kkotgilman ยท 4 years
ย  ย  ย โ˜พใƒปใ€‚. โ€” he smiles softly at his boyfriend, a hand outstretched to give the other tiny pats on the arm, a reassuring gesture, letting the other know that he was here to helpโ€ฆ or support, whichever one was needed in that situation, โ good thing we donโ€™t have a flight to catch or anything, โž jinwoo comments, playfully jabbing his elbow into hyunminโ€™s side with a small exaggerated sigh, โ remind me to tell you that a flight is five hours earlier than it actually is if we ever do go on a trip together. โž
ย  ย  ย  โ youโ€™re really going to trust me on this? โž he asks again just to be sure, eyes falling on the clothing on the bed. fashion wasnโ€™t jinwooโ€™s forte, up until three years ago he dressed like he hadnโ€™t left his house since the dawn of time. it was only because of hyuminโ€™sโ€ฆย encouragementsโ€ฆย that he made progress. he looks down at his options, holding them up against the other to see what it would look like, switching back and forth between the outfits as if that made his choice any easier. itโ€™s only when he imagines which one he would put one of his beloved webtoon characters in that he smiles, finally able to come up with his decision. โ if i had to choose, iโ€™d go with number two. โž
โ•ฐ โ˜† โ›ย he scoffs as if the other boy's words offend him, a pout decorating his cheeks. โ› oi! those cases are unique. they don't count! i'll be ready ahead of time if we do head out. โœ but a part of him admits he's never thought about those scenarios. the few times he's had overseas schedules, he didn't need to pack anything beyond comfort clothes for the hotel. the stylists did everything else. when he was younger; it was his nanny's role. on rare occasions, his parents take on the task. โ› but hey, since we're on that topic, one day we should go somewhere when we're not busy. maybe, europe? โœย 
ย  ย  ย hyunmin is hyper-aware he's the reason for jinwoo's transformation; he'd never allow those excruciating memories of trial and error to slip from his mind. he's conscious the other knows that too, hence the confusion which seems to lapseย in. but with confidence, the boy nods. โ› they belong toย my closet, so i like them already. you're the only other person seeing me this weekend, so i might as well wear something youโ€™d appreciate. โœ he tacks on a playful wink directed at the other whileย his hand reaches over to grab the set. then whatโ€™s left is shoving all his items in to make sure it fits, and he's finished his duty. he zips up his luggage and stands up, looking over with a bright grin. โ› okay, i'm done. lead the way, babe! โœ
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
ย ย ย ย ย  Mihaโ€™s bored and in a sour mood; first it was her manager giving her grief over something that totally wasnโ€™t her fault and then her one dance practice got cancelled due to her leader getting sick leaving her alone to stew in her own bitterness which, although something sheโ€™s good at, is never a good thing. She spends about 3 hours roaming her apartment in hopes of finding something to keep her occupied. When that doesnโ€™t work though, she opts to head out on a walk with some kind of adventure in mind. ย ย ย ย ย  Unfortunately, the walk is just as boring. Most people that are out are families and even the street performers donโ€™t seem all that interesting today. She still pauses and listens, tipping all the performers she passes just for some kind of stimulation before heading back towards the complex. Sheโ€™s about to call it and go back to admiring the ceiling of her apartment when she sees a familiar face crouched, making weird motions with his hand. Her eyebrows raise and she immediately heads that way. ย ย ย ย ย  Well thatโ€™s interesting. Her eyebrows raise and she immediately heads that way.ย ย ย ย ย  Hyunmin was another March person and theyโ€™ve shared quite a few friendly conversations. At least enough that Miha doesnโ€™t feel bad for approaching and crouching low just beside him; trying to see what he was motioning at. ย ย ย ย ย  โWhatโ€™re we looking at?โž She whispers, now fully intrigued and invested.
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โ•ฐ โ˜† โ›ย the adrenaline rush from earlier leaves him still on edge, jitters clear in the quake of his fingers. he almost leaps a few centimetres into the air when he hears a voice, not realizing he's received a curious witness beside him. eyes spins with jarring speed to the side, thinking up frantic explanations to explain his circumstance without sounding suspicious or foolish. but taut shoulders are quick to relax when he realizes it's a person he recognizes.
ย  ย someone who hovers on the fine line between acquaintance and friendship. but they've had ample conversations that he's warmed up to her presence. yet not enough for him to hide the embarrassment which flutters into his expression.
