kiyomon · 3 years
To Lucien,
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One year is probably nothing compared to the many more years we shall spend together. As long as time allows, I hope to enjoy every moment with you; from reading your dates to trying to fully ascend your karmas to getting your SSRs.
Life goes by really fast, so let's have lots of fun together. A year ago, I had a very "damaged" heart and I came to you with broken pieces falling everywhere. With lots of kind, affirmative words and endless patience from you, I started glueing back the pieces slowly.
Sometimes they stuck together tightly. Other days, everything broke again. But as I stood here a year later, I can feel my heart beating again. Soft, shaky and barely audible, but it's still beating.
So, from the very bottom of the heart you helped to fix: Thank you, Lucien Xu. 一周年快乐! ~( ꈍᴗꈍ)♡
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kiyomon · 3 years
Yumeoi-san shared his entire album of diligently composed songs on many music platforms. For free! I'm in awe and it feels sinful to listen to such good music for free.
His self-composed songs always carry very meaningful and encouraging lyrics, so I hope more people can enjoy his music. I'll share the link to the album below.
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You'll not regret listening to it! I hope Yumeoi-san will receive a lot of support for his music ~
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kiyomon · 3 years
My first Westmoon Event pull!!! I did it! By some crazy miracle, Lucien somehow appeared first. I'm speechless at my sudden tremendously good luck. ♪┌|∵|┘♪
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kiyomon · 3 years
I finally reached 10 000 in total strength! What a deeply satisfying achievement ~ ᕙ(@°▽°@)ᕗ
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kiyomon · 3 years
Have a beautiful day ~ 🌷🌻
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kiyomon · 3 years
A flower from sweet Lucien 💐
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kiyomon · 3 years
Lucien, Lucien, from a Westmoon World. Your hair looks so smooth that your ponytail is slowly slipping out. I want to...c-comb my fingers through your hair!
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kiyomon · 3 years
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You mustn't be so sweet. Otherwise when it's time for us to bid farewell, I'm the only one who will cry.
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kiyomon · 3 years
An attempt to make my Nintendo Switch look cute, for no apparent reason. 🤔
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kiyomon · 3 years
Since it is the start of Summer, of course we must head to the beach! Time for swimwear Lucien, whose outfit I finally unlocked. ☀️⛱🌊🎆
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kiyomon · 3 years
Potential Spoilers for MLQC Ch 33 ~ 34. Please scroll really fast to avoid!
I've finished the latest chapters of MLQC (Lucien's Route) and remained as confused as ever. Simultaneously, I get it but also don't get it.
1. I still don't understand who was Cyril and why did he disappeared just as quickly as he appeared. 🤔
2. Also, what is Shaw up to all the time? He has been appearing in snippets in recent chapters but his dialogues never actually revealed anything about the story! 🤔
3. This can be said for every character in the story, actually. Their dialogues sound like they're explaining something, but actually no.
4. Ironically, Lucien is often the one who explains the most about what is going on. At one point he said, "You seemed to think I have all the answers." Yes, Lucien, please help me understand the story!
But anyway, we got to enjoy some lovely outfits! Prof Lucien looks so cute and geeky, I love it. Look at his awkward hand placement hahaha.
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One thing I really admire about Lucien is how he's often so calm and collected even in the midst of raging chaos. He's really dependable, isn't he?
( T_T)\(^-^ ) I wished I was cool like that rather than being anxious and clumsy.
I'll admit this time round, Gavin made my heart flutter a bit with his dashing good looks. Just look at him all suited up!
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Last but not least, I've finally fully evolved and ascended my very first SP karma! I wouldn't say it was my favourite karma or something, but it somehow ended up being the first target of mine.
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Yaaaaaaaay, are you proud of me, Lucien...?!
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kiyomon · 3 years
I started indulging in Ensemble Stars! and there are way too many cuties in it. Currently I'm hooked on Kuro Kiryu lolol. He may seemed mischievous, but is actually quite a reliable senpai. Sadly it seems like he's rather underrated.
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A bonus Hokuto Hidaka, whose aura and personality reminds me a lot of Iori from IDOLiSH7, hence I ended up liking him too:
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They're all adorable! ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
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kiyomon · 3 years
Yuzuki~~~! Is this what a healthy and trusting relationship feels like? ಥ_ಥ It feels warm and sweet.
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So warm...
So sweet...
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kiyomon · 3 years
Love it when Gaku-san streams in this outfit. He looks really good in glasses. (◠‿◕)
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kiyomon · 3 years
Sweet Kiro here to cheer you up. (~‾▿‾)~
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kiyomon · 3 years
Lately I found the best illustrator I've seen thus far for nijisanji's Kanae and Kuzuha! I love their illustrations too much!!! Here are some of their very awesome fanart:
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More sweet Kanae x Kuzuha moments drawn by them ~~~ (๑♡⌓♡๑)
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School uniforms and gaming nights...ah, looking so good...
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OMG, why are they so good at drawing? I love it all! They just amplified my ChroNoiR feels. The illustrator is this person (link below).
Also, these are the aforementioned Kanae and Kuzuha's YouTube channels.
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kiyomon · 3 years
Hayato Kagami...
He's too handsome...
It's a crime!
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