klondikequeen · 6 years
((Explanation as to why I’m here))
So for those of you coming over from my Scrooge blog ( @unclescroogie ) notice that I’ve been queuing things up over there. Why? Well it’s because I feel as though I’m overworking my DT muses. So I came over here to try some new stuff. Feel free to interact with either blog as you all see fit.
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klondikequeen · 6 years
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Second Goldie sketch <3 I’ve got an idea… it’s about an animation. Stay tuned!
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klondikequeen · 6 years
Hellir. This is a new RP blog for the 1980′s Flintheart Glomgold.
Rules are in the bio.
Like/Reblog if you’d like to interact with this salty boi.
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klondikequeen · 6 years
Louie was speechless as he heard the story of moments that had happened between the two ducks. It was awful, and he hated to see others cry. He may not have known Goldie for long, but seeing her cry still hurt him, and knowing that it was due to his great uncle.. made him feel even worse. The duckling gave himself a moment to process what he was going to say, hearing the soft cries and sobs of the elder duck.
He took a deep breath, one too big to be unheard. He then began to speak, trying with his every bit of knowledge to try and cheer Goldie up. He wasn’t going to promise himself that it was going to work, but he was going to try no matter what. “I think-.. Uncle Scrooge still has feelings for you.. He’s told us about you every now and then, but not.. too often.. Maybe he was too hurt about the memories where he just couldn’t talk about you more than that.. Trust me.. I know Uncle Scrooge more than the other ducklings do, and.. he would never abandon someone he cared for so much over a bad reason..” He paused for a moment, his eyes staying focused on Goldie. He then reached up, wiping some tears away with his thumb, a soft and gentle smile showing up on his face.
“He probably came back to fix things. Came back to see you again, and catch up. You seem like a nice woman, so I wouldn’t expect him coming here for a bad reason. I think he still dearly loves you, Aunt Goldie.” Aunt Goldie. That was a new thing that came from the boy. It could mean that he trusts her. He would trust her in being his aunt, and he would appreciate it as well. He didn’t want any of his family members feeling sad. Feeling left out because he knew that feeling. That feeling of loneliness, and sorrow. The feeling of abandonment. The feeling that nobody cared for you. He’s experienced those many times. Too many to count, and he didn’t want Goldie feeling the same way. So he would give support. Comfort. Whatever he could to make this elder duck feel better because, in his opinion, nobody deserves to feel that way.
She looked over to the boy, her eyes glossy from tears, tears that still fell from her face. She wasn’t as loud or as aggressive in her tears as she was a moment ago. She was hiccuping and sniffling still, but for the most part she was okay. She was pulling herself together, especially as the child began to comfort her. Began to heal her slowly and steadily. His reassurance was what helped her the most-- that was until he called her aunt Goldie. Did she hear that right? Was that really what he said? She wasn’t sure, but her eyes widened and she took it as fact and not her ears deceiving her. Those tears still fell down her cheeks as she stared at him in shock. They were slowing to a crawl though and that was a good thing. A smile spread across her face, it was pitiful and sad but it was still a smile.
“Aunt Goldie?” She repeated before gently reaching out to the child. She didn’t care that it was a stretch, she hugged him gently. She held that position for a while, her tears pouring out in silence for a little while longer, soaking his feathers for a second. When she pulled away she was no longer crying, her mood had lightened considerably. The boys knew Scrooge better than she did, that was for sure, he had changed so much since she last saw him, he was a completely different person now. Someone so strange, so different, that she wasn’t sure that he was still... Him. But she loved this new man just as much as she loved the Klondike King of the old days. She wanted to keep him and hearing was Louie said gave her hope.
“Thank you so much, Louie.” She didn’t recall his name until this moment, she knew the three names but couldn’t remember which belonged to whom, but she managed to remember his. The boy that was before her wearing green. If it weren’t for the varying hairstyles and the differences in outfit, Goldie probably wouldn’t be able to tell them apart if they were all wearing the same colors. But they were all different colors and that’s what helped the most. “It means a lot to me... I’m glad that you think your Uncle really came back for me... And not because of some whim... I really missed him all this time and I really want to tell him about Zella, but...“ She fell silent, Zella was her daughter, one she knew she had with Scrooge.
“I don’t know how I should go about it? Other than that I haven’t been keeping much from him...”
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klondikequeen · 6 years
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||~ Magica had kept her eyes closed the entire time she had stayed in the bow. Her heart sang quietly from her chest when she felt Goldie’s hand return her hold with unmatched gentleness. Her eyes were not to remain closed for long, However! As she felt the puckered beak of Goldie meet with her cheek. Magica’s heart had been singing but now it was in an uproarus symphony!! A somewhat smug grin broke out across Magica’s features as the words of acceptance from Goldie reached her. Magica felt confident again suddenly, Recharged & relieved!! But then Goldie’s question came &&Magica’s grin & confidence continued to sky rocket!!!
