kkeabsongbaek · 5 months
Thank you to everyone who participated! I didnt expect myself to get so many people requesting, so it was a HUGE surprise for me!
Seeing different kinds of people requesting, and all with such unique personalities and matching them up is always fun to me!
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I forgot to mention whilst posting on the game that if there is anyone you dont feel comfortable to be shipped with, please let me know!! thats absolutely completely fine!! :)
I know some prefer it if I include all the members, and some only prefer specific members! So if there is anyone you dont feel comfortable being shipped with then thats completely okay!! Just let me know beforehand when I write the ships :)
I will make sure to write that more specifically on my next game! I hope you enjoyed it! And i'm sorry if I didnt get your bias/bias wrecker!!! Have a good day!
My biases wish you the best of day today!!
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kkeabsongbaek · 5 months
hello hello!! this is for the quick ship for enha and txt :)
sun sign: scorpio | moon sign: gemini | rising sign: capricorn
i consider myself as someone who's very sensitive emotionally and sometimes need a lot of care. i'm pretty introverted and reserved but i'm very chaotic like a child around friends :)
i can be serious when i have to, i try to listen to others' feelings, and i try to do my best to achieve things. i can be a bit self-centered though and a bit too absorbed in my own things (like daydreaming) if i stay there too long.
and that's about it, thank you in advance! :)
No problem! Thank you for participating in my game!
I also immediantly knew who I was going to ship with you! There faces just came into my head as i read yours! I hope you enjoy :)
I ship with Beomgyu! (You two in the same room, is going to be LOUD AF)
You guys just get eachother just like that. There is no room for debate. You both share incredible similarities!!! Its insane! Both of you guys are like children, and are just super fun, innocent and cute, but behind that exterior lies an incredibly deep, sentimenal, sensitive person. Both of you will struggle with the same kind of problems, so both of you will be able to have deep conversations together! I'm imagining it could go from super loud, to super super deep in a matter of seconds, but then go straight back to loud and chaotic again! Beomgyu also is increidbly idealistic, so if both of you share your ideas, then it will help for you both to be able to stay grounded without being so stuck in your own bubble! Either way, when you two are around, its NEVER boring!
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I ship you with Sunoo!
Sensitive, caring to friends, kind, but also like a child! both of you guys love to have fun, and have endless converstions together! Both of your sensitivity will allow a deep understanding with one another, knowing what to say and what not to say in front of others. Whilst, still being able to enjoy yourself and have a great time. Sunoo would be a great person for you whenever you are feeling down in your own thoughts or is in your own bubble too much and cant seem to snap out of it, he will be able to break it without saying a lot, and it will feel like a breath of fresh air !
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kkeabsongbaek · 5 months
hello my dear!! I'd like a ship with enha and txt as well!
I'm a scorpio sun, leo moon and gemini rising and also an infp!!
I'm quite sensitive at times and I tend to bottle up my fears, doubts and insecurities. but I also love to express love in different ways to my friends. people say I'm a good listener while struggling to share my feelings.
also, I love animals and kids and I'm glad they like me too 🥺 plus I'm an introvert but lately I've been branching out and initiating conversations and stepping out of my comfort zone (baby steps tho)
Hi!!! Im so happy your stepping out of your comfort zone! Im the same MBTI as you so I 100% get that. Take it slowly and dont push yourself too much, you're already doing great, and im really happy, you're trying to push yourself, its really wonderful!!!!
I ship you with Soobin! I knew from the moment i read this, you and Soobin were meant to be. Like 2 peas in a pod you are! Soobin is someone who also bottles up emotions, and is incredibly sensitive to results and opinions. The difference with I'S'FP and I'N'FP, is that S types tend to be more realistic and grounded. Their head isnt always in the clouds, so despite Soobins insecurities, he knows how the solve them logically and calmly. Soobin would absolutely be the perfect match for you. Whilst, both of you share similar worries, both of you compliment eachother perfectly. Needless to say, you both LOVE animals! Soobin, as a leader always tries to step out his comfort zone. He has mentioned before he never thought he was the leader type, and now look!! Best leader ever! You and Soobin are both trying your best, you both know the areas you lack, and know what you have to do change that. So if both of you were ever together, omg you guys would be a power couple! Its a sight to see!!
