kittygeller · 2 years
Winter market @thecoltsparks
“What songs are you going to perform at the market? I’m going to do my best to drop by and see you perform at least once.” Hopefully she wasn’t wrong for assuming. Colton tended to perform at most local events and kitty always tried to support him. He was her cousin after all, though more like a brother in away because they grown up so close. “Are you bringing anyone home for family festivities at aunties house this year?” She looked at him curiously. “Your future niece or nephew also wants peppermint cookies so we’re gonna have to make a pitstop.”
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kittygeller · 2 years
Park walk through light displays @fighter-eddieking
“I may be biased, but I really think I&K construction is one of the best display. After the library’s of course. ” She was quick to tease him as they moved slowly through the park. “If one is us doesn’t win, it’s rigged.” She decided, taking a sip of the hot cocoa eddie had gotten her. “Next year we’ll have the baby with us. Isn’t that weird to think? Us going from a two to a three. You’ll have to get us matching I&K beanies.” She laughed, stopping for a moment when the baby kicked her in the ribs. Taking in a sharp breath she rubbed her side. “ OK, so you’re excited about this too good to know. Now maybe don’t break my ribs? I gave you a peppermint cookie earlier.” She teased her stomach. “Let me see your Hand.” The baby had been giving Eddie a hard time since it began to move, always slowing its kicks when he tried to feel. Kitty was determined though. “There’s no way you won’t be able to feel these.”
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kittygeller · 2 years
“I hate to break this to you but you’ll never learn how to maneuver it or at least I never did. Maybe people learn after two or three pregnancies. Or maybe they’re all just lying about it,” Sophie joked. “Oh I’m sure everyone knocks things over when they’re as big as a house. No need to mention it.” What type of person would she be if she had just let the poor woman struggle while trying to pick things up like that? She’d taught her siblings to show kindness and wasn’t about to be rude. “We really do. I wonder if this town has some moms club or something like that. If not they really need to start one. She’s two but she acts like a teenager or at least she has the attitude of a teenager. I blame her uncle. Think she’s been spending too much time with him.”
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“That’s okay. At least your honest.” She replied, brushing her fingers over her belly as she watched Sophie put the items back on the shelf. She felt bad for not helping more, but bending over was starting to get tough. “I can’t wait till I’m further along if this is happening now. I’m gonna have to bring you with him to clean up all my messes.” At five months she was really rounding out. Mostly due to all the treats eddie was feeding her.“Maybe we should then? I feel like enough moms around here be interested.” A group to support each other sounded wonderful honestly. “You should bring her to children’s activities at the library. I’d love to have her.” Hearing she was a sassy little princess, Shelby laughed. “She certainly sounds like a little handful, in the best way. I’ve got a feeling my cousin Colton or uncle Luca may to the same with this one. I’m gonna have to keep a close eye on them. Maybe her uncle needs a time out.”
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kittygeller · 2 years
wasn’t sure what was more beautiful. The view she had of the sun rising over the trees as she drank her morning coffee. ( decaf now due to the baby) or the fact that Eddie had saved up for go knows how long to surprise her with this beautiful home for them to raise their kids. It was nicer than her parents house been, and the thought of him doing all this for her, for the animals, for their family brought tears to her eyes as she sat in the same chair his mother lulled in to sleep in. “Yes. It’s perfect, I can’t believe your mother kept it, I’m glad she did.” Her fingers traced over the little nicks imperfections only armrest, no doubt caused by a rambunctious little Eddie teething on it. “I still can’t believe this place is all ours.” She sniffled, wiping her eye quickly. “Damn pregnancy hormones. They’ve turned me into such a cry baby.” She never got this emotional before, now every little thing eddie did for her made her bawl. From taking out the trash do rubbing her feet. “ I keep going back-and-forth on what designs I wanna paint in here. It’s between a galaxy or woodland creatures. What do you think honey?” She’d been studying the room all morning and couldn’t decide. She wanted it perfect for the baby. “Maybe we can stain it a darker brown finish? So it matches your chair? It’s crazy to think that in a little over three months this room will belong to baby king.”
