▪▪▪ Sottarfar watched as Waverly hunted through the cabinet for a pair of matching tea cups. It was one of her odd little quirks but...well everyone had some kind of strangeness to them, no matter how much they would claim otherwise. He saw nothing wrong with it, that was just how she was.
█"It has been, hasn't it? Seems we've just kept so busy that time's flown by and we haven't thought to have company over."█ His smile widened, looking a little proud to have gotten such approval. █"Aww. He's very kind to think so, as are you."█
Sottarfar settled back in his seat, smelling a faint hint of the tea leaves and spice in the air as Waverly spooned them out. He was distracted for just a moment, trying to place the spice purely by smell alone - it was a silly thing, but as a botanist he took pride in being able to identify such things. He was distracted by that effort as their conversation continued.
█"Hmhm, I hope that's the case. That is quite the feat, though based on what we've been seeing, I'm not so sure his friend's been as successful in helping those matters."█
In fairness, he didn't know what things were like between Alastair and his friend. Maybe things were better when they were together and he and Waverly had just seen the worst days that Al was having. Based on what he had heard, though, he was wagering that the fellow was potentially even seeing worse than they were.
He looked over as Waverly started trying to pour tea, realizing that that wasn't perhaps the safest decision.
█"Do you need a little help there, dear?"█▪▪▪
█ ▌▤ "Oh, I would be more than just a little upset if I couldn't give you any more hugs or enjoy your lovely snacks. Somehow, I d-d-don't think having a potted plant in my bed would be quite as nice as cuddling with you, my heart. Or as warm."
Waverly filled a tea kettle at the small fireplace she had on the other end of the sitting room. She gingerly turned the metal arm into the fire so that it could heat the water, all while she sluggishly made her way to her cabinet to find two matching tea cups. They always had to be matching with her.
▤"It's been far too long since we've had c-company after all," she said, a dreamy tone to her voice. Her eyes were half-lidded and a soft smile was on her face as the drug took effect and made her loose and calm. "Alastair likes you very much, you know. H-he always tells me that I picked a good man, and he's right~"
She sighed contently as she spooned out an even amount of tea leaves, choosing an exotic spice blend that was all the rage in Europe right now.
▤"I would very much like to meet him too. Alastair has only t-t-talked about him briefly, given his new-found secrecies, but h-he said that he's quite brilliant for his young age. P-perhaps he's finally found a kindred spirit who can pull him out of his shell...and out of his arse. I swear, m-my cousin makes me look less neurotic sometimes, and that's a feat."
She laughed as she grabbed the steaming tea kettle with a thick glove and carefully poured their tea, trying her very best not to spill the water. In hindsight, trying to perform delicate actions while getting high was probably not her best idea.
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▪▪▪ █"I know it seems early, but it's been consistent with the animal trials ever since I solved that little issue with it over-regenerating. Don't worry though, I'll be careful. I'd very much like to not be a potted plant. How will I ever enjoy your hugs or make you little snacks if I'm reduced to a little houseplant?"█
Sottarfar was aware of the potential for things to go wrong if he had to resort to using himself as a test subject. He didn't want to have to resort to that method and was trying to do things as legitimately as possible with as little risk to himself. It was why he went through the animal trials, why he had documented everything to show he was taking the proper procedures. He just had to hope that it was approved to go forward.
He could tell that Waverly was starting to feel the effects of the treats he had offered her. She was slowing down, looking a little less strung out and frazzled - just what he was wanting to see. █"Hm. That sounds awfully concerning, when you pair it with everything else. I hope it's just something temporary."█ Sottarfar's grows furrowed with concern as he reclined back in his seat. █"Oh, yes please. Thank you dearest."█
He was content to sit and watch as she flitted about the room in a slightly slower manner than before. He perked up when she spoke up again, pitching her idea. He cracked a grin, giving a nod of approval.
█"That sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe being around family, having a nice dinner and getting out of his own head with help Alastair shake off whatever's going on with him. Besides, I'd quite like to meet his new friend, I admit I've grown quite curious to see him face-to-face after hearing how Al's spoken about him."█▪▪▪
█ ▌▤"Human trials? Already?" Waverly sounded slightly surprised. Sottarfar hadn't been quite as secretive about his work as she had lately, but she had yet to really see it in action. To think that he was almost on to something groundbreaking... "Well done, my darling. Just do be careful -- I w-w-would not want my lover transformed into a potted houseplant, though I would still love you."
She giggled, obviously joking, but there was some truth to it as well. She was concerned about Sottarfar, knowing that it wasn't likely many people would sign up for his very experimental tests. She had heard of the gruesome things that could happen to scientists who used themselves as guinea pigs.
The mention of Alastair's 'friend' made Waverly scrunch her lips to one side in thought. She was munching on another biscuit, already feeling the effects of the small dose of cannabis now beginning to hit her system and make her pleasantly loose and sleepy.
▤"To be honest, I don't know. It's p-possible there's a little trouble in paradise for my cousin and his...friend. B-but Alastair has always been prone to these secretive moods. The last time I spoke to him, I asked him about work and he was very shady and suspicious, almost like he was quite upset at me for j-j-just asking a question. He never did answer me." Waverly stood up slowly, brushing the front of her white nurse's gown. "Would you like a cup of tea while I'm up, sweetheart?"
As Waverly flitted about the room, a little slower and less spastic than before, she started to think about possibly visiting Alastair sometime soon. She would bring Sottarfar along, of course - at this point, Alastair considered him like family anyway, in every way except for in the courthouse documents.
▤"We should send them a missive and invite them to dinner, d-don't you think? We can get to know his new gentleman friend, assuming they are speaking to one another."
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▪▪▪ To Sottarfar, he knew better than to pry with this project. Everyone had their magnum opus, their award worthy discovery - some were more protective and secretive over them than others. Science was new and wonderful and dangerous, the nature of morality and ethics and the perception of the world were blockades to progress. If they could be successful, then they could change the tune of the potential naysayers and those who would've otherwise stopped them. Maybe Waverly's project was is that grey area, maybe she just wanted to keep it close to her chest so no one could steal it and take credit for it - either way, he didn't pressure for more information. He just hoped the effort and sleepless nights was worth it, whatever it was.
█"From the sounds of it, he'll be signing up next semester for classes. He also said he might look into applying for a position here - not as a teacher, of course, but something to help him get familiar with the place. If you happen across a fellow named Nikolai Blackbourne, that'll be him. I think you'll like him. Hmhm, of course, I have to talk up the work of my dearest~" His smile grew so wide when she asked about his own project, "Oh, it's going well! The regenerative ability of the plants I've bred are remarkable and the animal trials are just about concluded. I'll be looking into human trials soon!"█
Whether or not he'd be approved for human trials was another matter. His human trials might end up being, well...him. It all depended if their higher ups considered his work an affront to God, being able to let people stitch together wounds and heal fatal injuries without medical intervention.
When the topic focused on Alastair, the smile Sottarfar wore fell to a concerned frown. It sounded so unlike him to be in that kind of condition. He had seemed so happy and excited even not too long ago. He had been telling them about his new 'friend', the nice constable he had been helping with cases occasionally. It was a far cry to how he had been lately.
█"...Do you think something might've happened between them? Perhaps it's just the timing, but I hope things with their, um...friendship aren't rocky."█▪▪▪
█ ▌▤"We always seem to have fewer students at the end of the semester than we started with, hm?" Waverly chuckled and wrapped her arms around Sottarfar's chest, content to soak up some of his body heat. "Yes, I feel like I'm very close to...something. Something b-big. It will make many people rather upset it if it works, but at this point, I think the only way to m-m-make a name for myself is to do something...extreme."
Waverly hadn't yet divulged all of the details of her project with Sottarfar, or anyone for that matter. She was a little afraid to. If people knew she was trying to play God, she expected more than just appalled reactions. She could lose her job, lose her license to teach, be labeled a madwoman...unless it worked. If it worked, she would be a genius. It had to work.
