kjuhte-dekna · 6 days
I think it’s funny how, in the AVP setting, the Yautja are the least evil. You’d think that a species whose entire purpose is to hunt other species for sport would be the most evil in the setting but they do it in the most reasonable way they possibly can. Compared to the giant evil space megacorporation and the mindless Xenomorphs, they’re basically the fucking good guys.
Like, AVP should’ve been the ultimate action movie and they somehow fucked both attempts.
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kjuhte-dekna · 6 days
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hello prey fandom. is this anything
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kjuhte-dekna · 13 days
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kjuhte-dekna · 13 days
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Art by Yvan Quinet
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kjuhte-dekna · 14 days
I just want a big beefy Yautja to either rail me good or cuddle me softly, there is no in-between right now. Damn you mother nature and your hormones.
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kjuhte-dekna · 14 days
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Bruh if we actually get a Dachande that doesn’t die this fandom will be riding high for years to come
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kjuhte-dekna · 15 days
V and U x male Reader
The reader is a hunter, who mostly specializes in hunting down bad bloods and traitors, having a large collection of trophies. Hunting them in plain sight but never seen, most not knowing the one that killed them is a human. V and U made it their mission to court this hunter.
(The reader mainly uses the smart disks)
Hiding In Plain Sight
Pairings: Vic'tao (Male Yautja) x AMAB!Reader x Uihoy (Male Yautja)
Word Count: 4159
Summary: A return trip to the home planet of your species offers more than what you were expecting. Earth holds many treasures. As an enforcer, you hunt down the traitors of your adopted kind. After the hunt, you find yourself in a predicament.
Author Note: A human enforcer would a perfect hunter amongst the enforcers. Many not knowing that this human is here to hunt them. Vic and Uie would absolutely love a human like this.
Earth is a main attraction for any Yautja. Bad Blood or Honored. It brings any of those who are to be blooded or already are to the bountiful lands. It has much to offer. Including the birthplace of yourself. Yet, that’s all you have in common with the planet. You try to stay as far away as possible, but it seems like fate always wants you to return.
Human but not. You were raised Yautja. You were blood bound to the honor code, scared forever. For this honor, you took up the mantle as an enforcer. Many disapprove, many looked down at you. Small, weaky, human.
They all thought you would perish on the first hunt. A human couldn’t go against a trained Yautja. Yet, when you returned with the head and proved to the elders that not only are you capable, but worthy of the title. They had no choice but to bestow the title on the first human in history to you. Your adoptive dam was beyond proud of your new status among the clan. It was seen that she had raised you right, leading for her to have plenty of suitors for the next season.
More trophies decorate your ship. Many from the heads of Bad Bloods you’ve taken down. A proud sight you happily showed to those who come to visit. There was no need to hide away the fact you may be human in your core, but you were Yautja. Raised this way and shone through the darkness of what once shadowed you.
Like times before, this hunt was no different. This Bad Blood drags himself to earth. Some believe hiding amongst the intelligent species will be their shield. But now, the Yautjas had you. You could move amongst your species with ease. No one suspecting little ol’ you could do much harm.
You were the perfect hunter.
With the needed supplies loaded onto your ship for the journey, you take to the universe. Stars and planets alike whiz passed while jumped from one end of space to the other. The ship appears close to a planet called mars by the humans. The red planet acting like your shield for only a moment before you can pull yours up.
Now, invisible to any of earth’s detection systems, you continue forward. There was no need to rush the hunt. Your prey always falls into your trap. Time will only tell when.
The blues, whites, and greens of earth’s surface had grown boring after the third trip that had taken you here. The colors disinterested you. All passing in blur.
A screen in front of you located where the Bad Blood was last seen. You guided your ship towards the direct spot. This Bad Blood was known for his tricks. He likes to dig into a spot. The chances of him still being here were high. If he didn’t need to move, he wouldn’t. Not until you come for him. The perfect predator on a planet like this. Home to humans. Your species.
Yet, with him dug in like tiyt in your skin, it would be difficult to pierce his defenses. Any other Yautja would be far off worse. His scopes on the look out for a Yautja… not a human. You grinned to yourself as you set down the ship. It came to light drop on the earth’s ground in the middle of an abandoned parking lot.
A wire fence built around the space. No one could easily discover your spacecraft this far out on the edges of the massive city. A concrete jungle as the elites and elders call it back home.
The hunt begins.
The high pitch ding from his gauntlet has the Yautja stopping in his tracks. An alert to a Yautja entering the vicinity. He glances over at the hidden form of his partner. Uihoy, too, has paused and was pulling up the screen on his gauntlet. A known name popping up.
Both of them perked up at the sight. This human has been the talk ever since they were allowed to stay on Yautja Prime. It shouldn’t have been allowed by many peoples thoughts. Yet, when you became an Enforcer, all hell broke loose. That had been the end of the world in many peoples eyes. A human? As an enforcer? But you progressed and became one of the top. Your name would be written in the stars before your death.
And that’s what caught their attention. Such a small, weak thing able to best a Yautja. Not only once or twice, but countless times. Your trophy wall was stuff of legend not even Uihoy, as a nearing elder, could compete with.
Purrs escaped each male’s throat at thought of your proximity. The eyes of their mask flashed at each other. No words needed to know they had to hunt for you, find you and show you they themselves were worthy to be in your presence. Maybe even get you to join their group, become their mate. It would be an honor.