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||~ She stood upright but kept the hand of her new companion in her own. Grinning & nodding at the other. She moved to Goldie’s side swiftly, && Locked arms with the other but their fingers stayed intertwined. “Shall we?”
The sudden burst of confidence, the joy in her face, the look of pride and passion she knew was more than enough to lure the woman into a feeling of happiness. Goldie was overjoyed at the premise that the witch would take her and was willing enough to shake off the embarrassment upon realizing that she was happy to have her. Her movement to her side only made the blonde’s heart beat faster and harder. Allowing herself to be pulled into locked arm position, she returned the hold given to her.
“We shall indeed.”
She let herself get close, let herself feel the other beside her. They walked in perfect sync and Goldie had to fight the urge to rest her head on the witch’s shoulder. They didn’t need anyone, they didn’t need some powerful men to save them from some tall tower guarded by a dragon. If either of them got kidnapped by a dragon than they could get themselves out of those situations. Even if they became damsels in distress, they could fight their way out.
“It’s nice you told me what you did... I think I prefer it this way...” she wasn’t lying either, Goldie was more than happy to just have Magica than to have Scrooge or some other character who would be too blunt to realize how she’s feeling or what she wants. Scrooge was nice and all but he was just so... hard to understand, hard to see through.
“We will make all the boys jealous when they realize that they can’t have either of us!” Goldie must admit that she thought Magica was gorgeous from the first time she saw her. It made her a bit jealous, that is until she started feeling for the woman. When that happened the jealousy melted away gradually and she just found herself smitten. Like all of her emotions though, she knew how to hide it, knew how to keep it from others so the witch probably never noticed until she agreed to go with her as a couple.
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klondikequeen · 6 years
Glomgold might not felt any attraction to the other duck but he could appreciate a good outfit and even more the thought that had gone to assembling it. The shiny large jewels too gaudy and big in a different setting came to life on stage where the singer was partly hidden in shadows. He might not have really enjoyed her music that much either but he still liked watching those performances for the artistry of it all.
And distracted patrons made for easy pickings.
Glomgold suddenly realized just how close she had gotten. Her certain assets might not have much impact on him but shiny precious gems? A weakness for the Boer.
As well as artistry of certain other kind…
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She was being very open about her schemes tonight. Show-off.
“Had to resort to picking his pockets and dumping him in a snowbank? Didn’t manage to charm this gentleman to give them to you? You must be losing your touch.”
He cocked his head. “Or maybe it’s the advancing age. Now that you’re this close I think I can see some new wrinkles around your eyes-”
“Excuse me!?”
Her face suddenly changed to one of shock and surprise. She hadn’t expected him to suddenly say something like that. The smirk returned to her face, this time something a little more than playful. She was being tricky, it was that expression that she got when dealing with a tough customer or with a rather easy target. That face that made it seem like she has everything under control even if she doesn’t have a clue of what she’s doing.
“I’m not loosing anything.”
Sure she hadn’t charmed the guy, but then again she really didn’t feel like charming the guy. The most lucrative way to get money is to just take it isn’t it? Especially from a guy as weak as him.
“The guy wasn’t the looker nor the type that I wanted to be associated with. I just wanted his money.”
A pause for a moment, he had referred to her as old-- it wasn’t as if she could help that! She was aging, this was true, but she could charm anyone any day with ease-- hence why all the men were sending jealous glances their way.
“So far no matter how old I get, I’ll still be a charmer, and you know that.”
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klondikequeen · 6 years
Huey glared towards the elder duck, his eyes trailing back towards his book as he began to flip through pages, trying his best to find a blank one to put notes onto. “Speak for yourself, old bat..” He mutters as he finally found a blank page to write on.
“Now, first of all, I’d like to ask you about what kind of things happened between you and Uncle Scrooge. Where did you guys meet? How did you guys meet? Stuff like that.” He paused, waiting for some possible answers from the other. He already began to write down a few notes before she even began to speak. He was a smart one at that, and he was mainly focused on science and such.
She didn’t have time to respond to his first comment before the younger began throwing questions at her. she didn’t mind the comment, it was one that she wasn’t expecting. The children now adays seemed so different than the children of her youth or the children from the time she was raising them.
“We met when he decided to get cocky with his fortune in a bar... During that time it was a dog eat dog world up here in the Klondike. If you didn’t hide your fortune like a dragon does it’s treasure hoard, than someone will take it. So that’s what I did... He got me back for it though, and since then we had a sort of rivalry between each other.” She had closed her book by this point and her fingers tapped the cover nervously. “Maybe a little more than a rivalry.”
