What are the risks with sewage exposure?- Kleencondition(mississauga basement waterproofing contractors)
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Raw sewage can contain certain biological agents such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. However, the risk of illness depends on the type pathogens in the sewer.
Every year hundreds of billions of gallons of untreated sewage flow into our rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. Unknowingly, many Americans and their loved ones risk serious illness when untreated sewage seeps into the water they use for recreation or drinking. The EPA estimates that up to 3.5 million people fall ill from swimming in waters contaminated by sanitary sewer overflows alone ever year. However, the number of illnesses caused by raw sewage could be much higher than we think. Many people that get sick from untreated sewage aren’t aware of the cause of their illness and don’t report it to their doctors or local health officials. A recent study found that up to 1.5 million people get gastroenteritis at beaches in two counties in California each year. If this is the case, the number could be much higher. Most illnesses that arise from contact with sewage are caused by pathogens, which are biological agents that cause disease or illness in a host. The most common pathogens in sewage are bacteria, parasites, and viruses. They cause a wide variety of acute illnesses including diarrhea and infections.
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These illnesses can be violent and unpleasant, but mostly pass after several days or weeks with no lasting effects. In some cases, however, pathogens can cause serious long-term illnesses or even death. Certain groups such as children, the elderly, and those with a weakened immune system are particularly vulnerable to these long-term effects. When the parasite cryptosporidium contaminated the drinking water supply in Milwaukee in 1993, 403,000 people became ill and 70 -100 people died, the vast majority of whom had been HIV-positive. The illnesses caused by pathogens commonly found in untreated sewage are summarized below.
In addition to pathogens, the high nutrient levels in untreated sewage can cause illness when they create algal blooms. Algal blooms are rapid increases in the population of phytoplankton algae, or single-celled plants that serve as an important food source to other organisms. The nutrients in sewage act as fertilizers and cause the number of algae to swell. Some algae are toxic to humans who can come in contact with them from eating shellfish or swimming or boating in contaminated water. Symptoms from exposure include memory loss, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, liver failure, respiratory paralysis, and coma. If an affected person does not receive proper medical attention, some toxins can be fatal.
Read more- mercury spills cleanup hazardous chemical spills cleanup
Originally published at kleencondition.com.
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How to stop the sewage smell from the drains in the house? — mold removal Toronto
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It is necessary that you understand the source and causes. Sewage smell is caused by decomposition of sewage throughout the entire system.
In effect, this creates a plug of liquid in the drainpipe, which prevents the sewer gasses from backing up through the fixture drain into the house. Now, with this knowledge, we can approach the question of how intermittent odors occur, assuming there are properly installed p-traps in all drains in the house. IF there is not a p-trap, or it’s not properly installed with the curved loop down, so as to trap water, then the fix is to reinstall it properly. However, since you use the term “intermittently,” suggests that there are properly installed p-traps and there must be another cause. Occasionally, where you have plumbing fixtures that are seldom used, the plug of water filling the p-trap will evaporate, leaving the p-trap open thus allowing the sewer gasses to enter the house. Each time water is run through a drain, the last of the flow refills the p-trap.
I suggest that for any fixture drain which is not used at least monthly, you intentionally run water through the fixture every two weeks. This should preclude evaporation of the plug, and prevent entry of sewer gasses. There is one other possibility of sewer gas passing through a fixture drain, even if the p-trap is properly filled with liquid. If the roof sewer vent pipe is blocked or restricted by for example, like a bird nest at the opening, or a blockage due to accumulation of spider webs and trapped tree leaves in the vent, then when a toilet is flushed, or a bathtub full of water is drained, then the quick, heavy flow of water into the sewer pipe system displaces the atmosphere, air and sewer gasses in the system faster than the restricted vent system can handle. In this situation, it is possible that the pressure build up of sewer gasses, exceeds the strength of the p-trap water plugs to resist. Then the sewer gasses will bubble up through the p-trap water plug into the house. Another thing which can cause the same backup through the liquid filled p-traps is large, but incomplete restriction downstream in the sewer pipes. Thus, you stop intermittent sewage odors inside a house by finding, and correcting the defect which allows the sewer gas to escape the sewer system.
mississauga basement waterproofing contractors
Basement mold removal Toronto
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Mold Removal |Toronto: - Kleen Condition
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Air Testing| Kleen Condition
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Experiencing common waterproofing issues in homes
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If it is the case that you are considering a basement conversion or cellar conversion, then ensuring that your basement is water tight is essential. Without adequate basement waterproofing, your basement will be susceptible to ground water movement to the internal surfaces.
