kkeatingg-blog1 · 4 years
The Rise of Social Media, good and potentially bad.
Coming from a millennial (myself), I can honestly say I have a lot to learn. I have evolved in an age among others where technology is apparent and very much alive. What I had never realized, in my young years of life, was the impact I was making as well as the media I was consuming. Every day, we are introduced to new trending topics, wether or not we find particular interest in them, we are introduced them. This can be potentially good, as well as problematic. For the most part, I consume most of my news from online sources through my mobile device. Apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram consume most of my free mindful time. Therefore, I rely on these outlets for my source of news as well as community, staying updated on what is happening around me, wether it be globally or locally. This is where complications arise. What is complicated is the fact that we are buried in information that is not backed up by reliable sources, let alone facts. We see this often labeled as “fake news”, the thing is, sometime people are not educated enough to know wether or not that particular content is fake or real. 
To be better, to be a more reliable and trustworthy member and overall person on any social media platform, I am learning, you need to be efficiently more educated on the factual sources of news. There are many areas of social media, along with how you choose to consume it, that are important and in fact just not brought to light enough. 
From good to bad, social media is an outlet for all, to use and connect with anyone, and everyone. As millennials, I believe it is our right to  realize that there is a power held behind our presence on social media, and the way we chose to use it. It would be very beneficial to make it mandatory for all future generations to learn guidelines and principles that come with having a social media account as well as a presence. 
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kkeatingg-blog1 · 4 years
Kimberlé Crenshaw explains the importance of understanding the term “intersectionality” in todays society. In this Ted Talk, Kimberlé powerfully addresses the reality of race and gender biases and how if you are standing on the front line of both, you are likely to get hit the hardest. She speaks the reLity on these bearing situations and how everyone can do their part to bear witness to this reality and find a voice to stand up for those who are suffering or are victims of prejudice. #MCO435
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kkeatingg-blog1 · 4 years
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“Internet Trolls” the worst kind of troll there is. I would much rather deal with a big, gigantic, scary troll from the movie and book, Hobbit than an internet troll. The thing is, in the novel I know who I am dealing with. With internet trolls, you never really know who is behind their role... #MCO435
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kkeatingg-blog1 · 4 years
A Pew Research Center survey published two years ago found that 70% of 18-to-24-year-olds who use the Internet had experienced harassment, and 26% of women that age said they’d been stalked online. This is exactly what trolls want.
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kkeatingg-blog1 · 4 years
Protests..  All social groups and identifications are uneasy during this COVID-19 pandemic as it has caused a tremendous amount of political issues and uprisings. 
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