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WHERE: The King Household, their new house in Point Breeze WHO: @kittygeller​
The 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house that sit near the suburb’s main road and neighboring houses on each other now belonged to the Kings. The huge backyard was what Eddie loved the most. He pictured playing games and running around with his kid that would be in their life soon. With the pending arrival of their bundle of joy, Eddie was carrying the crib his ma and his wife picked out into the room right across from their bedroom. It was decided that would be their kid’s bedroom. Sitting the box down, he smiled at his wife sitting in the rocking chair his ma gave him. It was the same old chair she used to rock him in. It was one of the few things his ma brought with them from Kentucky. The sight of his pregnant wife in the same rocking chair caused a rare, genuine smile to form across Eddie’s face. “You likin’ that chair, baby? Ma said it never aged a day.” He muttered, slipping his work boots off to avoid getting the carpet dirty in the nursery. Eddie pulled his pocket knife out and started opening the crib’s box by cutting the tape holding it together. “You figured out what color ya wanna paint it, Kit Kat?”
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kittygeller · 2 years
Maddy chuckled softly and grinned at Kitty. “What do you want from me, Kitten?” She jokingly asked, calling her friend the cute extension of her name she gave her when they first started to form their friendship. “You know I’m basically like your man and that’s why you like me.” Maddy teased before lifting her coffee to her lips and taking a sip. Hearing about Eddie massaging Kitty’s belly caused Maddy to force a fake face of disgust. “Ew. That’s just too much information for me.” However, a small smile formed on her face at the image of Eddie and a tiny baby Eddie wearing matching shirts. “Okay, I admit… That sounds pretty cute. What if you get a little Kitty though? You guys wearing matching dresses or something?” She teased her friend. At the mention of a shower, Maddy scoffed but grinned at her. “You obviously are fishing for some help here, huh?” The dark haired female playfully accused her. “I mean, you can clearly do a lumberjack theme cause that definitely fits Eddie’s vibes.”
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Kitty sat back as Maddy playfully flirted with her. “Aren’t you taken now?” She’d heard some things. Working at the library gossip tracked fast. “You are the female version of eddie though. That’s why I come to you when I’m struggling with him, you help me understand.” Not that they had that many problems. I mean every Mary tried its ups and downs, but she was very lucky to have a husband is attentive and thoughtful is Eddie. She was very lucky and knew it. “ I’m not much of a dress girl. Give her a couple, but I’m more of a jeans in flannel type,you know?  I am ashamed to say this, but my whole aesthetic is pretty much Bella from twilight.”  she brought her hand to her face she laughed at her own words. They were cringy but true. “ I wouldn’t be unhappy with a little girl, but I’ve got this feeling it’s a boy. The idea of seeing Eddie with his own little mini me fills my heart with so much joy.” She shrugged at Maddy’s question. “Maybe.” She had it innocently, taking a sip of her tea. “ I was going to ask Luca to headline it, but I think it might be nice for him to have some back up. A lumberjack theme is not a bad idea honestly.  beards, work boots and dirty hands really get me going.”
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kittygeller · 2 years
   “Sure. I just need to find my superhero book for instructions and see how to do it. It has been ages since I have opened that book,” he replied with a smile unable to help himself but smile and laugh. Evan was a fun guy, someone who was chill that went with the flow. He hated being serious and was only serious when he needed to be. “You’re right and maybe I will take your company as payment and I like talking and hanging out with you too so its a total win,” he added as he ran his hands through his hair. A habit of Evan that he always did as a kid and never grew out off. “Hmm, might be hard. I think, I can think of something or we can brainstorm ideas.I have a good feeling that you and Eddie are going to be amazing parents. ”
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Hearing him she rolled her eyes. “I’m serious, you really saved the day. Work was anything but stress free. My feet hurt and I’ve been craving soup all day.” So really Evans act of kindness was so much more impactful than she knew. “Maybe you could lend that book to Eddie? He’s worried he’s not gonna be a good dad. I keep trying to reassure him, but he’s a mess.” It was honestly sweet, knowing how much he cared about their baby. “His dad wasn’t really present so he wants to be better than him. Which he is already, honestly.” Still. Maybe Evan talking to him could help. “I love brain storming, for starters maybe you can help me figure out what to get him for the holidays. What would you want for a for a gift evan?”