Each dip their head at another, barely noticeable with their cloaks activated. The concrete jungle full of eyes that could endanger them. Then, they press on.
The hunt begins.
Your pants were controlled as you leaped or grappled from roof top to roof top. The rush of blood filling your veins was exhilarating. Despite your human nature, your blood sung for the hunt. Called for the need to bring down prey twice or thrice your size. You may have been born in a human body, but you were meant to be a Yautja. Some elders have told you so.
Unlike some of your prey before, this one decided to find the heart of the city and claim it. No fool would chase after him. It could risk the exposure of Yautjas to the humans. But they had you. Able to walk among the humans like you were one of them.
Those would have to wait it out, until the Yautja needed supplies or slipped up. Many have run out of their patience and forfeit their pride to you. The human. Here you were, smirking to yourself as you walked through the streets. The skyscrapers too tall for your grapple to reach.
At this time of night, the streets were lacking of bodies. Only a select few would dare to walk. You didn’t know of the Bad Blood was asleep. Earth’s rotation cycle was different. It was shorter than Yautja Prime. By two hours. Who knows if he would be sleeping; the perfect time to slither your way into his hidey hole and take care of the issue at hand.
A grand building sat in front of you. The lights were off as if it slept itself. You peered up and took note of any weakness, anywhere to slip through. But, this was city hall. It was locked down tightly. You hummed quietly to yourself and searched thoroughly from the front, pearly gates.
This side was empty handed.
Then, you began your search of each side. All exterior doors were tested.
One offered you entrance to the space. A grin spread across your face as you slipped into the building and activated your cloak. The last thing you wanted to do was alert a night guard to your position. That’ll only cause a domino effect you really didn’t want to deal with. It would end with the Bad Blood making his escape via his ship.
That’s how you know of his position. There is an abandoned train yard under the city hall. Enough space for his crappy little ship to fit. It wouldn’t be hard to track the craft but the chase through space wouldn’t be exciting. Just jump after jump until either of you lose the other or you run out of fuel. Boring.
This though, was gold. To hunt him on his own territory that he’s called home for the last six months? You were giddy at the feeling.
With the safety of your cloak, you snuck around the quiet and dark hallways. There wasn’t a sign of life. You pulled up heat signatures on your biomask and found only a human nearby. A guard standing close to the entrance. A quiet huff left your nose. Such a weak warrior. Blind to what was around them. No wonder the humans have become so weak. Not worth the prey they used to be seen as in their more primitive age. Not that this era isn’t fairing better. Their medicines were horrors of stories. That only scratches the surface.
Viewing with different visions on your biomask led you to a locked door. You rolled your eyes before pulling out a helpful device. The tiny mechanism attached to the door handle. It made a small buzzing noise as it began its work. You glance over each of your shoulders and came up empty handed. Nothing on your radar as well.
Once the door clicked open, you softly pushed it open. It swung open on its hinges and revealed a darker stairway that lead down. The direction you were hoping to go.
If his craft was underground, he had to be nearby. Any rational Yautja would have their escape plan close by.
Death happens all the time within the species, but an unnecessary death aided no one. A tactical retreat is preferred to see the light of day and collect more trophies.
As the hunter you are, you pierced the darkness with heart full courage. It swallowed you hole and lead you down two flights of stairs. That’s when the real work began.
Uihoy’s radar led him in the general direction of a Yautja ship. If you were on earth, it meant you were on a hunt. One you couldn’t be distracted from. So, the two took decided to search for your craft. Either you would be there or not. These two were established hunters. They could wait you out until you decided to appear.
The two of them controlled their panting. They landed down harshly on worn asphalt that nearly crumbled at their sudden force. It cracked. Each standing up on their own accord and scanning the area.
In the middle of an abandoned space devoid of life sat the cloaked spacecraft. It holds no tags but the shape was unique. Unique to you. You had earned it. Long and hard battling years. Uihoy smirked to himself, proud of finding it. He came to realization there was no one aboard. The purple, cloaked male turned his head towards his partner and grunted.
Vic’tao’s camouflage flashed before retreating to reveal his yellow and blue hide. “He isn’t here,” Vic grumbled with disappointment at the situation. He was raging to finally meet such a figure. Even the best of his collection hung mindfully off of his belt. He hoped it would be enough to gain your favor. It’s not like Vic’tao knew what he was doing.
There was little courting he’s experienced with. Uihoy was the one who pursued him. Vic’tao never expected to fall for a permanent mate let alone a male. But, it had happened. That felt the yellow Yautja struggling to truly understand how to court another. He’s barely experience it himself on both ends.
Under a half-moon, Uihoy’s purple scales drank in the light once his own cloak fell victim to lack of power. The short, stout male moved towards a building that connected to the parking lot. He saw it as the perfect place to hide away until the time you decided to reveal yourself.
His partner and mate followed closely, at his side. Their strides matched. They would wait, they will finish their hunt. Predators waiting for their prey.
Throwing knives passed your head and sliced off lonely strands of your hair. You leapt up into the air just in time for three cross bolts to pierce the air you once stood at. They embedded into the wall behind you. You had to force your instinct of adrenaline rush to stop. It wouldn’t aid you when your energy would quickly leave in a moments notice.
