kjxngdae · 7 years
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seulgi - red flavor teasers
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kjxngdae · 7 years
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170603 Dream Concert - Seulgi (Red Velvet) ‘Russian Roulette’ by DaftTaengk
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kjxngdae · 7 years
( 21. ) TO BE CONTINUED ...
&&. WITH SANGGIL. ( @gilstagram )
[ ᴋᴋᴛ: ᴄʜᴇɴᴄʜᴇɴ ] fifteen minutes or so, then we can go on a food run [ ᴋᴋᴛ: ᴄʜᴇɴᴄʜᴇɴ ] and your manager is really okay with this? some idols have strict as hell diets and shit– and i know you’re plotting a new comeback and shit like that so the last thing i need is to get my ass ripped open by your company lol [ ᴋᴋᴛ: ᴄʜᴇɴᴄʜᴇɴ ] but yeah, fifteen minutes [ ᴋᴋᴛ: ᴄʜᴇɴᴄʜᴇɴ ] do you want me to honk when i’m outside the dorm or do i get the privilege of coming upside and seeing the way too nice apartment that you and your boys live in?
( KKT : SANGGIL ) he’s good with it because now that we have finished our tour and all of our schedules, we get a small window to eat whatever we please so it’s all good~~
( KKT : SANGGIL ) the comeback is being planned but not yet here so we’re just enjoying these last moments of freedom before we do get the real work and the endless hours of exercise and dance practices. it’s all good for now, don’t you worry  ㅜㅜ
( KKT : SANGGIL ) you can come up but let me warn you that the dorms are currently in such a big ol’ mess. this is not the pig hole we live in... it’s mainly junmyeon hyung’s fault because he never cleans nor keeps his things away in his own bedroom like t-shirts... i don’t even know if this is cleaned .__.
( KKT : SANGGIL ) but i am already ready to go out, i can still show you the dorms around and just basically how we work things out in here if you’d like to take a look and all ㅋㅋㅋ
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kjxngdae · 7 years
( 21. ) // TO BE CONTINUED ...
&&. WITH MINKYUNG. ( @ofnecromancie )
“it’s just a sprained ankle.” the female mumbled as she plopped down on the seat, groaning quietly at the sharp pain that shot up her leg. heaving a sigh, mackenzie lifted her leg up to carefully place it on top of the seat next to her, shoulders dropping as she tried to smile at male. “it’ll be okay in a few days..” she added, brushing her hair back before fanning herself with her hands, wiping the sweat off her forehead. “so, how are you?”
“I think we should take you to a hospital or something.” He mumbled. Even though he wasn’t exactly the expert in medical related issues, he was smart enough to realize the darker color that bruised upon her ankle wasn’t exactly normal. A regular sprain or not, he figured she would have to be taken out to the hospital regardless. “I should get you some ice first, too.“ Turning over to the side and stepping into the room in front of them, he reached out to the freezer so he could pick out a couple of ice cubs, wrapping them in a thin garment, handing it over to her. “Here you go...“ He paused, crouching down some to find a set as well. “I’ve been good. I’d ask you the same thing but it doesn’t seem to be a good day, at all, for you.“
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kjxngdae · 7 years
She knew right away that her suggestion was a bad idea the second she saw his facial expressions change. Despite the clear ‘no’ that was given by it, she couldn’t help but to be a bit amused by just how terrified he seemed to be of having the entirety of EXO under their roof. Seeing him actually move onto his knees, as if practically begging at this point as he kissed her skin, caused a soft chuckle to rise from her throat as her hand instantly did reach forward to let her fingers card through his hair, ultimately hugging on to his head afterwards. “One at a time could surely work.” Taking this idea into consideration, she began to sway them both some as she did in fact envision the instances in the past, where she would sneak into the EXO dorm to be with Jongdae, and the other members would surely attempt to include them in their own activities. “For the sake of you, especially, we won’t have them all come over at the same time~” Even if she did know the whole act was one of play, she was generally one to go with the flow and act accordingly to it while she peeked down at him with a wide smile. “Cause, you know, I could easily say the same if the whole of Red Velvet was here. Have you seen the maknae line? They’re the true Tom and Jerry, or, you know, Satan and Satan’s little side-kick–”