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I ship you with JAKE! (my bias - sooo lucky!!!!)
You and Jake both share the same sun sign! So there is an immediate sense of safety and recognition there! With your gemini rising and what I believe Libra rising, you guys will be able to communicate so well and thoroughly, and will have amazing conversations together!! Despite all this, we all know Jake in the past dealt with something sad in his family life. He has previously said he has an incredibly hard time showing his emotions, and bottles them up. He feels as though he needs to smile for ENGENES! And so I feel with you being such a great listener you will be able to help him in this way, as well as him being able to help you because of simialr experiences, similar emotions, and similar thought process/outlook you guys have! Not to mention Jake also ABSOLUTEY LOVES children and adores Layla! So you both would absolutely bond over that!!! (Honestly you with Jake vs you with Soobin, both of you those are amazing to see together!)
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kkeabsongbaek · 5 months
hiii im a sag sun virgo moon and cancer rising i was wondering if you could ship me w enha/txt
id say im p introverted like quiet but i get REALLY weird w the people im very close with idk if it helps or anything but im an intp
im not very affectionate or physically comfortable eg hugging but id say i express myself well with words if that makes sense
i hope this is enough loll also tyyy and i hope you have a wonderful dayy youre doing amazing
Hiya! Thank you so much for doing participating in my ship game! It means a lot to me :)
I ship you with Hueningkai!
Hueningkai and you are super similar in a way. Hueningkai is someone that does not really show his affections out in public, and as MOA's know, he hides and repress his emotions quite a bit. Deep down he is very reserved. You both at first may be extremely distant or closed off when you first meet someone, but as soon as you both open up, its like wildfire! Crazy, weird, fun, LOTS of laughing! he appreciates how detailed you are, and your bravery to how you approach life, but at the same time, with a caring nature too! I really think both you and Hueningkai will understand eachother on a deep level. It may not be a very much verbal one, but both of you know deep down how eachother is feeling!
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I ship you with Sunghoon!
Both you and Sunghoon share the same sun sign! That already creates an instant amount of understanding of eachother. Sunghoon is a sweet person, although many people find him cold. He is a stern and strict person that it picky about stuff, but we all know he is caring deep down and goodness he is LOUD and loves screaming and shouting! You and Sunghoon are really similar (although I may feel Hueningkai is more similar to you) - when you express yourself only through words, he will get it completely, and there will be no misunderstanding involved. Its a very harmonic, balanced relationship (and he isnt much of a physical touch guy either!). So overall he seems like a perfect guy for you too!
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kkeabsongbaek · 5 months
Hey, how are you doing? I’m interested in your kpop ship game. My mbti is Intj, sun sag, moon, Leo, and libra rising. I see myself as someone introverted, good at management, and creative. I like to make crafts and play video games.
Hiya! I am doing well, thank you so much for asking!
Thank you so much for participating in my game! It means a lot :)
Soobin will absolutely love your creative side! He finds all your hobbies fascinating and you both will get on so well together. He likes your firey energy, and your ambitiousness too. He likes how responsible you are, but at the same time, he likes how there is more to that. Soobin would find it interesting about all the different kinds of ideas you have, and Soobin would want to know more about that. He is reserved as a person, but once he finds a common interest, he will be curious and ask more about it. (TBH, I would have thought so many members in TXT would love you, especially, Yeonjun, and Taehyun, but i felt as though Soobin would take a huge fascination in you). I can also imagine you guys just play video games together, bicker about who won and lost. It will never be quiet when its you two together
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Honestly I was stuck between Heeseung and Ni-ki! With Heesueng, i imagine you and him to have a more softer, calmer dynamic, whereas NI-ki would be a more fiery, passionate one. If i had to pick, i would ship you with Ni-ki. You and Ni-ki, would just have sparks. You both wouldnt even need to speak much, but you'd know what eachother are thinking. Its a passionate, fun, explosive dynamic I see for you two. Ni-ki is a warm hearted person, but we all know how hyper and excited he can get when it comes to things he likes, and i feel like he is similar to you in that sense! It's always fun, and both of you are always so happy being around eachother!