Despite the darkness that became your hunting ground, you found your prey on the other side of a boiler room. Dug in worse than a tiyt. Little bugger would be difficult to kill. But you were determined to win. Another trophy, to add to a wall that continued to grow.
The familiar thang of a string filled the air. You dodged to the side by turning your torso out of the way. Another bolt sling shot to embed into concrete right behind you.
Snarls and hissing sounded from the anger Yautja. His sneak attack hadn’t worked neither did his back up plan to attack you afterwards. You smirked with fire alit in your eyes.
One of your smart disks was pulled from your belt. It was made for your smaller hands, designed for you specifically. It whirled to life at your command while you readied to throw it.
Another arrow launched directly at your chest. You rolled forward and let it skim above you. Then, the disk soared after the panicking Bad Blood who had the misfortune of facing you. He choked on a noise barely had to time to use a boiler as a shield. You stood back up to your full height and let the weapon fly back into your hand.
You tsked at the weak actions of this traitor. “You hide like a weakling. It will be freeing to rid you of your life. You won’t dirty the gene pool,” you hiss into the air and calmly walked towards the last spot you saw him. “A lame dog is best to be put down.” Those who are weak don’t deserve to live. Either nature will ensure this or an enforcer themselves.
“As if you can speak! You are a weak, ugly ooman. You have no right to walk among the Yautjas,” he spits back at and snatches a peek around the boiler. His bright red form on your biomask was on the verge of blending in with the heat that sweltered around you. He was smart, smarter than you gave him credit.
Words you’ve heard countless times. Demeaned for your nature. Only to shove those words back into their throats, choking them as you gained rank over and over.
The smart disk hums against your fingers. “I’ve earned my title countless times. I’ve been the one to make it in here and find you. I’ll be the one to carry your head out as your body turns into nothing. You’ll be forgotten while my name is written among the stars.” Your name has been sung with praise by the elders and ancients.
A snarl ripped from his throat. The Yautja launches himself as a weapon from behind the boiler and blind sided you. His heavy weight knocked you to the ground and pinned you underneath him. You swung with the smart disk at his bowed head. A crazy look in his eyes. His plan was to take care of you. Permantly. His eyes said it all.
He’s able to jerk his head back just enough. The sharp blades of the disk skim across his scales, nicking him. Bright green blood drips down onto your face. Some of his dreads are sliced off and caused a spray of blood. The Bad Blood hisses from the sensitive tresses loss and sends a punch flying for your head. You blocked the hit with your forearms.
Pain radiates up the bones. A good sign. Pain was good. Meant you were still alive, still fighting.
Another fist is launched at your head. You lean to the side. The fist cracks the concrete at the side of your head. You turn and latch your teeth into his skin. All of your strength was put into the bite. You felt the tall tale sign on your tongue and tasted blood.
The Yautja rips his arm back but left behind a chunk of his flesh in your mouth. You spit it out at him and used the distraction to your advantage. The disk is shoved into his chest and pierced his belly scales. He howled and reared back, losing his balance. His body tips over onto his back. You were on your feet and following the traitor with each step. There was not an open opportunity of space between you. You wouldn’t allow it.
Blood stained the floor while he dragged his body back. You grinned like a mad man with his green life essence dripping down your chin. Fear entered his golden eyes. The Yautja finally saw his death near.
Like many before, he will fall to the weak, meek human.
His back met the wall. Trapped and at your mercy. You placed a foot on his chest and pressed down. “Say your prayers to a god you bretrayed. Maybe Cetanu will forgive your transgressions,” you growled.
The disk lifted high above your head.
It was brought down with a great force.
The gruesome sound of flesh tearing echoed back at you. His head lolled to the side, nearly pausing for a second. Then, it flopped over onto the ground. Blood, bright and vibrate in the darkness, glowed. You stood to your full height and took a deep, calming breath. The hot air in here stifling.
You began the cumbersome cleaning of evidence. Not a drop of blood could be left. Not unless you want the Yautja species to be discovered. An action that would damn you and turn you into a Bad Blood. Anyone trigger happy and ready to kill the human would be free to hunt you. More than ever before.
It didn’t take long though for the blue acid to eat away at the body and left nothing behind. Nothing to be discovered. The blood, you took it upon yourself to scrub away. An action your brain has been engraved to remember. Those who taught you ensured you would never forget to pick up after yourself. Leave nothing behind.
Before finishing up, you headed towards another door that led you further underground. Towards the abandoned train yard.
It had been hours since the two of them had taken roost in the abandoned building. The younger of the two was growing bored. Why couldn’t this damn ooman hurry up?! The trophy on his hip grew heavier. Vic’tao dug himself a deeper grave with each subconscious thought. Maybe it wasn’t good enough? Would it even turn your head towards him? Would you give him a piece of your attention? Paya, he hoped.
Movement at the edge of the fence caught his attention. The yellow and blue Yautja sat up higher and stalked towards the broken window. The cool night easily showed your blazing heat signature. You were jogging swiftly and leapt over the wired fence with ease. Your body moving with grace that only a hunter could perfect.
The male sighed and watched you slow down to a walk. Vic’tao looked over at Uihoy. The two of them nodded at the other. Then, they were on the move.
Out of the building, uncloaked, they strutted side by side. Vic’tao rounded the ship first. Your eyes immediately narrowed on him.
A warning snarl left your throat as you paused. One of your hands, the one not carrying the head of your prey, went to your belt. The smart disk just waiting to be used.
