kkyuwus · 4 years
pass the happy! 🌈😊 when you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
ps: sarangie i love you :))
hihi joules !!
1. my polar bear plushie norton
2. treasure !!!
3. my friends (jade, joules, areum)
4. food
5. eating
p.s. i love you tooooo
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kkyuwus · 4 years
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St. Patrick’s Day is here and April Fools is right around the corner! LSN has planned something to make the month worth your wild. The Lucky - Unlucky is the name of the event planned for this month! The content can vary from:
video edits
fan edits
they should all be based on being Lucky - Unlucky.
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The event will go from March 18, 2021, to April 18, 2021. On these days you’ll write anything based on the event. You can submit as many entries as you’d like to! At the end of the event works submitted will be placed in an ‘Events Masterlist’ and posted on April 19, 2021.
WRITERS: Any fics are acceptable. write how your feeling and share it with us! Make sure you’re having fun while doing it. The minimum word count is 100 and the max is 10,000. It all should sum up to the theme of being lucky or unlucky, all the same, formatting rules still apply.
For Video Edits, Fan Edits & GFX: Any Edits should be appropriate and fit the description for this event! Tag any warning such as flashes and loud sounds, etc.
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Written Works: Min 100 words Max 10k words.
Video Edits: Max 60 seconds.
Fan Edits: Max 4 Boards.
GFX: Max 4 Boards.
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Tag all your works with lsn.works & lsn: lucky or unlucky! If you have any questions or concerns message!
GFX : @ethereal-eirene
admin: @isowon @fluffi @/ethereal-eirene @hoonsiceprincess
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kkyuwus · 4 years
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kkyuwus · 4 years
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kkyuwus · 4 years
i love you :// pleasee be safe ://
cries i love you too :(
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kkyuwus · 4 years
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hi guys! i dont normally make posts like this, but i feel like i need to speak out due to the platform i have on this app. recently, i’m sure you’ve been made aware of the violent and disgusting covid-based hate crimes targeted towards asians lately, not only in america, but pretty much everywhere. this type of behavior towards someone based on their race or ethnicity is absolutely inexcusable and vile. whether the attacks are micro-aggressions or physical assault, it is still harming the asian community and further associating asians with covid-19.
while this post may be informative, i am still white passing, meaning i have not experienced racism targeted towards me before. i can only provide so much information, as i have not been the target of racism-fueled attacks. i highly recommend that you read other resources written by bipoc in order to get a better understanding of what’s happening!
what can you do to help?
firstly, if you see a person getting attacked (verbally, physically, etc.) protect them! calmly intervene if it is safe for you to do so or inform the nearest authority figure near you.
reprimand your peers for their racism! racism comes in all shapes and form; it doesn’t just boil down to hate crimes and slurs. racist stereotypes you may think are ‘jokes’, micro-aggressions, and even drawing harmful assumptions on a person just because of their race are all examples of racism.
amplify asian voices! the asian community is speaking up against the surge of hate crimes, however, a lot of it is covered by media and algorithms! do research, listen to podcasts, watch interviews, repost, etc! the asian community is speaking, we have to listen.
use your privilege for the better. if you are white or white passing, it’s a given that you are born with more privileges based off of your appearance. while this privilege is unfair, we can still use our privileges for the better. if you see someone being discriminated against do not be afraid to speak up and say something! protect anyone you witness being the victim of racism-fueled aggression. use your platform to speak up about hate crimes!!
do not speak over bipoc voices! do not dismiss it if a bipoc person is telling you they would feel more comfortable if you did or didn’t do something; listen if they tell you a certain thing you or another person said or did was racist or wrong; let them use their voice! you can do this by allowing them to speak up on your platform (no matter the size), supporting them if they make a post or statement surrounding their experience as a bipoc, or just by listening to them!
finally, here are some resources that you should go read/support that will help you understand what is happening to the asian community and how you can help! this brief post i’ve made is only the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more you can do!
important + informational websites and articles
- report instances of hate crimes
- bystander intervention training
- learn about america’s long history of scapegoating its asian citizens
- ‘model minority’ myth
- the importance of asian and black solidarity
- stop covid-19 disinformation
- how you can help curb the surge of anti-asian violence
- what you can do about anti-asian violence
- stop aapi hate
- hate is a virus
- act to change
- asian americans advancing justice
- national council of asian pacific americans
- asian leaders alliance
- support the cause against anti-asian violence
- gofundme for vicha ratanapakdee
- (please message or send an ask if you have a personal gofundme or know of another gofundme surrounding this issue that you’d like me to add)
due to the fact that i am american, a lot of the resources are targeted more towards helping asian-americans. if you’re not from the states and have resources that could help support the asian community somewhere else, i highly recommend that you provide it whether it be in your own post or a reblog of this post!
please amplify asian voices! this post is not as informative as the ones i’ve linked and other posts that the asian community has made! please support those!!