ย  ย โ› oh! hey, it's you. โœ hyunmin turns his head once again towards the lawn, sheepish laughter breaking through the idle atmosphere. he uses his index finger to point at the siamese now resting in the neighbour's bushes with languid ease. โ› that's my cat. he ran off a while ago cause a kid spooked him and won't come to me no matter how much i call him. and i don't want to trespass. i know goguma well, and he, โœ a sigh slips out, โ› will think it's a chase if his owner goes after him. if he heads somewhere with fences, it's over. โœ
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ย  ย  ย after saying that, an idea tumbles into his mind. he looks back at miha, a knowing glint in his eyes. โ› why don't you give it a shot? i'll stand here and keep watch. he's pretty friendly to people who seem like they'll pat him. that is.ย if you're not allergic to cats. โœ
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
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it had worked like a charm. naturally. in a gleeful squeal, the taller mail spun and began to be the victim of that chase. a warning of his own coming out past his lips after a few brisk steps.ย โ€œnot the camera or iโ€™ll kill you then steal your wallet to get a new one!โ€ ever the dramatic just like the other man heโ€™d goaded into this impromptu playtime.
he was laughing until the hard chunk had gotten him in the back of his ribs. body arched under the sharp pain and a painful โ€œagh!โ€ echoed out in the space around them. granted, his fluffy coat had softened the blow, but there were many factors to consider. mainly: compacted ice hurt even with layers of protection there. he could only imagine if heโ€™d been as woefully underdressed as hyunmin and how that wouldโ€™ve felt then.
โ€œyah!โ€ the boy whined, spinning to face the man in a disgruntled pout.ย โ€œare you throwing rocks? thatโ€™s unfair.โ€ a huff pushed out in the shape of a white cloud to float above his head and to the skies.
โ•ฐ โ˜† โ›ย for a second, the devil sneaks into his thoughts, tempting him to feign a thirst for destruction. thanks to his career, he could, in all technicalities, break a camera and buy a new one without mourning his wallet. but of course, then there's the whole situation with the memories stored inside; hyunmin would rather perish than feel the guilt of ruining something so precious. he teases with no venom, โ› oh scary! i'm so scared! i'll think about it. โœ
ย  ย  ย it's rude to laugh at other people's misfortunes. he recalls the times his sister glowered at him for doing so, but the satisfaction of obtaining sweet revenge outshines his compassion. hyunmin cackles for a few seconds, then remembers his manners and dashes over for inspection.
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ย  ย  ย ย โ› no, that's the magic of ice. โœ he lifts his hand to show his gloveless, pink tinged skin. โ› and human warmth. okay... and maybe my gym sessions. but you had it coming, bro, for going after defenceless me! โœ he gives the other a quick look over. โ› don't think you'll bruise, though. at least it's not a paintball. so you won't have to explain anything to your stylist. โœ
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
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ย  ย  ย  โ waitโ€ฆ right now? but- iโ€™m still in my work clothes, โž he protests, despite knowing it was to no avail. the other had made up his mind and jinwoo could grumble all he wants, but in the end he always gives in, โ canโ€™t we go home first so i can change at least? โž
โ•ฐ โ˜† โ› for a second, only one second because he thinks himself a speedy thinker, hyunmin pauses at the other's inquiry. his mind shifts to the idea of not making his grandeur entrance, lingering outside the entire moment while the other boy locks the doors. then with a lazy smirk reminiscent of a child in trouble who doesn't care, he lolls his head to the side and shrugs. โ› nah. โœ
ย  ย  ย since the initial days, he's always come to the office a short while before closing time. it isn't on purpose. sometimes even an hour early, out of an impulse that says he should go visit and idle in the waiting room reading something on his phone. he has zero intention of breaking the pattern. plus, even if he knows the other youth might seem grumpy, he's confident he's bringing a bit of spark to help him chug through the final work hours. if not that, then the few conversations with patients in the waiting area keep his ego high.
ย  ย  โ› wait, hold on. โœ he lifts both his hands up to stop jinwoo's thoughts, actions exaggerated and voice joking. โ› when you put it like that, it sounds like i'm raising your expectations. too soon. but not to egg you on or anything. it's italian. specifically, pasta. โœ he raises a mischievous brow, knowing full well how much the other loves pasta. a part of him conjectures it's because it's close to instant noodles, the other's favourite meal in the world. an unfortunate attitude when hyunmin exists and can cook many things than one that only needs boiling water. but he's long stopped spitting his snarky remarks and glares instead.