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I hope you enjoyed this! Have a good day :)
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kkeabsongbaek · 5 months
note: This is only just my opinion based on his videos, how I see his personality and the way he acts! This isn't official and it can be completely different! Enjoy ☺️
Jakes ideal type would be someone who is patient with him, and will be able to listen to his troubles. He is someone who is not talkative nd open about his troubles and sadness, so you would really need to be patient for him to open up to you. Sensitivity, patience and a good listener is what he needs! He likes talkative and bright people too, someone who can really bring the light into his life.
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His Venus is in Scorpio as well as is Sun and if I'm not mistaken Mercury(?) He is quite a mysterious and intense person, so someone who would be able to handle this side of him. Despite his flirty nature (I believe he has a Libra rising) - he is sensitive deep down and has deep emotions, so someone who is once again patient and be able to understand tht side of him would be perfect! 👍
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kkeabsongbaek · 5 months
Quick KPOP Ship Game!
Give me your MBTI, your sun/moon/rising sign in your birth chart, and a brief description about how you see yourself.
I will try my best to ship you with members in TXT and ENHYPEN! (I only know these 2 groups well, so I'm sorry if you wanted other groups!)
I study psychology, astrology and in the field of human relationships. I am not a professional, and this is just a little bit of fun :) Please enjoy
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kkeabsongbaek · 3 years
xiaojun sfw analysis please ♡♡♡
A To Z Analysis: SFW
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A = Affection
Xiaojun usually doesn't show his affection. He will mostly use other means to show that he cares of you, but he ain't that type of person that will come spontaneously hug and kiss you or say pretty words
B = Best friend
As a best friend they are the type of friend that gives very good advices and that are usually quiet on their corner without annoying you but that would always be here for you
C = Cuddles
He isn't a big cuddle but when he hugs, it's warm and comforting
D = Domestic
He does want to settle down, but he needs a partner that would still give him enough freedom. But he is very home like
E = Ending
With an ex, Xiaojun doesn't have much contact with his partner, and if he can just forget about them it would be better. It's a different story If he still has feelings tho
F = Fiance(e)
Commitment would be a huge thing for him, but he won't ask for your hand unless he is sure for both sides
G = Gentle
Usually very gentle with his words and his actions, even if he can have the tendency to be easily irritated
H = Hugs
Just like the cuddles he doesn't like that much but he would give them on the most needed moments
I = I love you
He will take quite a long time before he says it, and when it does it's probably during the night after a tiring day
J = Jealousy
Quite jealous and he doesn't deal with jealousy very well. He gets very quiet and very intimidating
K = Kisses
His kisses are wet, quick and usually with tongue when heated
L = Little ones
He gets confused around children, he doesn't really know how they function but he would do his best as a father
M = Morning
Usually Xiaojun is an early bird compared to his partner, he likes to wake up and get ready before his partner
N = Night
Nights are very chill, usually filled with soft conversation and affection
O = Open
Again, Xiaojun isn't a big talker so it would take him months before he starts opening to his partner and telling them about his life and feelings
P = Patience 
They aren't angered easily but he can get irritated easily tho
Q = Quizzes
He remembers a lot about you, usually the smallest details are the things that get stuck with him for no reason
R = Remember
His favorite moments of the relationship are the dates and the quality moment he spends by your side
S = Security
Extremely protective and dedicated toward you. won't leave your side
T = Try
He does put a lot of efforts during the special dates and during surprises because it's the only way he has to show that he cares for you
U = Ugly
He tends to be very susceptible and egocentric and sometimes he thinks everything you do or say as a link to him
V = Vanity
His vanity is high and Xiaojun doesn't hide it, he likes to take care of himself and of showing it even when only with you
W = Whole
He won't tell you, but he would feel incomplete without you, especially if it's been a while that you guys have been dating
X = Xtra
Your family would love him at the first sight, because Xiaojun is able to make the best first impressions ever. So everyone around you, loves and accepts him
Y = Yuck
He hates when his partner doesn't take care of themselves, don't shower often or are just letting themselves down
Z = Zzz
While he sleeps he snores lightly
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kkeabsongbaek · 3 years
He hurts your feelings without knowing you understand/speak Korean too ~ BTS Maknae Line Reaction
Disclaimer: I really don't think the members would ever be so careless with their words, but this is just for entertainment purposes, please don't take this too seriously.
