kkb385thurs1-3team1 · 11 months
Week 12- Continued progress in our smaller teams.
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Hello everyone once again. For this week’s check-in, we are pleased to announce our progress on a couple fronts. In our separate smaller teams, we have made tremendous progress with;
our website. The website design team has included what Patchwork is, how to play, and event details and later on descriptions of our team’s story and its members.
The graphic design team has started and completed our poster which will be used for the final showcase. Alongside this finished version, we have some variants created in the process which can be used for the showcase and are of course appropriate for the site as well in the future.
We have also begun preparations for our final pitch in anticipation for the coming showcase.
Our prototype team is in progress with a higher fidelity version of Patchwork, to add more to the gamification elements and presentation.
Overall, lots of work and effort continues to pour into the project. With some more time left, it gives us the opportunity to round everything off to a satisfying and effective end.
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kkb385thurs1-3team1 · 11 months
Week 10 & 11 Check in video
Lo-fi prototype, ideation, poster and post-presentation feedback
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kkb385thurs1-3team1 · 11 months
Week 9 Check in --Start of Transcript--
This week we continued developing our project idea, working on our prototypes, website and research. This week we developed one of the jigsaw puzzles by separating the image into 6 pieces. Then we developed a QR code, that once scanned took users to the puzzle piece. This piece then has a description or fact about the location in the image. We also began preparing the presentation to showcase our initial ideas and work, with the purpose of gaining feedback from the class to enhance our project. We also started thinking about how we are going to develop our high fidelity prototype for the showcase. 
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Week 8 Checkin Video Transcript
This week, our main progress has been to continue discussing and prototyping the puzzle. Our target audience is anyone who can go to MOB and use a mobile phone normally. This activity can attract people of all ages to the maximum extent and learn about the content through the activity. We have established that the number of ‘shards’ is 6, and the theme will be changed every week. Information about the theme will be announced on the event website. While we are establishing the details of the ‘Puzzle’ promotion activity, we are also considering how to better engage the audience in the activity. Including explanations and demonstrations before the start of the activity, ease of operation of the activity, etc. 
To this end, some members of our team visited MOB and conducted on-site inspections, taking many photos and videos, which helped to implement the plan. Based on the pictures taken, we began to design the prototype of the ‘puzzle’, integrating the ancient and modern architecture of ‘100 views of Brisbane’ into the game, presented in the form of QR codes and hidden throughout the venue.While completing the plan, we started division of labor and production. 
This week we signed the team contract and assigned tasks through Google doc. Everyone needs to be responsible for a part of the work.On the other hand, we also got feedback from Amy during the tutorial session that our project was engaging and interesting, and we got great feedback. According to Amy's suggestion, we can add an App to the project (without actually making it) to help the audience get the final result.In class, we also communicated with some groups to understand and learn the strengths of other projects and make up for our own shortcomings.
Next week, we will further confirm and produce content related to our plan. The event is progressing smoothly and we look forward to our efforts next week.
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Week 7 Update Video: Post Ideation and Early Concept
Transcript: Hello everyone. Check in for Week 7 following up on an update on our team's puzzle activity concept for the Museum of Brisbane. After much research and brainstorming, we've chosen an initiative that promises both entertainment and a rich educational experience.
Background Introduction:
Let's first revisit the core idea behind our initiative. We aim to offer museum-goers an enriched understanding of the museum's collections, while also making their visit an exploratory adventure. Hence, we've conceptualized a unique interactive experience that merges the worlds of puzzles and QR codes.
Preliminary Activity Plan:
  1.   Puzzle Design: The overarching design of the puzzle will spotlight the museum's hallmark collections or exhibitions. Moreover, every piece of the puzzle will harbor informative tidbits. By completing the puzzle, visitors will not only achieve a fun task but will also gain valuable insights into the exhibit.
  2.   QR Code Placement: QR codes will be strategically scattered throughout the museum, even in some lesser-known corners. Once scanned, visitors will secure a piece of the puzzle which can then be stored on their mobile devices.
  3.   Mode of Participation: We're encouraging families or groups of friends to dive in, turning this into a treasure hunt of sorts. They'd kick start their adventure by collecting a blank puzzle template at the information desk and then set off to discover the QR codes.
  4.   Completion Incentives: The first group to complete the puzzle will earn a special souvenir. Furthermore, every participant will receive a certificate showcasing their completed puzzle, serving as a testament to their dedication.
