klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
         out of chaos;;
really delayed small hiatus notice. i was having a rough patch for a bit and now im having some friends/travel coming up in the next few weeks so im just gonna say if you need me to find me over on kate for the time being
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
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HEAPS OF TROUBLE || A bit of a goofy, eclectic mix of anachronistic things, for my favorite mischief-making time-traveling witch boy ♪
No Girl’s Toy - Raggedy Ann & Andy A Musical Adventure // The Wobblin’ Goblin - Rosemary Clooney // Skeletons On Parade - Ludo // I Put A Spell On You - Screamin’ Jay Hawkins // Devil’s Gonna Get You - Bessie Smith // I Don’t Wanna Die - The Unicorns // T’aint No Sin - Dan Russo // Got My Own Thing Now - Squirrel Nut Zippers // [[Kinda Bonus]] Dance Of The Dream Man -  Angelo Badalamenti 
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
             out of chaos;; 
whoops. sorry I’ve been quiet over here. shit’s been shitty irl which means iI end up focusing on my main blogs when I have the urge to write. I’m still around though, no worries
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
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                    It was a complicated relationship Klarion had with Etrigan and Jason. On the one hand, it was tons of fun to drive his ‘uncle’ batshit crazy. On the other... he and Etrigan got on as well as fire and gasoline. And they both kept getting in his way! He snorted, arms crossed over his chest as Teekl wandered around the room. “Don’t act so smug, Etrigan. Your spell was so easy to break.”
@klarvoyance liked for a thing
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   Lying on his belly with his chin resting between his interlaced fingers, Etrigan feigned an interested tone as he  spoke with the boy. “Come now, Klarion, what hast thou being doing since I put thee on time-out? I knew thou wouldst come back to Earth for another destructive bout.” After all, talking was supposedly better than fighting, and they were in Jason’s apartment. 
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
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                  Klarion rolled his eyes so hard there was a good chance they’d just roll right out of his head. He hated dealing with these idiots. “Do you r e a l l y want to push me?”
“Unf!” Okay, so he basically expected that given with whom he was messing with. Still pretty funny though. ha! He walked right into it too! Guess not all witches were smart, huh? Thousands of years old or not.
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“D’aw—-what’s wrong, baby. Did I hurt the little witchling’s feelings?”
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
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one graphic per issue → Batgirl #18: Chalk (Heart) Outline
“Per guidelines set in Alchan’s Book of the Damned, Third Edition, Twice Removed– it shall be a standard duel. As such, what spells would you like to start with?” “Um… Accio fist?”
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
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僕モエシャン飲みたいな~~~って勝手に開けるクラリオンくんさん 冷蔵庫漁ってそう
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
                  out of chaos;;
while I probably won’t do too much with Klarion as an adult, I have given it a little thought and there are a couple of things I just want to throw out there:
Klarion drops the title ‘Witch Boy’ as he ages. Most likely, he will be known simply as Klarion. Chaos Lord will still be a title associated with his name, but he won’t ever be addressed with it. If someone were to give him a full title in an introduction, it would be Klarion the Witch, he wouldn’t take on the Witch Man name of Limbo Town and would choose to go neutral.
As he grows up, so do his powers. He hones his mastery and becomes less volatile than he was as a child, but twice as lethal now that he knows how to control it.
Teekl does not age appropriately and will only ever see old age if Klarion does.
He will, eventually, master the Horigal transformation without requiring another witch to break him of it.
Bonus: if I ever do play Klarion the Witch on this blog, this is his FC:
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
Ducks behind Klarion. She's just going to hide here.
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                      Klarion looks at the other witch curiously before shrugging and going back to flipping through his new book. It was very old. And very not supposed to be in his possession. But full of so many new spells! Good luck to who- or whatever decided to come looking for Jinx so long as he was around!
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
                 out of chaos;;
YJ: we’re gonna make Klarion’s magic red cause red is evil and chaotic yeah Literally everything else Klarion related ever: blue YJ: he just really screams red Morrison: he’s literally blue, his skin is blue, his magic is blue YJ: .... YJ: yeah we’re gonna go red
there won’t be any red chaos magic on this blog. it’s all going to be blue. in case the everything about my theme and icons and such hasn’t already given off that impression. teekl’s the only one who brings in orange/red to the color wheel
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
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                      Teekl hisses at the speedster’s sudden arrival and leaps off her master’s shoulders to leave them to it. So that was how it was going to be? Fine. If the goody good wanted a fight, that was exactly what Klarion was going to give him. He glances back, eyes glowing blue. “Don’t say I never warned you. I was trying to be nice.” Klarion whips around, throwing a bolt of raw magic from his hands at the annoying speedster.
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                     “ BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. ”      – why don’t bad guys leave the wit to the heroes ? ?   & hadn’t they sensed their TAUNTS only fuel them further ?   well, at least BART.   he takes to making a QUICK B-LINE toward the other ; leaning over his shoulder & squinting.  “ there. i gave ya like, FIFTEEN MINUTES. ”
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
                  out of chaos;;
while I probably won’t do too much with Klarion as an adult, I have given it a little thought and there are a couple of things I just want to throw out there:
Klarion drops the title ‘Witch Boy’ as he ages. Most likely, he will be known simply as Klarion. Chaos Lord will still be a title associated with his name, but he won’t ever be addressed with it. If someone were to give him a full title in an introduction, it would be Klarion the Witch, he wouldn’t take on the Witch Man name of Limbo Town and would choose to go neutral.
As he grows up, so do his powers. He hones his mastery and becomes less volatile than he was as a child, but twice as lethal now that he knows how to control it.
Teekl does not age appropriately and will only ever see old age if Klarion does.
He will, eventually, master the Horigal transformation without requiring another witch to break him of it.
Bonus: if I ever do play Klarion the Witch on this blog, this is his FC:
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klarvoyance-blog · 8 years
Tagged by: @phuv

Name: Kaitie 
Nickname: Kaitie is a nickname, but I go by Kate too 
Gender: Female 
Height: 5’8″ 
Hogwarts house: Slytherin 
Favorite Color(s): Purple 
Time Right Now: 4:46 pm 
Average Hours of Sleep: 6-8 
Lucky Number: 6, 11, 54 
Last Thing I Googled: Interlochen summer camp 
Favorite Fictional Character: Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Sebastian Moran, Grantaire, Klarion 
Number of Blankets I Sleep Under: One comforter 
Favorite Artist/s: FOB & P!ATD 
Dream Job: TV screenwriter 
What I’m Wearing Right Now: Cap America & Bambi pjs 
When Did You Create Your Blog: Earlier this month 
Current Number of Followers: —– 
What Do You Post About: RPs, Klarion, YJ, magic 
Why Did You Choose Your URL: It’s from the N52 Klarion run

I TAG: @vesselbound @hraunwyf @impawsiblegar @iimpulsc & you there
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