Your eyes scanned over their forms. These weren’t Bad Bloods. Their faces aren’t ones you recognize on the list. Neither did you recognize the markings on their bio-masks. You stayed weary, prepared for anything. Your head lifted as if silently challenging these two to speak.
An old elite and an average, young hunter. A strange duo.
Each of them pulled their masks free from their faces and respectfully bowed their heads. You hummed quietly to yourself. They know who you are. Not that many don’t nowadays.
The purple, a nearing elder, raised his headfirst and met your eyes in a calm manner. There was no challenge, nothing to provoke a battle. He was the one of few who wished to talk rather than fight you’ve met before.
“It is an honor to meet you, enforcer. We are lucky that we meet at the same time,” he spoke in a higher voice than you expected for a burly Yautja. All you did was raised a brow and looked at them, disinterested.
There was more important things to worry about rather than these two… fans? Is that the best word for them? You eyed the yellow one. He was nervous. He would meet your eyes but his fingers twitched. Youngsters.
Before you had the chance to just continue onto your ship, the yellow male dropped to a knee. Your fingers slid into the holes for your smart disk. In his hands, he presents a skull. Moderate in size but a creature you would rather not mess with.
“I present the skull of a Xaq-oew!” he exclaims by bowing his head and fully presenting the skull to you. Your shock lasted longer than you would like to admit… but no one has ever tried to court you before. Let alone, you having the chance to court a female. A great enforcer but the species was entirely wrong. A fact you’ve been belittled since you could remember.
In your state of shock and silence, the purple male dropped down as well. In a calmer manner, he offers a different skull. Another creature. One you have had the misfortune of meeting. An encounter you nearly lost.
“We understand that courting a male is unheard of. Yet, your skills and abilities…” the shorter male trails off.
“Once we heard of you, it was our goal to court you!” the other one butts in. It seems his anxiety was getting the best of him. Something he needed to rid of if he is to survive further in his life.
Purple glared at him for a fleeting moment before returning his gaze to you. “It would be an honor if you became our mate and join our group.”
Your heart beat hard in your chest. This surely couldn’t be happening. You’ve been told countless times you wouldn’t be able to court anyone since you’re human. No one would want you. But… here are not only one but two males presenting skulls to you in the traditional Yautja way. They want your hand as their mate.
A few more seconds passed before you took a breath in to speak. “I accept your challenge to court. Show me your best skills and I will think about joining you,” you responded in a cool tone despite how fast your heart was beating. It felt like you were on your first hunt again. All by yourself with no aid. Just you and the jungle.
On the right, the yellow and blue Yautja cheered, still knelt in front of you. You raised a hand. His excitement came to a halt. “First off, I believe names are in order. Second, I shall give you my information. I want to hunt with you. See how well you could provide for me.” Any male vying for attention should know they must prove they are the best. Their genetics are top of the line. Not that genetics is a play for this courtship, you didn’t want to mate with two weak males. You wanted someone who could keep up with you.
Each gave their names. The purple one was Uihoy. The yellow one was Vic’tao. Then, you gave them your contact so the three of you could set up a time for a hunt. You were looking forward for this but kept yourself calm.
This would be your first hunt in over a year with another Yautja.
You took their skulls and felt their weight in your hands. Now, you would have to find a space to put these. A section for courting skulls. “I shall find these a good home in my trophy room,” you said and looked up at them.
“Are we able to see it?” Vic’tao asks. The nerves in his system had finally calmed.
A brow was raised at the male. “When you deserve to see it,” you retorted back with a firm voice. You’ve barely met the males. The needed to earn that right.
Uihoy smirked. “We will. We will show you our skills and awe you.” You weren’t impress with the words and continued to look at him, uninterested.
Each skull was latched onto your belt. You hefted your earned Yautja head back over your shoulder. “The next time I should see you two will be on fresh hunting grounds.” Then, you bided them a goodbye before taking your leave.
There was an unknown feeling that swarmed your chest. You pushed it back and closed the ramp behind you. Now, you had to prepare for a hunt.
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kjuhte-dekna · 1 month
Get you some BFYD.
Big. Fucking. Yautja. Dick.
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kjuhte-dekna · 1 month
Wazzuh homie. Got another idea, what about a fic with AP (upgrade pred/assassin pred) with a male reader who lowkey just can’t feel pain and ends up constantly getting hurt because of it- cue a broken nose in a spar and not even noticing it.
Thought it might be fun to write and as always have a nice day and I shall repay you with more edits if you want:D
Take A Hit
Pairings: AP (Assassin Pred) x AMAB!Reader
Word Count: 2220
Summary: On a mothership, surrounded by other hunters, you spar against a young blood. His skill is evenly matched to yours. A spar to level yourself up on the charts. With CIPA, you can’t feel pain or temperature difference. You break an arm, you keep fighting. You get cut, you keep fighting. The Yautjas are amazed at your ability that allows you to push through. An ability some are even jealous of. But pain allows for them to toughen up.
Author Note: It feels like forever since I've written for AP. Man needs some love. Took me a moment to warm up to him but the sizeeeee.... delicious!
There’s a tournament going on currently. Each group is carefully picked out for their skills and strength. All of them Yautjas. Then, here was you. A ooman amongst their ranks, wiggling your way through the ranks and heading towards the top. No one believed in. Besides Assassin.
