kltsuneudon · 2 months
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kltsuneudon · 4 months
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Oh, okay then
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kltsuneudon · 4 months
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[240523] SAN and WOOYOUNG for Vogue Korea
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kltsuneudon · 4 months
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MINGI, WOOYOUNG 'Bouncy' [230616] for @j-eongs
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kltsuneudon · 4 months
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[240513] Nacific x ATEEZ | 。・:*:・゚★𝑴𝒚 𝑼𝒏𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆 。・:*:・゚☆
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kltsuneudon · 4 months
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kltsuneudon · 6 months
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WY 🌙 [240403] Twitter Update "Happy birthday, our hyung, let’s be happy for a long time 🖤"
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kltsuneudon · 6 months
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kltsuneudon · 6 months
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kltsuneudon · 6 months
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Someone Who Cares
Jeong Yunho x gn!reader
you can always count on me to write (mildly) obscure au’s. happy birthday yuyu <3
this is a final fantasy ateez au bcuz i keep thinking of it hehe
warnings: angst, general violence, major character death, semi happy ending dw, major final fantasy 7 original game spoilers don’t read if you’ve somehow managed to avoid them and want to keep it that way.
The first time you met was in the Gold Saucer. For once, you weren't alone. The group had finally decided to settle down for a little bit and splurge, a little fun and rest was much needed. While you wanted to go to Costa del Sol, mentioning off-handedly that you had never been there before when Wooyoung brought the location up, the rest of the group decided the Saucer would be a better (and slightly cheaper) rest stop this time, wanting to indulge in the games and rides. Grumpily, you trailed after San and Yeosang heading towards the Wonder Square. Yeosang was eagerly talking to San, casually fishing for information about an apparent argument the blonde had with Wooyoung before arriving here. Since you had only recently joined the group, you found yourself half-listening, not wanting to hear anything you weren't supposed to. Instead, you focused on everything else around you, which wasn't a difficult thing to do. The bright flashing lights, colorful screens, and loud music easily distract you from anything and everything, leading you to bump into something very large and plush.
“Oof!” The sound expelled from you as you bounced off of the thing and onto your ass. Your awkward noise drew the attention of San and Yeosang, who finally noticed how far you trailed from them.
San was quick by your side helping you up. “You good?” He asked nervously glancing between you and the large thing you bumped into. Slowly, the large thing turned towards you, revealing that it was a comically large fluffy yellow chick. Face to face with San, the blonde let out a cute coo noise which you quickly stored in your mind for later.
“Sorry about that!” A high-pitched voice from on top of the chick suddenly spoke. 3 sets of eyes quickly traveled upward to locate the voice. Sitting atop the giant chick was a fluffy golden dog wearing a pirate costume.
Quietly, Yeosang gasped behind you and San. “A Maltese! So cute!”
The dog tilted its head to the side. “Maltese? I am a golden retriever!” It pauses for a moment before striking a dramatic pose. “My name is Tyudeongi! I'm a fairy, puppy, fortune-telling machine! And this is Bbyongming!” It pats the giant chick he sits on top of while its fluffy tail wags eagerly. “Would you like your fortune told? Ah, but don't hold it against me if it doesn't come true!”
Yeosang eagerly grasps onto San's arm. “San-ah! Let's get our fortunes told, please?” The brunette beams at the blonde causing his cool composure to quickly crumble. (You completely understand why).
The three of you stare up at the puppy as he begins to dance and spin atop the fluffy chick. Suddenly, Bbyongming squawks and dispenses 3 slips of paper from its beak, Tyudeongi quickly snatching them up. He glances over them before leaning over. “For you, you, and… you!” He exclaims while handing the papers out. You try not to think of how the robot's eyes lingered on you for a moment.
San blinks at you and Yeosang. “Um. You wanna go first?”
“Do not be afraid of competition.” Yeosang reads. “Huh. What do you think that means?” You and San share a knowing look (Wooyoung) before you offer a shrug. Yeosang seems stated by that and motions for San to read.