  5.   Educational Outreach: After collecting each puzzle piece, there will be an option to access a secondary interface. This deeper dive will elucidate the knowledge behind each puzzle piece, ensuring the activity is not just entertainment, but also educational.
What's Next for us?:
With our primary framework in place:
We'll delve deeper, fine-tuning the puzzle content and its design.
We'll explore the museum's specifics to ensure our initiative is feasible.
We aim to survey potential participants, ensuring our event aligns with their interests and expectations.
We wholeheartedly believe that this puzzle initiative will bring an unparalleled interactive experience to the Museum of Brisbane. We're eager to share more intricate details into the development of this project in the forthcoming weeks.
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Week 5 Check in Video: Ideation, Empathy, Scenarios Transcript: Welcome back, this is the second check in video for Group 1, from the Thursday 3-5pm KKB385 class. In a follow up from last week's research, we will continue discussing our progress so far and reflect on our initial brainstorming session as we delve into the first stage of developing the project.
By using a flowchart found on the week 5 module on canvas, we rolled for a randomised variety of conditions for a scenario, in order to get our creative juices flowing and ascertain the direction in which we wanted to follow for the assessment piece.
In our first attempt at using the flowchart, we received a scenario that challenged us to conceptualise an idea of emotional engagement and physical interaction that would have a broad impact on an international audience. This prompted the idea of a MoB storytelling exhibit surrounding immigration in which the attendant would interact with physical stimuli, giving them the opportunity to walk in their footsteps and understand their story and struggle on a deeper level. The main idea is that this kind of story evokes such raw emotion from the storyteller and from the audience from a deeply sympathetic and universally human experience.
In our second scenario, we were presented again with a tangible idea, but one that incorporated digital elements and collaboration. We then came up with an AR based storytelling app that involves the attendant with props and prompts as well as collaborative painting and photo collaging. We also decided to incorporate gamification, encouraging the attendants to earn points from attending and interacting with Mob, as well as inviting friends and family through the application as well. 
Our third and final prompt gave us a family friendly, educational scenario that would engage attendants through visual mediums. We conceptualised a more child appeasing idea of connecting people to MoB, involving interactive puzzles and props, as well as art activities and family games to bring together different generations. We also discussed the ideas of school excursions and live exhibits such as music performances to represent history and evolution and how much we’ve developed through different time periods.
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Team 1 Check-In for Weeks 3&4- Introducing the Provocation and Stakeholder; our early research, impressions and considerations Transcript (2:48 minutes):
Welcome, this is the first weekly check in video for Group 1, from the Thursday 3-5pm KKB385 class. We will be discussing our progress and findings for the assignment 2 group project.
Our group chose the Museum of Brisbane provocation. These is our insights so far
To begin the define stage, we completed context mapping using the provocation to develop areas of consideration.
We deemed that the Museum of Brisbane’s audience includes youth, artists, Brisbane residents and tourists. We viewed a range of partners that MoB frequently collaborates with to promote and facilitate exhibitions. Then we considered engagement strategies within accessibility and interactive installments.
We found that MoB empowers their artists through championing local art design and recruiting Brisbane based artists to animate parks, laneways, galleries, studios, and other unconventional sites. They showcase a variety of different seasonal events such as workshops and exhibitions, as well as maintaining the MoB Learn, and Artists In Residence programs. The former, an opportunity to educate and inspire younger generations and nurture creativity, with the latter allowing artists to carry out individual research, express their work to a large and diverse audience, and overall, engage with their community.
The importance of “place” to MoB builds upon education, awareness, storytelling and progress tracking. MoB strives to record milestones through Brisbane’s ecopolitical climate and changes in culture and trends to develop a sense of place. Furthermore, the connection to land and people presents diverse and vital stories, which will support to preserve and reflect the ever evolving look of Brisbane. 
‘Accessibility’ is important for audiences to feel happy and engaged. MOB has improved accessibility through the art they present, by combining many different ways to showcase the artwork, and the artist’s story. The museum has introduced different audio explanations to help visitors from different countries. For example, Mandarin and other languages. 
Meanwhile, for those who prefer silence, or those with physical or mental illnesses, the museum has introduced the ‘ quiet afternoon’ exhibition program, which allows people to visit with reduced sensory stimulation. The museum also caters towards individuals with vision impairments by hosting live concerts.
Finally, utilizing research and context mapping, we developed the statement: How might we encourage attendee’s connection to place when viewing a new layer of storytelling? --End of Transcript--
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