▤"Ah, a new doctor-in-training, hm? Well, he's more than welcome to sign up for my courses. Lord knows I could use a few m-m-more students, with the way they keep dropping like flies the moment I bring out a cadaver. You've b-been my greatest source of advertisement~" She giggled and gave a playful wink, nuzzling his neck a little bit before munching on a thin biscuit laced with the calming drug. "Oh, gushing just a little bit, eh? You sweetheart...By the way, h-h-how is your personal project going, my love?"
Waverly was more than a little flattered that her lover had been bragging about her to a new student. But that blush on her face and that smile started to fade when Sottarfar brought up her cousin, Alastair.
▤"Ah...yes," she cleared her throat. "Dear Alastair has not said anything to me directly, b-b-but the last time I saw him, he reeked of alcohol and he hadn't shaved in a while. I've been meaning to speak with him about it. I doubt the good doctor Siddal would tell m-me anything confidential, of course, but perhaps Alastair would open up to you and me as family. I worry about him and his ... new friend."
Waverly clearly didn't want to say directly that she suspected something rather interesting was going on between her cousin and his new male companion, but it was a rather well-known 'secret'. She had known for many years that Alastair was a homosexual, being equally interested in both men and women herself. But Alastair seemed to feel much more grief over his 'condition' in recent years...
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▪▪▪ Sottarfar wrapped an arm around his beloved, holding her close and soaking in her company. He adored their time together, especially after dealing with classes, lectures and the occasional accident from a student who couldn't bother to heed the written warnings. Her presence was a soothing balm that made all the work of the day melt away.
█"At least when your students get sick, it is usually from squeamishness, not stupidity."█ Sottarfar cracked a small, amused grin in return. █"Hmhm, at least you know better than to think my classes are easy. But they will find out one way or another. I am sure those students will be weeded out before the end of the semester."█
It wasn't uncommon for his class to end up far more sparse by the end of the semester because of that reason. He would've thought that word would've gotten around the student body by now about the fact it wasn't an easy class, but alas.
He let out a pleased hum as she kissed his cheek and he felt the weight of her head upon his shoulder. He turned his head to listen as she admitted she hadn't been taking the best care of herself - for an experiment, as expected. It was the common flaw among the doctors there, once they sunk their teeth into a project then that was what they toiled over. Sleepless nights, skipped meals, it wouldn't matter if they were successful in the end.
█"Are not all the best experiments the risky ones?"█ He asked with a laugh, █"Well, I hope your experiment goes well and you get a breakthrough with it soon. Until then, I will just keep spoiling you and making sure you take care of yourself now and then~"█
The treats he made for her were special, and not just because they were made with love. They were laced with cannabis, the "miracle drug" of the century, used for so many ailments and problems. If anything could help encourage her to eat and at least take a nap, it would be that.
█"Other than the issue with the student, my day has been fine. Same old, same old. I've been working on my own project between classes, listening to the gossip students and other professors talk about in the halls. There's a new soon-to-be medical doctor touring the college today, wanting to finish his studies and figure out his residency options. I guess he inherited a fortune recently and moved here? At least that's what all the students were saying. I bumped into him this morning, he seemed quite pleasant, very polite and humble sort. He was actually interested in getting to talk to you at some point, wanted to meet the lady doctor and finish up the remaining classes with you come next semester. I miiiight've gushed about you a little bit."█
Of course he was going to gush about her, and the fact the new soon-to-be student wasn't an ass about her being a woman just meant he gushed more. He let out a sigh, thinking over the rest of the day and trying to think if there was anything else noteworthy.
█"And on the gossip train, people are starting to wonder about your cousin. He seems to be...off. And not in the typical 'he's deep in a project' kind of way. Dr. Siddall says he's been having trouble getting him to show up for his therapy sessions even, which seems terribly unlike Al. Has he said anything to you?"█▪▪▪
█ ▌Waverly curled up beside Sottarfar on the sofa, her legs pulled up as she leaned against his side comfortably. After a long day of study, class, and demonstration, she was soaking up his attention and comfort as her day finally came to an end.
It was clear that something had been bothering her lately, but not in a predictable sort of way. When she was upset, it was easy to tell. But this time around, there wasn't that dark cloud hanging over her. Instead, she seemed agitated in a more focused way, as if her mind was preoccupied by something extremely important. It was easy to figure out what was happening. She was a woman in a male-dominated field, a woman who had been refused the honor of being called a 'doctor' even after all of her colleagues gained their titles. There was great pressure for her to discover something truly remarkable and force her superiors to recognize her genius...she just had to make that discovery before someone else beat her to it.
She giggled when Sottarfar mentioned his fussy, careless students.
▤ "Seems like students getting sick in our lectures is now something you and I b-b-both share, my love," she crinkled her nose sweetly when she grinned. "But you made the rules very clear. It's not your fault if one of the students breaks them...Still, I f-find it very funny when students assume your class will be easy. I've sat in enough of your lectures to know for a fact that botany is anything but simple."
She smiled warmly when he offered her the box of snacks. He was always spoiling her like this, taking care of her and watching out for her because he knew that she often didn't take care of herself. She wore a sympathetic pout as she kissed his cheek, leaning her head on his shoulder.
▤"You are far too sweet to me, mo chroí. And you are right, I have been neglecting my...b-b-basic human needs lately. But for good reason! I have been hip-deep in a new experiment. It's...well, it's a work in progress. And perhaps a bit risky. But don't worry your handsome self about me, I can handle anything~" From her tired eyes to the way her hair was slightly frizzy and falling out of her bun, it was clear that wasn't the whole truth. "...And how was your day, darling?"
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▪▪▪ They were a funny pair in so many ways, from their choices of profession being opposite of what was expected to their personalities to even their relationship itself. All it took was Sottarfar sitting in on one of Waverly's surgical demonstrations for her students and peers, and taking the opportunity to talk to her afterwards for things to start blossoming. They were opposites in so many ways, even visually so, but that had only helped their relationship to grow more.
Sottarfar knew the fact people gossiped about them because they had yet to marry. It wasn't for lack of trying, he had floated the idea across her a few times to gauge her interest but he never pushed. They'd get there when they were both ready. For now, he was content with things as they were.
█"Good afternoon, dearest. Hmhm, you're sweet as always~"█
Sottarfar slipped into her office, turning to watch her close the door behind him. He tipped down a little to help with reaching his lips for a kiss, a warm smile playing on his lips afterwards.
█"I missed you too. Oooh, that sounds like a fascinating read."█
He took a seat beside her on the sofa, taking a moment to look her over. She had been so...frazzled lately. Jittery, sleepless, secretive. He had seen it plenty in his time working there, both among their colleagues and their students. A project or experiment, something that might be revolutionary or worthy of recognition - it was the age when everyone was exploring the creativity of invention and the boundaries of science.
█"My day has been about the same as it always has been. The students are barely paying attention to my lectures, thinking it's an easy course to pad their credit requirements. One made himself nauseous because he messed with one of my experimental plants I explicitly have signs to not touch - and he did so. He'll be fine, the plant was meant to be used for inducing vomiting in case someone ingested toxins but..."█
He shrugged. He had little sympathy for students that refused to read and ignore the clear warnings on his experimental plants. It wasn't like that student would die - but oh, would he likely be wishing he did by the time the plant's poison left his system.
Sottarfar then glanced towards the box he had, holding it out for her in offering.