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klondikequeen · 6 years
Emptiness, isolation, nothing left here but the soft wind and rustling breeze. She didn’t know what she expected when her work was done, when the doors were closed, and when she was all alone. The lights were on but nobody was home, and it seemed that thought held truest of all when the place closed. When she was the only one left there. She was always the last to leave, her beautiful figure nothing more than an object in these parts, but that didn’t matter. She was alive and that’s what mattered. If she hadn’t done what she did, what she now does, than she wouldn’t have enough money to feed herself. Of course now she cheats corners as well, drugging, kidnapping, even killing people for a bit of pocket change– things aren’t lawful in this place but that didn’t mattered. Nobody would ever realize.
She didn’t need a melody, she didn’t need a piano playing a sweet tune to stand up on that stage. There she felt the light of the world upon her, the only place she felt whole… That was, other than in his arms. But he wasn’t here anymore. He abandoned her to go find treasure and adventures and women elsewhere. A bitter love-hate feeling formed in her breast, poisoned her heart, but that didn’t stop her from singing. Nobody would hear her, they would only hear her when she wanted them too. Not when she was pouring her heart out to ghosts and ghouls, the only beings that would listen to her other than that duck she knew. That duck who listened to her late at night, took her insecurities away, took her mundane world and colored it in pastels of hope… But again, like the thorn in her side, he was gone and that’s why her voice sung out so strongly.
She didn’t need an audience when she was pouring her heart out into the space of the world about her, it stung but she knew that if she didn’t than she’d never sing it out. How many more opportunities would she get before some random stranger decided it was time to end her career, before someone cut her down again, before she lost those pastel colors that he had painted her world in. Had it not been for the figure she saw, the shadow in the darkness that caught her attention, than she probably would have kept going until tears prevented her from doing so. A gasp of shock as she strained to see past the spotlight. This wasn’t right, nobody was suppose to be here! The doors were closed, anxiety bloomed in her chest and she immediately grew afraid, ready to pull her gun and shoot if she had to.
“Hello? Is… Is anyone there?”
((If you don’t want to reply to this starter/you prefer to plot before RPing feel free to IM me, I wont be offended or upset. These starters are here solely to cut out that middle man known as awkwardness.))
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klondikequeen · 6 years
The small duckling carefully took a seat next to Goldie, his eyes glaring towards the glass on the table. He wasn’t going to bother to push it aside since it wasn’t really affecting anything. Was he ready for what he was about to hear? Probably not, but he would like to know as much information about his great uncle that he could get. He would wait patiently and listen to every single detail of the story that Goldie was telling him.
Drugged? Robbed? Well, this woman didn’t seem like the nicest person out there. I mean, why would you even rob a poor person after they had just gotten some type of fortune? It seemed extremely rude and disrespectful. Though, Louie couldn’t dwell on that detail too much. That stuff was in the past, and there was nothing that he could do to change it. Besides, he wasn’t even sure what a prostitute was, but he had decided to keep to himself about that as of now.
It must have been a bit difficult for the two if they kept fighting, and fighting, then loved each other in the end, or was it? It could have been also very simple, and relieving since they both knew that they’d probably end up loving eachother in the end despite what they were fighting about earlier in the day. Though, Louie wouldn’t have known since he’s never experienced something of the sort.
Louie gently tapped his fingers against the table as he allowed Goldie to finish telling him what she had to. It saddened him to hear about his great uncle’s problems, but he kind of figured since he would sense sadness, and sorrow in his music when he played for him, which has become a normal reoccurring thing by now. Hopefully, Scrooge would be okay, but Louie would still be a bit concerned at times since he still had those pesky abandonment issues in which he would be devastated if Scrooge were to pass due to his own hands. He did care about him a lot just like the rest of his family.
“He.. never told us why we were coming here.. He just kind of told us we were going on another adventure, and brought us here.” He paused for a moment before he spoke, again. “Is this where you two grew up together?” Well, that wasn’t all too specific in which he meant it to be since they didn’t necessarily grow up here together, but they’ve had possible years on end as lovers. He still had some questions in mind, but he would be asking one at a time, so he doesn’t accidentally overwhelm himself or the elder duck.
