kittenmitsuki · 1 year
Ch 37
I hummed into the kitchen and asked for permission to use a corner of the kitchen so as not to disturb the cooks.
However, the chefs who heard my request gave me an overtly wary look.
Seeing the distrustful chefs, ah, I remember that.
It was, it was.
I was an arrogant daughter of the Marquis, and I was selfish not only at the school but also at the Marquis's residence, so everyone avoided me.
Seeing the wary expressions of the chefs, I came to realize that this relationship must be improved first.
Then, the day after the memory of his previous life returned, he remembered the words he swore to himself in his room alone.
"Let's change our arrogant attitude, don't poke anyone, don't start a fight, and turn to pacifism."
"When the plan doesn't go well and you get kicked out, you don't want to be helped by saying ``I didn't like him for a long time,'' so I try not to make enemies."
That's right, that's right. I promised myself that.
I used to think that every time I saw the news about corruption in my previous life.
I think that "acquaintances of corrupt people" are always included in the set for incidents where bad things have been done.
And those acquaintances talk about the daily life of a corrupt person in front of the media.
“I thought that person would someday. Because normally...'
This one! "The people around me are these potential 'acquaintances'."
appear. The chefs, or the maids who work in the mansion, happily talking to their neighbors.
“I always thought that the young lady would be condemned someday! 』
『When it comes to that young lady’s selfishness and arrogance, there is no one who can compare to her! !
no way.
It would be fine if it was just to be condemned, but I don't want to have funny rumors after that.
Alright, it shouldn't be too late now.
I will try my best to improve my image.
Thinking that, I smiled at the chefs.
However, even though I smiled and smiled, none of the cooks laughed back.
On the contrary, as soon as I said that I wanted to use oil, I was given an overtly annoying look.
Wow. I am the only daughter of the employer of the cooks.
And yet, I wonder how much Luciana has taken such a disgusting look.
……No, I remember.
Luciana is me, so I remember everything I've done so far.
Yeah... you did.
I had to remake the entire menu for that night because there was a vegetable I didn't like.
"Everything on today's menu has the smell of vegetables that I hate!
... No matter how you look at it, it's hard to say.
Appetizers, soups, main dishes, etc. Different chefs make each dish, so the smell of vegetables in one dish can't be transferred to all the dishes.
Even the chefs thought so, but there was no way anyone could say something back, so they silently followed my words.
At that time, I was basically eating alone, so there was no family to stop me.
The chefs at that time didn't say anything, but their expressions should have been showing their repulsion like now.
But I didn't even notice.
Because Luciana only thought of the people working at the Marquis's residence as much as the tools, and didn't even pay attention to the chef's expression.
Yes, she is definitely a selfish and selfish lady.
I really understand the feelings of the chefs who want to keep their distance from me as much as possible.
Because I didn't know what kind of accusations I could make. Best not to get involved!
……it's no use. This situation is self-serving.
With that in mind, I ask modestly, at least not to incur any further animosity.
“If I get hurt while cooking, it will be my own responsibility.
While thinking that the basis of human relationships should be a smile, I try my best to make a smile.
As I stared at the chefs with a smile on my face for a while, the head chef murmured helplessly.
"Please don't hurt me."
"I promise."
I smiled and took out some vegetables from a wooden box in the corner of the kitchen.
"I'll take this, okay?"
No reply from anyone.
However, since my gaze is focused, there is no doubt that the chefs are listening to me.
Understanding that being unrestrained meant that I was allowed to use vegetables, I picked up vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and pumpkins.
Rinse it with water and it will begin to peel.
Snacks for 3-year-olds had the meaning of supplementary food.
In other words, the important role of snacks should have been to increase the number of meals for infants who can't eat a lot at one time, and gradually take in nutrients into their bodies.
So snacks don't necessarily have to be sweet.
Although it may deviate from Kon-chan's wishes.
With that in mind, I cut the peeled vegetables thinly.
For the time being, I decided to try making vegetable chips today.
It's as simple as slicing vegetables thinly, frying them, and adding salt.
I chose something that doesn't take much time, because staying in the kitchen for a long time under the eyes of the chefs is exhausting.