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kittygeller · 2 years
he was off in his own world, staring mindlessly into the rack of scarves and hats wondering if his ma would like any. what the fuck did she like these days anyway? ducks? was it ducks? it was some kind of water bird, one that he was sure he must’ve paid attention to at some point. his attention was diverted for a moment by the unruly child and the mother who used the powers of the holiday season to her benefit, before the woman’s words filtered through. a chuckle rolled over him, a shake of his chocolate curls that were now getting too long for him to handle. “There will always be someone or something to threaten kids with. I plan on using Krampus.” it was a joke (mostly), his dry humour not really for everyone. 
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“ Krampus, huh, that’s a good one.” She’d read the folklore behind it, and honestly found it very intriguing. She was big into the supernatural and ghosts. “I have no idea what I’m gonna use to bargain with my kid.” She had a little time to think on it though. Being halfJewish, so she celebrating Hanukkah as well as Christmas in her house growing up. Now she wasn’t too sure what she believed in. “ I noticed you staring at those scarves pretty intently. Need some help picking out a present? I can almost promise they don’t bite.”
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kittygeller · 2 years
After dropping Rainey off at her dad’s house for the day, Sophie headed downtown for a little alone time without her daughter. Did she love her child? Of course she did but sometimes it was nice to have a bit of time for herself without having to drag along a toddler everywhere. Browsing one of her favorite shops, she tried not to laugh when she saw the local librarian knock somethings down. “Sure the baby did it. I used to blame everything on my kid when I was pregnant. Actually still blame things on her when I can,” she joked. “Here let me,” Sophie offered, bending down to help.
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Kitty found herself laughing at the other woman’s good sported reaction to the mess she’d made. “It seems like I’m getting bigger every day, and I’m not quite sure how to maneuver this thing yet.” She waived her hands around her stomach. “ I’m glad I’m not gonna be the only man that does it. It can be our little secret.”  She winked, slowly bending to get a few pieces. “ thank you. It’s really nice of you, you didn’t have too.” Kitty let out a little sigh, touched by the kindness of the other girl.  she just understood, and honestly, Kitty didn’t have too many friends her age with the kids. So it was nice talking to her.“Listen, if you ever need anything. I got your back. Us moms we gotta stick together. How old is your little?”
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kittygeller · 2 years
“I think any excuse to have extra candy around the house was one my parents could get behind.” Colton added with a chuckle as he also had a lot of candy around as a kid.  “You do seem to say that a lot, and it makes me wonder what you are plotting.” Colton replied with a small chuckle. The man was just happy to have this distraction at the moment, but he also did just enjoy time with his cousin. Colton was a big family man at heart, which included his extended family as well. This had especially been true since his father died a couple of years ago.  “Sandy’s caramel apples should be an official delicacy honestly.” 
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“And that’s why your parents were cooler than my parents, part 500.” She loved your mom and dad dearly, but her and Uncle were always some of her favorite people. They were a bit more laid-back and fun. “ They really should. In my opinion, they are right up there with a Adina’s bakery when it comes to spooky season treats.” No one would be changing her mind on that one. “I’ve always got something up my sleeve, especially where you’re concerned.” Doing her best witchy cackle as they walked. She couldn’t resist messing with him, especially now when he needed a little boost. She wasn’t exactly sure what was going on but she could tell something was off with him. “ i’m really glad you joined me tonight. You always make Halloween more fun.” Her mind flashbacked to all the great adventures that had his kids.
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kittygeller · 2 years
“Someone is feeling extra nosy today.” Colton replied with a small chuckle. He knew that his cousin was excited about the idea of new music, but the stuff he was working on at the moment was more personal than a lot of the new stuff he’d been pumping out in recent months. Which was why he needed it it be perfect before he even thought of showing it to anyone. When the time was right, then maybe eventually Kitty could hear it before the general public.  “Why am I not at all surprised that you gave in and bought a ton?” Colton teased his cousin with a small laugh.  “That is probably how that stuff is meant to work.” He added with a small shrug. Colton wasn’t a father and didn’t plan to be for a long time. It was just for the best that way he thought.  His life was too hectic to bring any sort of child into it at the moment. He wanted to be around for his children just like his father was around for his childhood.  “Are you just saying that I am your favorite because of all the things I can offer you?” 