█"I brought you snacks. It's a variety of things, depending on what you're in the mood for. I know you've been busy with something lately, I wanted to make sure you had something on hand to nibble on - and as I've learned from our colleagues, it's easier to convince anyone focused on projects and such to eat snacks than a full meal. How has your day been, my dear?"█▪▪▪
█ ▌Waverly was a predictable creature of habit. When classes were over, she was often found sitting at her desk or lingering in the operating room, working on some kind of secretive study or sinking her teeth into some dry, grisly textbooks. Compared to her line of work, she was a very harmless-looking individual, short and stout with rosy freckled cheeks and gapped teeth like a chipmunk. Some might even expect her and Dr. Lunde's jobs to be comically the opposite of what one would think. While the tall, broad, intimidating Norseman had a passion for plants, this plump little redhead was a surgeon with a stomach of pure steel.
Currently, Miss O'Toole was sitting next to a dim oil lamp at her desk, her hair tied up in a bun and small spectacles on the edge of her nose as she skimmed through a book about the science of the human brain. When she heard the small knock on the door, she glanced up at the clock and noticed the time. Ah, her beloved was right on schedule.
▤"Coming!" She stood up and pushed her chair in, meeting Sottarfar at the door with a warm smile. "Good afternoon, darling. I'm n-n-not doing anything important, at least nothing more important than seeing you."
She closed the door behind him, keeping away the prying eyes and ears of the students and staff. Their relationship was no secret, though they were often the subject of gossip due to the fact that they hadn't married yet. Sottarfar wasn't getting any younger, after all.
▤"I missed you today," Waverly said, standing on her tip-toes to give her lover a quick kiss. "I was actually just thinking about you. I was reading a most p-p-peculiar study about the effects of electrical currents on plant growth! B-but that's besides the point. Come sit, darling, t-tell me about your day."
Waverly sat down on a small sofa near her private library. She had been an odd sort lately - jittery, excitable, but with sleepless bags under her eyes. She was working on something that she wasn't sharing with anyone, and it had her in a strange mood.
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▪▪▪ Five cups of coffee and a pack of licorice...honestly, that explained a lot of his energy throughout the day. But Barnaby would refrain from scolding him, he promised he was going to start sleeping and eating and overall trying to take care of himself. He'd hold him to it, too. No self-care, no work, and he figured that would be enough to light a fire under Ickabod's backside to tend to his body instead of neglecting it in the pursuit of every idea for an invention he had in mind.
▲"Good, good. I will let you know and I'll have everything prepared. You work on taking care of yourself in the meantime. Now go take your seat, class will be starting in a few minutes."▲
Elsewhere on the college grounds, a certain botanist had just been freed from his classes for a few precious hours - and he knew another certain someone was free for a little while as well. To anyone who paid even a lick of attention when going through that part of the college, they'd know the routine. Dr. Lunde would escape his classroom and, normally with a gift in hand, start tracing a well-practiced route straight to where Miss O'Toole worked. It was like clockwork.
Today, Sottarfar carried a small box of snacks brought from home, an offer to make sure Waverly always had something to nibble on in-between all of her work. While working with bodies or pouring over medical diagrams wasn't the most appetizing of work, it was easy to get lost in studying and forget to indulge in something nutritious.
The tall, broad-shouldered man dressed in olive greens and browns looked intimidating only at first glance to the newer students - anyone who knew him and knew the routine was smirking as they saw him walk down the halls with his little box of treats for the woman he was head over heels for. As he reached the door of her classroom, he slowed to a halt and gave a small knock.
█"Waverly? Are you free? I hope I'm not interrupting anything, I just thought I'd come to visit between classes."█▪▪▪
█ ▌Ickabod wore a giddy expression of eager excitement as he waited for Barnaby's answer, and the response he got was exactly what he was hoping for. He squealed quietly behind gritted teeth and jittered in his joy, bouncing up and down on his feet and making a rusty creaking noise in the process.
⚙"Oh, yes, you will not regret this, Dr. Ashewright, I promise! I-I swear, I will be the best, most loyal, most dedicated assistant you have ever had. No, the best assistant anyone has ever had! Of all time!" He stopped to catch his breath, realizing that he had forgotten to breathe. "Yes, I promise you, I'll start sleeping again. And I'll eat regularly too, a-and not just five cups of coffee a day and a whole pack of licorice, but real food."
He smiled proudly, hands on his hips as a few students started to enter the classroom in preparation of the lesson Ickabod had been an hour early for. He quieted his voice down as if this whole plan was a secret.
⚙"A few days. Okay. Perfect. Yes. J-just let me know when you're ready to start, I'll be in tip-top condition ready to help you with anything you need!" He beamed, smiling ear to ear as if he had just won the lottery. In reality, he had no idea what an assistant even DID, but did that matter? No. Of course it didn't. Ickabod rarely knew anything before jumping head-first into his next obsession. "I should probably go find my seat, yes? But remember, a few days! Let me know!" He pointed both index fingers at him. "I'll be waiting! Don't forget!"
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▪▪▪ Oh, Ickabod was precious. A babyfaced menace was the perfect way to describe the young man that was looking up at him with the same expression some street dog gave when asking for scraps. How could he say no, seeing how excited he was at the idea of being his assistant and having something like an internship?
Besides, maybe it'd keep him out of trouble and not as likely to end up visiting Miss O'Toole again...for awhile, anyways.
▲"Fine, fine. It wasn't like I was intending on saying no."▲ He said with a sigh, though a smile still pulled at his lips. ▲"BUT....I expect you to listen to me and keep yourself out of trouble. And you must take care of yourself better. No long stretches of all-nighters, no skipping meals - we can't test new prosthetics and your ability to control them if you're not in peak health."▲
In theory they could have tested things while he was sleep-addled and starving. It wasn't like people who had prosthetics were in tip-top health most of the time. But it would be good to work with as healthy of an individual as they could get first to make sure it worked and adjust as needed when they widened the pool of volunteers to test on...and it'd give him an excuse to get Ickabod to try and take care of himself more.
▲"If you're alright with that, we'll be able to start within a few days. I have to prepare some things before I bring you in to start working and learning - I wasn't exactly prepared for an assistant, as you might have guessed."▲▪▪▪
█ ▌Ickabod may have been chaotic, restless, and often prone to hazardous situations of his own making, but no one could say he wasn't passionate. He had the makings of a technical genius, if he survived long enough to see a future in the engineering world. And while many of his superiors may have seen him as a foolhardy mad scientist who should be kept away from the industry by all means necessary, Barnaby saw something else in him. He saw potential, and that was all Ickabod needed to latch onto this man and see him as a figure he looked up to. He had a special fondness for Dr. Ashewright for one reason or another. He wanted to be him, but at the same time, he was just hungry for his approval and his praise. He wanted to be a student he was proud of.
So when Barnaby said that he was interested in taking him on as an assistant, Ickabod's face lit up in a huge, toothy grin. His freckled cheeks flushed pink with delight and he had to bite his lip to keep from squealing with excitement.
⚙"...Human bodies and mechanical parts? Professor, I am human bodies and mechanical parts! I-I could help! I could be a test subject, even. I don't mind!" He leaned over the desk, jittery and excited as he put his chin in his hands and blinked in a comical display of charm. "After all, who could need prosthetics like that more than someone like me, huh? I promise, I'd be the perfect assistant. I'm a hard worker, I'm trustworthy, and I can work day and night without sleep. And I won't get in your way, I assure you. ...So? Could I help, like an internship? Please?"
He gave him the most pathetic puppy-dog look. For a grown 18-year old young man, Ickabod had a way of looking like a little babyfaced menace when he really wanted to, what with his big eyes and fluffy blonde hair that made him still look like a scrappy young factory boy. Right now, he was staring at Barnaby with a mixture of pleading and hope in his expression, yearning for something that would keep him occupied and give him some sense of importance, as well as a chance to spend time with one of the only people he knew who actually believed in him -- inarguably, his favorite person, Barnaby.