Since the ingredients are vegetables, I wonder if it's good for Kon-chan's body.
As I was chopping vegetables while thinking that, someone called out to me from behind.
"... Oh, so you can use a kitchen knife! Eh, why are you so good!?"
When I turned around, the head chef was standing right behind me, peering into my hands.
"Eh, no, it's not enough to be praised by a professional. I'm just making snacks for Konrad, so it's easy."
"... Huh, are you making snacks for Konrad?"
The head chef spoke in surprise.
No, I'm the one who's surprised.
No matter how young you are, you are the son of a marquis.
And yet, what is it like to call it "Konrad"?
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kittenmitsuki · 1 year
Chapter 35 of the villainess has entered the doting route
Beyond the open door, I saw Konrad (3) sitting on the floor.
If you look closely, you can see that he is holding a tin magician doll in one hand and a monster doll in the other.
It seems that they are fighting with their right hand and left hand.
When I called out, Konrad looked up at me.
He's a boy with a lovely appearance like an angel, with smooth, pale bluish-purple hair and green eyes.
Her cheeks are slightly swollen and puffy, but that's very cute.
The large, round eyes are wide open in surprise, and the cheeks are rosy from the start.
Her wide green eyes clearly met my eyes.
In spite of this, Konrad threw down the toy and ran to the corner of the room like a rabbit.
As I wondered what he was going to do, he rushed into the large pile of stuffed animals.
And when it was positioned in the middle of many stuffed animals, it stood still with a clear expression.
...I wonder what you're doing?
Unable to understand my brother's actions, I was confused and stood near the door. Konrad looked at me and let out a happy laugh.
Only then do you realize that Konrad is playing hide-and-seek.
Yeah, even though we saw each other.
But do you think I'm not aware of Konrad?
I thought it was strange, but Konrad actually seems to think he's hiding himself, and he's laughing as if he's laughing.
"Pukukuku, hyahya"
I can't help it, so I pretended to be on Konrad and raised a confused voice.
"Huh? Isn't Kon-chan gone? Where did he go?"
Konrad's laughter grows louder.
……Why are you going to hide with this?
Sure, Konrad is about the same size as a stuffed animal in the mix, which might not be a bad hiding spot, but he's clearly laughing and his whole body is moving. No, you notice.
Even though I thought so, I kept pretending to search on the bed and under the desk while repeating "Huh?" "Where did Kon-chan go?"
After searching all over the room, I pretended to search under the desk again when I heard the sound of someone running towards me.
I thought he was here, but when I pretended not to notice and peered under the desk, my brother clung to me from behind, saying, "Bah!"
“Yes, Kon-chan!?”
When I turned around with a surprised voice, Konrad happily laughed in the back of his throat.
Wow, what a disgusting way of laughing. However, with Kon-chan, it looks cute, so it's strange.
"Kon-chan, where were you?  Your sister thought that Kon-chan was gone, so she was worried and looking for him."
After saying that, Konrad began to speak proudly.
"Kon-chan, you were in the room the whole time. You were with the stuffed toy."
"I see. Stuffed dolls. Sister, I didn't notice that!"
While pretending to be surprised and answering, I patted his head as if praising him and narrowed his eyes happily.
Aah, Kon-chan is cute today too!
Because of his cuteness, even Luciana, who loves him so much, was exceptionally fond of his younger brother.
While thinking so, I hold my brother's hand.
"Kon-chan, sister has something to talk to Kon-chan."
Looking at me directly Konrad as it is and sit side by side on the sofa.
Even though I said I had something to say, I didn't even begin to talk, but looked down at Konrad Whorl, who was sitting close to me.
Then, my hands, which were supposed to be firmly on my knees, wandered out unconsciously and started stroking Konrad's head.
Then, he pinches his cheeks.
Ah, Kon-chan's hair is still smooth as usual. Even my cheeks are so puffy, I wonder how it feels so good to the touch.
Even though I thought so and stroked it as much as I liked, Konrad didn't seem to care at all that it was always the case, and was staring at the toy magician in his hand.
Hmm, Kon-chan, even though I care about this much, you ignore everything and do what you want to do, it's boring and cute.