“Grew up together...?” She repeated that as she looked around, her eyes gazing at the old furniture, just barely touched by her, she was too afraid to do so for fear that she’d mess something up. Something that he once used and gave to her. She was so terrified of ruining a part of him, because she felt that after he left the Klondike, that she would never see him again. She was partly correct in believing that, there were no plans from Scrooge to return to her. He had given up that idea so long ago that it was no surprise if he wouldn’t come back-- and when he did finally decide to do so, finally saying yes, he wasn’t the man she remembered of him. He was so different that it was hard to recognize him to be the same. Sure he looked the same, but his personality and his way of going about things was so vastly different. He wasn’t as stubborn or cold as he was back then, he was significantly warmer and much more somber. He wasn’t just looking for gold anymore, he was looking for something more now.
“Not necessarily... Although your uncle Scrooge did indeed give me this house to live in for a while...” She explained to him before shaking her head. “No, not for a while, he gave me this place to live permanently. He bought it and then told me to live here, to watch over it, that he may come back someday to reclaim it... I wasn’t sure why he did something like that but he did... We do have quite the few memories in this house but other than that we are pretty much...” She trailed off, her voice growing quiet as her eyes showed a distance to them that wasn’t there before, a depth that plunged deep into the abyss of self doubt. She was thinking about something dark, something foreboding, something that she really shouldn’t be allowing to conquer her thoughts. But she couldn’t just let it lurk in the outside of her brain either, these thoughts were her’s and she wanted to see them, wanted to acknowledge them, even if it stung. This one definitely did after all and yet she still wanted to see it... To understand it... To comprehend it even if just a little bit... It was at this moment she found herself pouring out to Louie, trying to tell him everything, she just couldn’t keep it in anymore.
Goldie was a prostitute. That’s just what she was. She would sell her body for sex because her family was so pour that she had to leave them behind. They didn’t have enough food for her. Her mother was always working, her father an alcoholic. There was nothing there for her, she felt bad leaving her sisters, but they never cared about her anyways. So she ran away, hopped on a few wagons and trains before finding herself in the Klondike. She would make a penny or two by auctioning herself off for a night or two, she didn’t care, it gave her food, it gave her shelter, and it helped to keep her on the road. When she got to the Klondike she was taken in by the men who ran the tavern there, they always helped the women of the night who needed places to stay-- and they showed her how to pickpocket too. Granted the situation wasn’t the best, some nights she’d get the shit beaten out of her, other nights things would escalate beyond physical violence to absolutely wretched deeds... She wasn’t happy, but she had food, clothes, and a job-- that’s all that mattered to her. Sure she wanted to die every day, but at least she could eat and at least she could try to save up and move on--
And then she met him... Scrooge McDuck... He had done so much to her. Sure he too indulged in her services, but that didn’t mean he was a bad guy. He pulled her to court, sure, and so on so forth, but that still didn’t change the facts. He knew what she was and didn’t like it, he knew what she did and didn’t like it, but at the same time he seemed to understand that she wasn’t trying to make a fortune; she was just trying to eat. So he gave her a place to live instead... Gave her clothes to wear, a place to sleep, a place to return to. So now all she had to worry about was food. He saved her life from a few selfish bastards, a few rats who wished her dead or didn’t care much for her, he even stood up for her when men were getting a little too violent for her tastes. He never let anyone hit her, never let anyone even really touch her when he was around. Despite the fact that they played that they hated each other, he was so protective of her that people would practically tremble in fear at his gaze on them. He was the Klondike King after all, and it was here that he got that first part of his little phrase-- here he was ‘Tougher than the Toughies’.
They had fun nights, nights that she could never forget. Feeling his warmth, hearing his pounding heart, he was so gentle and yet so passionate-- it created a feeling that she never would have experienced with any of her clients. The sheets wrapping around them, the night growing old, and they were happy. She could recall falling asleep first every time, letting her head rest upon his chest and hearing his lungs inhale and exhale, hearing his heart pound for her. She dreamed of holding his heart in her hands and cradling it, an item of glass and emotion that she took such expert care of. But then he had to go and she felt her own glass heart break. She didn’t cry, instead she screamed, shouted, the last thing she remembered saying to him was ‘I wish I never met you!’ And then he was gone, just like that... she regretted that day so much, especially when a few weeks after she got the news. The news that wrecked her so much that she didn’t know what to do about it.
She was about to be a mother.
She was positive, as soon as the egg hatched, that the baby was Scrooge’s. Only one of her eggs out of a clutch of four, was viable and living. This became her daughter. A sweet and beautiful duckling she was, and she saw all the traits that came from Scrooge in her. She had his brilliant eyes and hardy nature, she couldn’t understand how she could’ve slipped up so badly. But there was nothing she could do, she loved her daughter, she loved the man who helped create her, but she was sure she’d never see him again. And if Scrooge ever found out, the consequences that could come from it were too big to even calculate. An image in her head of the elder duck starving himself, locking himself away, even hurting himself over the guilt and emotional pain that would come from leaving his ‘old flame’ alone to raise a child without ever knowing that she was pregnant to begin with. She wanted to tell him now but couldn’t find the courage...