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▪▪▪ There were reasons Dr. Ashewright was lenient with Ickabod. In moments like this when he was curious, so fully of energy and interest and the want to learn, it was a perfect example of the potential the young man held. He was a good student when he wasn't getting distracted or lost in his experiments. He wanted to pursue knowledge and experiment with his projects and all of those wonderful signs of a budding man of science. Some of the other professors might've not agreed with his leniency, but he'd rather encourage someone passionate about their field of study than reprimand them because they weren't the pinnacle of good behavior.
If they let Dr. MacGael teach, given he was only a little less chaotic than Ickabod, then they shouldn't fuss too much about Ickabod's work as a student... as long as he kept the explosions to a minimum.
Barnaby's mouth opened to ask about his tumble from the rafters - but he decided to refrain from asking. At this point, he should assume he wouldn't want to know. At least Ickabod hadn't ended up too injured from the event and Miss O'Toole was kind enough to assist him in getting it reattached. As he listened, though, he was picking up on what the young man was hinting at.
He was asking to be an assistant. Or, more like hinting and hoping he could be. Barnaby considered his options, glancing back to the folder he had stowed his notes in. His fingers tapped on the desk as he thought over it. It would give him more opportunity to work with Ickabod, provide him more structure and help rein him in a bit. It could be really good for him even.
▲"Well, firstly, while I'm not going to ask how on earth you ended up in the rafters - much less how you ended up tumbling out of them - I would like to stress that you should be discouraged from doing either of those things. However, I am very grateful to Miss O'Toole that she assisted you in re-attaching your prosthetic."▲ Of course, Barnaby did have to slide a bit of scolding in there regarding Icky's misadventures. Afterwards, though, he sighed. ▲"With that out of the way...I might be in need of an assistant and you could provide a very unique assistance with it. My independent studies are focused on the merging of human bodies and mechanical parts. Currently, my focus is on a smaller scale than it initially was - right now it is prosthetics that work and function like their living counterparts. Not only increasing mobility but allowing the wearer to feel through them, control them effortlessly, regain all the functionality and dexterity expected of a limb."▲▪▪▪
@exploringxshadows wants to head to university.
▪▪▪ It was a dark, gloomy morning in England. The blanket of storm clouds overhead blotted out the sun, swollen past the point of bursting. Rain tapped on windows and across cobblestones, leaving murky puddles in their wake. The soft breeze that weaved through winding streets left a chill in the air, a damp cold that could soak down to your very bones.
The sprawling university grounds, normally bustling with faculty and students alike, was notably quiet this morning. Everyone had retreated into the depths of the old buildings to seek reprieve from the weather, leaving only the poor souls that tended to the grounds and other menial work to face the elements.
The gas lamps hissed faintly, bathing halls and classrooms in golden light, chasing off the sleepy gloom that would've otherwise settled into every nook and cranny of the massive buildings. It was still early, certain professors setting up their classrooms and presentations for the day while others were already greeting their classes and starting their lectures.
Barnaby Ashewright was one of the professors who still had an hour's time before his students would start funneling in. The machinery for his class had already been set up, small models of engines that could be scaled up eventually for use in factories - now it was simply a matter of making sure he had everything written up on the stretch of chalkboard at the front of the class, and all of his supplies for the students were on hand.
Many of the professors at the university were focused on the sciences - all matter of new and fascinating subjects that were once only pipe dreams to humanity. Medicine, chemistry, what could be done with plants, fringe subjects that most scientists dared to brave. If you could think it, someone likely taught it - or pursued it outside of class hours. While he was not among those who pursued the more medically-inclined positions, he was still a scientist. And an engineer.
His study was machines, the future of industry and what machine meant for man. Whether it was mechanical beasts of burden, less dangerous machines that worked just as if not more efficiently, prosthetics that could replicate a living appendage - and his class was to encourage others to pursue that same lens and want to improve the world.
In the room with rich wooden paneling and marble tiling floors, he stood out as he stood by the chalk board. A man in his mid forties with tanned skin and a fiery head of hair with a matching beard and mustache, dressed in a suit of blue and cream. He leaned on a cane, nursing his bad leg as gloved fingers drew diagrams and notes. He hummed a simple tune under his breath as he adjusted his glasses and shuffled, too preoccupied with his work to notice if anyone stopped by the open door of his classroom. ▪▪▪
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knockknockinginthedark · 10 months
█ ▌Barnaby was a good instructor. He was kind and patient, he was a voice of reason, and he was gentle with Ickabod’s…strange behaviors. However, at the end of the day, Ickabod was still wild and loose, and whether or not he chose to take that advice varied from day to day. It was unfortunate that no one could deny he was quite intelligent, even if he had no common sense in that fluffy-haired skull of his.
   ⚙ “I have been paying a visit to the greenhouses from time to time,” Ickabod giggled. It wasn’t difficult to tell who had been inspiring his sense of humor lately, as the pun-cracking Scandinavian botanist was always making jokes in and out of class. “Hm…you do have a point.”
Ickabod grunted as he let his prosthetic leg fall back to the floor with a loud clunk. He stumbled a little, his balance worse than usual, and gave the knife a little test shake in the air to see how easy it would be to maneuver.
   ⚙ “Now that you mention it, it would be very difficult if I ever wanted to use the knife to defend myself…Imagine trying to stab something and you have to keep doing high-kicks over and over again.” He laughed and did a little jog in place. “I’ll go back to the drawing board and see if there’s a way I can make the mechanism removable. At the end of the day, at least now I have a proper little cavity for storing spare change!”
He gave his leg a slap, making it creak and squeak as he did. He had a big, stupid smile on his face and dimples in his cheeks. He closed up his ridiculous mechanism and leaned against the desk, his chin on the surface like a puppy waiting for a treat.
   ⚙ “…What have you been working on? This isn’t for class, is it?” Ever the adorable pest, Ickabod started touching things on the desk.
▪▪▪ Unsurprising that he’d end up gravitating towards a certain botanist.  It was good for him, in his opinion, to be in the company of someone  like Dr. Lunde. The botanist was a good, strong fatherly figure that served  as a perfect role model and a solid support for those who needed it. And boy, did Ickabod need all of those things.
          ▲”Right, it’d be very awkward to use. While I think you’d have  the element of surprise the first time, you don’t exactly have the best  track record for grace and balance, Ickabod.”▲ It was a little bit of a tease, a little bit of an objective fact. Ickabod practically stumbled or fell through life - trying to use a weapon that required any degree of grace was not going to end well in his favor. ▲”This is true. It’s not a  complete waste, and I’m sure you can refine the design to be more practical in time.”▲
Now that Ickabod’s project had been shown and critiqued, of course  that meant his student was going to turn his attention to what Barnaby was doing instead. He watched as he fidgeted with the things on his desk. Any other professor might have scolded him for toying with his belongings - but he knew telling him to stop fidgeting wasn’t going to achieve much.  He’d just find a new way to fiddle with things.
          ▲”This is for class, actually. I was setting up for a lecture on steam engines and the theoretical ways we could increase the efficiency and  safety of them. I made a few small scale models for everyone to test to  see how they work in action.”▲
Barnaby gestured to the small models he had put out on tables around the room. They were tiny little things, easily able to sit on desks, with  water reservoirs that would be heated with oil lamp burners. They would power simple pistons and wheels just to show the generation  of energy - nothing too fancy, in his opinion, but it got the point across.
          ▲“It’s not quite as exhilarating as some of my independent research,  but such is the case for most of the professors here.”▲
He pointedly eased some notes that he had left on his desk away from  Ickabod’s wandering hands, tucking them into the folder they belonged in to keep him from snooping - or, more importantly, smudging or damaging the pages. ▪▪▪
@exploringxshadows wants to head to university.
▪▪▪ It was a dark, gloomy morning in England. The blanket of storm clouds overhead blotted out the sun, swollen past the point of bursting. Rain tapped on windows and across cobblestones, leaving murky puddles in their wake. The soft breeze that weaved through winding streets left a chill in the air, a damp cold that could soak down to your very bones.