Or rather, if Kon-chan treats you kindly or coldly, no matter what he does to you, you're cute.
Ah, it would be absolutely useless to let such a cute Kon-chan get lost on the streets.
Thinking so, I put my hands on my knees and made a solemn expression.
"Kon-chan, I have something to tell you. Your sister has failed. Perhaps, father and mother will all move out of this house. The house will not be beautiful, but sister. I will always be your older sister.... is that okay?"
When I started talking, Konrad raised his head and listened intently, but as soon as he finished listening, he tilted his head in wonder.
"? I don't know, but can you eat sweets?"
"Kon-chan won't be able to move if you don't eat sweets."
"Eh... and..., is it okay to have sweets once a day?"
"Eh? Three times a day."
3 times! "Ugh, it's more expensive than I thought, isn't it?"
After all, he is the youngest son of a marquis. I wonder how spoiled.
Even though he was the one who spoiled his youngest son the most, I thought so when I heard Konrad's answer.
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kittenmitsuki · 1 year
Chapter 36 of the villainess has entered the doting route
"Wow, okay, Kon-chan. You have three snacks a day."
I decided to accept Konrad's request.
I have cooking skills when I was living alone in my previous life.
There are cheap handmade sweets in the world.
If I get kicked out, I won't be able to eat the high-class sweets that I eat at the Marquis's residence, but the taste of the common people should be fine.
That's what I thought, but no, wait, I stopped.
There's a saying, "Omukuro no Aji".
Didn't that mean that the taste that was formed in childhood is still considered to be the best when you grow up?
Well, if that's the case, Konrad might say that he doesn't like cheap sweets because he's only eaten expensive sweets since he was born.
Bad, bad.
From now on, I have to start eating common people's sweets and let them get used to my taste buds!
I turned to Konrad and clasped my brother's small hands.
“Kon-chan, your sister will make the dessert for dinner today.
"Wow! Kon-chan, you like sweets. Lots! Make lots of them."
Konrad gleefully jumped onto the sofa and began to move strangely.
The whole body is twisted unnaturally and is moving up and down.
"Ko, Kon-chan, what is that?"
"Kon-chan, it's a dance of joy. 'Sister, I want to eat sweets♪ Sister, I want to eat sweets♪'"
While saying that, he moved his short limbs with no regularity.
Or cute. Kon-chan is so cute!
These short limbs emphasize Kon-chan's cuteness!
Shocked by how cute my little brother is, I immediately stood up, thinking that I would make as many delicious sweets as possible for such a cute Kon-chan.
"Kon-chan, then your sister will make delicious sweets for Kon-chan!  Ah, but, Kon-chan. Leaving this house with everyone is the last resort. My sister will do her best so that she can live in this house as much as possible!」
Emphasize that it is just in case, so as not to worry Konrad too much.
However, Konrad didn't seem to understand much and smiled happily.
"It's okay. Ko-n-chi-cha-n-ha-you-sister-sa-ma-to-to-to-to-na-ra-to-ko-ni-i-te-mo-dai- It's good.
"Guwaaaaaaaa, Kon-chan is so cute! Kon-chan grabbed my heart aaaaaaa"
Even though I had moved to the front of the door, I turned back and hugged Konrad tightly.
Even if it means throwing away such a gorgeous house and life, it doesn't matter just being with me.
Is there anyone other than Kon-chan who would say such a brave thing?
No, no. I've searched all over the world and can't find it.
Ah, Kon-chan is the only one in the world who loves me this much!
"Kon-chan, Kon-chan is the cutest in the world!  For Kon-chan's sake, you can do whatever it takes!"
"Yeah, is that because Kon-chan is cute?"
Konrad tilts his head and asks, and he's cute.
"That's right, that's right. Because Kon-chan is cute!"
"Good job! Kon-chan loves you sister."
"Hyaaaaaaa! Big sister likes Kon-chan the most!!"
After receiving "I love you" from my brother, I was ecstatic and skipped out of the room.
Oh, pretty, pretty, Konrad.
I may be a villainess, but I'll do my best to avoid condemnation.
And I will protect your life!
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