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ย  ย  โ› no, we don't have time for that. โœ brandy irises glance once over at the other. โ› you're not wearing white. you look handsome, in the way i would hit on you if you were my receptionist even though i know that's not the most legal thing to do. you're fine! โœ but just in case the other feels an inch of self-consciousness and it would guilt him to learn heโ€™s forcing jinwoo through an uncomfortable situation, he tacks on. โ› you can hide in my oversized jacket if you really hate it. โœ
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
โ•ฐ โ˜† โ›ย hyunmin found comfort in the symphony of speeches; the proximity of other humans since the days he was still a foolish juvenile. he can function fine alone. but the enchantment of a presence, as long as it was in a safe space, then no matter how unfamiliar tingles at his senses. keeps him alert even into the lateness of the night. yuri isn't a stranger; he finds a certain charm to her, yet other times there are phrases that bring up questions. but he's not one to pounce into conflict when the other option is to conceal everything behind a graceful smile.
ย  ย  ย the bar is a cacophony of conversations in blaring voices, all of them competing with the music that dominates the atmosphere. along the wall was every hue of amber liquid in their inverted bottles. minus the drink settled in front of him, liquor no longer holds his attention. the girl's words loop at his interest, pulling him over. โ› oh, really? you used to sing? โœ hyunmin muses at her remarks, an idea invading his mind.ย 
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ย  ย  ย ย โ› some of them sound like they're eating these songs for breakfast! โœ he chuckles. โ› but you know what? you should go up there. โœ he suggests,ย though it's not much of a suggestion as much as it's a statement. he's already lifted his hand, waving over the person in charge of the lineup for tonight. โ› i want to hear you sing. and i'm sure she agrees too. โœ he motions with a grin towards the worker who's come over, a convenient move to put the other two on the spot.
โ”โ”โ” โ™กclosed starter for jeon hyunmin ( @kkotgilmanโ€‹ย )
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย friends were great . not the show but like actual friends . yuri thought of everyone she met to be her friend . truth was , she wanted everyone to like her and this was the best way to ensure that . there were times where she could tell that she was being a bit overbearing but she meant well. she really did . yuri met hyunmin through social media and theyโ€™ve been cool ever since . and since she was the nicest person ever , she invited him out for a night out . she liked him and she could see them being good friends . yuri hoped that he felt the same way .
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  they were at a bar not too far from dallyeog . there was a decent sized crowd here which was good since yuri hated a dry bar . apparently , it was karaoke night . the people singing were bad but that was kind of the whole point of karaoke . to enjoy yourself in a room full of drunk strangers . all of the singing brought back a lot of memories for her .ย  โ€œ you know , i used to sing . i havenโ€™t done it for real in a long time but i forgot how much fun it was ! โ€œ she spoke louder over the music so she could be heard .ย โ€œ i think these people are great , donโ€™t you ? theyโ€™re having so much fun and iโ€™m totally loving it ! โ€œ she clapped as the next person finished their performance . she laughed and cheered wildly , completely loving everyoneโ€™s confidence .
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
a usual thing is for jaehwaโ€™s sleep schedule to be, well, unusual. there are times were sleep calls to him the moment his head hits the pillow, or the couch cushion, or his arms folded beneath his head as he lays on the floor. other times he lays awake, eyes wide open as he stares at what he hopes is the ceiling beneath a veil of darkness. thankfully he likes his room so dark that his sleep paralysis demon could be watching him, and heโ€™d never know. there are times where he can simply lay there and eventually, he will drift off into an unfulfilling few hours of sleep, but sometimes he just has to know when to give up.
typing out a vague message simply to alert people to the fact heโ€™s awake, he selected a few people in his contacts list to send it off to, seeing if anyone else happened to be in the same boat as him during this ungodly hour. this is one of those nights where he needs to concede defeat and find something else to do with his time. nothing productive though, maybe something along the lines of a walk to a twenty four hour convenience store for a snack heโ€™ll deny eating later.ย 
thankfully, before he had to ask for someone to take pity on him and give him some company, an invitation is extended to himself first for exactly what he wanted to do. go on a walk. leaving the appropriate few minutes between receiving the message and replying ( he canโ€™t look desperate ) he eventually returns the message, letting hyunmin know heโ€™ll downstairs shortly.ย 
comfortable, warm, and expensive. thatโ€™s the aesthetic he goes for before heading down to the lobby, wallet and phone tucked into his pocket as he locks up behind himself. he makes sure to take his time. you can never be the first person to arrive at a party.