The sprawling university grounds, normally bustling with faculty and students alike, was notably quiet this morning. Everyone had retreated into the depths of the old buildings to seek reprieve from the weather, leaving only the poor souls that tended to the grounds and other menial work to face the elements.
The gas lamps hissed faintly, bathing halls and classrooms in golden light, chasing off the sleepy gloom that would've otherwise settled into every nook and cranny of the massive buildings. It was still early, certain professors setting up their classrooms and presentations for the day while others were already greeting their classes and starting their lectures.
Barnaby Ashewright was one of the professors who still had an hour's time before his students would start funneling in. The machinery for his class had already been set up, small models of engines that could be scaled up eventually for use in factories - now it was simply a matter of making sure he had everything written up on the stretch of chalkboard at the front of the class, and all of his supplies for the students were on hand.
Many of the professors at the university were focused on the sciences - all matter of new and fascinating subjects that were once only pipe dreams to humanity. Medicine, chemistry, what could be done with plants, fringe subjects that most scientists dared to brave. If you could think it, someone likely taught it - or pursued it outside of class hours. While he was not among those who pursued the more medically-inclined positions, he was still a scientist. And an engineer.
His study was machines, the future of industry and what machine meant for man. Whether it was mechanical beasts of burden, less dangerous machines that worked just as if not more efficiently, prosthetics that could replicate a living appendage - and his class was to encourage others to pursue that same lens and want to improve the world.
In the room with rich wooden paneling and marble tiling floors, he stood out as he stood by the chalk board. A man in his mid forties with tanned skin and a fiery head of hair with a matching beard and mustache, dressed in a suit of blue and cream. He leaned on a cane, nursing his bad leg as gloved fingers drew diagrams and notes. He hummed a simple tune under his breath as he adjusted his glasses and shuffled, too preoccupied with his work to notice if anyone stopped by the open door of his classroom. ▪▪▪
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knockknockinginthedark · 10 months
█ ▌ Ickabod had certainly looked worse, that was for sure. The young man was known for showing up to classes with grease on his face, his hair singed, and maybe even half an eyebrow missing with no explanation of why. But at least it was better than showing up without a body part…again. Sweet Ickabod had already lost a couple of those, sporting a mechanical leg and missing a couple of fingers on one side. One of his ears had a chunk missing from it and he had a plethora of scars here and there on his body, each with an interesting story. And unfortunately for everyone, he was always way too happy to tell those stories to anyone who would listen…no matter how disgusting they were.   ⚙ “Oh! Am I now?” He giggled, embarrassed that he had misunderstood the time. “I haven’t seen the sun in so long, I saw it was one o’clock and figured it must have been after midnight! Imagine that.”
He entered the room clumsily, shaking out a squeaky gear in his mechanical leg as he blundered his way toward the desk. But before he could explain his amazing new idea to Barnaby, he was directed to go wash himself and be a bit more presentable. He blushed, his tan and freckled cheeks glowing red with embarrassment.
   ⚙ “Heh, yes, yes, sure, of course…Sorry, professor. I will try to fashion myself a more stable sleep schedule. Just give me ooone moment to, um…make myself presentable.”
He scampered over to the sinks to clean his face, doing so messily and with water all over his face and hair. His shirt was wet and he shook his hair out like a dog in the rain before he was properly cleaned up of all the dirt and oil on his face.
   ⚙ “Right!” he clapped his hands together and took on a crouched, goblin-like stance before jogging back over to the desk. “Sir…I’ve had an amazing idea and I’ve been putting it into action. Behold!”
With one wild motion, Ickabod lifted his leg and his mechanical limb clanked onto the desk, still attached to his knee. He pointed at it - or more specifically, to a brand new addition. There was a button on his knee that, when pushed, activated a strange contraption that sprung a sharp blade out of the side.
   ⚙ “Why carry around a Swiss army knife when you can be one, eh? Eh?? And that’s not it, I’ve got a can opener in there too…” He pushed it again, nicking himself in the finger in the process. “Ow! Heh, uh…still have to iron some things out. But look, look, look! It can also light a match! See, now if I’m ever lost in the woods - god forbid - I’ve got a full survival kit right here on the ol’ peg leg! That way I’m always one step ahead…huh? A leg up on the competition? Putting my best foot forward?”
He stared at Barnaby with this huge, stupid, expectant grin, his thumbs in his suspenders as if expecting to win a Nobel prize for his idiotic shenanigans. Bless him.
▪▪▪ Barnaby did do his best to be one of the voices of reason for Ickabod’s  eccentricities. It didn’t always work out, considering the young man was  missing a few more parts than was typical of someone his age - well, maybe  more comparable to the youths that worked in the factories...but the point was, Barnby did try to be a good influence on him. Trying to encourage  safety, self-care and slowing down to think about his projects before taking  the first idea he had and running with it, damned be the consequences.
Obviously, he didn’t have much success in any of those areas, but he hoped trying enough would end up with a breakthrough eventually. He let out a quiet sigh as he watched him go clean up. He did it messily and looked a little like a drowned rat afterwards, but at least he was cleaner than he was when he stepped through the door. It was a small victory.
Barnaby peered down at the prosthetic leg when it was slapped onto his desk  and the new addition to it was revealed. At first, it genuinely didn’t seem like that bad of an idea. A survival kit built into the very prosthetic, within reach at  all times without burdening his pockets. The concept was sound but as he  watched, the execution was lacking, to say the least. He’d give Ickabod credit  for the puns, though. A warm, rich laughter bubbled out of him as he shook his head.
          ▲“Ah, it sounds as though you’ve been spending time with Dr. Lunde  based on all of those puns. They were very good, though, I’m sure he’d agree.”▲ He let his chuckling die down as he leaned over to get a closer  look at the addition to the prosthetic. ▲“Now as for what you’ve put together  here, the concept is very strong. It’s a solid idea, however I would reconsider how you’ve executed it. From the looks of it, all of these items are fused to  the knee itself. Wouldn’t it be better to have it so that things like the knife, the can opener and such could be removed to be used? Otherwise you’re  having to hold a can to your knee and the knife is mostly functionally useless.  If you fixed that, however, it’s a rather smart invention Ickabod.”▲ ▪▪▪
@exploringxshadows wants to head to university.
▪▪▪ It was a dark, gloomy morning in England. The blanket of storm clouds overhead blotted out the sun, swollen past the point of bursting. Rain tapped on windows and across cobblestones, leaving murky puddles in their wake. The soft breeze that weaved through winding streets left a chill in the air, a damp cold that could soak down to your very bones.
The sprawling university grounds, normally bustling with faculty and students alike, was notably quiet this morning. Everyone had retreated into the depths of the old buildings to seek reprieve from the weather, leaving only the poor souls that tended to the grounds and other menial work to face the elements.
The gas lamps hissed faintly, bathing halls and classrooms in golden light, chasing off the sleepy gloom that would've otherwise settled into every nook and cranny of the massive buildings. It was still early, certain professors setting up their classrooms and presentations for the day while others were already greeting their classes and starting their lectures.
Barnaby Ashewright was one of the professors who still had an hour's time before his students would start funneling in. The machinery for his class had already been set up, small models of engines that could be scaled up eventually for use in factories - now it was simply a matter of making sure he had everything written up on the stretch of chalkboard at the front of the class, and all of his supplies for the students were on hand.
Many of the professors at the university were focused on the sciences - all matter of new and fascinating subjects that were once only pipe dreams to humanity. Medicine, chemistry, what could be done with plants, fringe subjects that most scientists dared to brave. If you could think it, someone likely taught it - or pursued it outside of class hours. While he was not among those who pursued the more medically-inclined positions, he was still a scientist. And an engineer.