Park Jimin:
You sat next to Jimin in the back seat of the car, completely oblivious to the growing irritation on his face as you spoke animatedly to Namjoon who sat in the passenger seat ahead of you. The two of you had crossed paths randomly on a location site this morning where BTS were filing their music video, Namjoon immediately embracing you and deciding to catch up on the years you had not seen each other. You soon got along well with Jin too, who invited you over to a short dinner before the group departed for the day.
As you were explaining how you found yourself back in Korea, you were surprised when Jimin snapped in a low tone, "Hyung can you ask her to shut up for a bit? My ears hurt."
Both Namjoon and Jin fell silent, collectively turning around to face Jimin who had his head in his hands, tenderly massaging his temples that were throbbing. "Don't you think you're being a bit too rude?" Jin replied back in Korean, causing Jimin to sigh as he leaned back against the seat to look out the window.
"Her voice is really irritating," he murmured, his eyes falling shut. You bit your lip, subconsciously shifting away from him in your seat. Namjoon turned to look at you as your gaze fell to your hands in your lap. With a roll of his eyes, Namjoon shook his head.
"(Y/n), don't mind him," He spoke to you in Korean, and you simply smiled. "It's fine, Namjoon."
Jimin looked to you with wide eyes, shaking his head in frustration as he wondered if his day could get even worse than it was. "You speak Korean?"
Namjoon laughed incredulously, "You would've known if you were paying attention to us, she's been speaking to Jin hyung in Korean for the whole drive."
Jimin ran his hands over his face, letting out a shaky breath when he noticed you sulking in your seat. "I'm sorry, that was very rude of me."
You shot him a tight smile, "It's okay."
And even as Jimin accepted your answer, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt pull at his insides when he noticed your silence throughout the conversations all the way to the restaurant. Maybe it would've been better if he was the one who kept his mouth shut.
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Kim Taehyung:
You blew out a nervous breath that you didn't realize you were holding, placing your hands flat against the sparkly blue dress that reached your knees. It was not every day when The Kim Taehyung is seated right next to you. With a gentle smile, he shook your hand with a slight bow, greeting you with a "Hello," before he took a seat beside you.
He tried his best to appear cool, looking around and his leg shook impatiently, waiting for the rest of his members to arrive. He wasn't one to engage in a conversation as he noticed that you weren't Korean, and he didn't know what to talk about, so he sat silently, occasionally smiling at you whenever your eyes met.
Soon, J-hope and Suga made their way over to your row, their eyes landing on you and greeting you with a respectful bow. Hoseok sat beside Taehyung, nudging his shoulder playfully, "Oi, having fun before we came?"
Everyone knew who you were, so judging by the wide smile on Taehyung's face, Hoseok assumed Taehyung felt shy around you. "Ayee no hyung, she's not my type."
"But she's pretty," Hoseok giggled, bending forward and smiling at you again. "I heard she's working with the babies on their new song."
Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, let's see how it turns out."
Yoongi frowned, confused by his response, "Why do you sound like it's a bad idea?" Taehyung shrugged slightly, shifting forward in his seat, "I don't really understand the hype about her, I mean, her music is...alright, I guess."
You stiffened in your seat, immediately looking to the side as you lost your breath. That was a horrible thing to hear, especially after you put in so much of your soul in the music you make.
