knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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Okay guys, so here’s the deal. I know I just made a post the other week saying I was going to be more active here on Kayley, but my multi’s been keeping me pretty busy, so ultimately I ended up neglecting this blog again. I don’t want this to keep happening, and as much as I want Kayley to have her own blog, I think it’s better, for activity purposes, to move her to my multi-muse. I’ll be dropping most threads but there’s a couple of them that I want to keep. What I’m gonna do is, I’ll be re-following a bunch of people from this blog on my multi and if you follow back (since I know not everyone likes multi-muse blogs, and that’s okay) I’ll message if you to ask if you want to keep our thread going.
Thank you to everyone who’s been patient with replies, I’m sorry my activity’s been so spotty, but hopefully I’ll be able to manage everything better if all my muses are in one blog alone.
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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Okay guys, so here’s the deal. I know I just made a post the other week saying I was going to be more active here on Kayley, but my multi’s been keeping me pretty busy, so ultimately I ended up neglecting this blog again. I don’t want this to keep happening, and as much as I want Kayley to have her own blog, I think it’s better, for activity purposes, to move her to my multi-muse. I’ll be dropping most threads but there’s a couple of them that I want to keep. What I’m gonna do is, I’ll be re-following a bunch of people from this blog on my multi and if you follow back (since I know not everyone likes multi-muse blogs, and that’s okay) I’ll message if you to ask if you want to keep our thread going.
Thank you to everyone who’s been patient with replies, I’m sorry my activity’s been so spotty, but hopefully I’ll be able to manage everything better if all my muses are in one blog alone.
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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Okay guys, so here’s the deal. I know I just made a post the other week saying I was going to be more active here on Kayley, but my multi’s been keeping me pretty busy, so ultimately I ended up neglecting this blog again. I don’t want this to keep happening, and as much as I want Kayley to have her own blog, I think it’s better, for activity purposes, to move her to my multi-muse. I’ll be dropping most threads but there’s a couple of them that I want to keep. What I’m gonna do is, I’ll be re-following a bunch of people from this blog on my multi and if you follow back (since I know not everyone likes multi-muse blogs, and that’s okay) I’ll message if you to ask if you want to keep our thread going.
Thank you to everyone who’s been patient with replies, I’m sorry my activity’s been so spotty, but hopefully I’ll be able to manage everything better if all my muses are in one blog alone.
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
I am dead. Only vengence can restore me ! Only victory can return my life to me !
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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    kayley nodded promptly at the princess’s words. no royal had ever told to address them so casually ( though, granted, she hadn’t met that many royals yet ) but still, the maiden could tell that princess anna was not like most. “alright, then        anna,” she smiled as her name left her lips; it was a nice feeling, to have the two bond so quickly already. “and just kayley is fine too, i still haven’t gotten used to the whole lady thing.” the maiden chuckled, before giving a quick look at her surroundings. “your kingdom’s quite lovely. i’ve heard it’s even more beautiful in the winter.” kayley paused for a moment, before looking at anna again. “is it true about your sister? does she really have     powers?”
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~{ ;; ✿ 🌷 ✿ ;; }~
  “Well.. Yeah! At least, that’d what I’d say… And hopefully a lot of other people.” her grin was wide as she replied to the knight. although when she curtsied, anna laughed and lightly shook her head. “Oh, you don’t have to curtsy.. A- and really, just Anna’s okay. I mean, I’m not all.. uh.. typical, uptight princessy? I don’t know, maybe that fits.” and with another slight chuckle, she took a deep breath, her shoulders shrugging. she really hoped that was truly the case on kayley’s disliking. although it seemed very true, and she was likely telling the truth. and so she believed her. “Well, I hope they’ll change their minds soon.” she replied truthfully, her lips once again tugged into a gentle smile. she was already liking kayley, and with every second they spent together, anna hoped that they’d become good friends.
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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Eleanor Tomlinson for Tatler Magazine (August ’09)  → source: ETomlinsonCom 
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
“I’m soooooorry I didn’t call or text, okay?”she grips Izzy’s shirt, tugging on it a little as a huge POUT shows up on her features. “I promise not to leave my dazzling brunette sit here and worry ever again!” A chuckle promptly escapes her lips as she leans back against the couch, her eyes set on Izzy.
Kayley really didn’t like lying to her ( especially since she was an absolutely terrible liar ) but what other choice did she have? She promised Simon she’d keep this a secret, and in the end it was all for Izzy’s sake, right? It wasn’t like they were plotting something bad to mess with her.
“Hmmmm okay, I think we can do noodles.” She can’t hide the tiny hint of worry in her voice. Granted, Kayley was no chef     but somehow Izzy managed to give a very particular taste to everything she laid her hands on. “I can prep them,” she quickly volunteers, before getting up from the couch. “Y’know, since I was late. I’ll do it this time.”
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“Well, if it’s not a guy — or a girl, whatever you prefer to get your kink on with — then I don’t see the point in arriving late to a TV marathon.” Isabelle promptly replies with a casual shrug. “Especially when you have a dazzling brunette waiting for you at your place all laid out on the couch. Kayley, please!”
As she listens to her friend speaking, her legs are neatly tucked underneath her, brows furrowing at her words. “I tried calling you like twice. You could’ve at least texted me that you were okay.” She stated with a semblance of a pout. She wasn’t upset per say, simply wondering why she hadn’t even considered that her shadowhunter friend, who fought demons for a living, wouldn’t be worried sick about her.