She poured all of this out to Louie at that table, tears beginning to sting her eyes. She brushed them away quickly, Goldie didn’t want the boy to see how much this hurt her, but it still came out. They flowed like water does from cracks in a wall, in thin streams that just wouldn’t stop. Not even her daughter knew that her father was Scrooge McDuck, her granddaughter had no idea about any of that. Because of the money issue her own daughter had left ol’ Glittering Goldie to rot up in the Klondike, all by herself, with nothing left of her. She was just barely scraping by, had it not been for the old duck than she would be already dead by this point. “I don’t know why he came back,” she began again, shaking her head, trying to brush her tears. A few dripped into her now empty glass and were now starting to fill it with the brine of her tears.
“I’m so grateful he did but... I’m also terrified... I don’t even know if he loves me anymore... I don’t know if he would if I told him... I want to be with him again... To be in his arms again like the good old days... I don’t care if we fight every day because I just want to be with him...” And that was that, Goldie would be happy just to be by his side, just to be in the same room with him, to just lay in the same bed as him because he was the man who loved her more than anyone else in her life, more than her parents, her siblings, or any of her patrons. He was the one who showed her what it meant to live. Her world was a monochrome canvas, no color, before he met her. He was the one who painted it, who took beautiful pastels and threw them into her world-- he gave her the colors of hope that helped her keep going.
“I love him so much... But I don’t think he really loves me back...” Little did she know that Scrooge mourned her every day, that every piano song he played had a bit of his feelings for her in them. Every day he wept as he tried to fall asleep, every night he had one dream of the woman. He was in love with her, granted the old duck had many lovers-- too many to count. But Goldie was the one that had his heart... He didn’t know why, maybe it’s true love, maybe it’s the fact that he left her in the middle of a screaming match and never came back, maybe it’s because he knew there was something more to be had there than just gold... Whatever it was it pulled him back here, to this old cabin. Had it not been for the exhaustion of his journey that sent him to sleep early in her bed, he would be sitting where Louie was talking about business, about fixing things.
They both wanted the same exact thing.
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klondikequeen · 6 years
Emptiness, isolation, nothing left here but the soft wind and rustling breeze. She didn’t know what she expected when her work was done, when the doors were closed, and when she was all alone. The lights were on but nobody was home, and it seemed that thought held truest of all when the place closed. When she was the only one left there. She was always the last to leave, her beautiful figure nothing more than an object in these parts, but that didn’t matter. She was alive and that’s what mattered. If she hadn’t done what she did, what she now does, than she wouldn’t have enough money to feed herself. Of course now she cheats corners as well, drugging, kidnapping, even killing people for a bit of pocket change– things aren’t lawful in this place but that didn’t mattered. Nobody would ever realize.
She didn’t need a melody, she didn’t need a piano playing a sweet tune to stand up on that stage. There she felt the light of the world upon her, the only place she felt whole… That was, other than in his arms. But he wasn’t here anymore. He abandoned her to go find treasure and adventures and women elsewhere. A bitter love-hate feeling formed in her breast, poisoned her heart, but that didn’t stop her from singing. Nobody would hear her, they would only hear her when she wanted them too. Not when she was pouring her heart out to ghosts and ghouls, the only beings that would listen to her other than that duck she knew. That duck who listened to her late at night, took her insecurities away, took her mundane world and colored it in pastels of hope… But again, like the thorn in her side, he was gone and that’s why her voice sung out so strongly.
She didn’t need an audience when she was pouring her heart out into the space of the world about her, it stung but she knew that if she didn’t than she’d never sing it out. How many more opportunities would she get before some random stranger decided it was time to end her career, before someone cut her down again, before she lost those pastel colors that he had painted her world in. Had it not been for the figure she saw, the shadow in the darkness that caught her attention, than she probably would have kept going until tears prevented her from doing so. A gasp of shock as she strained to see past the spotlight. This wasn’t right, nobody was suppose to be here! The doors were closed, anxiety bloomed in her chest and she immediately grew afraid, ready to pull her gun and shoot if she had to.
“Hello? Is… Is anyone there?”
((If you don’t want to reply to this starter/you prefer to plot before RPing feel free to IM me, I wont be offended or upset. These starters are here solely to cut out that middle man known as awkwardness.))