His study was machines, the future of industry and what machine meant for man. Whether it was mechanical beasts of burden, less dangerous machines that worked just as if not more efficiently, prosthetics that could replicate a living appendage - and his class was to encourage others to pursue that same lens and want to improve the world.
In the room with rich wooden paneling and marble tiling floors, he stood out as he stood by the chalk board. A man in his mid forties with tanned skin and a fiery head of hair with a matching beard and mustache, dressed in a suit of blue and cream. He leaned on a cane, nursing his bad leg as gloved fingers drew diagrams and notes. He hummed a simple tune under his breath as he adjusted his glasses and shuffled, too preoccupied with his work to notice if anyone stopped by the open door of his classroom. ▪▪▪
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knockknockinginthedark · 10 months
█ ▌ Ickabod was a lot of things. He was impulsive, he was energetic, he was cheerful, and he was as foolhardy as a young man could possibly be. But beyond all of that, he was also something of a genius. At least, when it came to his odd feats of engineering.
Ickabod had entered the university on a scholarship thanks to his various misadventures as a young schoolboy. Growing up in an orphanage, he was often found tearing apart mechanical and clockwork doodads - sometimes ones that were discarded, but not always - and figuring out how to turn them into something new. And while it was the bane of the headmaster’s existence and the annoyance of his fellow orphans, it was enough to catch the eye of a Cambridge alumni who offered to give him a scholarship to finally make something of his odd predilections.
But of course, he wasn’t without a few causalities along the way - namely, some of his own body parts.
Ickabod rushed toward Dr. Ashewright’s classroom, his mechanical leg clanking on the floor as he went. He made an awful lot of noise wherever he ran, not just because of his clunky bronze prosthetic, but because he always had something to say. He was a young man of great enthusiasm for better or for worse.
⚙ “Dr. Ashewright!” he squeaked as he got to the door of his classroom. His dirty blonde hair was tousled and sticking up in random spots, his golden-tan skin speckled with grease and oil. He had a big, goofy smile on his face, made all the more silly-looking from a missing tooth on one side. “Dr. Ashewright…I-I have to show you what I’ve been working on. I’ve had the most incredible idea, and I just had to get started on it immediately! I’m sorry I missed class this morning. I haven’t slept in days, you see, and I couldn’t abandon my work to…um, am I bothering you?”
He gave his instructor an awkward smile, realizing he hadn’t even said ‘hello’ or asked if Barnaby was available for a chat. Instead, the half-crazed looking boy was just rambling in the middle of his classroom, disheveled and with one suspender hanging loose.
▪▪▪ As a professor, Barnaby got to see plenty of sleepy-faced students arrive in his class and coast through it at the best of times or drop the course entirely at the worst of times. While the matters of science and technology were new and booming, engineering and invention wasn’t  quite as tantalizing to the student body as some of the other areas of study were. Ickabod was a rare gem among the student body - someone that stood out, for better or worse, because of their sheer enthusiasm  for their area of study. Yes, many students liked what they came to study for, but there was a difference between simple enjoyment and  pure unadulterated joy and enthusiasm.
Maybe that was the reason the professor was so lenient with him. Oh, he graded him fairly against his peers, but he allowed for flexibility in the time frame for his projects and wasn’t as strict about his appearance  or tardiness as he could have been. Did the other students care of it much?  No. But the other students could barely keep themselves awake during  his lectures and demonstrations, much less show enough promise that he was willing to be just as lenient with them.
He heard Ickabod coming before he saw him and peered over to the  doorway to watch this awkward bundle of energy arrive. He was a mess,  disheveled and not at all meeting the standard expected of students. This was about par for the course when he went on one of his inventing binges - in fact, Barnaby would even argue that he was actually a little more composed looking that he usually was after a few days spent  chasing an idea.
          ▲”Not at all, Ickabod. And you have not missed class, you still have about...forty minutes or so before it starts? in a rare turn of events, you’re early.”▲ 
He set the piece of chalk down, reaching into his pocket to fish out his  pocket watch and confirm the time. With a nod, he tucked it away again and stepped towards Ickabod. He looked him over, and gently reached over to fasten the loose suspender again. There was only so much he could do to clean the young man up, but he’d help how he can.
         ▲”Now, I do appreciate your energy and enthusiasm, but you  know I’ve told you to avoid missing sleep. A tired man makes mistakes,  and mistakes can cost us dearly.”▲ He chided gently. He gestured to  the washing area in the back of the classroom, the simple couple sinks and mirrors that let his students wash the grease and soot from the machines  off of them.  ▲”Go clean up a little and get that grease off of your face and  then I would be happy to hear about the project you are working on.”▲ ▪▪▪
@exploringxshadows wants to head to university.
▪▪▪ It was a dark, gloomy morning in England. The blanket of storm clouds overhead blotted out the sun, swollen past the point of bursting. Rain tapped on windows and across cobblestones, leaving murky puddles in their wake. The soft breeze that weaved through winding streets left a chill in the air, a damp cold that could soak down to your very bones.
The sprawling university grounds, normally bustling with faculty and students alike, was notably quiet this morning. Everyone had retreated into the depths of the old buildings to seek reprieve from the weather, leaving only the poor souls that tended to the grounds and other menial work to face the elements.
The gas lamps hissed faintly, bathing halls and classrooms in golden light, chasing off the sleepy gloom that would've otherwise settled into every nook and cranny of the massive buildings. It was still early, certain professors setting up their classrooms and presentations for the day while others were already greeting their classes and starting their lectures.
Barnaby Ashewright was one of the professors who still had an hour's time before his students would start funneling in. The machinery for his class had already been set up, small models of engines that could be scaled up eventually for use in factories - now it was simply a matter of making sure he had everything written up on the stretch of chalkboard at the front of the class, and all of his supplies for the students were on hand.
Many of the professors at the university were focused on the sciences - all matter of new and fascinating subjects that were once only pipe dreams to humanity. Medicine, chemistry, what could be done with plants, fringe subjects that most scientists dared to brave. If you could think it, someone likely taught it - or pursued it outside of class hours. While he was not among those who pursued the more medically-inclined positions, he was still a scientist. And an engineer.
His study was machines, the future of industry and what machine meant for man. Whether it was mechanical beasts of burden, less dangerous machines that worked just as if not more efficiently, prosthetics that could replicate a living appendage - and his class was to encourage others to pursue that same lens and want to improve the world.
In the room with rich wooden paneling and marble tiling floors, he stood out as he stood by the chalk board. A man in his mid forties with tanned skin and a fiery head of hair with a matching beard and mustache, dressed in a suit of blue and cream. He leaned on a cane, nursing his bad leg as gloved fingers drew diagrams and notes. He hummed a simple tune under his breath as he adjusted his glasses and shuffled, too preoccupied with his work to notice if anyone stopped by the open door of his classroom. ▪▪▪
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knockknockinginthedark · 10 months
@exploringxshadows wants to head to university.
▪▪▪ It was a dark, gloomy morning in England. The blanket of storm clouds overhead blotted out the sun, swollen past the point of bursting. Rain tapped on windows and across cobblestones, leaving murky puddles in their wake. The soft breeze that weaved through winding streets left a chill in the air, a damp cold that could soak down to your very bones.
The sprawling university grounds, normally bustling with faculty and students alike, was notably quiet this morning. Everyone had retreated into the depths of the old buildings to seek reprieve from the weather, leaving only the poor souls that tended to the grounds and other menial work to face the elements.
The gas lamps hissed faintly, bathing halls and classrooms in golden light, chasing off the sleepy gloom that would've otherwise settled into every nook and cranny of the massive buildings. It was still early, certain professors setting up their classrooms and presentations for the day while others were already greeting their classes and starting their lectures.
Barnaby Ashewright was one of the professors who still had an hour's time before his students would start funneling in. The machinery for his class had already been set up, small models of engines that could be scaled up eventually for use in factories - now it was simply a matter of making sure he had everything written up on the stretch of chalkboard at the front of the class, and all of his supplies for the students were on hand.
