kl784-blog · 8 years
Last Day of Class
Well today marked the end of my time at NSU. I completed my final class for TECH 1110. I must admit that I learned a lot and I'm glad that I got to take this class before I graduated. There are so many skills that will help me in the real world. However, my favorite part out of the entire class was Excel. Mostly because I didn't know that you could do so much with the program.
Well this was my final post. Thank you for tuning into my blog.
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kl784-blog · 8 years
Well today is technically my last class too. It’s crazy how time flies and how much stuff we learned this semester. Friday will be our final quiz. 
Last Class Blues
So today is my official last class day of tech 1110. Freaking finally! Finals are next week which means I’m that much closer to graduation. Today I’ll be taking the last quiz and then preparing to turn in this blog assignment as well. The database assignment I finished yesterday. It wasn’t too bad. A lot of time spent on it though so I hope I did well. Right now we are just reviewing excel stuff to prep for the hands on part of the final. 
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kl784-blog · 8 years
Slowly Ending
Today in class we reviewed half of the items that we learned throughout the year. This made me happy because I realized that I learned a lot of information. Just have to take my final exam and finish my final assignment then my time in Tech 1110 will be over.
Oh and take another quiz as well. 
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kl784-blog · 8 years
This assignment though.
So I finished my assignment yesterday. After a total of 6 or 7 hours, the assignment was submitted and my second to final assignment for my Tech 1110 class was complete. 
With this achievement, I realized that my college career is quickly coming to an end. I have two weeks left. The challenge now is what I want to do for grad school. I’m trying to decide between getting my masters or going to law school. 
I must admit, I have learned a great deal of useful information in this class. I am now prepared, technologically, for the real world.  
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kl784-blog · 8 years
Databases. How Hard can it be?
Today, I started my final Tech 1110 project. As you all can probably guess, it was on databases. Though we have been going over databases for some time now, I was not expecting the detail that the project required. 
After two hours, I finally made it through half the assignment. I will be finishing the rest tomorrow and submitting it. 
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kl784-blog · 8 years
So About That Security....
In class today we were discussing incidents such as W2K and the Apple hacking issue. As we were about start talking about how to stay safe, most of the computers got a warning message that they were going to be shut down in 8 seconds. 
I found this extra suspicious since we were just talking about security. I guess we will never know what happened today, but I did learn to stay safe since you never know what can happen.
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kl784-blog · 8 years
Curious Queries
Today in Tech 1110 class, we discussed using queries in Microsoft Access. I  see queries as one of those skills that once you have it, it’s like second nature. However, learning it is very complicated.
It is seems like a very useful tool if you have a multitude of items that needs filtering through. This tool is especially useful for anyone working in sales. I could only imagine how difficult it would be searching through all your inventory without it. 
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kl784-blog · 8 years
Databases Continues....
Today in my Tech 1110 class, we worked on our databases. These databases involved salespersons and customers. Again, not my favorite subject but I did the assignment anyway. 
It was interesting to see the numerous applications that you can use within Microsoft Access. You can change different setting so that you can create a percentage or even set the maximum amount of characters for each text field. 
I wish I had learned how to use this application earlier on. It would have been very useful for the numerous organizations that I participate in. 
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kl784-blog · 8 years
Tech-ing On
Today, in Tech 1110, we had another lovely quiz. (*yay*) So far I  have an A- in the class. Hopefully, that doesn’t change. 
In addition to the quiz, we are also continuing our database learning. Today the database is on boats. Not my favorite topic, but it’s alright. 
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kl784-blog · 8 years
Social Societies
Today in my Tech 1110 class, we learned about Social media, specifically the communication that takes place through social media. 
CC- Customer-Customer 
So, I didn’t know as much about social media as I thought.
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kl784-blog · 8 years
Database Continues
Today in my Tech 1110 class, we continued learning about databases. The most difficult part was learning to generalize the items that we were putting into our databases. How did we solve this?
Alot of Repitition!!!!! Needless to say, we will need to work on databases for a bit longer. 
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kl784-blog · 9 years
Dat Database Though....
Today in Tech Class, we learned about databases. For an example, she asked us all to take out our Student Identification cards so that we what information that can be put into a table. We also learned that no one knows what the ISO number is used for. 
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kl784-blog · 9 years
Intriguing Internet
Have you ever sat down and thought of all the ways that our generation uses the internet? 
Today, my professor asked us all that question. As a college student of this generation we are constantly connected to a virtual world. With the addition to the internet to our mobile devices, we are even more attached. I began thinking what my life would be like without the internet. I couldn’t even fathom having to do a ten pages research paper with only books I checked out at the library.
My professor also began talking about the olden days of Dial-up. I instantly cringed. My days if dial-up were filled with one thing...... waiting. Waiting for my mom to get off the phone, waiting for the internet to connect with that horrible connection noise, waiting for the webpages to load, and waiting (hours) for my files to download. 
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kl784-blog · 9 years
Tech-ing it out
Unfortunately, we took two quizzes in Tech classes today. Sadly, my class grade went from a 90 to an 89. I am highly disappointed. However, I have a couple more assignments and a few more quizzes/ final exam. Pray for me everyone. This class is ..............interesting. 
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kl784-blog · 9 years
After my Wednesday class for Tech 1110, I forgot to logout. Someone decided it would be funny to send offensive messages to me and others. Including vulgar language and name of organizations that should be disbanded. After filing a report with our campus Public Safety and the local police, they will be taking care of the incident. Beware there are some crazy people out there and make sure you always check that you have logged out. 
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kl784-blog · 9 years
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kl784-blog · 9 years
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