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they love each other
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when you are playing as Mei and you hear “It’s High Noon”
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Reblog if you plan on getting Pokémon Moon
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[Click Here for Pokmon Sun]
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every new starter is good and wonderful reblog if u agree
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my favorite thing I’ve seen all day is people saying pokemon sun and moon sucks because it’s all tropical only and that means only “sun-based” pokemon like…. of course your ass would think that anyways there are certain areas in Hawaii that snow around winter time and im talking way up on the mountains. here on Maui in a place called Haleakalā it snows and is a very cold place due to it being very high up in the cold section of maui. did you know that Hawaii has different temps based on their islands? did you know kaua'i rains almost every day? did you know that the lahaina section of Hawaii is fucking hot as hell and never rains? the islands are all different with a lot of diversity so if the pokemon developers did it right, it won’t be a full on hot sunny beach luau scene
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i got some unexpected fees from my university due to paperwork, and i dont get paid until next month, so i really urgently need ~ 170€!
i do artsy commissions and html/programming stuff (website design, web apps, widgets, etc)
pls hmu if you want to commission something or are rich and want to share that with me, a poor student
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Since I can’t log into Tumblr at work, I just use my phone to share this comment at Kotaku regarding Anita Sarkeesian’s appearance on the Colbert Report.
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Fighting Dragons
The Elder Scrolls: Swinging wildly while chugging potions
Dark Souls: Dodgerolling around the arena to stab it in the ass
Dragon's Dogma: Having your strider attack him with arrows while your fighter boosts you to climb onto the dragon and stab his heart while the mage keeps you all alive
DnD: "You've accidentally pulled out a ring instead of your sword. The dragon thinks you are proposing. Roll Charisma."
"The Dragon accepts. You are now engaged."
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On Difficulty and Elitism in Video Games
I recently saw a discussion circulating tumblr about the elitist culture surrounding difficulty and accessibility in games, which rapidly degenerated into a chorus of variations on ‘git gud’ - as predictable as it is depressing, perhaps. But since difficulty in game design is a topic I have spent a lot of time thinking about, I felt like saying something back to this.
(Almost) nobody is calling out the fact that difficult games exist, no matter what the legion of reactionaries seems to think. Nobody is coming to take away your toys, and there will always be a niche market for the blisteringly challenging. (Perhaps they only think this because that is how they see the opposite difficulty camp - as advocates of something intrinsically less worthy that is eating away at their domain?)
Difficult games are great. I love difficult games; the struggle to gain mastery over interesting challenges is one of the main reasons I personally play games, and any game I design is likely to reflect that.
The problem is not that hard games exist, but that a great many people continue to think that those who cannot rise to the level of skill a hard game requires don’t deserve to enjoy the rest of that experience.
Got stuck for two hours on something that took me five minutes? Stop being such a scrub. Don’t want to clock dozens of hours of practice just to beat one level? Stop being so entitled. Want to see how the story ends, but don’t want to struggle against the gameplay? Wow, look at this lazy casual over here!
It’s great to make challenging games for people who like challenges. But when you think that anyone doesn’t deserve to have fun without ‘earning’ it (not-coincidentally, via the specific skills that you excel at), that’s a problem. It is the very essence of elitism to think one’s domain is better for the fewer people able to access it – that harder games are superior because they filter out the plebs who hadn’t really earned the right to participate in the first place.
This is not a theoretical! I’ve seen groups of people actively advocate removal of lower difficulty settings in games I’ve worked on, simply because they didn’t think that mediocre players should have any avenue to complete the game at all. (They were much more derisive about how they put this, of course). And I’ve certainly seen people up in arms about the primary difficulty of a game being lowered in any fashion, and not in the sense of “This game is personally less enjoyable to me in this state” but rather some variation of “Fuck those casuals; they deserve nothing.”, as if their own mastery somehow becomes less valuable when it is less nominally exclusive. “What good is beating a game if I can’t use it to lord my superiority over others??”
Adding meaningful difficulty settings to a game can be a lot of work, so I’m not about to insist that everyone does this, though I increasingly feel it’s a very valuable thing to provide an avenue for less-skilled players to also enjoy the experience you’re crafting – if there’s any non-mechanical component to that experience whatsoever.
To be honest, I think it’s a shame when games with interesting flavor or narrative are inaccessible to a large percentage of the people who’d find those facets interesting because the difficulty of the mechanical components is so prohibitive. In fact, I have recently started to think that high difficulty and interesting narrative sort of work at cross-purposes with each other, even when you’re a player who likes both. Being stonewalled by challenges can be jarringly disruptive to the flow of a story, taking the player out the world and making them spend hours in a contest of numbers and reflexes instead. Sometimes you just want to find out what happens to your characters next, rather than contend with mechanical challenges, even if you generally enjoy such things – experiencing a story and overcoming great difficulty scratch different itches, as it were.
(Note that I am not saying that narrative and gameplay themselves work at cross-purposes, because some measure of interactivity can greatly enhance narrative immersion. But really, that’s a topic for a whole other post of its own and I’m already getting sidetracked).
Difficult games can be great. Easy games can be great. A game that can be both, to different people, is probably even greater. Inclusively is a strength, not a weakness.
No game has an obligation to cater to any crowd but the one its designer cares about – and that crowd can be as small as the designer themselves. But it’s also not a virtue to be inaccessible. Inaccessibility is often a side-effect of niche design, but I’ve seen it lauded as a selling point far more often than certain people seem willing to admit. “Only the toughest of the tough can beat this game.” What is that message selling, exactly?