Many of the professors at the university were focused on the sciences - all matter of new and fascinating subjects that were once only pipe dreams to humanity. Medicine, chemistry, what could be done with plants, fringe subjects that most scientists dared to brave. If you could think it, someone likely taught it - or pursued it outside of class hours. While he was not among those who pursued the more medically-inclined positions, he was still a scientist. And an engineer.
His study was machines, the future of industry and what machine meant for man. Whether it was mechanical beasts of burden, less dangerous machines that worked just as if not more efficiently, prosthetics that could replicate a living appendage - and his class was to encourage others to pursue that same lens and want to improve the world.
In the room with rich wooden paneling and marble tiling floors, he stood out as he stood by the chalk board. A man in his mid forties with tanned skin and a fiery head of hair with a matching beard and mustache, dressed in a suit of blue and cream. He leaned on a cane, nursing his bad leg as gloved fingers drew diagrams and notes. He hummed a simple tune under his breath as he adjusted his glasses and shuffled, too preoccupied with his work to notice if anyone stopped by the open door of his classroom. ▪▪▪
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knockknockinginthedark · 10 months
█ ▌ Malachi snorted quietly to himself, shaking his head.
   ╳ “Brain worms, eh? You’re still going on about that?” He rolled his eyes slightly, laughing. “I promise you, I do not have a brain parasite…but that doesn’t mean I want you to eat me.”
Malachi was taking the insults with better spirits now that he had gotten a taste for Nikolai’s sense of humor. Instead of snarking back, he was just playing along, being…friendly. Imagine that.
   ╳ “You think so? Heh. Perhaps you’re right. Perhaps I have been trying too hard. You know, it’s nice to have someone be honest with me about that rather than just…you know, threatening to eat me. Or trample me. Or pull me into the river and introduce me to a violent, watery grave.”
He smirked a little bit, poking fun at his own terrible luck trying to seduce the local kelpie. But as Nikolai started to talk about his past and his family, he went quiet and sat down on a rock, listening intently while crossing his furry goat legs like a polite kid listening to a story.
   ╳ “I see…So you have an idea spot to have a pride of your own, but no other manticore to continue the bloodline yet? That’s unfortunate. I have to admit, I have never seen any others of your type before. If I had, I probably wouldn’t be standing here today.” He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, blushing slightly above his beard. “…Do you miss your family? I complain about being around too many of my own kind, but here you are, around none of your own.”
▪▪▪        ║“How do you know you don’t have a brain parasite, hm? You could have one and not even know.”║
Nikolai’s smirk made it obvious he was teasing rather than seriously still  considering Malachi had any kind of parasite going on. He was just a strange,  strange little satyr was all. Maybe a little dumb and with no sense of self-preservation, but he wasn’t that bad.
When Malachi brought up that there was no other manticore to continue the bloodline yet, there was a slight grimace that appeared on the manticore’s face. Right now, the furthest thought in his mind was trying to put together a family. He rather liked his isolation - other than the boredom it brought. That he could generally do without.
          ║“I haven’t caught a hint of any other manticores in the area. It is likely  for the best - there’s a big chance they could come from my family’s pride, and that won’t help either of us establish a healthy pride of our own.”║ Nikolai tilted his head, considering the question, ║“Mm...sometimes. I think it’s less  that I miss my family and more that I miss the ability to converse now and then. Other than poking fun at whatever falls down here and manages to survive until I get to it, my days are quiet.” ║ ▪▪▪
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knockknockinginthedark · 11 months
█ ▌ ╳”Ah, yes, I see…” Malachi looked over his shoulder at Nikolai, giving him  a sneaky little smirk with a raised, dramatic eyebrow. “Am I one of your uneasy truces now?”
Mal’s confidence was much higher than it had been before. It was pretty clear that he knew Nik wasn’t going to eat him – if he wanted to eat him, he wouldn’t be letting him waltz around his den and touch things and talk his ear off. It didn’t matter the reason why Nikolai wasn’t interested in eating him, only that this weird little satyr got to live another day making a nuisance of himself.
   ╳ “Ugh, I guess that’s true…Still. It seems like I can’t show interest in anything without being teased or humiliated because of it,” Malachi shrugged his shoulders, a hint of resentment in his tone. “I complain that my sister always had it easy, but…well, in her defense, I guess I did bring it upon myself with my reputation, hm?”
Malachi rolled his eyes. He was seemingly self-aware, or at least just self-aware enough to realize that he wasn’t a hot shot. He was an insatiable, stubborn, indulgent creep of a man who tried too hard to make up for what he lacked in height and charisma. And he paid for it.
   ╳ “Ha!” Malachi laughed at Nikolai’s dramatic gesture. “Oh, piss off…Maybe I can learn some fine hobbies and chase a little tail from time to time, no one says I can’t do both~” he winked. “…You know, I didn’t think you’d be giving me life advice today. But…I appreciate it. You’re not half-bad, big guy.”
Malachi continued to waltz around the den, his hooves clicking on the stone as he did. Eventually, he found a rock to sit on and plopped down, crossing his fuzzy legs.
   ╳ “You know…I’ve told you an awful lot about how the satyrs and fauns around here bust my balls all the time. But what about you? Is there a big den full of manticore around here that I should be worried about?”
▪▪▪        ║“An uneasy truce would imply that it is mutually uneasy, and it is not.  The most I think you’d do to me is give me brain worms if I ate you.”║
Of course he had to tease him again about that. He was picking up on the fact  that Malachi was likely not infected with some kind of parasite eating away at his mind. He wasn’t the brightest firefly in the forest, but...really he just seemed lonely and desperate for some kind of company.
          ║“Hmhm. I was not expecting it either, honestly. But I hope it helps. Heh,  you’re not all that bad when you’re not trying to be a nuisance. This you is better than the lustful front you put on.”║
Nikolai was being entirely honest in that moment. When he wasn’t trying to be  horribly, annoyingly sexual, he wasn’t that bad. He cracked jokes, he held  conversations, he made an effort to talk to him as an individual rather than a walking dick he could convince to fuck him.
His large ears twitched, perking as the conversation was turned around to him. What about him? Where there more manticores around? He chuckled at the  thought.
          ║“No. I am the only manticore here. My parents’ territory is weeks away from here, far from this forest, where the trees fade into hilly grasslands. I was urged out of the territory once I was old enough, as any male manticore is. Had I had sisters, they would’ve remained for longer to tend to younger siblings and feed the family before they too would consider moving out to their own territory.”║
          ║“Alas, I was an only cub. My mother’s first and only living litter. Our pride was just the three of us. Normally, they’re far bigger. Grandmothers, mothers, daughters all taking care of one another - then the male. Sometimes there would be more than one, depending on the pride.”║ He sighed,  ║“The grassland suffered from droughts, food was not always plentiful. It made sustaining even the three of us difficult. When they urged me out of the territory, it wasn’t out of malice, but mercy. Then I ended up here, where life is rich, water  and prey are abundant and my den works as a massive trap to make up for the fact I do not have a pride to hunt with.”║ ▪▪▪
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knockknockinginthedark · 11 months
█ ▌   Malachi laughed, snorting as he did.
    ╳ “Ha! Perhaps I am insane…it wouldn’t be the most surprising thing, honestly.” He shrugged. “Well…you managed to achieve my likeness rather well, I think.”
He grinned at the painting on the wall. Sure, it wasn’t very flattering of him, but it made him chuckle and he could appreciate it for that. He listened to the manticore’s story in silence, letting him tell the whole tale before he spoke again.
   ╳ “A human, huh?” He wore a little smirk in the corner of his mouth, not one of mischief but just of interest. “You know, for a beast as enormous and terrifying as you seem to present yourself, it sounds to me like you’re not too bad at making friends. Perhaps you have a soft side, hm?”