No one messed with Assassin. Except you. Similar with their ranks, you’ve wormed your way passed his hard, nearly impenetrable exterior, and into his heart. That’s why he stands in the sideline, others giving the giant space. He silently cheers for you win, for you to come out on top despite everything else against you. A human.
Before the latest match starts, you are standing in front of Assassin. Both of his massive hands cup your shoulders and kept you pressed to the fronts of his thighs. Not that he didn’t trust your ability, he whole heartily did. He didn’t trust others. There was a large dispute about your presence on the mothership. He quickly shot every argument down… with his fists. No one stood in his way again after that display.
Your head tilts back to find his bright, yellow eyes on you. “It’s going to be a tough one, Assassin. They’ve got me against, Diqrt. He’s got a score of eight to two,” you spoke directly to him and ignored everyone around you.
A grunt left him. His gaze flickers over to your opponent on the other side of the mat, waiting for his turn. Assassin couldn’t wait for when you wiped the floor with his face. He doesn’t like count the wins before they happen, but he knows you will win. The opponent may not know it yet, by the way he keeps smirking as if he already won. But, soon, he’ll meet his loss.
Finally, he looked back down at your alien face and patted your shoulder. “You know what to do,” he rumbled. There was one special trick you had that gave you a massive advantage against your opponents each time.
The inability to feel pain.
Some Yautjas would kill for an ability such as that. Others have seen it as a curse. But you, you use it to take down your enemies.
You reached up and placed your hand over his. Yours barely covered the back of his hand. “Kick ass and take names. I know, I know,” you groaned and shook your head. With the match soon to start, you pulled your shirt off of your body and handed it to Assassin. Another lesson he taught you. Less clothing? Less to grab.
A bell rang. “It’s my turn now.” You swiftly double checked over your weapons before slipping out from underneath his hands. “May Paya guide my hand.” Assassin let you leave to enter the ring and dipped his head, silently returning the words to you. He crossed his arm, a stern expression falling over his features. No one dared to step an inch closer to the mutant. Or else they’ll met with Cetanu shortly enough.
Diqrt was a head taller than you but around the same age as you. His strength surpassed yours but your skills made up for it, including CIPA.
A referee entered the square mat as well. A well aged warrior who has seen her fair share of battles throughout her life. The scars that decorated her form spoke more words than she could tell you. You didn’t miss the way she sneered in your general direction. Instantly, you knew if Diqrt pulled any games or tricks, she wouldn’t call him out for it. A game you needed to play carefully.
It’s a sight you were used to. But, you built your path up this far by yourself. They had no reason to act as if you cheated. Assassin has helped along the way, but teaching you how to fight, to defend. Never to build your path for you. He’s the only one who truly believes you can complete these matches. Everyone else only sees you as a weak, meek human. You couldn’t wait to show them how wrong they were.
The referee points to the respected spots the two of you needed to be at. You stepped up to the plate. Your opponent doing the same thing. The two of you eyed each other up before placing a hand on each other’s shoulder and giving a firm shake. Respect. Then, you both took the two steps away and got into position.
Not everyone’s eyes would be on you. But, you knew a lot would be watching. The human that has defeated the odds. Why not give them a show?
“Go!” the ref showed suddenly. Your coiled muscles rolled forward and easily dodge a swipe of claws meant to mar your chest. Able to feel pain or not, bleeding out is still on the table.
A dagger was unsheathed from its holder that framed your chest. It spun gracefully in your grasp as the two of you danced around each other. But you weren’t one for a dance competition. You flicked the dagger in your hands. It soared through the air. Swiftly, you pulled out another one and dashed forward. The blade was knocked to the side, as planned.
The distraction working to plan. You were able to thrust the blade into a weak spot along his armor. Armor that slightly restricted his movement but allowed for protection along his belly. Until, a thin blade finds the perfect slit to pierce his hide.
You ripped the blade out and rolled away, barely missing the heel of his foot. A grin plastered its way onto your face. Diqrt snarled and lunged forward at you half knelt body. He catches you. His weight doubled of yours and crushed the air out of your lungs. A wheeze left your lungs. But, you are rolling with him and fought your way to the top.
Claws rake across your face. Blood sprouting to the spilt surface and dripping down your face. You’re forced to scramble away from him and glared at him through the blood dripping down your skin. It blurs your vision. His dark blue scales blending in with the dark room itself. You growled and tightened your grip on the handle.
The dark form was hard to see but you were able to narrowly dodge a fist heading for your head. The air above your head taking the hit. You shot out your leg and hit him directly in a weak point on his ankle. He snarled his pain and collapsed down on the opposite knee. You go for a punch to his face in hopes to knock him out but your fist is caught. The limb is forced down until it reaches an unnatural angle before the bone gives. You feel the bone snap at the joint. You grunt with annoyance, knowing you couldn’t use the limb anymore. The blade falls out of your limb hand and bounces off of the mat at your feet.
Now, you were forced to use your non dominant hand to defend yourself. You pulled out another blade and backed away when he got back to his feet. There was a smirk on his stupid face. “What? A ooman can’t handle the big dogs?” he snarked and marched towards you. You rolled your eyes and ducked when he attempted to snatch your neck.
You make a move to get behind him and kicked him in the back of his knee. He grunted and fell back down but rolled forward and spun around. Diqrt lunged forward, fist slamming straight into your face. Your head whipped back with the force.