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The simple thought of having over three people at their house was one that didn’t seem to please him too much whereas it was just like the saying in regards to three being a crowd. Being one to simply want their privacy and intimacy above everything, he wasn’t very knee in regards to having people over due to just how her presence was the only one he needed and very much knew it for sure since he had had the experience of living under the same roof as eight other men. A smile forming within the corner of his lips due to her own understanding and consideration she always had for both him and his wishes, his gaze shifted upwards to instead meet her own with a fond smile within his own mix whereas he couldn’t help but to nod his head at the mention of her own members. “See? We don’t need anyone come over.” He pause, head resting in the soft skin of her thighs yet again as a relieved and somewhat happy sigh left him in a way that he couldn’t help but to control it. “We’re enough.” He then broke the silence once again due to just how comfortable he felt yet again within the comforts and softness of her own touches whereas the gentle like gestures she gave him all the while had his eyes close for a little bit as his breathing slowed some since he was experience maximum relaxation, as previous moments he had with her.
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kjxngdae · 7 years
( 21. ) // TO BE CONTINUED ...
&&. WITH JONGHYUN. ( @kjjongs )
( 김종현 ! ── ) “ Uh … ” He paused, placing the spoon down and chewing down the rest of the ice cream he had just taken into his mouth. It had been there by itself, without a name, without an owner. For days now ( only a few hours ) and even though jonghyun was supposed to be on a diet, the temptation was too high when chocolate chip ice cream was brought into the equation. “ Probably not… ” A nervous laugh, and shy smile. “ Let’s just keep it between us okay? No one has to know… ” Holds up another spoon and slowly slides it over to his direction. “Not about me breaking my diet or …us potentipnallg steaming someone’s ice cream. ”
The struggles one had to go through when on a diet were far too many than what others might think. Along with that came the need to have such a high resistance to any sugary and fatty product that would end up doing them wrong when looking into the rules they had to follow – strictly – to maintain their good figure. However, even with years of being put under the same manner, one would think idols would be used to it when the reality was quite the opposite. It seemed that the longer they were deprived of said pleasures, they only ached for it more and more. The same seemed to happen with the carton of ice cream that the both males seemed to quickly attack with their hunger for sweet food, anything to get their mind into something better than unseasoned salads. Eyes drifting down to the carton and then back at the older male, the spoon slowly slipped through his fingers as he swallowed slowly the icy and creamy chocolate substance within his mouth. “Are we going to get in trouble when the owner notices that the ice cream is gone…?” He questioned, lips curving into a fearful and rather regretful smile, having a bland expression whereas his eyes widened. “Even if we keep it between us… Won’t there be problems for us, hyung?”
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kjxngdae · 7 years
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Jongdae’s sweet words to EXO-Ls. (trans not 100% word for word.)
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kjxngdae · 7 years
( 21. ) // TO BE CONTINUED ...
&&. aiming at @chaerioux , 고마워~!
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– “ Not yet, ” she admits under her breath while tying her hair up into a ponytail, “ but I definitely would be if you hadn’t held the elevator for me. So thank you for giving me a shot at making it in time. ” Would she end up late? Most likely, but she enjoys hoping for the best – just how she maybe could make it in time. Or better yet ; someone else could be late to the meeting, and then her brief absence wouldn’t gain that much attention.
Maybe it shouldn’t be asked, Chaeeun does anyways ; “ What are you late for? “
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The fact that he seemed to be somewhat a hero at the end of it had a smile crack within the features of his own face whereas he pressed the elevator button for the top floor where the meeting would be held. Not entirely sure just what would be discussed within it, Jongdae was only aware that it had modelling involved and seeing the idol characteristics he possessed and just how the past few months, more and more photoshoot propositions had come his way, he wasn’t entirely surprised -- yet thankful, all the while -- that the company had sent him to the building.
