kmw-design · 5 years
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back (   ) bone
Film still from the work in progress.
Duration: 1:54
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kmw-design · 6 years
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Instead of a choreography, the work with the performer consists of devising site-specific responses. Through the two filmed performances and the materiality of the installation, the work aims to create new perspectives on space, body and movement. The performer is projected at the scale of 1:1, and in order to stay within the screen ratio of 16:9 she takes up a measurable surface of 14.2 sqm. The translucency and reflectiveness of the materials, however, make her immeasurable; hence, the boundaries of an architectural regime begin to break.
Duration of the Performance: 3:34 
Performer: Francesca Thompson
Photography: Carl Bigmore
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kmw-design · 6 years
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Ecke/ Kante
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kmw-design · 6 years
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What is the reason behind always wanting to be different? To be perfect? We want to get out of our own skin. We want to belike someone else. Does that mean we want to be someone else?
Why do we only see the problem areas of our body and not the body as a whole? The problems are the only thing that seem to be highlighted and the rest is invisible. If we call it rest does it mean it means nothing? What means something after all?
What does it mean to only perceive ourselves through a mirror - and maybe how other people talk or think about us? Am I someone if there is no one to judge or to compare or to be compared to?
The body as a space is explored with a flexible mirror: how it is, how we perceive it or others might perceive it. 
Collaboration with Camilla Tønder Rasmussen
Body & Space workshop: Sari Räthel and Ricarda Wolf
Photography: Eliška Kyselková
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kmw-design · 7 years
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Ephemeral Movement
(Photo credit: V&A Museum)
Performance piece for the V&A Friday Late Event, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, March 2017
Ephemeral Movement is a performance piece exploring the boundaries of architectural and ephemeral space in interaction with the body as space.
The performance takes place in the Tapestries Gallery, which is dimly lit. The performer wears a geometric garment that, through movement, alters atmospheres and spaces and reacts to the environment.
The gestural performance is accompanied by Derck Little performing Bach Cello Suites I, II and III.
Concept & Design: Katharina Maria Wienen
Cellist: Derck Littel
Fashion Designer: Hyun Sakong
Performer: Francesca Thompson
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kmw-design · 7 years
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Ephemeral Movement
Performance piece for the V&A Friday Late Event, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, March 2017
Ephemeral Movement is a performance piece exploring the boundaries of architectural and ephemeral space in interaction with the body as space.
The performance takes place in the Tapestries Gallery, which is dimly lit. The performer wears a geometric garment that, through movement, alters atmospheres and spaces and reacts to the environment.
The gestural performance is accompanied by Derck Little performing Bach Cello Suites I, II and III.
Concept & Design: Katharina Maria Wienen
Cellist: Derck Littel
Fashion Designer: Hyun Sakong
Performer: Francesca Thompson
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kmw-design · 7 years
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The starting point of this project was the fascination for creating numerous three-dimensional shapes out of a single sheet of paper. I started to make patterns out of folding lines and explore their richness. This research was the inspiration for the actual piece, however I took the step from the geometrical surfaces into a more organic shape by choosing fabric as the material. A single piece of eight millimetre felt with two scores can be transformed into an open or enclosed space by re-connecting it at a few points. I designed small metal connectors with a round diameter which can be slid through the material to connect it. It can be used as a mat, a chair or a shell. As a chair or shell it alters between the state of stability and fragility, depending on the movement of the user‘s body. The material is soft but yet strong, noise- canceling and keeps your body temperature.
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kmw-design · 8 years
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ohne titel II
graduation show 2015, gerrit rietveld academie, amsterdam
Two sheets of plastic foil that surround a sheet of silver foil, in their simplicity, discover infinite number of spaces. The lightweight materials change with the slightest draft in the physical space, creating a gentle murmur, blurring inside and outside, open and closed. Depending on the illumination the materials let light through, reflect or block it.
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kmw-design · 8 years
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ohne titel I
graduation show 2015, gerrit rietveld academie
A video and a collection of drawings, photographs, film stills and writings, merged into an installation. An exploration that questions the idea of a building being static: how do temporal spaces, created by the phenomena of light, alter our experience of space? The physical space is measurable, whereas the quality of the temporal space lies in the immeasurable.
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kmw-design · 8 years
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fragile structure
artist in residence program shiro oni studio, japan
rice paper, nylon string, eyebolts
400 mm x 4435 mm x 3500 mm
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kmw-design · 8 years
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fragile structure
object, space and structure study
mixed media on paper
545 mm x 788 mm
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kmw-design · 8 years
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minolta I
copenhagen - amsterdam
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kmw-design · 9 years
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unraveling map II
1000 x 3000 mm
dutch design week 2015, eindhoven, the netherlands
a continuation of the ‘unraveling map’. a fragile and yet strong constellation, growing on paper.
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kmw-design · 9 years
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body and mind I
297 x 420 mm
dutch design week 2015
“the body is at the very essence of our being and our spatial perception. as we move through spaces, the body moves in a constant state of essential incompletion.”
- steven holl, parallax
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kmw-design · 9 years
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inside/ outside
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kmw-design · 9 years
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the digital building - blank space/ personal database
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kmw-design · 9 years
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the bridge as a shelter
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