If the worth of what you do is diminished by other people being able to do it, then perhaps you’re measuring worth the wrong way. And if your response to this is to ensure that other people aren’t able to do it, then you’re probably just a jerk.
Don’t look down on people who play games on easy. Don’t look down on people who still want to experience the worlds you’ve seen without having your reflexes or tactical thinking. Don’t celebrate exclusivity. If a game meant something to you, shouldn’t it be a good thing when other people are able to share in a portion of that experience?
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Whats a fuck boy? i've heard many meanings but I want the exact one.
A fuckboy is a weakass dude who ain’t shit.
A fuckboy is the guy who will go around calling women “thirsty hoes” but like 30 profile pictures in a row and comment “hot” under one of them because he thinks somehow it’ll get him laid.
A fuckboy is the guy who calls girls sluts but goes around begging chicks for nudes out of fucking nowhere.
A fuckboy is the guy who sends unrequested dick pics with no context to women he’s barely spoken to.
A fuckboy is a guy who regularly uses phrases like “bros before hoes”
A fuckboy is a guy whose idea of flirting is “what would u do if i was there right now lol” 
A fuckboy can often be spotted by his asking if you want to play “the 21 questions game” which is a trap to ask if you’re a virgin or not
A fuckboy is a guy who will call you a prude if you don’t want to fuck anyone, but call you a slut if you want to fuck someone who isn’t him.
A fuckboy is a guy who will disrespect you and try and get with you in the same breath.
A fuckboy is a guy whose idea of foreplay is kind of touching your clit twice before he tries to move on to sex
A fuckboy is a guy who tries to text you even when he already has a girl
A fuckboy is a guy who continues to hit on you even when you’ve said no
A fuckboy is a guy who pretend to invite you over for “Netflix and pizza” which is a bummer because it’s totally ruined legitimately inviting people over for Netflix and pizza
A fuckboy is any guy who’s ever told you “smile, beautiful” while you’re just walking down the street minding your own fucking business
A fuckboy is the kind of guy you have to lie about having a boyfriend to in order to get him to leave you alone.
A fuckboy is a guy who will tell you “you’re not like the other girls” like that’s a compliment because he doesn’t have any respect for them.
A fuckboy is a guy who will tell you “my exes were all crazy” even though you know them to be totally fine, kind, measured people.
A fuckboy is a guy who will tell you “guys don’t like it when you -bullshit bullshit bullshit-” and try to shame you because of your weight, hair, style, use of makeup or anything else that you do in order to express yourself because in their tiny fuckboy minds you only exist to attract them.
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i cannot stress this enough
if you are an eligible voter in the US this coming election and bernie sanders does not have the democratic nomination
you. have. to. vote. for. hillary.
i am not fucking messing around
i am not gonna sit here while you write in names or go on some fucking strike. hillary is not on the same level as donald trump. all of you who act like that’s a hard choice are ridiculous. you vote for hillary clinton if she gets the primary. if you don’t, you give trump the presidency. clear and simple. normally i would not advocate against writing in names, but at this point writing in names would take away from hillary’s vote if she is the nominee–EVEN IF YOU WRITE IN BERNIE SANDERS, YOU GIVE TRUMP A HIGHER CHANCE AT THE PRESIDENCY, AND YOU DON’T WANT THAT.
not even a year ago y’all were laughing about donald trump. don’t fuck this up. in no world is hillary clinton as bad as donald trump.
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please unmute and listen to this child’s distress
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Getting ready for bed.
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Dear White people,
Dear non-Mexicans,
Okay so, tomorrow is May 5th or Cinco de Mayo, if you’re that type of person. 
And contrary to popular belief, it is not Mexico’s Independence day. That day is September 16th (celebrated on the 15th). So if you believe you are celebrating Mexico’s independence, then you are wrong.
Also, if you wear a sombrero and dress in “typical’ Mexican fashion, then you are being racist. And if you use this day as an excuse to get wasted on tequila then you’re just gross and have reduced a pretty significant day is Mexican history to a day where you eat taco and get bombed on margaritas.
Also, Cinco de Mayo isn’t really celebrated nationwide in Mexico. It’s mostly celebrated in Puebla. Because Cinco de Mayo is also know as “La Batalla de Puebla” or “The Battle of Puebla” where the Mexican army won, despite the odds, the French army during the French intervention in Mexico.
Now, I need you to remember that because it is important. To me, since Puebla is where my mother was born. To my people. And to my culture. 
Cinco de Mayo is not yours to celebrate. It is not your excuse to get drunk on what will be a Thursday.
Now, despite that being said, I don’t mind if you celebrate Cinco de Mayo so long as you know it’s significance and you don’t reduce the day to gross stereotypes.
Respect the culture and Mexicans will invite you over for a cook out and a good conversation. We are not what you see on tv. We are a diverse people who love our culture and don’t mind sharing as long as there is respect.
Respect Cinco de Mayo and Enjoy Cinco de Mayo.
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“Where did you learn to fight like that?”
“I have three older brothers.”
“Yeah, Wilson played first table on the chess team, Chester used to start crying every time he heard a sad song, Dan can really rock a cocktail dress and six-inch heels, and I wasn’t going to let anyone give them any shit for any of that.  So I had to learn to beat up people bigger than me pretty early on.”
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