klarogasms · 3 years
The world's longest-running lab experiment
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The Pitch Drop Experiment
The experiment demonstrates the fluidity and high viscosity of pitch, a derivative of tar that is the world's thickest known fluid and was once used for waterproofing boats.
Thomas Parnell, UQ's first Professor of Physics, created the experiment in 1927 to illustrate that everyday materials can exhibit quite surprising properties.
At room temperature pitch feels solid - even brittle - and can easily be shattered with a hammer. But, in fact, at room temperature the substance - which is 100 billion times more viscous than water - is actually fluid.
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In 1927 Professor Parnell heated a sample of pitch and poured it into a glass funnel with a sealed stem. He allowed the pitch to cool and settle for three years, and then in 1930 he cut the funnel's stem.
Since then, the pitch has slowly dripped out of the funnel - so slowly that it took eight years for the first drop to fall, and more than 40 years for another five to follow.
Now, 87 years after the funnel was cut, only nine drops have fallen - the last drop fell in April 2014 and we expect the next one to fall sometime in the 2020s.
The experiment was set up as a demonstration and is not kept under special environmental conditions - it's kept in a display cabinet - so the rate of flow of the pitch varies with seasonal changes in temperature.
The late Professor John Mainstone became the experiment's second custodian in 1961. He looked after the experiment for 52 years but, like his predecessor Professor Parnell, he passed away before seeing a drop fall.
In the 86 years that the pitch has been dripping, various glitches have prevented anyone from seeing a drop fall.
- University of Queensland, Australia
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klarogasms · 3 years
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🍂 聂怀桑
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klarogasms · 3 years
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Hi guys!
I’m Liz from previously my-flourish-and-blotts here on tumblr (and some other sideblogs too).
My blog & my sideblogs that I loved so much have disappeared and tumblr has not answered my several requests to bring it back.
My main blog was where I posted all my work (gifsets, edits, text posts and some personal posts with pictures) that is now all gone. Weeks, maybe months of work just disappeared. Gone.
I’m incredibly saddened by the loss of my old blog, that was my safe place and my anchor, besides being my special interest (I’m autistic) and that I had ever since I was a kid, 8 years ago (I was FOURTEEN) and had almost 40.000 followers but even more about the loss of every single one of my content creations. I would like to ask you if you’ve ever reblogged one of my original posts and you are able to find it, to send it to me here so I can save my work and repost it.
Besides that, if you were following me there at @my-flourish-and-blotts and still want to follow me, this here (@myflourishandblotts) is my new home. This is where I will begin again from zero, reblog my favourite fandoms, keep posting my gifsets and edits and being myself.
I wish you all an excellent day, a wonderful week and good health. 
Love, Liz – myflourishandblotts (previously my-flourish-and-blotts).
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klarogasms · 3 years
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my favourite thing about Kaeya’s pupil is that thanks to it his look can be predatory or super duper cute uwu depends on angle and whole expression I just–
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klarogasms · 4 years
I had a dream that the king and the queen of a small country had a daughter. They needed a son, a first-born son, so in secret, without telling anyone of their child’s gender, they travelled to the nearby woods that were rumoured to house a witch.
They made a deal with that witch. They wanted a son, and they got one. A son, one made out of clay and wood, flexible enough to grow but sturdy enough to withstand its destined path, enchanted to look like a human child. The witch asked for only one thing, and that was for their daughter.
They left the girl readily.
The witch raised her as her own, and called her Thyme. The princess grew up unknowing of her heritage, grew up calling the witch Mama, and the witch did her very best to earn that title.
She was taught magic, and how to forage in the woods, how to build sturdy wooden structures and how to make the most delicious stews. The girl had a good life, and the witch was pleased.
The girl grew into a woman, and learned more and more powerful magics, grew stronger from hauling wood and stones and animals to cook, grew smarter as the witch taught her more.
She learned to deal with the people in the villages nearby, learned how to brew remedies and medicines and how to treat illness and injury, and learned how to tell when someone was lying. 
Every time the pair went into town, the people would remark at just how similar Thyme was to her mother. 
(Thyme does not know who and what she is. She does not know that she was born a princess, that she was sold. She only knows that one night after her mother read her a story about princesses and dragons, her mother had asked her if she ever wanted to be a princess.)
((Thyme only knows that she very quickly answered no. She likes being a witch, thank you very much, she likes the power that comes with it and the way that she can look at things and know their true nature.))
The witch starts preparing the ritual early, starts collecting the necessities in the winter so they can be ready by the fall equinox. Her daughter helps, and does not ask what this is for, just knows that it is important.
The witch looks at Thyme, both their hands raised into the air over a complicated array of plants, tended carefully to grow into a circle, and says, sorry.
Keep reading
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klarogasms · 4 years
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folks wanted me to post this so fine
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klarogasms · 4 years
the fucking irony of d*stiel taking away the limelight from jiang cheng on his birthday
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klarogasms · 4 years
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klarogasms · 4 years
very 2012 feel to the dash tonight lads. there’s an election happening. supernatural did something big. everyone is going apesbit. 40 note posts everywhere
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klarogasms · 4 years
glad I sunk nine years of my life on this website just so I could experience the highly specific mix of neurochemicals currently giving me brain damage
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klarogasms · 4 years
the dash is buckwild and i am enjoying myself immensely, I'm so glad I didn't delete this blog
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klarogasms · 4 years
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klarogasms · 4 years
spn writers chaotically writing a unilateral destiel confession that ends with one of them dead with just a few episodes left in the entire series the same week as the most tense and strife us election in recent memory
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klarogasms · 4 years
Is Destiel Canon Yet ?
11/5/2020: Yes.
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klarogasms · 4 years
if anyone cares, Putin is not officially stepping down. Only news source as far as I can tell that’s reporting that is the NY Post, which is basically a tabloid, and that report is based on a second hand source. Putin had said nothing, and no reputable news orgs have weighed in as of yet
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klarogasms · 4 years
the putin thing being fake is just….chefs kiss. nothing is more old school tumblr than people making superwholock memes about a major political event only to find out it was deliberate russian disinformation like that is OLD SCHOOL tumblr WOW we are FULL CIRCLE
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klarogasms · 4 years
Sizhui just picking up Jingyi's chicken with his own chopsticks and putting it in Jingyi's mouth after Jingyi drops it in shock which Sizhui is also experiencing is such a hilarious characterization moment... Sizhui confirmed for ultimate mother hen... not even Hanguang Jun carrying booze up to his room can stop Sizhui from fussing over his best friend like a single parent with a messy toddler.
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