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“Pshh. This is nothing, I was trying to be subtle.” She smirked, finding it interesting that he was avoiding the question. “ whatever it is, I must be pretty special. I’m smelling a hit.” She waved her hands around her nose as if she was wafting in delicious smells not stinky bowling shoes. “Would you expect anything less of me? Nope didn’t think so.” she would always support her cousins music, even if that meant buying 10 of his CDs or downloading a bunch of his music. “ yeah. I guess so. Doesn’t stop me from being nervous though. Eddie‘s gonna be a great father, and you’re gonna be the best cousin in the world. I can already picture you now with this little one on your chest strumming some soothing tunes.” She wanted that to be a reality. The cousins at all grown up close, and she really wanted colton to be a big part of this babies life. “ that’s not the only reason you’re my favorite, but it certainly helps!” She laughed. “ it’s your turn, go on and finish me off.” There is no way she was gonna win this bowling match, she was so far behind him but it was still so much fun. 
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kittygeller · 2 years
Maddy laughed at Kitty’s comment about the eggs, smiling at her. “Honestly, I never liked the smell of eggs either. And I imagine in your state, smells are like magnified or something, right?” She asked, clearly not knowing how pregnancy was. “You definitely shouldn’t be asking me, Kitty. I am clueless.” Maddy admitted with a small chuckle. “I mean, as long as you aren’t planning this on actual Halloween night, I’m here for some ghosty fun. I’ll be working that night.” She explained. Maddy laughed and shrugged. “Well, I don’t personally break the rules… Being in the Army just well, insists that obeying in you, I suppose.” She explained to the other. “I’m doing well. Thanks for asking, Kitty. I’m sure you guys are excited for the little one. You planning a shower?”
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“Just OK? That’s it? Come on Maddy, you gotta give me more than that to work with.” Kitty was used to not getting much out of her friend, but she was still curious. “It’s getting a little chilly for ghost hunting anyway, and my belly is an exactly doing me any favors. Except for when Eddie massages it with lotion. The animals are starting to notice too I think.” Her smile widened when Maddy asked if she was excited. “ Oh yeah. I can’t wait. I still have moments of impending doom, dont get me wrong. I hope we get a little Eddie, so I can dress them in matching T-shirts and jeans.” I’m not sure about a shower, Id like to have one mind one but most of my friends are men. I don’t want to ask Luca to plan a shower.
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kittygeller · 2 years
Downtown with @calxlucas
It wasn’t too often kitty got mad at her husband, he was a great guy, but she’d sent him to get a few things at the store and she was craving and he’d come with everything in the list hit the one item she wanted most. She knew he he was trying his best but being pregnant and moody she was not happy, So, she decided to go back to the store and get it herself. The chilly walk giving her time to simmer down, she stopped at the cross walk waiting for the signal to cross the street. She looked at the guy next to her.“ Tell me why, I can give my husband a list and text him a reminder and he still forgets things? Don’t get me wrong, I love the man to pieces but damn. I really wanted mint chip ice cream.” 
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kittygeller · 2 years
Blush Boutique
With her stomach growing by the day, she was quickly running out of clothes to wear for work. So, she’d found yourself browsing around in one of the boutiques downtown. Reaching for a larger size, her belly brushed into one of the racks and knocked over a few things. “If anyone asks. The baby did it.” She laid a hand on her blossoming stomach as she noticed someone else in the store . “Darn thing can’t keep its hands to its self. Not even here yet and already causing chaos..” She furthered teased as she slowly bent over to pick up the things.