It was impossible to breath out of your nose, forcing you to pant through your mouth. Your lips curled up in smirk. He thought all of this, these injuries would drag you down. Never. Blood ran down from my nose and dripped down onto the mat, joining the neon blood of Diqrt. You swiped out your tongue and tasted it yourself.
When he darted back into your space again, you leaned out of the way then drove your blade into his wrist. Payback is a bitch.
The Yautja howled, head reared back. If this was a fight to the death, this would’ve been the perfect opportunity to drive a blade into his neck too. But, it was a shame it wasn’t. Maybe when they open up to the deathmatches again. You would love to teach them how much of a danger you are. Little but mighty.
The blade twisted, ruining the tendons in his hand. Diqrt yanked himself away from you and cradle his destroyed wrist close to his chest. You stood in the same spot and gazed at the injured Yautja with a smirk. Despite the injuries that would’ve downed any normal person, you straightened your stance. Blood continued to drip down your face, forever staining the mat.
Diqrt bowed his head. “I yield,” he muttered under his breath. You pumped your uninjured hand in the air with a roar that echoed around you.
A female referee reentered the arena. Your name falls from her mandibles. “The winner of the fourth tournament,” she announces and uses an arm to point towards your smiling, proud form. Then, the match ended. You calmly walked over to your thrown blade to pick it up before strutting off the mat towards Assassin. The male was expressional but his eyes shined with pride.
When you got close enough, he place a hand on your chest, above your heart. “Wonderful match, little one,” he cooed. You beamed brightly then reseated your blade. In the safety of your quarters, you would clean each blade carefully. Each wound properly taken care of. For now, your limp wrist hung at your side. This break would need to be seen by a healer.
You stepped back enough to card your digits between his and hold onto his hand. “I couldn’t have done without you, Assassin. I appreciate all that you’ve done for me,” you spoke softly, words only meant for him. No one deserved these words besides the Yautja in front of you.
Assassin grunted then pulled at your arm. The giant parted the crowd as the two of you left. Normally, you would’ve stayed to watch the rest of the matches but they wounds needed to be cared for.
Through the halls of the ship he knew like the back of his hand, he took you a floor up. It wasn’t long before the two of you arrived at the healers section. Many of them prepared for a night like this. It was usual a blood bath on tournament nights. Today was no different.
At the sight of Assassin, the two of you were ushered to the front of other waiting young bloods. You didn’t care if you had to wait, the pain… well it didn’t bother you at all. You smiled to yourself at the thought. The others, they were probably aching, anger at your treatment. You felt their gaze on you but your head was held high, holding the hand of a dangerous Yautja at your side.
Over the course of probably three minutes, they had set your wrist and used a cast to keep it in place. It wasn’t as bad as you originally thought. Their advance technology easily took care of it.
As for the cuts, Assassin insisted he could take care of those himself. Then, the two of you were back in the safety of your shared quarters. Before you had a chance to slip off the weapon harness around your chest, Assassin was unclipping the buckles. You raised a brow at his eagerness. Not that you weren’t thankful for his help. The brace that kept your hand steady made it a little difficult to move your fingers. Plus, if the man wants to help, why not?
His hands drifted down to the knot that kept your shorts around your waist. The grin on your face widened. “I don’t think I was injured down there, Assassin,” you teased but did nothing to stop him. The two of you have been toeing with each other for some time. You were waiting for a moment like this.
Assassin didn’t stop. One of his hands snatched your throat in a tight grasp and pulled you close to his face. The tips of toes barely touching the ground. “I know. I’m on a different mission. I’m done waiting,” he snarled. His voice giving away to the emotions swirling inside of him. You laughed and let him pull off the clothing from your hips. Now, you were only adorned in a pair of boxers.
“Finally,” you snorted and worked on his own belt. It was more complicated than your simple knot. But he tightened his hold, cutting off both air and blood to your head.
“No, I control. You listen.” You raised a brow at his action then shook your head in disbelief.
“What makes you think I’ll just submit to you willy-nilly?” you snarked and rolled your eyes. There’s more of a chance for him to snap your neck, but he wouldn’t.
Something flashed in his eyes. His free hand cupped your growing bulge in your boxers. A gasp tore from your throat at the sudden pleasure. “That’s why.” Fuck yourself. You were in it for the night.
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kjuhte-dekna · 1 month
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Finally made a yautja oc since I like drawing them so much!! Probably not doing much with her storywise but that's okay. Her name is Prowler and she has a pet mini xenomorph that follows her around and "helps" her hunt.
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kjuhte-dekna · 1 month
There's one tiny thing about Prey that bugs me, after watching it for the 50th time. Why would Feral use a targeted weapon when the targeting system is no longer on him? And it's not like it's something that he's unaware he's lost, the bio mask does so much more than just target. I realize he's not left with many options at that point in the fight, but at best, it's not gonna hit Naru, at worst it does what it does and kills him. Feral babe, know your equipment, I guess?
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kjuhte-dekna · 1 month
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by Stephen Oakley
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kjuhte-dekna · 1 month
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by Stephen Oakley
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kjuhte-dekna · 1 month
All this talk of breeding and babies has me curious!!!! Maybe a fic where Vic, Uie, and reader DO decide to have a hybrid baby? How would they be as dads?
