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When the older man is seated, Orion steps forward. “Lies. Deception,” he replies to the Knight. “False promises. The list could go on. I intend on purifying my galaxy.”
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Orion shakes his head. “I haven’t. We don’t keep X-wings on the Finalizer, apparently they’re…how would you put it?...for rebel scum only. Not that I would consider you rebel scum, of course.”
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I know I don’t play Rythel Senserra often but I’ll tell ya what. Orithel (her ship with @knight-of-asterism) Hits me in the feels ever time I write them together. Its such a great pairing, they just feel so deeply for each other….okay I’m done gushing now
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very sorry for the absence. life hit a rocky point. back here for a  bit. :)
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may change orion's back story and origins. I have newer ideas.
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           Orion cannot help but purr as he feels Rythel’s nails rake across his bake. A part of him hopes the scars stay, so that he will have a reminder of her. His body is already littered with them, but these are ones he would intend to cherish. Smiling at her consent, he moves slowly in gently parting her thighs, as to secure himself between her legs, his body draping over hers with the leisurely pleasure of a cat. He is mindful not to crush her, as he supports himself on his left forearm. With his right hand, he drifts down her abdomen, hesitant, at first. Letting out a low breath, his hand finds its way down below, and he lets out a breath. “I love you,” he says, feeling his breath start to quiver. He is startled to realize that he is nervous. Like a silly fool, but all the same, he laughs.
♧ (cause ry said so)
8. in the shower
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         Orion was standing beneath the shower, letting the hot water wash away the blood and grime from the most recent mission, when he heard someone suddenly enter. By no means a prude, he arched his back and tilted his head to observe who had entered. He smirked. “Enjoying the view?”
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            Orion looks off into the distance, in the direction the droid was pointing to. “I was with my master when we were attacked by reb - bad people. We were separated, and I was knocked unconscious,” he confesses, not about to admit he is a Knight of Ren in training. “Did you see any...discourse go on near here?”
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               Orion smirks at the older man before him. “They do. They are my claim, my kingdom; bestowed upon me as a gift from my godly blood, and lineage,” he states, in a clear voice with boasting confidence; unfiltered by his pride. “I am upset with the galaxy, for it is corrupt and made vile by those who seek to pollute what is mine.”
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              Orion is intrigued by the calming state she has found herself in, despite being dead, and in the presence of a reaper. He supposes she has no cause to be truly concerned, as the life she lived was a good one; one that would not take her to a darker place. She has lived a life of light, despite her flaws. Yet all the same, he had expected some  S A D N E S S. It makes him smile, to feel almost normal.
              “We all die, eventually,” he concludes, with a breathy sigh. No being can ever escape the misfortune of death, even those who delusion themselves to be indestructible, or immortal. She is neither, of course. “More than likely they will. If they raised you, I imagine they have survival instincts that shall allow them to tend to themselves. In any case, you will still see them.”
                He pauses, deciding his answer was a touch vague, and decides to elaborate. “By that, I mean you can see them on the other side, able to look down upon them. Tell me, do you have anyone waiting for you on the other side?”
                He does not want this conversation to end, for he has grown fond of her presence, and hopes very deeply that it can carry out a touch longer. Discreetly, he began to slow his pace.
kiss of death.
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               Orion’s eyes are narrowed now, and his lips part in a sharp  breath. Rythel is a stubborn woman, but she is a woman he loves very much (perhaps the stubbornness even contributes to this). He has no doubt that she would be able to fully protect herself in a fight, but in an inebriated state, even the strongest of warriors fall short. It would only be by sheer luck that she is one of the unlucky ones. His eyes close. If he were to awaken the next day to find she had been taken from him, his wrath would be unfathomable. Granted, he can bring her back, but he would first see to it those who hurt her would pay considerably. Their energy would be stripped from them, so that he could apply it to her resurrection.
