klange03 · 2 years
Project #4 Blog/reflection
During my fourth project, I went through a brainstorming process. I knew after watching videos and looking at pictures in class of the double exposure effect that I wanted to use that in my project. I decided to use a horse as the focal point of my project because I grew up riding horses. I have been riding since I was 8 years old, and I wanted to use a horse because riding is one of my passions and I feel having a personal connection to my work makes it more meaningful. What I did first was find a picture that resembled my horse. Then, I chose a pretty landscape photo of a trail and trees because my horse enjoys trail rides. Then, I placed both photographs into photoshop. After watching many videos, I attempted to use the double exposure effect. After the first time of trying it, it turned out okay. I then used the next class to ask particular questions so that I could improve my work. What I wanted to do was make the trees and path come out more in the horse. After spending most of the class on it, I figured it out and ended with my final creation. Overall, I had to make many decisions throughout this project, whether to blur one area or make another area more prominent. I feel that with this process blog, it shows why I made certain decisions and most importantly, the meaning behind my project.
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klange03 · 2 years
James Victore Interview Reflection
In this interview, I thought it was cool to hear from a graphic designer himself and what brought him to this career. He was surrounded by art at a young age and that inspired him. I grew up and took art classes as a child and at one point, I wanted to be an artist. What I learned from this interview is that your plans might not always stay the same; they might direct you in a different path. I also enjoyed seeing his confidence come through in the interview. He really believed in himself and set goals so he could try to succeed as an artist. I feel that having his mindset, one of determination, is important in order to achieve success. I also found it cool that he wanted to be a teacher for a bit, and that his previous work and success as a designer helped him get that job. Overall, James Victore never gave up and always took risks to get to where he wanted to be. I think us as readers can take his strategies for success and apply it on our own journeys.
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klange03 · 2 years
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klange03 · 2 years
Process Blog/ Reflection #3
My third project was one of my favorites. I have never used photoshop or illustrator before this class, so it was cool to dive in and learn. I liked this project because of the personal aspect of it. It took me a while to narrow down my personal attributes, but I landed on adventurous and flexible. The hardest part for me was thinking of images that came to mind when I think of these words. What I did was take whatever came to mind and then I put all the photos of ideas onto one page. From there, I sat and stared at my computer screen for a while, deciding on what I should choose. In the end, I chose a sailboat and the ocean waves as my image. I personally have always loved traveling and going on adventures and feel that I am a go with the flow type person, and that is what drew me to those two attributes. I chose the sailboat because I feel it represents this idea of adventure, and I have always wanted to sail as well. It is a dream of mine. I then chose the ocean waves because even though I’m a Midwest girl, I have always loved the beach and the ocean. It is my happy place and I feel relaxed anytime I am near the ocean. The ocean waves to me show my attribute of flexible because I am a go-with the flow person and am flexible in any situation. Overall, I was very happy with the outcome of my logo, and I love that it represents a part of me.  
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klange03 · 2 years
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klange03 · 2 years
Process Blog/ Reflection #2
During my second project, I went through a brainstorming process. I wanted to choose someone whether that was a celebrity or a famous actor that I really admire. I decided to choose Selena Gomez because I grew up listening to her music and watched her act on tv. I believe art is about personal reflection as well as having a connection to your piece in some way. That is why I chose Selena Gomez as the focal point of my project. What I first did was find a photo of her that showed a lot of shadows, so that it would be easier for me to draw and trace the shapes. I did struggle a bit at first with the concept of not outlining, but instead drawing shapes. It finally clicked in my head, and I feel that my project turned out just fine. After tracing multiple copies, I chose colored paper to trace it on, where I later cut out the dark shadows on her face. Finally, I glued everything together, after using an x-acto knife to intricately cut out my shapes. This project for me was one of the more difficult ones, and it took a lot more work in the design studio. What I learned from this project is the importance of hard work and dedication. I would go to the design studio at night and work on my project to perfect it in any way that I could. As I said earlier, I chose Selena Gomez because I admire her and her hard work and commitment to doing her best in life. I relate to that because I am the same way, and I feel art is one way that others, as well as I, can share our message.
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klange03 · 2 years
Process Blog/Reflection #1
There were many thoughts going through my head as I was reading this interview style reading on Michael Beirut. One thing I thought was cool was when he began talking about how he got into graphic design. He did a poster for a school play and loved that it was showcased for everyone to see. I can relate to this because when I was little, I took art classes and loved art. I did many posters and drawings in grade school, and they were always showcased. I also liked how he stayed true to himself, stayed true to his style but also did what needed to be done. I also think it’s cool to see how Graphic design has evolved over time.
In my first project, I chose the quote “I used to think I could fly” after my favorite singer Tate McCrae. My brainstorming process began with thinking about how to portray the message of innocence to adulthood. I sat down in the living room of my apartment and brainstormed words that came to mind. Some of these words were: innocence, butterflies, a new era… etc. The reason why I chose butterfly wings is because they represent an innocent child, who is carefree. I drew a trash can with the wings broken because that shows that their innocence strips away as you grow older and playing outside every day is no longer possible because of entering adulthood. My second drawing is “bloom where you are planted.” My brain storming process began while I was lying in my bed. I thought of my experience of transferring to Furman last year and how that made me feel. I was very excited. Some words that came to mind were happy, flowers, growth, heart, love… etc. That is when I decided to draw a mini-Furman bell tower because I truly think I have grown here at this school. The bell tower is growing out of the heart, showing that I have grown since I transferred to this school. Overall, I thought it was cool to connect myself and my experiences to my project which I feel is important to do no matter what form of art you are doing.
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klange03 · 2 years
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