Looking over to the side where the question caught his own diverted attention, his lips purse the slightest before he ends up mumbling. “A meeting for a photoshoot. They’ll probably reject me now since I’m a little late~”
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kjxngdae · 7 years
There was a genuinely excited smile on her lips when her gaze was focused on the cake. She was excited to have the taste of the cake in her mouth; after all, a strawberry cake was her favorite. It was something she could eat every day if she had the possibility to do so. Too bad, cakes were bad for her diet and Chaeyeong was only able to eat one small piece. Despite reminding herself about it in her mind while cutting pieces for themselves, she still cut two huge pieces. Screw the diet, basically.
Slowly, upon hearing him telling her to wait, she furrowed her brows. Did he really forget? ❛Oopppaaa!❜ Whining, she slumped down on her seat dramatically. The brunette female didn’t blame him, though. She wasn’t really vocal of her birthday so she didn’t wait for him to remember it; she was just playing around. Though as soon as she heard his congratulation, her posture changed to a better one, the huge smile was back on her lips and the deep dimple was exposed on her right cheek. ❛You actually remembered!❜ Cue her clapping her hands proudly, forgetting the fact they were supposed to be quiet to not to attract attention and get kicked out because they were eating cake which wasn’t brought from the cafeteria. ❛Aahh, thank you. Now, eat the cake and tell me what you think about it.❜
He didn’t really want to sound nor act rude with proceeding to eat the cake without her permission or even nibble on it if she wasn’t going to do so herself. Upon having her own permission, a grin tugged at her lips due to finally being able to eat, at least, a little bit of the sugary treat she had brought -- plus, it was strawberry cake. The creaminess of the vanilla filling along with the sourness of the fresh strawberries made it sure it was the best possible mix as once he reached for a spoonful of the fluffy sponge cake, he directed it towards his own mouth, the cream meeting the softness of his own kitty shaped lips as he savored it with a pleased and satisfied hum.
Putting the spoon by the smaller plate he had placed the recently cut piece of the cake, his eyes closed to further emphasize just how satisfied he was with just one piece whereas he nodded his head some with a thumbs up of pure approval, though quirking his brows upon seeing just how she wasn’t having any bit to herself as he let out, in a whiny tone. “But you’re not going to eat anything?” He questioned, shrugging his shoulders right afterwards as his gaze was placed upon the birthday girl in front of him, figuring that even under a diet one could always have the pleasure to enjoy their birthday cake as a reassuring smile then took place of the pout he had previously formed upon whining. “It’s your birthday so you can give yourself the break of the strict diet~” He once more reassured the younger girl, adding a clasp of both hands to sound even more convincing. 