Options for basement waterproofing
Basement waterproofing options vary from a blend of traditional to modern basement waterproofing systems and techniques. More often than not however, it would have been a traditional method such as basement tanking or external basement waterproofing that would have been installed within the basement that unfortunately may have failed allowing water and moisture to penetrate into the basement.
Modern basement waterproofing
With modern basement waterproofing systems, rather than creating a physical barrier allowing for a build-up of water pressure against the basement walls, water and moisture is controlled, managed and channelled using modern drainage systems such as water guard and dry track in combination with advanced air gap wall waterproofing membranes and advanced sump pumps below floor level that not only pump water away from the basement, but have engineered drainage wall linings to divert water to our drainage system. The result is the lowering of the level of the water table and easing the pressure on the basement walls.
Kleen Condition basement waterproofing approach
Our fully experienced and qualified surveyors and technicians will:
Inspect your basement and discuss your needs Determine the cause of your wet basement Propose a basement waterproofing solution with a full specification and method statement Carry out the most appropriate basement waterproofing solution ensuring that the basement is left water free Organise regular inspections to ensure the system is working as designed
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Waterproofing Services | Kleen Condition
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Mold Removal Experts|Kleen Condition
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Chronic fatigue due to MOLD
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Effects of Mold on Human Health Mold illness issues are potentially harmful effects of:
Breathing: Difficult, Tightness in chest, Asthma
Diagnosis: Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, Lupus, MS, Auto-Immune
Emotions: irritable, anger
Extremities: Tingling Hands and Feet
Eyes: Blindness, Pains, Wear sunglasses, Light Sensitivity, Bloodshot eyes, loss of vision, Detached retina
Fatigue: Chronic Fatigue (some estimate cause of up to 1/3 of chronic fatigue), post exertional fatigue
Mental: Confusion, Absent mindedness, losing things, brain fog, ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, anxiety, depression
Mold sensitivity: Exposure to Damp house, Mold in air ducts, Red Tide, React to mold
Nasal: Congestion, Nasal soreness, sinusitis. A study by the Mayo clinic found that 96 percent of all sinusitis is fungal!
Pain: pain in temples, sudden headaches, sudden, sharp, ice-pick like
Sensitivity: Car fumes, Smoke, Pets, Feathers, Detergents, Toothpaste, Chlorine, Plastic cups
Skin: Rashes, Alopecia
Stomach: Cramps, nausea, Diarrhea
Taste: Metallic
Thirst: Dryness, Excessive thirst, excessive urination
Weight Gain: Sudden, inability to lose weight despite stringent dieting and exercise
Beginning Stages
Short-term and beginning stages of mold sickness can look like a basic cold or allergy attack. This is because mold acts as an irritant in small doses. If you repeatedly receive any of these symptoms after entering a building, that building may have a mold problem. Early symptoms include sneezing, itchy skin, headache, watery and itching eyes and skin irritation.
Later Stages
If you are in an area that has been contaminated by mold for a long period of time, the following conditions may develop. If you begin to get these symptoms, see your doctor immediately, as they may indicate prolonged exposure to mold. Symptom of the later stages of mold sickness include constant headaches, weight and hair loss, diarrhea, vomiting, constant fatigue, coughing up blood, chronic bronchitis and sinus infections, sexual dysfunction, short-term memory loss, skin rashes and sores.
Advanced Stages
Staying in a mold-infested environment for a long period of time can result in these symptoms, which are often the result of not seeing a doctor in time, or choosing to remain in an area with mold, without taking steps to clean it. At this stage, mold sickness may be incurable. These symptoms include blindness, long-term memory loss, bleeding lungs, brain damage, cancer and, in rare cases, death.
Chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue syndrome causes persistent fatigue that affects everyday life and doesn’t go away with sleep or rest.
Symptoms of Chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue syndrome causes extreme tiredness that is different from the normal tiredness that everyone experiences. It makes you less able to cope with levels of activity that were previously normal for you, in your work, school or social life. Even everyday physical activity, such as taking a shower, can make you feel exhausted.
Common symptoms of Chronic fatigue syndrome which can happen 24 to 48 hours after mental or physical activity, include:
fatigue that lasts more than 24 hours at a level that you used to be able to manage without feeling tired
muscle and joint pain
painful glands in your neck or armpits
a sore throat and headaches
forgetfulness, memory loss, confusion or difficulty concentrating
sleep disturbances — waking up feeling tired or unrested, or having trouble getting to sleep
flu-like symptoms
palpitations (feeling your heartbeat thumping in your chest)
problems with your balance
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms such as constipation or diarrhoea and bloating
Over time, you may become depressed or have mood swings.
