Do you ever just miss a bond you had with someone? Like regardless of what happened between you two, you miss the conversations, the laughs you guys had over the stupidest things, or the way that they were there for you when you weren't at the best. The little things matter.
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accepting that love isn’t purely romantic is so difficult. but it’s true. love is everything and everywhere. its your friends. its the soft embrace of a warm spring breeze. it’s picking up a new hobby. it’s the sea spray during summer. it’s the small corner store you went to as a child. it’s everything. the world is built on love.
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I cherish small intimacies. A head resting against a shoulder, lips brushing against a nose, a kiss on the neck, a hand reaching out for my own
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some songs aren't just songs, they're feelings, they're a memory, they're vibes of a certain period of time in your life that you can't put into words
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i want to go stargazing with you and tell you every thought i’ve ever had
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just wanna laugh w the same girl for the rest of my life
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Lowlands, scotland, august 2013
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Tremadoc Bay from Harlech Castle  |  by David Wooler
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I’ve always been an observer. I like to understand people before I let them understand me.
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By Martina Vilar del Valle
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met mijn gevoel in de knoop
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“I know. I was there. I saw the great void in your soul, and you saw mine.”
— Sebastian Faulks
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“Perhaps we were meant to be nothing more than passing strangers. Visitors intersecting time, but walking parallel paths. And yet, here we are at a table for two. A match made from the modern-day pursuit of connection. Sharing data and memories hoping to find mutuality worth a second meeting. Perhaps we were meant to be nothing more than passing strangers. Profiles of people in the same place, but existing in two different worlds. And that is quite alright, as we bond over our differences and appreciate the company nonetheless.”
— “21st Century Love” remnant-thoughts
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I love people with a friendly, down to earth, chill vibe. people without pretence or pride, who don’t make you feel like you have act a certain way to impress them, or that they’re silently judging you. you‘re comfortable around them and you can just be yourself. their whole aura is so welcoming and warm
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“Life is a play that does not allow testing. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause.”
— Unknown
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aan het balanceren
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