Pairings: Uihoy (Male Yautja) x AFAB!Reader X Vic'tao (Male Yautja)
Warnings: slight description of birth
Word Count: 2205
Summary: Where we get to see how good Vic'tao and Uihoy are as dads.
Author Note: This was such a cute idea. I will say, they has been a lot of asks about babies happening lately. Is everyone ovulating or something? Ain't complaining, just worried and preparing for another round soon.
When they first smelled the change of hormones in you, they buzzed with energy. As a human yourself, you couldn’t tell that early. Their change of attitude towards you concerned you. Not only were they more excited, but they treated a lot more carefully. Like you were glass and one wrong look could break you.
It wasn’t entirely due to the fact you were pregnant. You are a ooman. A pregnany ooman with their child. This was a whole different ballpark they’ve never even thought to step foot into.
One day, you grew to your boiling point.
Rage weaved into your very bones. For the last three months, they’ve acted different. It was like a one-eighty that flipped everything. Here you were, in the middle of the common rooms watching as the two kept their distance. It hurt. But it made you angry.
Hot tears burned your eyes. “What in the hell is wrong?!” you shouted at the top of your lungs. Your voice echoed back at you, bouncing off of the walls. “You won’t touch me. You won’t even look me in the eye anymore! Have I done something wrong?” Not only were anger but fearful you may have done something to mess up everything. You were the one to join their group. The last one to be initiated into the party.
Both of them stopped their retreats and glanced at each other. Confusion flashed upon their unique features. Like they had any reason to be puzzled. It was them causing all of this. Uihoy first broke the eye contact and what seemed to be timidly looked at you. You never thought Uihoy could do anything timid, scared-like in your life.
Your gaze narrowed down on the purple Yautja peering at you with a flickering gaze. “Look at me damnit! Tell me what the hell is wrong?” You couldn’t stop screaming, needing to get this rage out of your system. “Three months, three months without proper touches.” Tears streamed down your cheeks. “Are… are you disgusted by me now?”
Those words cracked not only your heart but theirs as well. Vic’tao made a pained whine and rushed towards you. His knees met the ground before your feet. He went to touch you but stopped shy, pupils narrowing. He didn’t want to touch you.
Pain not only shined in your eyes but expanded across your features. His yellow eyes met yours briefly before he softly rested a hand on your shoulder. The other cupped your chin. The touch was welcomed despite the issues arising currently. You whimpered and turned to nuzzle his hand, relief flooding your system. It has felt like a century since they’ve land their touches on you.
“Tell me, what is wrong? Why have you both drifted away from me?” you softly cried, shoulders jumping with each sob.
Vic’tao’s brows furrowed as if he confused himself of his own actions. That just made you want to bite him. Hard.
Uihoy came to join the two of you and knelt besides Vic’tao, gaze towards the ground. Even he wouldn’t met your eyes. You cried harder and wretched your head from Vic’tao’s touch. It hurt to do so but you didn’t want comfort if they were just going to keep hurting you.
The yellow Yautja chirped to his partner and nudged his shoulder with his own. Now, they weren’t going to speak in English so you could understand the situation.
When you were about to take a step back, the two of them faced you. “Do… do you not know?” Vic’tao questioned and tilted his massive head at you. You scoffed and crossed your arms.
“Clearly, I don’t fucking know when I don’t understand why you’ve put distance between us. I don’t even remember doing anything wrong. But do enlighten me.” You couldn’t help but be snarky in the moment. They deserved it.
They glanced at one another again for a fleeting moment. Usually, both of their eyes on you would make you nervous. But, you didn’t care this time.
Uihoy jerked his head up. A light bulb appeared over his head. “C’jit. Ooman.” It was like the two of them had a sudden life realization without bringing you up to speed. You kept glaring at the two of them. Then, the purple male scooted closer to you on his knees and softly embraced you.
Despite the anger in your veins powering you, you instantly wrapped your arms around him and squeezed tightly. “We-we so sorry, little hunter. Little hunter is ooman. Doesn’t smell. Doesn’t know. Doesn’t understand,” he cooed to you and ran a hand up and down your back in soothing strokes. You couldn’t help but feel offended by his words.
You pushed back to look him in the eye. “What does that mean?! Just because I’m human doesn’t mean I’m less!” His eyes jumped wide. His head shook wildly to disclaim what you’ve said.
Hands cupped your cheeks and turned your head to face Vic’tao. “No, treasure! That’s not what he’s saying!” Your features twisted with a mixture of confusion and hurt still. Again, you didn’t understand anything that was happening. “You’re pregnant.”
His mouth continued to move but you didn’t hear a word. If it wasn’t for either of their holds on you, you would’ve collapsed to the ground.
Pregnant? But… they’ve told you that was next to impossible. That made sense. Two different species. Both hundreds of thoughts of lightyears away from each other. They surely couldn’t reproduce with each other. It was scientifically impossible to reproduce! But… they just told you, you are pregnant. With their child. Shit, with which one. Fuck it, it doesn’t matter. You were pregnant by them.
Your blurry vision focused onto Vic’tao who was directly in your face. Both of your hands grasped his cheeks and pulled his nose to nose with you. “You’re not lying? I’m pregnant?” You needed to hear it again, to make sure Uihoy or him weren’t lying straight to your face. You had to know.
He grunted with a nod.
Oh my god. You were pregnant. After thinking all this time you would never be with a child – not it bothered you, it was finally happening! You squealed and jumped in place, arms thrusted up into the air. New tears prickled the corner of your eyes. Happy tears.