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kjxngdae · 7 years
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Happy Birthday, Byun Baekhyun~! ( @04bkhyn )
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Baekhyunnie, Happy Birthday to you~
IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY! Today is the time to celebrate a really bright star that was born on May 6th, 1992. First of all, I am incredibly proud to say that you have been such a huge support in my life and so understanding of every situation I go through. I am happy we managed to meet before even knowing about how EXO would be born and just the instant click that brought such a beautiful friendship into life ... You are one of the closest people to me and I know that whenever I am with you, I am up for a good laugh since I have already said that you are truly the funniest member -- probably, even one of the funniest people I know. A bright and shiny soul that brings up a much happier and excited mood within all of us and just makes our days so much better with his presence only. Even though I am trying to keep my emotions from falling so deeply into the huge admiration I feel for you, I do believe that I am failing in doing that since it is so impossible to deny these words that keep going through my mind and the urge to tell you how much of an admirable person you are. Your personality, your kindness and generosity are just something I admire a lot -- your sense of humor, down to how you always manage to keep a smile on your face to go through another day. Whether it’d be meeting aeri or just going on a casual day of work, your happy aura brings a whole different mood to our work ethic. You are unbelievably talented and just so admirable, overall. I can’t believe we’re friends but I am deeply thankful that we’re so. I feel that in a way, I need my loud buddy and someone to always joke around and I find that within you and Chanyeol too. We are the Beagle Line and we’re ready to take over the world even if that seems like a sort of an impossible mission and truly dreadful because everyone would just have to be ready to SCREEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAM. Anyways, I think we do pretty good, at the end of the day. Seeing as I have brushed away from the main point of this -- which is appreciating you on such a special day -- I just want to say that you can always count me in, no matter how crazy the adventure is. Know that I will always stand by your side to nod my head at every insane idea you might get or just another afternoon filled with league matches. I will do it. Even if it’s just to keep you company. You have a friend in me, for the end of the times. I know that some days we might not even see each other due to individual schedules but know that distance can’t set apart our bound of friendship. I will always be your buddy and even a partner in crime, if you need one. I hope reading this makes your day even better as I truly believe you’re already having an amazing one, so far~ Happy Birthday, Baekhyun. I love you SO MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH. 
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kjxngdae · 7 years
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kjxngdae · 7 years
Jongdae was surely surprised at the mention of the fifth year of EXO though she wasn’t the first person who had congratulated him or the members since so many people had done so. However, the mention of the cake had an almost hysterical laugh to escape him though attempting to contain the excitement within the small area of the cafeteria since they were already sneaking in food that was not supposed to be the there, in the first place. There was no one that loved cake more than Jongdae. Hands clapping in a happily manner, the male curved his back some to simply bow at the female in front of him for the small bit of the day she had provided him.
“Thank you so much.“ He mumbled, truly living up to what she had previously said about the being lowkey. Before the cake could be cut into pieces for the two of them to share, a brow raised within his face as well as his eyes squinting some at her. “Wait a minute...“ He paused. He knew he was forgetting something. But what? Upon a few minutes of consideration and further thought put into it, he could easily remember just what kind of a special day it was today. “Oh... And happy birthday~“ He hushed his own voice, sealing it with a fond smile before looking back down at the cake.
@kjxngdae, happy belated anniversary with your group! 
It was pure coincidence ( or not really ) for her to have cake and bring it with her to the cafeteria where she was supposed to meet the famous singer. She didn’t even know if she as allowed to bring own food into cafeterias, but somehow, she needed to get rid of the cakes she had in the fridge so why not share it with friends? Also, Chaeyeong had a pretty good reason to give it o the older male; a belated congratulation for his five year anniversary with his group while they would at the same time celebrate her birthday. Great thinking, Chaeyeong.
        ❛Oppa, I hope a strawberry cake is good and you’re not on diet!❜ The female tried to keep her voice low, still managing to show the excitement through it while placing the small box on the table where the piece of strawberry cake was. ❛I don’t know if they’re allowed to bring your own food here, so you better eat it lowkey? Is that even possible?❜ There was unsureness in her voice and slightly, she furrowed her brows together in wondering manner. ❛Anyway, happy belated five year anniversary!❜
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kjxngdae · 7 years
Jongdae’s sentiment was something understandable. Spending money on them, without asking for anything in return…tiny bouts of guilt would nibble at Joohyun’s heart. Receiving gifts from fans was a touching gesture, yes. But there was a voice inside her that told her that they could have spent the money on other useful and meaningful things. “Have you tried suggesting an alternative for them discreetly, perhaps?” She knew most of their seniors who had the same wish towards their fans did this. They would either ask them to write letters instead, which costed less, or to simply donate to people in need and put it under their (or their fan club’s) name. It felt nice, after all. People doing a good deed through the self’s better influence. She found that some fans were meant to be quite stubborn, however. “But perhaps they feel a certain happiness when they see use use their gifts?” But the thing was, and she thought that she was speaking for most idols who probably had the same dilemma…”it’s difficult to have to use them all, though. There’s too many, and you haven’t even finished using everything, but more arrives.”