               “The Dark Side is not a pretty thing, Rythel. It should not be taken lightly,” he warns her, in a tone that is as serious as his gaze, as the stiffness in his posture. When she reminds him of his sporadic absence, he closes his eyes tightly, feeling a strange sense of guilt overcome him. He does not choose his missions, much to his melancholy; if he could, he would never be away from her. Yet all the same, she has a point. If he were to teach her, she would be stronger. But there is always a price to pay. “You can protect yourself with the Force, Rythel. I…I want to protect you. I know you can protect yourself. But the Dark Side can corrupt one’s self. You are the rock that keeps me grounded in the gray, that helps me feel alive; normal. If it were not for your light, I would be a beast. I love you, Rythel. More than anything. I would die for you, kill for you. But to teach you the Dark Side…you must be sure. Once you choose to go down that path, it may change you, and there is no going back.”
♧ (no apologies) ♧
Send a ♧ and I’ll generate a number to which your muse will catch mine…12. Drunk
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Her lips sat on the rim of the glass, taking a sip before looking up from the bar. “Hello, handsome. Welcome back.” She set her drink down and slipped off her stool fumbling a little she let her fingers lightly glide along his hair. “Wanna have a drink with me, hunnie?” She kissed him softly and giggled, “And maybe later you can show me how a real god screws.”
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           Orion smiles back down at her, though it is weary. "Snoke sent us to an outer-rim planet," he explains. "Things went wrong."
"Have you missed me?"
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“Of course I did.” She smiled, “I always do.”
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           "Grandmother, please do not kneel down to kiss my head, it just proves how short I am," Orion says, frowning. "I am here for help, actually. How can I get someone to like me?"
"Hello, grandmother..."
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     “Hello, dear,” Isla said, kneeling down to kiss the top of her grandson’s head. “Are your parents here, or did you run off to see me?”
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Cuter possessive/jealous meme
(Not meant to be a knock on the more angsty possessive memes, I just thought I’d make one that’s less triggering/disturbing. :) )
“i just don’t want you to get hurt”
“did you see the way they looked at you?”
“if they bother you again let me know and i’ll fuck them up”
“you don’t see it, but they’re definitely into you”
“i’m sorry, i just can’t help being a little jealous”
“so, uh… who, uh, who is that person? they keep texting you…”
“i’m yours, and you’re mine.”
“i like the marks you left. they remind me that i’m yours.”
“do you like the marks i left?”
“i just can’t stop thinking about you.”
“is it bad if i hate that they can spend so much time with you and I can’t?”
“you are my everything.”
“i can’t help wanting to protect you from them”
“they hurt you, and i’m going to hurt them back”
“i’ll make sure no one ever hurts you again”
“if they so much as look at you wrong, i’ll knock their lights out”
“no, i’m not hoarding pictures of you! that would be weird!”
“the pillow still smells like you… oh that’s a weird thing to say holy shit”
“you should consider coming over here and just, uh, not ever leaving”
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           Orion nods his thanks and gestures for her to follow him, moving forward with the movements similar to a feline, in how he prowls. “I thank you for your cooperation, I can guarantee it to you that it is not misled,” he says calmly, and then smiles. “My mother came from a background of nobility, so she raised me at a young age to speak gently and formally to others, even if they are beneath me.” His head tilts. “Is there something else you would rather me call you?”
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           Orion scoffs. “Or perhaps you have lied yourself into believing that as to sate your own GUILT,” he says. “It is because of you that your Padawans are dead, that your own flesh and blood’s loyalty resides with us.”
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there’s a small shake of his head.
     ❝ i never claimed to fear it, ❞ he responds         simply. after, his brow arches. ❝ oh?         which one? ❞
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           Orion grunts. “I am no one you would know,” he says, “for I am a young god. But I am the god of the stars, of the skies; they are my domain. My birthright.” Or so his father taught him. “And you are an old man.”
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            Orion has laid with men and women alike in his lifetime; he has had the pleasures of the universe bestowed upon him. He is not naive in regards to the sense of lovemaking or to pleasure one’s body, but this is different. Rythel is not a nameless face he will come to forget. She is the light in his otherwise dark world, only colored by the thick colors of red. “If I do anything you do not favor, alert me,” he says, leaning down to gently kiss her soft lips, enjoying the feel, before he kisses her neck. His hands drift down her sides, to her hips, and then to her thighs. “May I?”
♧ (cause ry said so)
8. in the shower
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         Orion was standing beneath the shower, letting the hot water wash away the blood and grime from the most recent mission, when he heard someone suddenly enter. By no means a prude, he arched his back and tilted his head to observe who had entered. He smirked. “Enjoying the view?”
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