San's face scrunches as he silently reads over his fortune. He glances nervously between the two of you before reading. “What you pursue will be yours, but you will lose what you hold most dear.” He lowers the fortune without saying anything more, the 3 of you sharing worried looks. “Um, how about yours, (yn).”
“Yeah, ok.” You answer quickly, hoping to pick the mood back up again. You look down at your fortune before reading aloud, “The love of your life will appear in front of you unexpectedly!” … “Huh?” San and Yeosangs eyes remain locked on you, and you can feel your ears turning red.
Yeosang claps, “Oh that's a fun one!” San nods in agreement.
You scoff. “Yeah… Doubt that's true though. There's no one like that for me. Just as strange as yours, haha.” You awkwardly try to pivot from the topic, hastily shoving the slip of paper into your pocket.
Tyudeongi yips from his perch. “Aw don't be so down, you never know what the future might hold!”
Lazily, you lounge on your back in a grassy field, observing the blue cloud-filled sky while some of the others slowly set up camp. You hoped Hongjoong remembered not to let Mingi set the fire this time, as the flame-oriented magician accidentally got a little overzealous with it last time and singed half of the tents. Lost in fiery Mingi thoughts, you don't hear the approach of little paws next to you.
“Do you see any shapes?” Tyudeongi had been traveling with the group for over a month now, insisting on coming along after your meeting at the Gold Saucer. Originally San was completely against it, Yeosang having to convince him. Eventually, he came around when Tyudeongi revealed his (and Bbyongming's) magical prowess. He wasn't joking about the “fairy” part of his introduction.
“Maybe that one looks like a chocobo.” You offer, you're not really paying attention to the clouds. Behind you, you hear Wooyoung let out a shriek and you feel the warmth of fire. So they did forget.
Tyudeongi hums. “That one there,” he motions with a fluffy paw, “it's like a Moogle!”
“A Moogle, hm… Do you think they're real?”
The puppy tilts its head to the side, “Well I'm real so they must be!”
“But you're a robot…” You trail off not wanting to insult him (was that possible?) “I want to see one, one day.” You hear more chaos behind you but tune it out, imagining a future full of fluffy Moogles.
“You will!” Tyudeongi's tail wags wildly. “I can see the future, remember!”
You laugh. “Ok.”
The silence in Cosmo Canyon could not be louder. The 7 of you awkwardly set up camp for the night, no one wanting to talk after Mingi's emotional past had been revealed. Once again you found yourself away from the group, sitting towards the edge of camp wanting to remain in solitude. But when does that ever happen?
“What are you thinking about?” Tyudeongi, or rather, the person controlling the puppy, has him ask. It was something you had caught onto recently. The puppy had been around for a while at this point and he often liked to spend time with you, it led you to notice his quirks maybe faster than the others. Tyudeongi had a handful of automated responses and phrases programmed which he often cycled through with the other group members, but with you, you noticed he often had more to say. It was as if his autopilot had been turned off. You didn't tell anyone.
You sigh. “Just Mingi. I hope he's doing ok.” The anguished look on his face as he left the cave floated around in your memory.
“He's a strong person. This may hurt him for a while, but he will recover and grow from this.” The puppy makes his way over and settles into your lap. You mindlessly stroke his fur. “The most you can do right now is make sure he knows you're there for him.”
Another sigh leaves you. “I know. I just… I don't know if I'm very empathetic. It's like I care but, I don't know. I feel like it's not enough, like part of me is missing something more. Like there's something wrong with me.”
The puppy looks up at you. “(yn), you are an extremely empathetic person, they all know that.” You know it's the person on the other end controlling what he says by how serious Tyudeongi's tone has become. “There's nothing wrong with you and it's ok that you feel that way. They're lucky to have a friend like you.” It feels strange to hear all of this coming from a dog.
It's silent for a while. “Thank you.” You manage to get out. The puppy shifts around in your lap.
“How about a fortune to cheer you up! You brighten up everyone's day!”
You let out a chuckle. “That's not a fortune, Tyudeongi.”
You weren't sure dogs could pout, but he certainly was. “Ok, how about… someone out there cares about you very much!”