Then, you tackled Uihoy, nearly taking him down to the floor. Your arms crushed the confused Yautja before he returned the embrace in a soft gesture. You buried your face into his neck and deeply breathed in his scent. How you missed being this close with the two of them.
Next, you wrenched yourself away from him to embrace Vic’tao in the same manner. He didn’t expect the hit and fell onto his back, cradling you in a protective manner. You could care less and breathed in his missed scent as well. You could almost cry from how much you longed for their touch.
After a small miscommunication between the three of you, all was well. They explained to you that female Yautjas are different when pregnant. They didn’t know if it was the same for a human. So, they decided to proceed with caution. Worst of all, both of them thought you knew you were pregnant. A female can sense the change inside of themselves within the first three weeks. Clearly, you didn’t know until they told you.
From that day forward, they were the best to-be-daddies. They waited on foot and hand for you. Whatever you wanted, you didn’t even need to move from the bed or chair. They’ll get it for you. They wanted to show they could not only care for you during a time like this but for the baby as well. Which, you a sit down about.
Besides the cultural differences you already knew existed, you had them explain what happens with a female being pregnant. Females usually were by themselves during the pregnancy unless they had a permanent mate. Since the two of them had never encountered this situation before, they didn’t know how to handle it.
Females would go through the entire pregnancy by themselves. Those more experience would just give birth the same way. First time mothers or those with little under their belt would call upon others for help.
This knowledge made you terrified but amazed at the same time. The fact they could do this all by themselves was phenomenal. Yet, you knew you could never do that. You didn’t want to be alone.
Besides that one miscommunication, life with the boys had been great. Well, for the most part. Of course, with you being pregnant as a human, they didn’t let you go hunting with them anymore. That was the highlight of your days when they would take you out. It was sketchy enough to let you join them but pregnant. They explained to you your scent would draw every predator in. A pregnant creature meant slower prey to those predators.
So, for the rest of the six months or so, you stayed inside the ship. They would take you out during supervised excursions around the ship. But they would never let you leave their sight.
For the pregnancy itself, it wasn’t bad. Your belly grew far quicker than you thought was normal. Both of them wished to take you to a medic to get checked out. Unfortunately, from each other own clans, they heavily disagreed with hybrids. Bringing you into their territory would unfortunately be the death of your child.
It was just the three of you facing the world with a child on the way.
When it came to the birth, the tub was your best friend all the way through. Both of your mates stayed at your sides the entire time. Whatever you needed, they retrieved it within seconds. They allowed for you body to go through its natural course.
Uihoy was the first to scoop up the yellow floating blob in the water. A powerful cry escaped from her tiny lungs. The sound sent relief through all of your veins. Uihoy quickly passes the heavy baby to you and helps you cradle her close. If you didn’t know any better, you would say this was one of the biggest babies you’ve ever seen before.
By the color of her scales, all of you could tell this was Vic’tao’s child. His first one. He likes to say he was a good sport but the first week, he would rub it into Uihoy’s face. The older Yautja would huff and chuckle while shaking his head. He didn’t mind at all. Since it was possible, there was always a chance for the next to be his anyhow.
As for them being dads, you couldn’t ask for anything or anyone else. They stepped up one-hundred and twenty percent to the plate. When you needed a break, one of them would whisk her away. The other, with your consent, would stay at your side and let you sleep for however long you needed.
It was all by trial and error. None of you knew what you were doing. Uihoy has had children before, but the female would go off to do their own thing. Plus, Quir-oe was a hybrid. A mix of both human and Yautja. Figuring out her needs was difficult. Yautjas eat raw meet but humans don’t. Yautjas stomachs are hardier than humans. The last thing you wanted to do was get her sick.
Over time, Quir-oe would grow. Despite your concerns for her to follow the path of a Yautja warrior, you could see that was what she wanted. It was what she needed. She had this drive to hunt.
Both of your mates would switch who would take her out for a hunting trip. Since she could hold up her own head and walk, they would each take her with them. Every time, you were terrified something would happen. You had to accept that fact with your mates that one day they may not come back from a hunt. But this was different, this was your daughter. No, you didn’t love her more than them or vice versa. But it was a different kind of love and need to protect her.
Yet, you couldn’t take her from the hunt.
Like the dads they are, they would take Quir-oe out to teach her.
Despite this being the first time any of you worked as family, it was perfect. You smiled down at the three of them in cuddled together in bed. A filled waterskin in your hand.
Uihoy cracked open an eye and reached out a hand to you. Your family may not be perfect, but it was the best thing you’ve ever hand. You took his hand and let him pull you down. He held your back to his chest and curl around you. All but Quir-oe’s legs were mixed together at the end of the bed. You hummed softly and let your eyes drift shut.
The Yautja behind you buried his face into your neck then stilled. His claws clenched the material of your shirt. You tensed, about to open your mouth to question what was wrong. Uihoy beat you to it.
“You’re pregnant.”
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kjuhte-dekna · 1 month
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Dane DiLiegro as Feral Predator/Predator in Prey (2022) 08/??
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kjuhte-dekna · 2 months
I love these two 😭
Video idea was @lovedeathandyautja’s
I love how tired Ahab gets of Galgo sometimes in the comics for being a professional yapper.
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kjuhte-dekna · 2 months
I have very inappropriate things to say
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