kiyza ¡ 9 years
It’s been ages since I last stepped in on this site, but there are actually quite a few trades available for the Spectre’s stories, and most of them are pretty affordable. In chronological order, this is what’s actually collected. Just punch it into Amazon.
The Spectre Archives: An archive edition of his Golden Age stories. It’s not a complete collection, and you’ll have to resort to torrents if you want more. It’s also long out of print and commands a pretty penny.
Showcase: The Spectre - All of his pre-Crisis solo stories (including the Showcase issues, volume 2, and some lovely stories like DC Presents #29) and guest appearances are in this, albeit in black and white. This also includes the Fleisher/Aparo run from the ‘70s, though it doesn’t have the additional stories that were drawn for the Wrath of the Spectre mini/reprint
Wrath of the Spectre: Complete reprint of the Fleisher/Aparo stories from Adventure Comics, printed how they were in the Wrath of the Spectre mini I just mentioned. They also have additional stories drawn for a revival, because the series got axed before they could draw every issue. Worth every penny.
Volume 3 (Ostrander/Mandrake): This is collected in trade form in two volumes, and here’s the important part. The series is currently being released digitally on Comixology for $2 an issue, which is probably what your local LCS would charge you. It’s up to issue #55. They release an issue a week digitally.
Day of Vengeance: Technically not a Spectre series because the Spectre is the antagonist, but it’s definitely worth a read anyway since it’s the last good thing that was produced with him in post-Crisis continuity. 
If you want volume 1 in color, you’re going to have to resort to piracy because of how old it is, unless you’re loaded. Volume 2 isn’t too difficult to track down if you’re willing to put a bit of extra effort into it. Small, local comic book conventions are an absolute boon if you want to save money on comics, as many charge a buck for issues no one has a particular interest in -- namely those for C-listers like the Spectre. Volume 4 also isn’t available outside of the single issues, but it’s also more readily available than volume 2 because it’s more recent. If you want any of the things with Crispus Allen as the Spectre, all of that is collected, but it’s also shit and not worth any amount of money beyond the novelty factor.
Remember that if you can’t find things in book stores, Amazon and eBay are your friends. 
Hi! :) Can I ask you two question? I'm new to "The Spectre" comics and just read "Gotham at Midnight" and The Spectre run of Ostrander&Mandrake run from the 80/90s so I wanted to ask where you got your scans from. I'd buy the paperbacks of the other comics gladly, but I can hardly find them. :/ The second question is regarding the photoset you posted. From which comic is this last panel? Thank you and sorry for any mistakes I made. English is not my mothertongue. TT
hi!! sorry for the late reply -w-
i got my torrent from here. it has volumes 1-4, wrath of the spectre and soul war in it! older spectre comics are really hard to find so…the illegal route it is
the last panel is from batman eternal! jim is a series regular in it
hope this is helpful~
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kiyza ¡ 9 years
I’m thinking about just doing an original content blog instead of continuing on with my current one. I don’t really keep up with things or reblog much that I don’t comment on these days. Shoot me an ask if you think it’s a good idea.
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kiyza ¡ 9 years
Jim already has his own series. It’s called Gotham by Midnight instead of a self-titled Spectre book.
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Batman Eternal 52
is DC giving Jim Corrigan/ The Spectre his own series?
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kiyza ¡ 9 years
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Do you ever just look at a scan from a comic, laugh at it, save it to your computer, then look back and shake your head with the most grim expression possible on your face?
Where did it go wrong?
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kiyza ¡ 9 years
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Alright, so I’ve kind of been on a Tumblr vacation for about a month and I still am. Getting away from this website really helps to calm the nerves... and free up time for some much needed gaming. That said, I decided to pop in and check my tags today and have I mentioned why you should be buying Gotham by Midnight?
I’m kind of disheartened with Marvel’s... new take on my favorite character from them, but it seems that my favorite from DC has been rerailed and given a new lease on... life? Or is that death? Whatever the case, most of my knee-jerk reactions to the New 52 incarnation of the Spectre have subsided and I’ve entered maximum overfangirl.
I haven’t actually hit the LCS to pick this issue up, but I really wanted to spend a moment to highlight something because I though it was an incredibly neat homage. Check the second narration box.
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Yeah, this doesn’t seem like anything to the untrained eye, but it’s a very strange point of comparison to make. Or, at least it seems to be, unless you’re aware of a couple of rather notable old comics.
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*grandfather voice* And that, you whippersnappers, is why in the DC universe, the Nazis never managed to defeat Great Britain.