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He didn’t mean to make Joohyun feel guilty or bad even with his own choice of not receiving anything from the fans. Truth was, Jongdae was never fond and never had been fond of receiving gifts because he always saw it as someone spending money on him when they could use it instead for something else -- on someone else. He could never thank each and every single fan, individually, and that just didn’t seem to be fair for him, at least. Finding an alternative was something he had immediately thought of once declining any gifts sent by the fans whereas he nodded his head instead, a smile once more crawling up to his lips as his eyes would hide underneath the wrinkles that would come up instead. “I told them that they could take the clothes and items they’d send me or want to send me and use them for a much better cause.” There was a pause within his speech only to fix up his voice by clearing his throat. “Charity. There are so much more people in need and I’m sure they’ll love to receive such things. We need to help those that need our help and that way, our fans are also contributing for it, as well~” The smile shifted into a purse instead whereas he remained in place, somewhat bouncing on his feet as he spoke to the elder woman. "Some didn't especially liked the idea at first but everything has been going on alright, now~"
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kjxngdae · 7 years
「 ✉️ » EXO 김종대 」do you have any lucky charms with you though? you’ll be the luckiest of them all if you actually do ㅋㅋㅋ 「 ✉️ » EXO 김종대 」yes please, don’t tell him. the company has been strict on us with our diets lately since we have a concert coming up in two weeks. plus, we also have comeback preparations so can you imagine how restrained we are from sweets? ㅠㅠ 「 ✉️ » EXO 김종대 」i’m home from my schedules now! is luck already on our side? 「 ✉️ » EXO 김종대 」yes… because why not? cereals are amazing, i even eat them as a snack sometimes when i run out of things to eat ㅎㅎㅎ
( SMS : 우주소녀’s BONA ) That sounds like a very strict diet especially with a comeback right around the corner ... T^T we shall be sneaky and act as if we don’t even know what sweet and sugary food is, yeah~? I think it’d work better that way ... 
( SMS : 우주소녀’s BONA ) But tell me ... When am I to expect this comeback? I spent the whole day listening to ‘Secret’ for some reason -- don’t ask why -- it just popped up in my playlist and I gave it a listen but then the next thing I noticed, I was so addicted to it and it had been four hours ever since I gave it that FIRST listen ... Can you believe it? FOUR WHOLE HOURS!!!
( SMS : 우주소녀’s BONA ) But I managed to get some Lucky Charms and I think they’re good enough for the both of us ... Cereals are so good, at any time of the day! Sometimes, I eat them as dinner too \o/ These are the best days of my life because I get to eat those instead of boiled veggies T___T
( SMS : 우주소녀’s BONA ) But speaking of comeback and concert ... Are you nervous? How can I support this rather than just with words of encouragement! Sign me in for the first row ... Ahhh, I wish I had the time to actually do that, hmmm T^T I guess we’ll hope for the best, right? POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!!
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kjxngdae · 7 years
( KKT : EXO 첸 오빠 ) I agree. Cliffhangers make me want to pull all my hair out sometimes, I’m not even kidding. T ^ T So… yep. I can definitely see where you’re coming from. It’s just really, really nice to binge watch a certain series without having to worry of what’s bound to happen next since all the said show’s episodes are all ready and we just have to press play then eventually enjoy every bit of it. Hah, this is a new discovery, though. I didn’t know you’re fond of dramas. Do you have favorites, if I may ask?
( KKT : EXO 첸 오빠 ) Aaah, that’s such a relief! Different places but same emotions, right? I’m sure every country varies from culture to crowd reactions and such yet the ecstatic feeling is always present. You may feel empty once the final concert is over but look at the bright side, you’ll be able to get the rest that you deserve. And mmm, I think you’ll all nail it, just as you do all the time. You, especially. Ehe. I’ll try to squeeze it in my schedule~ Filming’s about to end, so I think it will be possible!