Your symptoms may vary throughout the day, with some days being worse than others. Most people with Chronic fatigue syndrome find that their symptoms come and go, often returning after illness or stress.
The symptoms of Chronic fatigue syndrome can start after you have been ill with an infection or may develop gradually over months or years.
Causes of chronic fatigue syndrome
Doctors don’t fully understand what causes Chronic fatigue syndrome .
Some people develop Chronic fatigue syndrome after an infection, but it’s not the same as the normal tiredness that often follows a bout of illness, such as glandular fever. Many people who develop Chronic fatigue syndrome have been previously fit and active.
There are several theories to explain Chronic fatigue syndrome. For example, it could be linked to disorders of your immune system or your hormonal system.
The Department of Health suggests that until more research is carried out, it may be best to think of Chronic fatigue syndrome as a range of conditions that are triggered by different factors in people who have an underlying predisposition.
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About Kleencondition
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We take our business seriously. Remediation of mold or moisture problems is not something just anyone can do. It requires specials tools and special skills — both of which we have.
We have been in business since 1989. This means that we have the experience and expertise (and reputation!) in mold removel , water damage restoration, sewage damage restoration and waterproofing. We were removing mold and sealing leaks before most people realized how dangerous water and mold can be.
As a company, we follow Clean Trust (IICRC) protocols for water/sewage damage restoration (S500) and mold remediation (S520). These protocols describe the principles of moisture and mold remediation. There are well-defined standards, procedures and precautions that must be adhered to during this type of work.
Certified Experts
Our services and our employees are certified. And we gain experience and understanding in mold removal processes on every job and every day. Our staff is subjected to an intense training program to ensure that they and their work complies with Clean Trust (IICRC)and National Association of Mold Professionals (NAMP) standards.
Each of our employees are trained per the following standards:
Water/Sewage Restoration Technician (Clean Trust)
Applied Mold Remediation Technician (Clean Trust)
Fire and Smoke Restoration Technician (Clean Trust)
Odour Control Technician (Clean Trust)
Certified Mold Inspector and Remediator (NAMP)
Our insurance is your insurance.
We are insured — heavily — because with matters of mold inspection and mold removal, certification is obligatory for insurance and insurance is obligatory for your confidence in the job.
Originally published at kleencondition.com.
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Mold Services
Kleen Condition provides all the necessary services to identify and manage mold or moisture reolated problems. These services include the following:
Mold Inspection
Our inspector will professionally assess the situation in your house to determine if mold growth is present. Using tools like infrared camera, Borescope, hygrometer, and moisture meter experienced inspector will evaluate situation and offer solutions to the existing problems. Read more..
.Mold Testing
Trained and experienced inspector will collect samples to analyze indoor environment. Kleen Condition uses only professional equipment that is calibrated on daily basis. Sample(s) of the air are collected from your house and from outside. Samples then are send to the laboratory for analysis. When laboratory analyses are ready mold inspector will interpret results. Read more…
Mold Removal
When do you need a mold certified and insured contractor? The common sense answer is when the contaminated area is large. Usually you can deal with mold yourself if the area is smaller than ten square feet. If you don’t feel comfortable to deal with even small areas, at least call and ask for advice. If the area is larger than ten square feet you need professional help. Read more…
Kleen Condition staff is certified and provide authoritative confirmation of mold remediation. As important, Kleen Condition personnel or carefullyperforming Mold Remediation (Mold Removal) must have separate insurance coverage for remediation. If they don’t there is no insurance coverage. In case of accident property owner is liable. Insurance company will not provide policy to those not properly certified. If your contractor is properly insured he is also properly certified for removal of mold. Certification and insurance policy are expensive, check if your contractor is not trying to save money by endangering your safety, health and money. Read more…
Commercial Mold Remediation
Kleen Condition staff is certified and provide authoritative confirmation of mold remediation. As important, Kleen Condition personnel or carefully performing Mold Remediation (Mold Removal) must have separate insurance coverage for remediation. If they don’t there is no insurance coverage. In case of accident property owner is liable. Insurance company will not provide policy to those not properly certified. If your contractor is properly insured he is also properly certified for removal of mold. Certification and insurance policy are expensive, check if your contractor is not trying to save money by endangering your safety, health and money. Read more…
Originally published at kleencondition.com.
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