“Of course I didn’t start it without you! Where’s the fun in bitching about their stupid decisions if I’m doing it by myself?” Isabelle loudly answers, confusion evident in her features. As if she’d ever start watching the show without her! “Oh, that reminds me, I brought instant noodles packs. Simon told me they were good. I don’t think we can screw those up too much, right? We only have to add boiling water to them and wait. How hard can it be?”
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
Kayley can’t contain her enthusiasm after finally finding someone who’s actually deeming her worth his time in such a man-oriented task. ❝ Oh, thank you. I have my father to thank for that. He was one of Camelot’s finest, a proud knight to King Arthur! ❞ She brandishes her usual, wide grin, reserved only for when she speaks of Lionel. “Are you a knight as well, Sir? Or simply                        a talented swordsman? ❞
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Tristan’s green-blue eyes follow the girl’s movements as a playful grin tugged at his lips lazily. ❝ Just like that! It helps you keep your balance while giving you more strength behind your sword arm so your enemies will never see you coming. I am merely as good as my teachers, so you may thank them for the opponent I became, my lady. Though you are quite a                               challenge yourself. ❞
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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Wanda drops back into a fighting stance that mirrors Kayley’s, adjusting to match exactly what her trainer was doing. “It is okay. That is what this practice is for, is it not?” She’s determined to get it. Wanda doesn’t give up on anything. It was what the Maximoff twins prided themselves on. Perseverance, the ability to focus on the job. The job in this case was mastering the basic art of blocking. So she did as she was told until she could figure out what it was she was missing. She kicked out, aiming at Kayley’s pelvis.
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She watches Wanda attentively, waiting for her to move. When the other finally lunges forward, Kayley's quick to set her arm by her hips, blocking Wanda’s attack with the back of her arm and  holding her foot afterwards. “Here, see?” She shakes her foot for a second to get her attention. “If you watch your opponent closely, you can get a general idea of where they’re going to hit you.” Kayley finally lets go of her, switching back to a more relaxed stance. “If you use the back of your arm, the blow will hurt less when you block it.     Do you want to try it?”
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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“well, neither do i,” kayley adds promptly, her stride coming to a hault as she looks at sebastian. “no benefits nor friends.” her tone’s factual, with no hint of sadness or bitterness; she was used to living with little resources, and kayley knew very well that no lady wanted to be friends with a girl who was anything but ( what LADY spends her free time playing with swords? ). "so i suppose i have as much to offer as you do.” she smiles. “minus living in a beautiful castle, that is.”
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“i don’t have any benefits. i suppose that’s what i meant. but i truly appreciate the sentiment ; i’ve not many friends here.” and even still, she was only here temporarily. three days and she would return home, hopefully not having to deal with his father’s wrath. lips part and he couldn’t help but chuckle, having already broken his only rule. “yes. i shall drop the ‘lady’ if that’s what you prefer.”
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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Kahlan Amnell + flipping daggers
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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“You think so?” The words escaped her lips, and Kayley watched him for a moment before grinning widely, truly touched by his support. Her mother often told her that Quidditch was meant to be a hobby, not a job, which left Kayley feeling too uncomfortable to ever mention the idea to anyone else     but she was glad Carlos was the exception. “Thank you, Carlos.” She pulled him in for a quick hug, using her free arm that wasn’t busy holding the Bowtruckle. “That really means a lot.”
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“I’m not going to laugh,” Carlos promised. “Scout’s honor.” Carlos blinked, surprised by the answer. He hadn’t been to many Quidditch games, but he remembered seeing her play. “Hey, that’s really awesome. I’ve seen you play before, and if anyone come make it professionally, it’d be you. Don’t be so quick to sell yourself short.” He was blushing too now because that wasn’t quite what he meant to say, even if it was true.
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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“not at all,” she clarifies very matter of factly. “anyone who threatens to fire gardeners for me is anything but dull.” a smile lingers on her features for a moment, before switching to a more serious expression. “but even without that benefit, i’d still very much like to befriend you.” sebastian’s first remark didn’t go unnoticed, and kayley couldn’t help but worry about the reason behind his words      were people using him for his status? that was such a TERRIBLE thing to do!! “and it’s just kayley. we’re friends now, remember?”
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“i hardly befriend many to begin with ; not for the lack of personality but because.. well, who would want to befriend someone that didn’t benefit them?” he only meant the nobility that came and went through court. but he wasn’t bitter, walking with a smile still on his face as fingers occasionally reach out to touch the tips of blooming flowers. “i will, however, say that my life is nowhere NEAR dull. so i hope i don’t give off that impression, lady kayley.”
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
illegitimateborn replied to your post: rules: tag 10 followers you wanna get ...
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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infinite list favorite lines  1.02 [12/∞]
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knighthearted-blog · 9 years
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“oh no, that won’t be necessary.” she presses her lips together, holding back a smile as she quickly follows him through the gardens. finally something interesting was happening. “the poor gardeners shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences of you not branching out on your choice of friends.” kayley picks up the pace a little, to reach sebastian and walk beside him. “isn’t that a little dull? you should try to befriend all sorts of people      even those who can’t curtsy.”
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“neither. for all of my friends know how to curtsy.” oh how the playful banter was returned, his smile only growing wider before turning on his heel and continuing down the path. his voice is thrown over his shoulder, not caring to meet her eyes for fear that she’ll only make fun. “if you don’t like the roses, i’m sure i can ask my father to fire the gardeners… but then that would make you look downright awful, wouldn’t it?”
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