"I love her music," Yoongi defended you, and Hoseok found himself nodding in agreement, "Her lyrics are mindblowing, have you ever looked up the translations?"
Taehyung sniffed, readjusting his pants, "Well, not really... oh!" A large smile grew on his face as the members of TXT walked into the same row, standing up to greet them lovingly. "The babies are here!"
After a series of hugs and exchanged words, the members finally crossed their way over to you, smiling widely as you stood up to greet them.
"(Y/n)!" Yeonjun smiled, shaking your hand as he stood in front of you. "We are so excited to work with you!" He spoke to you in Korean, while Soobin nodded with an enthusiastic giggle. From the corner of your eye, you noticed three heads snap up to you in shock. "I'm really excited too!" you responded, patting Beomgyu's arm. The boys all smiled warmly at you, quickly making their way to their seats with promises to properly catch up with you after their performance.
You sat back down and Yoongi leaned forward to speak to you, "(Y/n), I didn't know you speak Korean."
You chuckled lightly, avoiding Taehyung's gaze who was now squirming uncomfortably in his chair. "I picked Korean as my second language during my graduate studies," you explained, Hoseok's eyes widening as a loud laugh left him, "She's fluent!"
His laugh gradually trailed off though, looking to Taehyung in disappointment. "I think she deserves an apology."
"No, it's fine, really," you smiled, shaking your hands in denial, yet Taehyung's face fell even more as noticed the tears shining in your eyes.
"I am really sorry," Taehyung whispered guiltily, bowing in apology. "I should know better before I speak, please forgive me."
"It's okay," you nodded with a wide smile, yet your voice cracked towards the end, causing Taehyung to frown in worry. Had he really begun to think of himself so highly that he thought it would be alright to degrade someone's music the way he did? Either way, he knew he had to do much more than offer you a simple apology because he swear he could hear his heart clenching when you turned away to wipe a tear that slipped out of your eye.
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Jeon Jungkook:
"Oh shit," your hand reached up to pat down your hair, cursing your luck as you watched a very familiar, very handsome man walk towards the counter. Had it really been the worst timing of your life? You wondered why it had to be today that you decided to not wear make-up, your skin uneven and blotchy as your hair looked like you just walked through a storm.
"Hi," Jungkook greeted you, pointing to the menu as he raised two fingers up, "Can I take... two chocolate ice-creams, please? Package," he made a sign with his hand as if to signal him carrying a bag, and you nodded, your heart racing wildly. Would it be too much to ask for a picture? Maybe an autograph would suffice.
Your eyes nearly bulged out when Jimin walked into the café as well, making his way to Jungkook and peeking over his shoulder, asking him what he ordered.
"I thought this place had really pretty girls," Jungkook mumbled as you punched in his order on the screen, your fingers trembling. "Why haven't I seen one yet?"
Your movements stopped for just a second, your heart dropping at what you heard. Wow, now you knew what it felt like to be invisible, especially in front of the one man you had always been dying to meet.
Jimin ignored his statement, reaching into Jungkook's pocket to take his wallet out and pull out a few bills to give to you. You accepted the money with both of your hands, lowering your head as you continued about your work.
"Uh, excuse me... when will, ice-cream... how fast?" Jimin tried to ask you how much longer it would take, and you smiled when he scratched at his head in frustration, turning to ask Jungkook how to word it out in English.
"Just a few minutes," you replied in Korean, understanding his struggle. His eyes widened, and so did Jungkook's, the two of them instantly leaning closer. "You speak Korean?"
You nodded shyly, and even though you were about to pass out, you raised a hand to shoot a finger heart at them. They both laughed, but Jungkook slowly covered his mouth with his fist when he thought back to his words.
"Are you an ARMY?" Jimin asked you, and you nodded again. Jimin seemed to catch onto the distant look in Jungkook's eyes, biting his lip when he remembered Jungkook's words and how it would've made you feel. "Do you want to take a selfie with us?"