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โ•ฐ โ˜† โ›ย the entire time he walks, his proposition lingers with uncertainty in the air. it's once he takes his first step off the elevator, his phone vibrates in his pocket, that he feels a steadfastness to his sporadic decision. few people send him a message at this hour. his heart bounds an extra stride in excitement. slipping his fingers into his jacket and pulling his cellphone out, previews greet him carrying messages he wants to peer at. he responds with a simple sticker saying ok. there's not much else to say; he stands alone in the waiting game.ย 
ย  ย  ย he chooses the occasion to glimpse outside beyond the glass doors situating the entrance. there're no clouds above, the waning moon shining vividly among the obsidian to the extent the surrounding stars appear dim in comparison. adjusting his view to glance at eye level, he catches a parked car lingering this late into the evening. he speculates with a naรฏve inquisitiveness the speculation for the visit that causes a willingness to bend the apartment rules. well, itโ€™s unlikely the landlord has even one eye awake, and he doubts any security guard taking a night shift holds enough care. or if they do while he's still idling in the doorway, he'll whistle along, wrong pitch be damned, and look the other way.
ย  ย  ย  hyunmin doesnโ€™t have a reason to play dumb. he hears sounds that don't belong to him. hyunmin turns his face towards the elevator, a welcoming grin painted on his lips. it grows fuller at the sight of the familiar figure. โ› hey! โœ he doesn't wave, finding it unnecessary when it's just the two of them in an otherwise silent lobby.
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ย  ย  ย โ› i was so excited to see you up, dude. glad you could come! โœ he tilts his head to the side, his hand gesturing the door. โ› should we get going? โœ unprompted, he begins his meander, holding the exit for his friend as they walk out. โ› now that i'm down here, i'm wondering if we should go to the convenience store. what do you think? โœ
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
Cleo chuckle at his reply and nodded.ย โ€œOh, you didnโ€™t needed to give me anything, really! But no, Iโ€™m not lactose intolerant. It was just a helping hand thoughโ€ she told him with a small smile grabbing the sweet off his hands.ย โ€œPlease, come in. I made some Western food if youโ€™re hungryโ€.
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โ•ฐ โ˜† โ› an appreciative smile travels across the plain of his face, seeking not to prolong the push and pull off favours and gift giving. instead he takes her offer and steps into her apartment, eyes staring straight ahead so not to seem nosy.
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โ› western food you say? what kind? โœ
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
โ†ณ ย ๐‚๐‹๐Ž๐’๐„๐ƒ ๐’๐“๐€๐‘๐“๐„๐‘ for @kkotgilmanโ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ !!
ย  ย  ย he knocks a few times โ€“ not too eager, but not too resistant either โ€“ and when the door swings open, eungi quickly plasters on a smile. โ€œ oh, hey neighbour !! iโ€™ve been eyeing the new fried chicken place across the school and just had to grab some chimaek. thought that maybe, yโ€™know, iโ€™ll stop sulking inside my room for a change and share my dinner with someone. no harm in trying to get to know your fellow tenants, am i right ?? โ€ he breathes out a laugh, one that he hopes hyunmin wouldnโ€™t be able to look past to see how fabricated it really was, before raising the plastic bag in his grip. โ€œ think of this asโ€ฆ uh, a welcome gesture to the complex. or an early seollal celebration ?? not the best when it comes to timing, iโ€™m aware. but regardless of all that !! i donโ€™t think weโ€™ve properly met. โ€ the teacher smiles again before continuing on. โ€œ iโ€™m eungi, i live over at complex two. โ€
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โ•ฐ โ˜† โ›ย from the moment hyunmin was born, he begot the tempest. he never left the eye of his own storm. a being embodied by the golden illumination of a sun that never dies, he shared the optimism. but beneath the glimmer, there's a constant habit of engaging everybody in quips, in banter, and in amusements. mirth is a thin but strong cape hovering over his body.
ย  ย  as a teen, he exuded a warmth that others converged to, and it was easy for him to become the life of all events. invitations dropped onto him, heavy as the may rain. the students bathed in his sunshine, embraced by the aurate they listened to him. his teachers remain dazzled by his smile, comfortable enough to speak to him with a casual tongue. he greets strangers with the atmosphere of meeting long-lost friends. that was the formula he concocted.
ย  ย  even now, when hyunmin wanders to the habitual convenience store, it was satisfying for people to turn heads towards the aisle carrying his voice. for some individuals, he knows he is reminiscent of lightning, striking down and leaving them frazzled. he respected those entities, aware not everyone can immerse the white light falling on his skin as though a thousand volts tap into his spine.