Alone again, this time crying. Everything was so stressful, between the reveal that Tyudeongi was a Shinra spy sent to watch your group and then Tyudeongi straight up dying only to come back to life as another robot barely an hour later… Your emotions were shot. You hated that puppy now. But did you? He was, no, is your friend. Even if what he did was unforgivable. The mental image of his little body being crushed under all of that rubble wouldn't be leaving your mind any time soon.
“You're crying?” The new Tyudeongi bot spoke behind you.
You sniffle. “Go away. I don't want to be near you.” You won't even look at the dog.
“(yn)...” The controller is back. “I know what I did was wrong and that I don't deserve yours or any of the other forgiveness, but-”
“No, you don't deserve any of that and I don't want to talk to you either! I trusted you, but you were using us.” You quickly get up and storm away towards Mingi and Jongho, not sparing the robot a single glance back.
Lately, it seems the tears never really stop. And now, you truly think they never will. Yeosang was gone, and there was nothing that could be done. Maybe if you had been faster, if you had gotten to San sooner. Then Yeosang… You let out another painful sob, the pillow beneath you fully soaked from how long you've been crying. Suddenly you feel a light weight lean against your back.
“I know you want to be alone, but I'm here for you if you need it.” A deep voice speaks through Tyudeongi. The man on the other side.
You sob again. “He's gone. Yeosang. I can't believe…” You can barely speak through your hyperventilating.
The robot further leans into your back, nuzzling its face into you slightly. You won't admit it, but it's a comfort you need. “I know.” His voice is wobbly like he's been crying too. “Really, would any of us be doing this without him?”
The thought of having to go on without Yeosang only made you cry more. His comforting, gentle presence was one of the things that kept the group stable. To continue your journey without him felt wrong, but to stop where you were completely felt worse.
“I'm so sorry, (yn).” He was crying now, which only made you weep more.
San was missing and all hope was lost. The planet was doomed to die a painful death as the calamity from the sky loomed. And you and the rest of your group were taken prisoner by Shinra. Alone and curled up in the corner of your cell with your head down, you wondered how the others were, if you were all doomed to die here. Maybe there was no hope. Maybe hope did die with- Your spiraling thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your cell quietly being opened. In rushed a tall man in a black suit fit with high black boots. You don't move from your spot. If he's there to kill you then so be it.
“(yn).” The deep voice is familiar. “Please, you have to get up.”
You spare a glance at him. You don't know him. “What do you want…”
His face is nervous. “I'm getting you out of here. They're demanding a public execution of the team.” Your blood runs cold. “Please, we have to be quick.” His hand is warm on your back as he ushers you up.
“Wh… What? Who are you?” You don't fight him as he begins to move you out of the cell.
He ignores your question, nervously looking left and right before (mildly dragging) leading you down the hallway. “Hongjoong and Wooyoung should already be on the copter getting things together. I sent someone to get Seonghwa, Mingi, and Jongho as well.” His grip on your hand is strong. He pauses at a corner and peeks around the side before pulling you along again. “Jongho should be able to fly the thing out of here and then you'll all be safe…” He mutters to himself.
There's a commotion at the end of the hallway and the man curses quietly under his breath, pulling you to the side and using his tall form to block the soldiers running by view of you. Your eyes widen as you look up at him, it sets in how tall he is. “Who… Who are you?” You try again.
He looks down at you, his big brown eyes softening as he scans your face. “Someone who cares about you very much.” The response leaves you breathless, or maybe it's all the running you've been doing. Either way, you find yourself charmed by the tall, mildly awkward man. Suddenly, you're outside in an airport hanger and the previously mentioned helicopter is there, all your friends accounted for. Jongho reaches out for you and effortlessly the man with you passes you into his arms. “Ok, you should be good from here.” He yells above the sound of the helicopter starting. The vehicle shakes before lifting off the ground and you begin to feel hands pulling you away from the open door.
Startled, you reach out for your mystery savior. “Wait! You're not coming with me?” You screech, the helicopter already several feet off the ground.