Your eyes widened, shaking your head in panic, "I'm not really that... I mean, I don't look that great right now. An autograph would be enough," you smiled tightly, Jungkook's eyes snapping to yours as his fears were confirmed, you did understand what he said before.
"It's okay," he tried to change your mind, but even though he felt horrible to hurt someone, especially an army, he couldn't find the right words to say.
"I think a selfie would be better, you never know if we ever get to meet again," Jimin gently offered, sad eyes following your movements as you pulled out a book. "It's fine, an autograph is more than enough for me," you whispered.
Jimin looked back to Jungkook, feeling utterly ashamed at the fact that one of their fans was hurt because of them. With a sigh, Jimin took the book and pen, proceeding to ask you for your name as he signed it for you. You avoided Jungkook's gaze, thanking your coworker who brought their order up to the counter. You placed the bag up so that Jimin could pick it up, while Jungkook took your book from Jimin's hands.
With slow motions, Jungkook signed across the page, taking his time to spell out your name and thinking to himself that you had a really lovely name, writing down a genuine apology with a few hearts next to it. As he gave you back your book, you thanked him and looked away immediately, feeling so horrible to have him look at you.
Jimin waved at you, pulling Jungkook by his sleeve as they made their way out of the cafe, Jungkook's gaze falling to his shoes in guilt. He couldn't help but think that his careless words made you feel bad about yourself, turning around one last time to catch a glimpse of you covering your face entirely with your hands. He really messed up, and he had no idea how to make it up to you.
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kkeabsongbaek · 3 years
Did you know that the sign the Moon is in during your wedding can set the tone for your marriage? While some placements are known for being favorable for longevity, I wouldn’t say any sign is an indicator for a successful marriage or not. 
Married under an Aries Moon: It is all about keeping the marriage alive!! Passion is what keeps them glued together. They like to try new things together and both want a relationship that is exciting. They may challenge each other and be a little competitive with one another or even other couples. Respecting each other’s individuality and independence is very important. Learning when to choose their battles is a lesson for this pairing. 
Married under a Taurus Moon: This marriage will likely be very stable and long-lasting. Having a routine together may be important. They don’t like to leave their comfort zones. A battle of wills can be their biggest struggle. They must also be careful of letting the relationship get stale or fall into unhealthy habits together. Dependability and security is the pulse of their relationship. 
Married under a Gemini Moon: This couple loves change and may thrive on it. A strong mental connection and friendship connection is a prominent theme. This can be promising for communication. Can be a busy, social couple and might do a lot of things separate - they don’t hesitate to live their own lives. Watch out for shallow bickering or a lack of reassurance, intimacy, and affection in this union. Self-expression and a sense of wonder is important to the health of this couple. 
Married under a Cancer Moon: It is the emotional deepness and caring that binds them. The idea of making a home or family together is romanticized or a main goal for them. Family comes first and this may mean they put each other first or the family they create together - other times they may be distracted by their original nuclear family. It is important that they always give plenty of reassurance to each other. 
Married under a Leo Moon: What a fun or lively couple! Passion and admiration are big focuses for these two. They are all about each other and the fun they have. They also love to indulge and celebrate in life, friends, and family together. Egos and tempers can be what threaten their relationship. It is important to always put each other as number one in this union. 
Married under a Virgo Moon: Details are everything to this couple. They fall in love with each others strengths and weaknesses. However there can be a lot of practicality in this relationship. There is appreciation and down-to-earthness with these two but there might not be a lot of romance. The tendency to criticize each other can be a struggle. This will likely be an attentive yet realistic union. Taking care of each other is important. 
Married under a Libra Moon: I’m sure many would want to be married under this moon as it is all about romance, cooperation, equality, respect, and a feeling of union. This couple may have a tendency to avoid conflict, intensity, depth, or challenges. Air usually indicates good communication but there can be a shallow side to this union. This couple may fall in love with each other’s differences, opposites attract. There can be balance here and a lot of ways to grow and learn with each other. Honesty and rawness along with plenty of give and take is important to this relationship’s health. 