( KKT : EXO 첸 오빠 ) I just am truly blessed and lucky as I get to work with understanding and warm people. They guide me accordingly and they even take care of me so I have no complaints against them, heh. You have no idea how much your simple words have managed to lift my spirits up. T ^ T I think I can go on without worrying too much anymore. Haters and negative comments… such things are inevitable. I can’t be bothered by every single one of them though they get to me at times… I mean, I’m a member of Red Velvet after all, and I feel like I’m dragging my group down because some do think that my acting performance is done poorly. But aaaahhhh!!! HAPPY THOUGHTS!!!!!
( KKT : EXO 첸 오빠 ) I was going to, but something came up so I missed it. Such a shame that I didn’t get to see you live. I waited so long for it. ㅜ ㅜ But hey, look at you now! You’re good at what you do as it is. You just have to keep growing and improving through practice. Don’t push yourself too much, though. Everyone has their own limits. Good intentions but better watch out! As they always say, prevention is better than cure. ^ ^  
( KKT : EXO 첸 오빠 ) Hopefully. I have my fingers crossed~ I trust those who made this project happen – from my co-actors to directors, producers, staff and crew. And of course, I trust myself too! I’m really grateful for the fans and new ones who watched each episode fondly. Thank you so, so much, oppa~! Your words of encouragement… they mean a lot to me and they’re actually helping. As expected… EXO’s fairy~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ  
( KKT : 레드벨벳’s JOY ) And so I’ve heard someone has finally finished her filming and is going back to join Red Velvet with their schedules? Ahhh ... I’m sure your unnies missed you so much and your fans as well to see you with the other girls~ But Park Sooyoung, Joy-ssi of Red Velvet and Yoon Jo-rim-ssi ... YOU’VE DONE BRILLIANTLY. I must say I am very proud of you and your acting skills \o/ I think you are so talented for simply managing this acting job along with the Rookie promotions when you had just started. Truly what I’d expect from any Red Velvet member! Our hoobaenims are all so talented and surely SM’s garden!
( KKT : 레드벨벳’s JOY ) What’s funny also is that the tour is also over and now we’re set with our Japanese promotions~! Have you looked at Ka-Ching yet? Have you listened to it? Ahhh .. many people are saying it has its similarities to Lotto which I agree but that is so much better -- WAAAA ... I don’t know about that. I think all projects with EXO are equally good and we always can do better, anyways. But do tell me your opinion though? If you think it’s cool or just a disaster overall because there is also that option, don’t be saying nice and good things at your oppa just because I am a sunbae also T^T
( KKT : 레드벨벳’s JOY ) But count me in for dramas. I don’t watch as much as I’d love to but there are some within my favorite list, of course T___T I don’t know if you have heard of some of these but my absolute favorite would be the one I actually sang a OST for which is ‘Descendants Of The Sun’. It was such a pretty cool drama and seeing how it was based in such a real plot like the war and love ... HMMMM, it warmed my heart for sure! I like many of them but another favorite would be a more recent one that goes by the name of ‘Tomorrow With You’. If you haven’t watched neither of them, you should!!! Quickly~ They’re both so good and yes, you can count on my opinion! I still have yet to check on the rest of yours but I’ve seen some spoilers about the final episodes T___T How do you feel now that is over, though?