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7K notes · View notes
kkyuwus · 4 years
hello there uhM can you guess who is this dkfjvj cries i love you :(
u type like my sister soooo are u youngieeee
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kkyuwus · 4 years
┊ice cream ✦ kim junkyu
┊genre: fluff ✦ word count: 259
┊warnings ✦ none
  ̼               ̼              ̼              ̼              ̼               ̼               ̼          
“junkyu-hyung, i want ice cream,” junghwan whined, coming in from the kitchen with a pout.
“there’s ice cream in the fridge, isn’t there?” junkyu asked, not taking his eyes off the game on his phone.
“no, i just checked,” junghwan huffed, falling onto the couch beside you, sandwiching you between him and junkyu, “hyung can you buy me ice cream?”
“later, i’m playing a game,” junkyu pouted childishly, making you roll your eyes. 
you took your eyes off of the game on junkyu’s phone and turned to junghwan, “i’ll buy you ice cream, come on.”
junghwan’s face lit up at your words and he immediately shot up from the couch, already running to the front door. laughing at his cute actions, you got up, pulling your coat over your arms but you stopped when you felt junkyu gently tugging on the hem of your coat, his lips forming a pout. “what’s wrong?” you asked, turning back to face him.
“you never offer to buy me ice cream,” he looked at you accusingly. “well you never asked me for ice cream,” you shrugged, grabbing your own phone off the couch.
“can i have some now?”  “i thought you were busy playing your game?” you raised your eyebrows in amusement.
“not anymore,” he shook his head, “i paused it.”
you laughed and he took the time to stand up, engulfing you in a hug. “now can you pretty please buy me ice cream too?” 
“fine, i’ll buy both of you some ice cream. now let go of me, i can’t breathe.”
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kkyuwus · 4 years
the way you figured it out-
i literally talked to you like a minute before you followed me-
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kkyuwus · 4 years
hI i LOVE YOUUUU (you know who i am xD)
hihi joulessss ilytt <3
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kkyuwus · 4 years
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➥ @strawberryguema (admin), @entypens, @jay-ke, @scintillasofbeomgyu, @boba-beom, @luvityedam, @deobienthusiast, @too-becontinued, @dobigirl, @kkyuwus, @muilkyu, @soobcxre & @shylenie. if you have not made this list you will receive a private message explaining why!
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you’ve made it to lovesick-net. make sure you reblog this post and we’ll get your stuff added to queue soon! here are a few quick reminders:
patience, honesty and communication.
make sure you’re reading & following the rules.
put the link to lovesick-net on your blog.
you’ll be warned if we see something that looks suspicious!
well add you to the members page, here !
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what to remember.
tag all of your works with #lsn.works
admins: you’ll receive a message from @oobin with the discord link and you’ll need to check your emails for a link to join the network. do not share these links!
members: you’ll receive a messages from @/oobin with the discord link. joining discord is mandatory. this is the easiest way to communicate and to get your works easily added to queue!
always make sure your asks are open and your messages are available. if you have any questions it’s concerns you can always feel free to send in an ask or message one of us.
if you are taking a hiatus, name changes or want to update your application to become an admin, have any questions or concern about your works being added to queue, let us know!
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kkyuwus · 4 years
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welcome to lovesick network. this network has been created to spread the works of many writers and creators to other readers/writers and have the chance to meet new people. make sure to reblog this post! we track the tag #lsn.works the works reblogged will be:
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written works
gifs + fan art
videos edits
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links for anything needed will be in the description box and/or below!
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kkyuwus · 4 years
┊love coupons ✦ park jihoon
┊genre: fluff ✦ word count: 395
┊warnings: none
  ̼               ̼              ̼              ̼              ̼               ̼               ̼          
“what’re we doing? why did you wake me up so early?” jihoon rubbed his eyes sleepily as he followed you into the living room. 
you laughed, “it’s valentine’s day, silly!” 