Married under a Scorpio Moon: This couple feels fated or like they have a past life or maybe psychic connection. They are incredibly synced with each other. There is depth, passion, and intimacy on many different levels. Jealousy, possessiveness, and manipulation can be the challenges of this union. Overall this is known to be promising for a long-lasting relationship. Having each other’s back and being on the same wavelength is most important to them. 
Married under a Sagittarius Moon: These two boost the other’s energy, confidence, mind, and self. They love to learn together and may be a big travel couple. There is a good sense of companionship in the union with a hint of sass, spunk, attitude, or maybe rivalry. Competition is usually friendly and needed to keep things lively. Honesty can be everything to them. Challenges to the union are insensitivity, pride, and maybe recklessness. Acceptance and respecting each other’s independence is needed. 
Married under a Capricorn Moon: Known as being promising for longevity and faithfulness. A lot of their marriage may center around common goals such as career and family. They are always there for each other and see eye-to-eye on many things. A lack of appreciation, romance, and emotional expression can be struggles. It is important they don’t get stuck in a rut and to learn how to be vulnerable, playful, and even messy with each other. Balancing the inner child and outer adult is key to this marriage. 
Married under an Aquarius Moon: They fall in love with what makes each other unique or special. A strong mental connection may be apparent. There is something to be said about friendship - either they are each other’s best friend, value a lot of what “makes a good friend”, or they put an emphasis on each other’s friendships. They may be the couple always hanging out with pals, the go-to house, they may NEED their friends to approve of or like their other half. Known for marking unconventional marriages.  They may be a very independent pairing, both not afraid to do their own thing. Differences of opinion or politics and unhealthy detachment or distraction are challenges. Respecting each other’s beliefs is very important to the health of their relationship. 
Married under a Pisces Moon: They can’t imagine life without each other or before each other. They may feel like they can read each other’s mind or like they knew each other from a past life. This marriage is all about romance, deep feelings, and maybe a spiritual connection. They can easily get lost in one another and will always be enchanted by the other no matter how long together. Not having individual needs met can be a challenge for this union. Manipulation and guilt-trips may happen. The honeymoon phase dying out and with it coming strong disillusionment is a possibility. Can mark a couple who rushes into marriage. Honesty, practicality, and symbols or rituals of mutual trust are important to the health of this union. 
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kkeabsongbaek · 3 years
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I've seen this circulating everywhere and I'm AMAZED at the accuracy wtfffffdf.... whoever made it knows everything there is to know about the signs
couldn't find source so if anyone knows it lemme know so i can credit the brilliant creator
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kkeabsongbaek · 3 years
Quiz is now working!!!!
Have Fun!!!!
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kkeabsongbaek · 3 years
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teolaegi diary doodles ‘ㅅ’
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kkeabsongbaek · 3 years
My bias and bias wrecker taking the name "bias and bias wrecker" wayyyy too literally!! (Hi touch Experience) PT. 1 (Teaser post 😂🤭)
How about I tell you guys about that one time when my bias wrecker straight up just flirted with me, right after I was confessing to my bias...and thanks to my bias wrecker, I didn't realise until at the hotel that my bias said something to me (it was more than just something btw😭) and I literally sobbed. Because not only did I talked to my bias and bias wrecker BUT they took their name WAYYY too literal and my bias wrecker straight up stole my attention and butted in (FLIRTING WITH ME) when my bias was talking...lord gosh...it's been 3 years and I'm not over this...
If you guys wanna hear the full story then don't worry, I will be posting about that! But I need to get his out my system, it's 6am...I havent slept and hyperventilating!!!
Also...if you guys wanna guess the idol then feel free too! I will reveal it in my next post! (Hint: The bands I Stan are EXO, BTS, Monsta X, Sf9, NCT, WayV, MCND...good luck 😂😏)
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2 notes · View notes
kkeabsongbaek · 3 years
Snap out of it
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kkeabsongbaek · 3 years
Don't go back
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kkeabsongbaek · 3 years
There are infinite versions of the magic shop
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