The above scans are taken from, respectively, DC Special #29 (1977) and Secret Origins vol. 2 #31 (1988). Paul Levitz and Joe Staton are responsible for the first set of scans and Roy Thoma and Michael Bair the second. The first one is the Justice Society of America’s origin story before Crisis on Infinite Earths, the second is for after and is basically a retelling of the original.
The Spectre is something of a show-stopper in both versions and single-handedly stops a fictional Nazi invasion of Great Britain, taking out their battleships while he’s the size of one. Why? Because Doctor Fate asked him really nicely. I might be reading too far into this, but considering I was able to pick up the second version without too much digging or money spent, it wouldn’t surprise me if Ray Fawkes is familiar with this.
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kiyza ¡ 10 years
Tumblr Vacation
If anyone following this blog has wondered why there's a distinct lack of content, it's because I needed a break from this damn site. The sheer amount of stupidity that floats by on my dash day in and day out (not actually from the people I follow as much as some of the comments they reblog, even the ones they're disagreeing with when they comment) is enough to drive me crazy.
The thing is, I don't hate the concept of Tumblr. I quite like the notion of having a multimedia blogging site that can be searched through with hashtags. It's an excellent source of porn fanart and a way to see others' thoughts on things I enjoy. My main gripe, rather, is when the community. Too many people on this site are catty, immature, and are often ideologues who won't even so much as entertain another's outlook on life. They don't bother to check sources for news stories, they constantly feel a need to start an uproar about the social issue of the moment, and it's all a goddamn headache.
Tumblr has been losing site traffic as of late and many hypothesize that it's due to the sheer number of "social justice warriors", the overbearing pressure to conform to the largely misandrist ideals third-wave feminism, and young narcissists looking for their slice of fame and trying to carve out an identity. I wish there was a slightly more neutral space to do this type of blogging, like Twitter (kind of) is right now, but there doesn't seem to be anywhere else offering the features and amount of content Tumblr does.
I'd still like to at least keep putting up rants about certain things (mostly fandom-related) but at this point, I'm seriously thinking about ditching this site for good. There are good things and there are bad things on Tumblr, but this site has made me lose a lot of my faith in humanity and I come to hate the world slightly more every day I'm on it.
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kiyza ¡ 10 years
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That’ll do pig, that’ll do.
145K notes ¡ View notes
kiyza ¡ 10 years
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Sweater weather gator
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kiyza ¡ 10 years
I made the second part and idc I’m still laughing at my own joke
it’s my favorite joke
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95K notes ¡ View notes
kiyza ¡ 10 years
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kiyza ¡ 10 years
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New theory
Gordon Freeman is Otacon
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kiyza ¡ 10 years
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This is pretty ridiculous 
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kiyza ¡ 10 years
Kojima: “And then, Liquid’s personality flows from his arm and possesses Ocelot”.
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kiyza ¡ 10 years
This is the most beautiful thing I've seen in a very long time.
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Katie Hopkins is actually one of the most horrible and idiotic people in the media, masquerading as someone in the know.
(Picture from Twitter)
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kiyza ¡ 10 years
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kiyza ¡ 10 years
I came in like a wreckingball
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kiyza ¡ 10 years
is this real?!?!?
Yes, kids, this is actually a real dinosaur foot. Here's your problem, though: it's not from the kind of dinosaur that went extinct 65 million years ago. 
It's a subfossilized foot of a moa, Megalapteryx didinus, one of the largest species of birds discovered. They were native to the islands of New Zealand and went extinct around 500 or so year ago. It was presumably hunted to extinction by human settlers, namely the Maori people, who had come to live on the island around 1,200 AD.
The reason a lot of people are mistaking this for a dinosaur foot is because birds are classified in the same phylogenetic group as theropod dinosaurs. You know, your raptors and stuff. They have effectively the same morphology and the main distinguishing feature of birds is the presence of a hard beak instead of having a mouth full of sharp teeth. They're otherwise very morphologically similar to birds, which can make it difficult to tell the difference between the foot of a moa and the foot of a non-avian theropod.
The sheer number of notes on this damn post is just proof that a large portion of Tumblr's population lacks critical thinking skills and is very likely scientifically illiterate, as a quick Google search of "Megalapteryx" will bring to you to the genus name of the moa. Even the Latin root word for this fossil, "pteryx", means "wing" or "feather", which should tip you off to the fact that this probably isn't a non-avian dinosaur. Furthermore, no fossil period could be that well preserved because actual fossils are bone, not the atrophying, preserved flesh we see here. Anything of this sort is considered a subfossil.
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This is a real dinosaur foot.
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