knivesandsmiles · 5 years
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
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trying out some new brushes and angles and such!!
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
Sub Rosa: the undercover hero
That’s my hc for Toga as a hero.
Shigaraki Tomura, Dabi, and Toga Himiko as Heroes
Shigaraki Toumura: 
The Infiltration Hero: Shigaraki
Uses his quirk to get into places other heroes can’t open/destroy locks
Is told often that his quirk is “villain-ish” and often takes it personally but keeps his heart on the right trace
Not the most social of heroes but has a decent following 
His supporters send him skincare stuff for the downside of his quirk
Did a few voice acting parts/promotions for upcoming video games and suddenly had a surge of followers on his fanbase
Definately stays out of combat to avoid any accidents involving his quirk but is often called into kidnappings and hostage situations
Most older heroes look down on him for his naturally immature attitude and blame it on his young age
A lot of the people who dislike him use his quirk as a way to make him dangerous and refer to him as a “Time Bomb” that could “Turn on us at any moment.”
These comments never fail to upset him and make him question if being a hero is really worth the backlash of those who dislike him or are scared of his quirk
But naturally his fans always pull him back from this frame of mind. He isn’t very active with fans but if he happens to be caught in public by them he will happily have short conversations and take a few pictures
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The Blue Flamed Hero: Dabi
Is seen as the ultimate defense against the Todoroki villain family given his fire quirk combats their own
He has a large fanbase for his unique physical look and “cool guy” attitude and is seen as an extremely strong hero
Is a mystery to the community and has most people questioning his upbringing and history
Despite having a large fanbase he isn’t very interactive with his fans and prefers to keep himself in as much of a privet life as he can get
Will sign things, take pictures, and talk to fans if a couple happen to stop him in the street
Will flirt with fans just to make them happy or flustered cause he finds them actually very adorable when they get shy or excited
Even if he isn’t active in his fanbase, those who have met him always have good experiences
He is less of a protection hero and more of a combat hero given the nature of his quirk
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Toga Himiko:
The Secret hero: Toga
Has an extremely large following of all different kinds of people
Has both soft stand and hard stans
Soft stans will literally die for her and often share experiences they had with her or times that they got to see her in action
Her hard stans are much more aggressive and often make her out to be the best hero despite her actual ranking
Because of the nature of her quirk, she is often questioned on her hero methods but she always ignores or dismisses those who question her place as a hero
Is always happy to interact with her fans
Conversations, social media interactions, pictures, autographs, and has even bought food for fans on several occasions
A high portion of her fanbase is female and LGBT+ because she is unknowingly very open about her support to her involved communities (She is Bi, fight me)
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
herosname replied to your post “//okay but y’all have to agree that parents telling himiko to be...”
//OH YEAH if she was given a bit of understanding and empathy things may have been different. hell she probably could have gotten some kind of blood service or something
//I BET THERE’S LIKE A BLOOD BANK FOR QUIRKS THAT REQUIRE IT. You probably have to register for it and such right but like, these guys are just awful and apparently never thought oh she could drink blood that was collected for these purposes and have little baggies with her for cravings or something. Nope, just don’t drink blood, demon child.
Maybe get the girl into quirk therapy. And just normal therapy, if she seems a bit off, or a little misguided/violent.
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
//okay but y’all have to agree that parents telling himiko to be normal, to stop being so weird, to hide the creepy aspect of her quirk and such, and calling her incorrigeble, a demon, and such... it’s not particularly good parenting right? She can’t help her quirk, and they taught her to repress it. It’s oddly in the style of Elsa and her ice powers, cept her quirk is a lil more aggressive.
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
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Don’t run away now, you’re the one who brought out the knives
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toga is excite
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
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toga is excite
HD just made me these icons and now it’s over for you bitches
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
Send in anons pretending to be my muse’s parent/guardian!
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
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“You’re so strong, you know? I really like it. And you’re so sweet to me! And pretty when you’re bleeding.” She twirled his hair idly for a bit, noticing she’d pressed a sore spot. “I’ll be so sad when you’re back in school, I see you less when it’s like that.” 
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“They’re not!” He seemed upset by the implication that his friends didn’t care-
“I’ve been too tired lately, to go out.” Likely from blood loss. Likely from the exertion of having to tread carefully, because anything might set her off. “Plus, some of them live in other prefectures. It’s not easy to visit.” He was steadfast in keeping his faith in his classmates, and he was more than eager to see them.
“I just can’t wit to see them all again, and I know they feel the same.”
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
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“If you don’t, I’ll be really upset.” Himiko offered in a cheerful tone that he would know well implied she’d take matters into her own hands. Neito was trying to change the world, just like she was, just like the League, though in a much more subtle way.  No hero was keeping her down, not anymore.
“Haven’t you seen them? They’re so mean, aren’t they? I always come to visit you.”
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“I know. But I’m going to be better than that. I’m going to be a better hero, for you.” He leans into the touch, wondering how it had happened that his ideas were so hard to pry away from her, how hard it was to keep anything separate anymore, how his mind latched onto her words,demanding more and more and more.
“It’s okay. I’ll get over them. I always do. I just want to go back to U.A. I miss all my friends.”
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
@pyrebxrn continued from x
“It was raining and I was cold...” She shrugged, as though this was something she’d done many times. “It was so fancy too, I never went into a place like that before. Plus I got a really cute coat from it!” Toga giggled as she remembered the time spent in another girl’s bedroom, the plush bed, the pretty clothes. She’d taken hairpins too and a cute charm for her phone. “There wasn’t anyone home though.”
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
@herosname liked your post “ommanyte: it doesn’t have to be togadeku OR uratoga,  It can be…”
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
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“Yeeaaah and maybe I’ll put it on the other areas of my skin that look EXACTLY like it!!! Genius!!” Sarcasm dripped from his voice as he tossed more of his snack into mouth, “nothin a little stealin’ll kill us for after all- maybe we can get it for Shigaraki instead? Think it’ll work on him?”
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“That’s a great idea! I bet he needs it so much more! Your skin’s cute anyway, who cares what that boy says.” She giggled and nodded, leaning on the boy’s shoulder as she found a more comfortable position and started making plans for an outing together. “You and I can get those facemasks that make you look like Twice but white! They are so cool! I think there’s animal ones too, we could get one that makes us look like Spinner. I bet there’s one for sensitive skin. And we can get Tomura the best cream we find. Maybe he’ll stop shedding dead skin everywhere if we do!”
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
“I didn’t say- I don’t just lay down and take it. I fight back.” He can feel his cheeks prickle with shame as she speaks, shifting uncomfortably.
“I just don’t want to hurt them. Heroes don’t hurt people over a few shitty things.”
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“You’re always so down about it though, even when you’re away from them. They hurt you deeper than my knives ever will.” She smiles gently and starts running her hand through the blonde hair, so much like her own. “Heroes hurt people over all kinds of things, you know? Sometimes you don’t even have to be a villain to be hurt by heroes.” 
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
@pyrebxrn continued from x
“Wouldn’t it be better to buy you one of those fancy creams for wrinkles? At least they smell nice.” She replied, clearly not helping the issue one bit, but not bothered by Dabi’s apparently horrid ankles either. It was kinda cute, in a way. “I saw them in the mall the other day. They’re expensive.”
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
#he would sooner smack toga
“but i didn’t do anything yet!” 
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knivesandsmiles · 5 years
it doesn’t have to be togadeku OR uratoga, 
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It can be both. Toga has TWO KNIVES
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