ย  ย  he waved to the apartment tenants, greeted them, or offered a chance for small talk. but there's zilch intention to chase after the ones who prefer taciturnity, and somewhere for the man who always performs the first move, it slips his mind that someone might choose to greet him.
ย  ย  there's knocking on the door when he's idling on the couch, right hand on the phone, reading an article absorbing no information. while hyunmin's television rolls along without a care in the distance. it's the cooking channel. he doesn't think it's possible to go wrong with that, and he refuses to take anybody else's opinions.
ย  ย  he leaps over to answer it, curious who might have elected the fourth floor to badger. the doorknob turns, and he appears face to face with an absolute stranger. a whirlwind of emotions slams into him, initial confusion hiding on the other side of the disciplined rosy simper.
ย  ย  in front of him stands a guest with a spark of energy, which he both appreciates since it echoes his own persona. but also makes him wish to raise a brow when the other can't see. distrust isn't the appropriate word, but the thrill which embraces the other male comes across dubious. evocative of those networking parties he'd sometimes attend, and someone latches onto him. but he doesn't want to build a wall of prejudice before anything momentous happens.
ย  ย  โ› hi, eungi from complex two. i'm hyunmin, the owner of this humble place. i'm guessing i'm the lucky chosen one, huh? for your little celebration. come in, come in! โœ he grins, sliding open the entrance with an arm and using the other to motion for him to enter the suite. there's never a reason to refuse free food, and the curiosity in unravelling the reason behind the sudden appearance is high in his mind. โ› i love chimaek! i'd say it's one of my favourite pairings. but i feel bad not having anything. would banchan make do? or tell me your favourite food, maybe by chance i'll have it. โœ
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
โ•ฐ โ˜† โ›ย since young, he is a person who stretches with wide open hands towards the limelight. an individual who flaunts everything beloved he can fit in the spacious expanse of his heart. but within reason, he'd say to his defence. his sister didn't raise him to be a braggart. hyunmin isn't a hopeless romantic dreaming of starring as the lead of a drama, but a part of him always assumed he'd rub his adoration over his smile or how he carried himself.
ย  ย  jinwoo is an anomaly, tearing him into so many pieces. yet stitching hyunmin together in a way that's neither anew nor better. jinwoo unearths another side of his facade. he indulges in the tranquillity instead of the excitement; he allows himself to be a follower instead of the face at the front. but now, there's nothing that can save him from the monster of procrastination clashing with his horrible habit of forgetting to pack something important. he can't count the number of times he's gone travelling, only to realize he has no toothbrush or pyjamas.
ย  ย  โ› iโ€™m just being me. โœ hyunmin chuckles, no sign of stress clear in his voice nor on his expression. โ› i let you plan it all so i figured hey i can think more about what to wear this time around. next thing you know ... i procrastinated. here i am! โœ he raises both his arms up in defeat. then points at two sets on the bed. โ› want to pick for me? โœ
ใ€‚.ใƒปโœฉ star fragments slowly floating around @kkotgilman
ย ย ย ย ย ย โ˜พใƒปใ€‚. โ€” they had spent the last two years celebrating in very simple means, never really thinking much about the day as anything other than a normal day. the first year was a hurdle they had to jump over, had to rid themselves of the old habit of meeting the day after to scarf down discounted candy while playing video games. they had to actually try that year, and so they started with gifts. candy purchased at full price and teddy bears with hearts that said cheesy things. their second year, his other half had cooked dinner, and they stayed in to watch romantic comedies together, snuggled on the couch with goguma strewn across both of their laps, sound asleep as the three of them had started to finally settle down into the domestics of family life.ย 
ย  ย  ย  this time, jinwoo had decided to do something that he never thought he would ever do. used to taking the passive role in most things in life, he earned himself a raised eyebrow when he had offered to plan their valentineโ€™s date, but in the end his partner was more than willing to let him take the reigns for once.ย 
ย  ย  ย  walking to hyunminโ€™s with his packed bags after dropping off goguma at his nannyโ€™s (chance), jinwoo could feel his heart going pitter-patter against his chest, either from excitement or nervousness, he wasnโ€™t entirely sure. he lets himself into the apartment before he could try to talk himself out of the plan and convince hyunmin to just stay home. only to be met by the sight of unfolded clothes all over the bed and a nearly empty suitcase sitting next in the center.ย 
ย  ย  ย  โ babe, โž he tuts gently, walking over to access the situation, โ weโ€™re only going for a night, why is it taking you so long to pack? โž
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
he looks nice. itโ€™s not a super complex or introspective assumption to make but jihoโ€™s a pretty simple dude, being nice is all it takes to really get his attention. he waves a little,ย โ€œ iโ€™m jiho by the way. i figure weโ€™re gunna be here awhile so it might be nice to make allies before it gets all train to busan up in here.ย โ€œ
โ•ฐ โ˜† โ› the stalling of the train marks a fresh epoch in the lives of the riders. hyunmin often finds himself enraptured in sonder when he glances at strangersโ€™ expressions wandering across indoor tiles or outdoor concrete. the curiosity of a boy wrapped in juvenile innocence possesses him, and he lingers in his daydreams, imagining tales soon lost to passaging time. but the whirling of the wheel of fortune aligns fate for all of them. a shared calamity bound their separate paths together into one pathway with multiple lanes. not ample for a traffic jam, but busy enough there are people in every direction.