0 notes
klondikequeen · 6 years
Restlessness… Darkness… There was fear here, there was sorrow here, and in the night it was devouring the world. Selene wept, she sobbed into the clouds. Gentle crystals that fell from the sky, the tears she had sobbed into the atmosphere now blanketed the world in white. The moon’s goddess had long since sealed her ever present light from them, perhaps it was punishment for all that they had done. Reliving her story in the present… History repeats itself, and now despite the beautiful tears that fell to the Earth, everything felt so ugly. At least to her, at least to Goldie. Surrounded by the tapestries, the gold, the gems, the art, she still felt so lost. There was no north star to guide her home, there wasn’t even the faintest twinkle, she felt lost– had felt that way as soon as she stepped into the foyer and saw him for the first time in however many years. Still strong and powerful as he was mining that gold in the Klondike, but at the same time she felt such distance. She saw it sting him just as bad as it stung her, which made it all the worse.
The night had eclipsed not just the light from the sun but also the light she had wanted to see for so long. She had thought that when she was invited to McDuck manor by the ‘king’s’ nephew, that she would find that light shine brightly upon her– but that didn’t happen. That didn’t happen at all. All that came with it were depressing memories of times that were so fond in her heart. She could remember being scolded, being grabbed roughly by the arm, and being dragged to the courthouse. She remembered being embraced so tightly by warm arms that were filled with passion and rage. She remembered the loud booming voice as he chased away ‘unfavorable’ individuals. She remembered how protective, how angry, how strong he was… And yet here she sat, in his house, and all she felt was alone. She was worried, frightened even. She had loved him with her whole heart, the man who took her into his arms and painted her monochrome world with pastels of hope, and she knew that he did too. He felt the same way, he made her a promise that he didn’t realize he couldn’t possibly keep.
She had given him her heart to hold, and he had given her his. She took such gentle care of it as he did her own. They treated each other so well in private even though they fought in the public eye– best friends truly whom found a pleasant place with each other. But then he told her that he must leave– she understood even though she didn’t want him to go. It spiraled out of control and next thing she knew, his heart was in a thousand pieces on the ground before her. He never cried outwardly but she saw it; saw it in his eyes and right into his soul. The blood that poured from that broken heart, a festering wound would form in his chest, and he would be without that feeling for a long time. She was the one who had scarred him, marking him, just as he did her, and so he would never forget her. When she saw him again, immediate guilt flashed between the both of them before a mixture of hatred and love appeared, standing there in that foyer with their eyes locked. Donald beside her, Beakley beside him, but there were no words to be said before them.
Now that night came she found herself escaping his bed where he was fast asleep, the heartbeat she heard from his chest was weak, faint, and elegant in all respects. She had heard that heartbeat so many times, heard it ring in her ears like the toll of a church bell. It made her body shake with anxiety and so she slipped from the comforter, the silky nightgown he had given her providing little to warm her chilly body. The cold night was more than enough to make her shiver without the need for the emotions that bit at her all the same. He had stirred, as he always had, and she assured him that she was just going to the bathroom and getting a drink– a complete lie. She sat on the window sill, she looked so picturesque there. Staring outside the window with a glass of wine in her hand. She wasn’t drinking it though, more like she was filling it with something else. Another fluid that was diluting the over exaggerated, blood colored grape juice. Just like Selene in heaven, her eyes were revealing crystals of her own, they fell to the glass with gentle ‘plip’ sounds. She hurt inside, everything hurt inside even though she was so happy.
Her tears fell down her face, her body trembled only a bit, but what really gave her away was her hitched breaths. Otherwise she was quiet and just as picturesque as a model in a famous painting, one that bested the Mona Lisa in beauty and pristine. She was, by all means, gorgeous from where she sat. With that silky gold nightgown that faded to a beautiful crimson, it flowed over her legs and down the edge of where she sat, something she had loved when Scrooge gave it to her. She hadn’t packed much and he refused to let her sleep without something on. As such this was what she liked, what she was most comfortable with, spaghetti straps exposing quite more than her normal clothing. She sat at that window sill, her golden locks still short and sloppy in it’s cut, and yet despite that rugged look her elegance took over. Maybe that’s why he had loved her, she was tough and she knew that she was beautiful, and yet despite all of that she was sitting there crying without him knowing… Crying with Selene, goddess of the moon, as the snow fell outside.
She jumped when the gentle footsteps sounded, turning abruptly her eyes fell upon one of the many characters that resided alongside Scrooge in the manor. She remembered him, Donald, mostly because he was the one who had brought her here, who had arranged for her to come see Scrooge. Like a mother who didn’t want her child to see her cry, she brushed away her tears, but found more would just replace them. “What’s wrong? Why are you up?” She asked, her eyes glossy with tears and her breath shaky. She didn’t want them to see her, didn’t want them to realize she was upset. “Shouldn’t you be asleep, like the boys and Webbigail?”