( KKT : 레드벨벳’s JOY ) I am happy that my positive comments to you and nice messages have made such an impact where you’d stop listening to what people say. Mean people, obviously. But I am sure that within the final result of it, people will see the bigger picture and admire just what a nice job you have done, yeah? Don’t worry about the hateful comments, just remember to keep a bright smile upon your face, yeah? I don’t wanna see you sad T^T
( KKT : 레드벨벳’s JOY ) Your own messages are so sweet and you have just been so nice to me, as well. I am going to always do my best in regards to performing to always make my fellow members and labelmates, friends, family and even your unnie happy and proud, yeah~? Eheh ... I hope my happy and cheerful mood makes you think there are always happier things within life and that no bad situation lasts for long too, okay? Make sure you listen to me when I say this -- it’s something to live by, Joy-ssi! For now, I hope that your following schedules with Red Velvet go on alright and peacefully and I am sending you all the happiness in the world, from EXO’s fairy himself~!
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kjxngdae · 7 years
The look within the male’s eyes only indicated how he wasn’t paying any attention but for some reason, instead of trying to catch his whole attention, Jongdae just kept going at that while expressing the still nerve wrecking sensations he felt, even after five years, when his group would release a new song. Surely, it was a sub-unit but there was still room for error and failure which was exactly what he was so afraid of. Eyes following the hand movements of the other, a dull expression took over his features upon seeing how he wasn’t listening to a single thing he had been saying for over ten minutes, now. It was all explained now in regards to the doubtful look within his face. “Ah...” He sighed some, shrugging his shoulders whereas he ended up shaking his head. “Nothing too important. Have been getting any rest? You look sort of tired...”
❮ @kjxngdae❯
so is thinking that he should get his ears checked. 
the person in front of him ( who is blocking his way ) is talking but there’s no sound. their lips are moving but he can’t hear any of the words that they are saying. it’s obvious by body language and expression alone that they’re either annoyed or worried. the two emotions are entirely different from each other but he’s just blindly guessing at this point. out of habit he’s reaching a hand up to touch his temple in his moment of confusion and it’s at that point he realizes that he’s had his earbuds in this whole time. clenching his jaw and looking off to the side he wants to yell at himself for his own stupidity. pulling the earbuds out of his ears he lets out a quick breath, “sorry about that. what were you saying?” 
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kjxngdae · 7 years
mark is gently reminded of greeting customs in korea when he sees jongdae moving in for a bow. he offers one in return out of politeness. for a second it’s awkward because they’d be close enough to bump heads if mark dips down right away. he manages to evade an accident by bowing a split second later, however. mark is also quite reserved and it isn’t common for him to strike up a conversation with a stranger. perhaps today is different. and jongdae wasn’t necessarily a stranger per se. “that’s good to hear. it’s been a pretty fair week for me too. any comeback preparations on the way?” he returns, moving his coffee cup to take a quick sip. belatedly realizing that he hasn’t introduced himself, and that he was standing in the middle of the coffee shop queue, mark fumbles and steps out of the way. “ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. the name’s mark, and i’m sorry for blocking the line.” he proceeds to offer to pay for the idol’s order, as a formal way of apologizing. jongdae was a busy person, he assumes, and mark hates to be an inconvenience.
There was a sense of awkwardness within the stranger man but he did not wish to intrude and question it since it’d come off as a rude act and Jongdae thought he’d try and make the other male as comfortable as possible. Studying what seemed the nervous movements of the other, his teeth sink in a gentle manner against his very own lower lip as he still wondered just what could be wrong -- truth was, the whole situation wasn’t the best, either. These two barely knew each other besides the past exchange of words they had shared over him blocking the line. It wasn’t a busy day so he wasn’t entirely worried about what could happen if he didn’t get his order right away. However, what he couldn’t stand was having someone else -- especially someone he knew for two minutes, maximum -- to offer to pay for his own request whereas he wasn’t sure himself what to get. Shaking his head in a dismissively manner, Jongdae denies the offer with a reassuring smile. “It’s very kind of you, Mark, but I am afraid I can’t accept.” He bowed yet one more time, figuring there should be a way where it could make the other feel better without the need for him to pay. “Maybe join me for a coffee? I can tell you about future plans then!” He requested, raising a single brow to add up to the questionable aura.
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