ย  ย  it's in this sole street provided by destiny that the atmosphere reverberates with a restlessness. scattered whispers surround him. passengers contact their companions outside the box of twisted steel and panelled glass. explaining the commodity with a sense of urgency. he notices their voices rise in volume as minutes go by, trying to ascend above others and forgetting their original manners to stay quiet. it's not only the callers, but he watches a few texters also clenching their phone. the individuals in his passenger cart feed off each other's nervousness. inhaling until their body puffs up with agitation. he senses it too, the thudding of his heart quickening without prompt.
ย  ย  pessimism sits on his right shoulders and murmurs the worst ideas. expect extended waiting hours since the municipal government loves delays. his phone will die, leaving him unable to reach anyone. or someone will convince the crowd marching outdoor through literal instead of figurative long dark tunnels is the way to freedom. he slaps away the annoying belief, sending it smack against the window behind him.
ย  ย  ย to distract himself, he closes his eyes for a few seconds. deep breaths seep into his lungs, conceding affable imagery to waltz into his brain. there's no moment of clarity. it'd be impossible among the buzz, but at least he's now able to focus his thoughts on a singular orientation. the exchange at hand, he's started with a complete stranger.
ย  ย  ย โ› really? it's our little secret then! a good thing to keep in mind. i got bottled water. we're really feeling like a survivor documentary here. โœ hyunmin slides into the other's banter with ease. he grasps this as a positive sign the other's open to talking, yet there's always an edge that exists in new encounters, and he'll scrape it down. maybe there's concealed truth in the ideology that people bond over stressful times.
ย  ย  ย โ› even the thought? no. โœ his face blanches at the prospect of gazing with longing at the vanishing sunset through dirty windows. โ› if that happens. i want the same compensation airports give guests that get booted off flights. โœ but though he laments, hyunmin's voice remains light, the severity of the situation still refusing to settle into him.
ย  ย  ย โ› i'm hyunmin. โœ he waves back, taking this chance to slip his cellphone into his pocket. he used it as an anchor, an object of familiarity in the first few seconds. yet he wonders if it'll turn into a distraction moments later. โ› i would hope not. but now that you mention it, opinions on the movie? โœ
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
๐ŸŽฎ ย ย 
Coming inside? Thatโ€™s rather unexpected and he finds his fingers rubbing over the soft skin behind his ear. Itโ€™s a rare sign of unexpected tension or maybe surprise, depending of how you see it. Hyunhoon imagined this to be quick, the other checking whenever or not thereโ€™s an unfamiliar letter between his own and sending his neighbor off with it. Well, seems like this is a change of plans then.
The streamer tilts his head slightly: โ€œ Ah sure, I can wait inside . โ€œ Hyunhoon slips in between the given space and forces his own curiosity not to spark. Last he needs now is to have a curious gaze around, no matter how much he desires it. Seeing how others live is always quite exciting and there are several reasons for it!
But how much do you show or share? Is it impolite to comment on any of it? Thatโ€™s something nobody ever teaches you when you grow up, itโ€™s all about the respectful speech and bows of heads not about properties. It is a very nice place, clearly shows that this man has lived here for quite some time. Thereโ€™s just a difference between pretty apartments and those designed to be an actual home.