((If you don’t want to reply to this starter/you prefer to plot before RPing feel free to IM me, I wont be offended or upset. These starters are here solely to cut out that middle man known as awkwardness.))
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klondikequeen · 6 years
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||~ Scrooge began to worry that he was lacking in his twilight age, due to the speed she was moving. He hadn’t expected her to accept him so graciously, But yet here they were. She was awfuly good at acting, he thought. He made this hypothesis based on how brave she was being in the face of a potential unwanted face from the past. How could he blame her? He didn’t want his own company either.
Keep reading
Goldie stared at Scrooge, she was shocked that he wouldn’t let her move, wouldn’t let her go away and get changed. She was surprised that he stood there, asking her to stay... She wasn’t even in proper clothing! She couldn’t remove her blanket without being terribly embarrassed! She wanted to change into something more befitting of what he knew of her, a pretty dress most likely, but it seemed that the more she saw those eyes set upon her the more she remembered that the old man didn’t care. He was, in essence, too broken to see anything but her face. It was those first tears that got her, that grabbed her by the heart and squeezed so tightly that she couldn’t breathe.
“Scrooge, I...” She trailed off, what was she going to say. They were so far apart now, time has changed. Goldie wasn’t as confident as she used to be, she had been abused far too much for that. She was now an old woman, terrified of what was lurking just outside her home, terrified of the world around her, she was mortified at the idea of being hurt again. She had hidden herself in a world that was not her own, she had hidden herself in a place that she associated with a man, for it was his.
Scrooge is both her best friend and greatest enemy. She wronged him and yet he was still there, she had never seen a man be so loyal to anyone than him. Sure he was awful at times, he did things that made him out to be rather terrible, but that didn’t mean he was bad per say... He was the anti-hero of his own story, and that was fine with her. They were alike in many ways, the only difference was that he had more of the ability to get things done than she did. Seeing those tears glaze over his eyes, making them glossy, she stepped closer to him. His old form now seeming almost childish before her, so vulnerable, and she could see right through his facade like she always had been able to. “I don’t know what happened to you... I don’t know why you came here of all places... But just know that I’m not going anywhere...” She had nowhere else to go after all, she was stranded here, in his cabin, but then again she didn’t want to leave. He had given her this cabin to stay in and she was happy where she was, happy that she was here free of charge.
“You saved my life so long ago Scrooge, and I’m not talking physically... If you hadn’t come along and became the Klondike King than who knows what would have happened to me... I’d probably be a slave to some rich folk somewhere... I’d probably be dead right now if it weren’t for you, killed or what have you... But you came along and gave me a place to live, a way to go on... I don’t know what happened to you, but just know that you--” She stopped herself, if she kept going than she’d find herself crying as well. She was terrified, her heart was pounding in her rib cage, a wild animal beating to get out. She was scared that Scrooge would yell at her, scream, shout, make a ruckus and set her off. She has grown so much more frail since the last time they’ve seen each other... So much has happened. “You’re not evil Scrooge...” She finally said, her hand going up to his cheek and gently touching it, her eyes were flooding with tears that she could no longer hide. His family was broken, she understood that, so was her’s. She didn’t even remember her mother anymore, her father she never knew, her daughter was gone and she hardly knew her granddaughter... And the man who saved her from a fate unimaginable, with thousands of other women suffering in that same way, he had returned to her and she can’t even bare to give him a proper ‘thank you’.
“You’re not evil Scrooge... You really aren’t... You gave me a home and you saved me... I know that we aren’t close but... I can’t stand to see you like this... You’re still the Klondike King after all...”
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klondikequeen · 6 years
Can’t wait for the episode with THE OTP *_*
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klondikequeen · 6 years
@duckfam continued from here
Goldie watched with a concerned eye, a worried look and gaze. She didn’t want Magica to be at all uncomfortable with what had happened, but how would she convey that feeling to her without outright stating it. If the other was joking than the woman didn’t want her to get the wrong idea, at the same time if the witch was indeed being serious than she would want her to know as soon as possible that she’d be more than happy to be her other half, even if it was just for one night. Oh how she hoped it would be longer though, she found herself to be genuinely attracted to the duck before her.
She was gripping at loose ends, trying to find some words, when all of a sudden Magica bowed down in a form of almost polite stance. It was then, immediately right after seeing that, that she realized this was all too serious. Her brain was screaming at her that this wasn’t necessarily right, but then somewhere in her chest, deep in her chest, she was overjoyed at the idea.