You can see a group of Shinra soldiers beginning to run up to him, shouting his name, but he stands his ground. “Tyudeongi, take care of (yn)!” You think you hear him shout before he truly begins to fade away, pulled away by the guards, becoming a little dot below you. Your heart feels heavy.
It was on the day before your team's so-called ‘final battle’ that you finally saw the man who saved you again. San had made a triumphant return after the team's escape and after a thrilling pep talk, you all went your separate ways to briefly make your peace before your potential end. You had decided to return to Kalm, your home, and briefly reminisce on the journey. Alone, you found yourself at the top of the famous Kalm clocktower gazing out on the sunset painting the town, remembering when you first met San and Yeosang there. Leaning against the railing, a heavy sigh leaves you before you can even think of stopping it.
“It's a nice view.” A deep, familiar voice speaks from behind you, startling you. Once again, you're face to face with the mysterious black haired man that saved you and the others from the Shinra prison. He's dressed more casually now in some baggy clothes, face fit with a pair of glasses. “Something worth saving.”
You stare at him blankly, unknowingly gripping the railing tighter. “Yeah.” It's quiet. He approaches the railing, leaning against it next to you. His eyes never leave the view of the town. You clear your throat. “So… You're the one behind Tyudeongi?”
He finally turns to face you. Your heart briefly skips a beat when your eyes meet. “Ah, yes. I control him sometimes and see through his eyes.” He lets out an awkward laugh. “I'm Yunho, by the way.”
“Yunho.” You repeat. “It's nice to finally put a name to the voice. I'm-”
“(yn).” He quickly answers, leaving you looking at each other in shock.
“Oh. Right.” He's known you for much longer than you've known him. It's quiet again. “I didn't get to thank you for saving my life. That day… When you didn't get on the helicopter with us and I saw those guards dragging you away… I thought you…” You don't finish the thought.
“I didn't want to abandon you.” You make note of how he says ‘you’ rather than ‘everyone’. “But I couldn't leave just yet, I had some more loose ends to tie up. I… I did regret it though, after seeing your face when you started to take off.”
You sigh, getting ready to say things you don't want to. “Why did you do it anyway? You're Shinra, a high-ranking executive Shinra worker, too, based on how you were dressed and all. You betrayed us before without batting an eye. Why the sudden change in heart?”
He stares at you for a second, his eyes searching your face before he returns to looking at the Kalm skyline. “I did betray the team and it's my biggest regret. I shouldn't have done it but I was still so scared of Shinra… I have no excuses.” He looks at you again. “But, I mostly wanted to change because I met you.”
You feel your face heating up. “Me? Why me?”
Yunho smiles. “You're so different from everyone else. You stand up and fight for what you believe, unlike me. It was your determination and honesty that made me want to change.”
“This sounds like a confession.” You feel your hands shaking and you suddenly can't meet his eyes. Despite this, Yunho's gaze never leaves your wandering eyes.
He laughs. “Ah, well, I guess it is! San did say to make our peace before we maybe die so…” His ears are turning red. “I guess Tyudeongi's fortunes are accurate after all since I am the person who appeared in front of you unexpectedly. You may not love me now, and you never may, but I love you, (yn). And I don't want you to feel alone again.”
You're speechless, you had forgotten all about the fortune. Yunho suddenly finds great interest in his shoes and he fidgets awkwardly. All those times Tyudeongi would join you in your solitude made sense. “Yunho.” He stands straight up, nervously looking down at you. “You're right. I don't love you… At least not now. But if we survive this whole thing, I'd really, really like to get to know you better. Then maybe…”
His smile is like the sun. “Of course. Let's make it through this together then.” He offers you his hand which you quickly take.
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kltsuneudon · 6 months
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kltsuneudon · 6 months
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“from birth yeah, no one else like me”
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kltsuneudon · 6 months
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[240316] Japan Fanclub Blog
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kltsuneudon · 6 months
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kltsuneudon · 7 months
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WOOYOUNG · CRAZY FORM Facecam @ Music Bank, 231201
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kltsuneudon · 7 months
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SH 💫 [240222] Instagram Update #In-starhwa-gram "TOWARDS THE LIGHT"
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kltsuneudon · 7 months
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