, we can give them Dancing Queen later, what do you think?” Seb suggested, grabbing a spare microphone as he reached the spot next to the brunette. Growing up, he had dome some theatre upon finding his love for musical theatre after listening to Rent for the first time, so big crowds weren’t really a problem to the teacher and, judge by the way the other carried herself, he doubted it was a problem for her too. 
Kit smiled wide, the shot she had on the way to the stage warming her belly yet she felt sober. “Brilliant.” She gave the man a nod and scooched over to share the small stage. “You heard the man.” She called to the sound guy just off the side of the stage. Kit stepped to the music lightly, her shoulders moving back and forth as she danced. Her friends cheered her on from a dark corner in the back. Kit looked over at the man and rose the mic to sing the first verse. She sang confidently and, in her opinion, better than she had in a while. 
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kitjameson · 3 years
sebastian-warren​:Sebastian grinned as soon as he was approached with the question. Normally, whenever he attended Karaoke night, it was with friends he could coarse into joining him in some ridiculous, humorous number but, after deciding to come along to try and have some fun after a week of work, the teacher had accepted his faith as another spectator. That was, of course, until the brunette addressed him with a million dollar question. “Who doesn’t like ABBA? Who doesn’t like Mamma Mia at the very least?” he questioned back raising a brow before standing up. “Are you asking me to be our very own Benny Andersson?”
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“If only for the night, darling, and I’ll be your Frida.” Kit said dramatically, loving the fact that this man was a fan. Her lips turned up into a bright smile. “We could do that, or Lay all your love on me? Dancing Queen?” She asked, nodding for him to come up to the stage. Kit wasn’t always this outgoing but she basically grew up in this bar with her dad, so she was completely comfortable with the crowd of regulars. ‘Disco sucks!’ An older mad shouted from the bar. “Can it, Ed! Unless you want to come cover journey with me?” He ducked his head back down, defeated.
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kitjameson · 3 years
Kit x Elliot
Location: Kit’s apartment @elliotlozano
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Kit plopped on the couch and sat the popcorn between her and Elliot. “Okay, what were we watching?” She asked, scrolling through hulu. “I also have Netflix if we can’t find anything good on here. I was thinking a cheesy Christmas romcom, but it’s up to you.” She tossed the remote over to Elliot. Kit streched out her legs and rested them on the trunk she called an impromptu coffee table. “How’s this week been?” She took a handful of popcorn and popped a few into her mouth. 
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kitjameson · 3 years
Kit x Seb
Location: The Rattlesnake @sebastian-warren​
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“Suit yourself.” Kit replied to her friend who refused to join her. Kit made her way to the stage, shooting back the rest of her drink and leaving it on the bar as she walked by. It was karaoke night and she wouldn’t leave without embarrassing herself at least once. “Who want’s to duet?” She called to the crowd of mostly bikers who weren’t paying attention. Her eyes skimmed the crowd as she held onto the mic stand. “How about you? Like ABBA?” She nodded at a random man. 
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kitjameson · 3 years
“Oh look at that, I do that too. That’s how I show Sophia that we are cleaning up and I am going to kick myself in the ass when I tell her to clean up when she is older and that’s how she’s going to do it.” He laughed whole shaking his head and he knew that was the truth. There were probably so many bad habits that he was going to teach her and he was going to regret in the years to come. “Well if you get hurt because I’m getting hurt then I am no help to you.” He laughed. “I can talk you through how to help me after I hurt myself.” he suggested to her as he nudged her softly and then he got up and tried to roll away the best he could but it wasn’t that fast. 
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“That’s so sweet.” Kit said, turning around to try and skate backwards as they spoke. “Okay, but at least you know that if you lost something you just have to look through a few bins to find it.” She chuckled. “Alright, I guess you have a point - but if we make it out of here alive I’m going to need a couple of tacos from that truck that’s parked across the street. I saw them set up when we came in.” She streched her arms out as she skated, getting into the groove of whatever 70′s song they were playing. 
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kitjameson · 3 years
“After my mom left my dad really stepped in and saved every little thing. They were by no means organized, he stuffed everything into a big trunk but it was the best he could muster up. Sure he had his ups and downs while raising me but he really tried.” Kit spoke of her father fondly. “Oh, believe me. It does. And I should know cause I have a lot of it.” She said with a laugh. Kit balanced herself, shifting weight from one foot to the other as she skated in a circle to get the hang of them again. “Don’t be silly, you go down, I’ll go down.” She said, reaching a hand out. “Plus if I get hurt you can just take care of me, right?” She winked.
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Kit pulled the laces into a knot and checked her skates before standing. “That’ll be so cute. Baby’s first skates.” She pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail and attempted to smooth out the sides. “Oh god, that sounds scary, and painful.” Kit scrunched her nose. “-but I get you on it being the cool thing to do, that’s not exactly why I did it, though- I was obsessed with roller derby and I thought those women were so cool and bad ass and I just wanted to be at their level.” Kit took a few steps from the carpet to the hardwood floors. “I don’t know about that.” She smirked, she had been skating since she was a kid but she hasn’t actually put a pair of skates on in years.
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“Yeah it’ll be so fun and I wish I could have all of those first things in my house. I think they are some of the cutest things for kids.” he mentioned to the female as he flashed her a smile and finished tying his skates before sitting up. “Oh I absolutely loved going to roller derby competitions. I think it’s so fun to watch girls do that. I’ve heard that it can really get out some pent up energy that you are having.” Thomas explained to her as he smiled a bit. “Well I guess we can be some newbies together here in this moment, but I wouldn’t say hold my hand because I might bring you down with me.” He laughed. 
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kitjameson · 3 years
He almost let out the breath he was holding in relief when she stopped mid-sentence. Colt felt like he was living in an echo chamber - people throwing condolences and sorry around - but it rarely reached their eyes. He saw the stopping reach her eyes. “Shitty,” Colt said with a nod. “Really fucking shitty.” He didn’t mince words. He glanced around. His brother was dead, his father was one foot in the grave, and the news about his marriage and exactly why it ended was out. Everyone had an opinion. Some people were even saying that his brother’s death was a fitting punishment for cheating. Blood of another to pay for one. “My brother’s dog is… a lot. She’s mourning too. So I’ve just been fighting and running. Driving back and forth to Virginia. You should do a session at the sparring gym with me, though. You might like it.”
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“That’s an appropriate word.” Kit nodded, stuffing her hands in her hoodies pocket to keep them warm. She loved this time of year, but she know that grief usually got worse during the holidays and she hoped that wasn’t the case for Colt. “We don’t deserve dogs. They feel just as much pain as humans when it comes to loss. I like to think they understand what happened, to an extent.” She said looking over at him. “I don’t know, I wouldn’t want to hurt you accidentally. I’ve gotten pretty buff since the last time you saw me.” She joked, flexing her bicep that was exactly the same since she saw him last. “That does sound like fun though, and I’ve missed you so I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”
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