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kittygeller · 2 years
Nibbles and screws
With @dvvries
In Kitty’s honest opinion, She’d heard Mariah Carey far too much at work the last couple of days and she didn’t even celebrate Christmas. So as she stood in line to pay for some work gloves for her husband as his old ones desperately needed an upgrade, she couldn’t help feeling a bit off by the mother telling her child that Hanukkah Harry would not be visiting at all this year if they didn’t behave.“Tis the season to guilt your kids into being good, huh? No matter what you choose to celebrate.”
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kittygeller · 2 years
“I am trying to focus on other things, honestly.” Rosemary explained as she knew she had some stuff she needed to sort out. While she definitely still had feelings for her ex-boyfriend, she didn’t know how the man felt. It was a conversation she was scared to have.   “I do think you are right that they are happy. But I also think they’d be happy if I moved home where I would need to depend on them more. Being the youngest is hard that way.” She replied as she felt that both of her parents had trouble letting go. It was both empty nest syndrome but also the fact that her mother had been fiercely protective of Rosemary her entire life due to the traumatic details of her birth.  “Oh definitely, the fact that Olivia is giving my parents more grandkids should give me room to breathe. Although I feel I only have a couple of years until they start asking when I am going to give them some.”
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“ You do what’s best for you. Romance will always be here. I think it’s smart your focusing on yourself first.” She didn’t want to pry, but it seemed like Rosemary had a lot of things on her plate. “If you ever need to talk about anything, I’m here to listen.” Kitty couldn’t promise she would give great advice but she would listen and do her best to help. “ I can sort of relate, being an only child. my parents and I still do dinners and things. You know your parents way better than I do, but I would say you’re probably onto something there. You can love them but just make sure you set those boundaries for yourself. I know it’s hard.” She really did. “ Yeah.. I would enjoy this freedom while it lasts. Once those twins are out of the cute stage, it’s gonna be all eyes on you. Especially with you being so close to your mom and dad. See, my cousin Colton is the favorite in my family so I think I shocked everybody by getting pregnant before he had kids.” 
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kittygeller · 2 years
“I mean I’d have to worry about getting into a relationship before I worried about getting married.” Rosemary replied with a shrug. When she was younger she had wanted to get married before she turned twenty-five. But she was almost there now, so Rosemary had to settle for the fact that it wasn’t going to happen. “Maybe they were, or at least they were hoping I’d take longer before moving out.” Rosemary said as she’d left for college when she had been eighteen, and hadn’t moved back in afterwards.  “You see, they can worry about more than one thing at a time, and they do. But you are right, it might be worse if there weren’t so many up-coming babies.” Rosemary added as she was sure it divided their attention.  “That sounds like a great plan to me.” 
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“Is their anyone catching your eye at the moment?” Not that marriage was any rush. “I’m sure they didn’t mean any harm. I think about this little one, you know? How I’m gonna be solely responsible for it for eighteen years and then it’s gonna one day not need me. Seems scary. I’m sure your parents are happy you’re living your own life though.” She didn’t want Rosemary to worry about it. “ Yeah. I sort of got that impression. All the baby should be a nice distraction, but at the end of the day you have to worry about your own future and not let your parents worries get to you. As hard as that sounds.” That whole family was a bunch of warriors, because they loved each other so much. “ i’m sure once the kiddos start rolling out, some of the attention and stress will be off your shoulders.” 
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kittygeller · 2 years
   Evan smiled softly as she opened the door. “Well, let’s say my superhero senses was going off and I have learned to trust it,” the doctor said with a charming smile on his face. He understood how insane it was for his sister before she had her twins. He also knew when the baby came it was also insane stressful as well. “You don’t have to give me anything. Just happy to share some good food and make things helpful for my friends. I have been good a bit busy. Glad its almost the weekend.”
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“Do you mind transferring some of those super powers of yours over to my husband?” She teased. Eddie was a great man, and he did his best to take care of her, the animals and the baby. “You deserve some time off. I feel like you’re always at work. Sit, I insist you have some of this with me. It smells great!” Evan was far too kind and lovely, she wanted to repay him back. “ well, like it or not I’m gonna do something for you. I have to say, I’m a little nervous about the baby. Eddie wants to know what it is but I want to wait. Any ideas on how to persuade him to stop bugging me about it?”
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