Feeling her hand in Magica’s, she was frozen for just a moment before she let herself return the hold. It was in this moment her old career began to shine through and she let herself step towards the woman before her. Gently she leaned closer to her and pressed a kiss, one single kiss, to the other’s cheek. It was quick, soft, gentle, and almost blissful in where it seemed to come from. She was trying to be charming, and she seemed to be succeeding as if trained on how to do such things. In many ways, Goldie suppose she was indeed trained. “I would love to accompany you, Magica De Spell.” Her voice was sounding rather sophisticated now but quickly it began to melt away, vanish and become a softer, more casual and friendly tone than that of the tone she used so long ago to charm men into giving her money.
“We will show that no good Scrooge that we don’t need him to be happy. We can be together on our own...” Perhaps she could pickpocket him while she was there, or some other guests, and nobody would be the wiser. At the same time she didn’t just want to do it because of that reason. She wanted to feel what it was like to dance with Magica.
“Maybe after that we could maybe... go out somewhere... Just us...?” Oh great, now it was her time to really start blushing.
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klondikequeen · 6 years
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𝐼 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝒾𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓋𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓉 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝒸𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒷𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝒶 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓋𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝓌𝒶𝓇 𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝒾𝒻 𝒾𝓉’𝓈 𝒻𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓀𝑒𝑒𝓅𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝑜𝓅𝑒𝓃 𝒶𝓇𝓂𝓈 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈 𝑜𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝓎 𝓉𝓇𝒶𝒾𝓁 𝓉𝑜 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓌𝒶𝓎 𝒾𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝓎 𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓂
Independent RP/Ask Blog Not at all Selective Crossover/Multiship/OC Friendly Mostly follows Scrooge McDuck Comics Includes Ducktales orig and remake Includes Other Comics and Movies Please Read the Rules before RPing Please Read the Disclaimer before RPing 10+ Years of RP Experience Warning: Possible Triggers Spoilers Ahead, Autoplay Warning Penned by: Skeletalkitsune / Stitch
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klondikequeen · 6 years
❛ … Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I just said that. ❜ { from magica }
Goldie blinked a few times... How was she suppose to react to that? She wasn’t quite sure to be honest. Her face flushed, a bright cotton candy pink that she did well to hide with a wave of her hand. “Don’t worry about it.” She was quick to say shaking her head. “I just... I’ve heard more bizarre and much more... Ugly I guess you could say.” She laughed at the thought before shaking her head again. She’s heard much worse than what Magica accidentally blurted out-- not that what Magica said was wrong at all. Although whether or not the woman was suppose to take it as a joke or her being serious she wasn’t sure.
She didn’t even think the other duck was open to such romantic emotions with other women-- she wasn’t complaining though.
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klondikequeen · 6 years
Emptiness, isolation, nothing left here but the soft wind and rustling breeze. She didn’t know what she expected when her work was done, when the doors were closed, and when she was all alone. The lights were on but nobody was home, and it seemed that thought held truest of all when the place closed. When she was the only one left there. She was always the last to leave, her beautiful figure nothing more than an object in these parts, but that didn’t matter. She was alive and that’s what mattered. If she hadn’t done what she did, what she now does, than she wouldn’t have enough money to feed herself. Of course now she cheats corners as well, drugging, kidnapping, even killing people for a bit of pocket change– things aren’t lawful in this place but that didn’t mattered. Nobody would ever realize.
She didn’t need a melody, she didn’t need a piano playing a sweet tune to stand up on that stage. There she felt the light of the world upon her, the only place she felt whole… That was, other than in his arms. But he wasn’t here anymore. He abandoned her to go find treasure and adventures and women elsewhere. A bitter love-hate feeling formed in her breast, poisoned her heart, but that didn’t stop her from singing. Nobody would hear her, they would only hear her when she wanted them too. Not when she was pouring her heart out to ghosts and ghouls, the only beings that would listen to her other than that duck she knew. That duck who listened to her late at night, took her insecurities away, took her mundane world and colored it in pastels of hope… But again, like the thorn in her side, he was gone and that’s why her voice sung out so strongly.
She didn’t need an audience when she was pouring her heart out into the space of the world about her, it stung but she knew that if she didn’t than she’d never sing it out. How many more opportunities would she get before some random stranger decided it was time to end her career, before someone cut her down again, before she lost those pastel colors that he had painted her world in. Had it not been for the figure she saw, the shadow in the darkness that caught her attention, than she probably would have kept going until tears prevented her from doing so. A gasp of shock as she strained to see past the spotlight. This wasn’t right, nobody was suppose to be here! The doors were closed, anxiety bloomed in her chest and she immediately grew afraid, ready to pull her gun and shoot if she had to.
“Hello? Is… Is anyone there?”
((If you don’t want to reply to this starter/you prefer to plot before RPing feel free to IM me, I wont be offended or upset. These starters are here solely to cut out that middle man known as awkwardness.))
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