“yeah but you’ve never woken me up at, what time is it?” he paused to look up at the clock, “7 in the morning on a valentine’s day so what makes this valentine’s day so different?”
“well i wanted to do something with you and i was going to wait for you to wake up on your own but alas,” you paused, turning around to grin at him, “you weren’t waking up and i couldn’t wait any longer.”
“you wanted to do something? what?” jihoon asked, looking around as he entered the living room.
“ta-da!” you exclaimed, waving your arms around to exaggerate the wow-factor of your surprise valentine’s day activity but jihoon just blinked his confusion.
“what am i looking at?” he looked uncertainly from you to the coffee table covered with various colored papers, pens, scissors and two jars.
“our valentine’s day fun! we’re making coupons of love!” you happily sat down on the floor in front of the coffee table, gesturing at jihoon to do the same, “first we cut the pieces of paper and we wrote down offers of love and put it in the other person’s jar!”
“i don’t follow,” jihoon said as he sat down, making you frown in fake annoyance.
“okay, i’ll show you then. first, i’ll take this piece of paper,” - you took a purple colored paper- “and the scissors,” - you picked up the scissors- “and i’ll cut the paper like this,” - you cut the paper into little rectangles- “and i’ll write... i don’t know, uhm, i’ll write an offer for a free cuddle session,” - you wrote the words down as you spoke.
once you finished, you looked up at jihoon expectantly but you were met with a half-exasperated and half-amused look from him. “why do i need an offer for a cuddle session? we can just have one now,” jihoon reached towards you to prove his point but you pouted, scooting away from him.
“because it’s valentine’s day! and because you love me,” you added quickly, grinning to yourself as jihoon sighed in defeat.
jihoon tapped your nose affectionately, “fine, i’ll do it- not because it’s valentine’s day but because you’re right, i do love you.”
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kkyuwus · 4 years
┊arcade dates ✦ kim junkyu
┊genre: fluff ✦ word count: 396
┊warnings: none
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you laughed, watching junkyu insert yet another token into the claw machine, claiming, for the hundredth time, that he’d win you the unicorn plushie if it was the last thing he did. ”why are you laughing at me?” a soft whine comes from junkyu, a pout surely forming on his lips (behind his mask) as he fiddled with the controller. you smiled, moving behind him to give him a back hug, resting your cheek on his back, “because you’re so cute and, junkyu, you’ve been trying to get that unicorn plushie for about a half hour now.” he pressed the button to lower the claw and he let out a gasp, making you look up. the next second, you couldn’t stop myself from giggling when the plushie dropped from the claw, yet again. as junkyu whined, claiming that the claw machine was rigged, you let go of him. “of course it’s rigged, junkyu. that’s how they get you to spend money. now, i’m getting cold, let’s go home.” if possible, junkyu’s puppy dog eyes became even more pleading at your words and he whined again, “one more time, please! i know i can do it this time, i promise we can go home after, okay? just one last time?” you sighed, shaking my head though the smile on your face really said ‘yes’. with a delighted clap, junkyu removed his mask and leaned forward and you looked at him in confusion, “what are you doing?” ”waiting for my good luck kiss, duh!” he mocked annoyance and you laughed, removing your own mask and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. as he put his mask back up and turned back to the claw machine, you looped my arm around his left arm. inserting a token, the all too familiar chime of the machine sounded and you watched as he carefully maneuvered the controller, pressing down on the button with a ‘ha!’ sound as the claw picked up the unicorn plushie. both of you drew in your breaths as he moved the claw to the slot and you gasped when the unicorn plushie actually dropped into the slot. junkyu turned to you, a triumphant look overtaking his features as he took the plushie out of the slot and handed it to you, “see? i told you i could do it. i just needed a good luck kiss.”
  ̼               ̼              ̼              ̼              ̼               ̼               ̼           
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kkyuwus · 4 years
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⌗ none yet!
꒰ 🐼 ꒱ JIHOON
⌗ love coupons, fluff !!
⌗ none yet!
꒰ 🐨 ꒱ JUNKYU
⌗ arcade dates, fluff !!
⌗ ice cream, fluff !!
⌗ none yet!
⌗ none yet!
꒰ 🤖 ꒱ ASAHI
⌗ none yet!
꒰ 🦊 ꒱ YEDAM
⌗ none yet!
⌗ none yet!
꒰ 🦙 ꒱ HARUTO
⌗ none yet!
⌗ none yet!
⌗ none yet!
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kkyuwus · 4 years
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