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โ€œ Understandable, mailโ€™s not really worth to be excited about those days. Mostly bills and the unpleasant news arriving via mails. โ€œ Hyunhoon begins to pick up the topic of the other, pulling slightly on the sleeves. โ€œ This one is just related to one of my jobs and I have to send it back within the next two days or it wonโ€™t make it back across the sea in time. โ€œ
Brown hues give Hyunmin a careful observation, some people look good even in their comfortable clothes at home. Whatโ€™s the trick? If he thinks about the time he spends in front of the mirror before he goes lives. But then, all the light equipment forces him to go for some shades of makeup. โ€œ You have a really nice place โ€œ he comments, keeping his other thoughts strictly to himself. โ€œ I just moved in not too long ago, still trying to figure out how to use space best but itโ€™s tough. I feel my work setup eats half of it already. โ€œ
โ•ฐ โ˜† โ›ย inside, he takes a sigh of relief when his new neighbour strides into his apartment. on his face, he offers a lopsided but appreciative grin as he closes the door behind them. โ› it won't take too long. โœ he promises. it's a habit for him to lock the entrance, but on this occasion, the fingers which graze against the latch drift on the surface. it doesn't matter if the other boy notices or not, but this is a gesture from hyunmin to allow the other to feel comfortable. an escape route in case a particular action of his perturbs the other to an irreversible degree.
ย  ย  โ› you can sit on the couch if you'd like. if you don't care for some cat fur. โœ an offhanded remark as he walks over to the cabinets where he stuffs any mail inside. out of sight, out of mind, until he has a free hour and then there's a small mountain of white and brown blended with black ink, waiting for him. a realization hits; he pauses mid-walk to glance over, eyes widened a trace. โ› hopefully ... you're not deathly allergic to cats? โœ a worst-case scenario of a trip to the hospital did not hover in his brain until now.
ย  ย  it wouldn't be too late. but in the meantime, hyunmin opens the wooden drawers to begin his search. eyes reading over lines, while ears listen to the other's commentaries flutter in to fill the otherwise solitary air. โ› overseas you say? that sounds like a tremendous deal. what do you do? โœ the curiosity and reverence dripping off his remarks. he's not a big dreamer, seeking to head to europe or north america to continue his culinary journey, but the sound of someone else being international piques his interest.
ย  ย  โ› ah well, thanks! when i first came i was just a student and i barely had anything. โœ the compliment causes satisfaction to ooze from his words, while a finger brushes against the corner of an envelope. he's found it! it's the one hyunmin thinks the other's been searching. he unearths it, still chatting as he heads back. โ› it slowly got better. i had to change parts up cause i wasn't exactly living alone anymore. then adopted a cat who's very vocal about what he likes or dislikes. โœ he chuckles a bit at the memories from the bare minimum dorm aesthetic to the slow doubling of items to the yowling feline glaring at him from the top of the cabinet.
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ย  ย  โ› but if it helps. i guess it's cause of my job, i like to measure pieces out and draw my layout. one time i did all that then realized i forgot i needed space between my desk and my bed. don't be me. โœ another spew of laughter as he hands over the envelope. โ› anyway! i think this is yours? they must have mixed things up in a rush since our names are kind of close. โœ
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
๐š ๐ค๐ค๐ญ ๐ง๐จ๐ญ๐ข๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ @prkmihahqโ€‹
โ•ฐ โ˜† โ› ย why do you take your cat out for a walk?ย judgement or curiosity or even another different emotion trickles into the voices raising inquiries when he takes his leashed feline out for a stroll. the sincere answer is that his cat is true to his siamese nature, carrying dog-like traits that include a love for meandering the outdoors. for safety reasons, since hyunmin doesn't know each member of his apartment complex to trust them to not kidnap the feline, he trained goguma to saunter with a tether. they work as a perfect duo: a boy who loves noting the city's mood daily as it absorbs the energy of its citizens, and a cat whose pupils double every time they go outside.
ย  ย  but when people ask, he often experiments with his answers instead of being honest, taking delight in the mixture of emotions erupting on faces. it's the curious children who bring the biggest smile as he watches them cascade their imagination against his. today the creativity turns into a nightmare when a child in the compound scares both him and his cat. the cat's wrench on the leash wasn't strong, but it was the way he tumbles off-balance that causes curled fingers to unravel. that's enough for a scared cat to flee, a few seconds head start before hyunmin realizes what's happening.
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ย  ย  the wind from his dash carries slips of the kid apologizing. he waves his hand back to gesture it's alright, for what's done is done, then focuses on what's ahead. โ› goguma! โœ there's a big regret bubbling up within over the fact that hyunmin's never taught his cat to come at his name. seeing his cat slow down to a still on some stranger's lawn, he too stops, crouching close to the cement sidewalk. a hand reaches forward, fingers wriggling in beckon. โ› pst pst! come here kitty! โœ
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
ur full of yourself tbh
you would be too if you were beautiful and interesting
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
โ•ฐ โ˜† โ›ย hyunmin doesn't remember when he first enclosed his soul in a jar, reminiscent of captured fireflies fluttering around in late-night summer. in front of the camera, hyunmin keeps his heart inside as he glows under the million views. transparent so that they can see him for who he is, but kept safe in a glass for protection. it's the only way heโ€™s able to share it with so many people at once without a scratch or a blemish marring him, preventing him from staying true to himself.
ย  ย  ย but sometimes, by accident, he overlooks the knowledge he's walking under the spotlight. hyunmin forgets that there are strangers' eyes watching him through a distant screen when the only thought flickering in his mind is a plan later on in the day. moments such as now, as he meanders through the hallway, passing from another apartment to his. ears catch onto someone calling out, and in the corridor's quiet, he makes a quick assumption he's the target.
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ย  ย  ย he bows back in greeting, hiding the confusion with an unthreatening smile. her gestures come across as nervous, and when the words tumble out of her mouth, it's easy for him to piece the story together. heย nods once. โ› hi fuyuko. yes, you're right, i do! โœ he grins, features shifting from politeness to playfulness. โ› i'm jeon hyunmin, i guess you might have heard of me? โœ
closed starter for @kkotgilmanโ€‹ a few months ago.
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ย  ย  the cooking videos; hyunmin. she had been watching them since before she moved to korea โ€“ an interest in the aesthetically pleasing art the other was presenting and the need to learn more korean had sparked the interest in the otherโ€™s youtube channel. often, she left them on in the background, but sometimes she even followed along with the recipes; if they werenโ€™t too hard.ย 
ย  ย  once, she saw someone down the hallway who resembled the celebrity chef โ€“ as he was in her mind โ€“ but she quickly brushed it off; after all, a lot of people just looked alike. however, when it happened the third time, she just froze up. that had to be him! clearing her throat, she had approached the other carefully, already bowing from a distance.ย โ€œexcuse me?โ€, she asked, fumbling a little with her hands. after all, if she was wrong, it would be embarrassing, especially since this seemed to be a neighbor she had to encounter a few more times.ย 
ย  ย ย โ€œby any chance, uhmโ€ฆโ€, she let out a soft chuckle, nervously rubbing at her nape.ย โ€œdo you do cooking videos on youtube?โ€, even if she was wrong, she hoped that she wasnโ€™t the first person to ask him, since there seemed to be enough similarities.ย โ€œsorry, iโ€™m fuyuko, i live here! i was just wondering, you knowโ€ฆโ€
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
โ•ฐ โ˜† โ› the other boy's astonishment causes mirth to trickle into hyunmin's features, his laughter dashing towards ears with a tickle and bounce. it's not a noise of mockery, but one of understanding. mind percolating to the past, remembering his surprise when he followed the fine prints of a recipe and still failed. โ› you're missing the magic of love. โœ he responds with a singsong voice, only to adjust to a more serious tone seconds after. โ› i'm kidding! it's normal. i was the same, don't think too much about it, bro. โœ
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ย  ย  ย at jaehwa's request, cognac irises glance down at the existing pile of cookies between the two of them, then back up at him. โ› sure? but what are we going to do with all the cookies? โœ his sweet tooth waned over the years for someone who churns out a lot of different desserts. โ› you feel like you can finish it all? โœ
@kkotgilmanโ€‹ said: ๐Ÿ˜ฒ (ย  for my museโ€™s reaction to being surprised by yours. )
โ€œ wait, why are yours so much better than mine ? โ€ the streamer asked the other in surprise, eyebrows raised and chewing the treat slowly as to savor it while he compared the two batches of cookies. jaehwa could have sworn he copied the otherโ€™s instructions perfectly, watching his every move and replicating it. itโ€™s not like he was born yesterday, he knows how to follow a recipe, he canย readย after all. if anything, he considers himself a good cook. but thereโ€™s something different about the otherโ€™s cookies that he canโ€™t quite put his ( perfectly manicured ) finger on.
originally, he wanted to bake for his stream, but in true jaehwa fashion he constantly endeavors to be the best at everything he puts his hands on. especially, when thereโ€™s potentially thousands of people watching him. so, he instilled the help of someone he knew had just a little experience with baking to help him with a practice run.ย โ€œ show me again. โ€
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kkotgilman ยท 4 years
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hyunjae โ™ก the boyz film club
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