Was it stupid, teasing a manticore? Flirting with a manticore? Yes, yes it absolutely was. But Malachi was not a clever man, nor did he have an ounce of real self-preservation. He was as dumb as a box of rocks and too foolish and desperate for attention to realize that he could get tricked so easily.
But when Nikolai asked about him, he hardly knew what to say. Did he have hobbies? Skills? So often, he didn’t even try to do new things, sure that he would make a fool of himself.
   ╳ “You know, I’ve always been afraid to show people what I’m interested in. I’ve always worried that they would pester me for it or find some reason to humiliate me. I’m not talented like my sister…I’m not dangerous and intimidating like the kelpie that lives in our river.” Suddenly, he wears a small smirk, looking away from the cave paintings and over at Nikolai with a glimmer in his crystal blue eyes. “I’ve always loved magic. Illusions. I know that magic is for faeries and sorcerers, but…I have always longed to master the art of trickery. And I do so love to spin a yarn, but I’m sure you already know that.”
It wasn’t a mystery - Malachi loved the sound of his own voice.
▪▪▪ The corners of his mouth quirked upwards in a small grin when Malachi commented on the likeness of his painting. While his paintings might have  been ‘crude’ by human standards, there was no denying it was the strange  little satyr that had saved his own life in an unorthodox and frankly embarrassing  way. When he was teased for the human, that smile grew wider, the faint gleam of too many teeth seen through barely parted lips.
          ║”Hush, you. She was an exception, not the rule.”║ His voice lacked  the bite of anger or annoyance - he was simply amused by the teasing. ║“I haven’t made a friend since. Only...uneasy truces, I would say. I won’t  mess with you if you don’t mess with me, that sort of thing.”║
Had he wanted to eat Malachi, he would have done so a million times over  by now. The satyr didn’t stand a chance if he were seriously going to make him a meal. Was it still repulsion, thinking something had to be wrong with  him in order for him to lack so much self-preservation and awareness of the potential danger? Was it pity? He couldn’t rightly say right now. Either  way, he was comfortable and lazy and content to chat instead of gnaw on  Malachi’s bones.
            ║“Talent comes from practice, you know. You claim you’re not as  talented as your sister - but she had to practice to refine her skills. Some may be born with an innate draw to something and can pick up a skill more  quickly than others - but at the end of the day, talent is practice and refinement. You could be as talented as her, even if it may not be in the same things.”║
Talking was something Malachi did a lot of, so it was no wonder that something relating to that would be considered one of his hobbies. But magic? Now that  was one he hadn’t expected. It wasn’t true magic, not in the way that ‘fairies  and sorcerers’ possessed - but the magic trickery and sleight of hand that he had heard hunters and travelers mention as they cut through the forest. He had never seen it in person, obviously, but the snippets of conversation  he had overheard had painted enough of an image for him to understand the concept.
          ║“That is a fine pair of hobbies. You should try pursuing those more - and spend less time chasing tail. You might actually then be endearing enough that people will,”║ He gasped as he held a paw to his chest,    ║”Want to be around you more!”║ ▪▪▪
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█ ▌Had Malachi truly tried something different? He thought about it for a while, sitting cross-legged on the floor of the cave with a hand under his chin in thought.
   ╳ “I suppose I haven’t,” he shrugged. “I-I mean, I do what’s expected of me, I do what others of my kind have done. I guess, when you’re teased for not being a very good satyr, you…try to be the most exemplary one you can be.”
He shrugged, knowing his answer was silly. He wasn’t good at being a satyr, so why did he keep trying? To get attention? To show the others that he wasn’t such a pathetic loser? Out of spite? It was a little bit of all of those in the end.
At the mention of charisma, however, Malachi snorted with laughter.
   ╳ “Me? Charisma?…I’ve always had the worst luck. So yes, I’ve always had this difficulty, unfortunately. My twin sister teases me for it endlessly. She’s a faun - musician, bard, poet, all of that nonsense. She doesn’t realize how hard it is to get attention in this world when you don’t have any talents or good attributes that make people actually like you.”
As pathetic as Malachi was, at least he was self-aware. It wasn’t often that he admitted what everyone else saw was true: his flirtations got him nowhere because there just wasn’t substance to make him desirable.
   ╳ “I mean, far as caves go, I think it’s pretty cozy,” he said, looking around at the artwork on the walls. “Did you paint these? …Is…Is that supposed to be me?”
▪▪▪        ║”Mm. Maybe that’s a sign then. I believe the humans have a saying that “Trying the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.””║
Nikolai didn’t say anything about Malachi’s lack of charisma, at least not right away. One of his fears flicked as the satyr commented on his cave  paintings. Sharp teeth gleamed in a smile as he looked to the walls.
          ║”Yes, I did. Hmhm, yes, that’s you. The walls of the cave are vast,  blank canvases and the art I put on them is my story. Not every day is painted, obviously, but the noteworthy ones are put to stone. The storms,  the floods, the droughts - the humans or creatures that I may choose to spare, the injuries I sustain. It’s all drawn here.”║ 
║”...A human taught me to paint when I was still new here. She taught me  how to make bowls, mix my own paints and what would yield the right colors. She sought refuge in my cave, battered and exhausted from fleeing hunters  far worse than I, those of her own kind. I killed the hunters that came for her and spared her...in return, she taught me the only thing she claimed had given her joy. Last I knew, she still dwells in the village down the river.”║
It had been years since he had seen her. It was dangerous to come out this  way given all the various beasts that dwelled in the forest, and he obviously could not go and visit her instead. Their paths crossed for some small  moment in time, both coming out better for it, but he was content to let their paths continue going on their own separate ways.
He looked back to Malachi, eyes lingering on him as he thought of what to  say in regards to the satyr himself. He was a mess of a man, made apparent by the fact he was talking about his problems in the den of the manticore that  nearly killed him not too long ago.
          ║”Have you ever considered that the reason you cannot woo anyone is because there’s so little of you that is actually you, genuinely you instead of a hollow and shallow interpretation made by what you think people want? Could you woo yourself, knowing you as you are?”║ He asked with a tilt of the head,  ║”Have you ever tried to focus on yourself instead of measuring yourself to others? Think of it: Do you have hobbies - not ‘satyr or faun’ approved hobbies,   any hobbies? What are your interests? What are your likes? What are your fears?  Obviously, if most creatures are mating for the sake of fun, they don’t care if your depth as a person is an ocean. But the way you act, the way you hold yourself, the way you talk - at least, when you’re trying to flirt - feels...shallow. An imitation of what you’ve seen as successful instead of something  genuine to you.”║ ▪▪▪
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█ ▌Malachi was not exactly a shining example of his own kind. His people were split into two parts: the satyrs with their sweet words and endless sex drives, seducing anything within reach, and the artistic fauns with their music and riddles. Needless to say, he didn’t fit in with either. He didn’t have the talent to be beloved by the fauns like his sister, and he didn’t have the effortless charm of a lustful satyr.
He was just a sad, awkward, strange little wimp who couldn’t even get himself a pity fuck from another satyr - and they fucked anything.
  ╳ “U-uh…oh, um…heh. Sorry.” Malachi wore an awkward grimace, scratching his chin and fiddling with the small black beard. “I-I was just trying to be friendly. I suppose I only know one kind of friendly, not that it ever does me any good…”
He wore the tiniest grin when the Manticore gave him his name. Sure, it wasn’t a huge step, but it was at least in the right direction. A name was better than nothing.
  ╳ “Nikolai. I like it. It suits you.” He stepped around the cave slowly, kicking a bit of rock away with one of his hooves and trying not to stumble in the dark. “So, I’ve had just about the worst day ever…And, uh, if I go back now, I’m pretty sure my sister will just keep teasing me about it and opening old wounds. So, how about you tell me about yourself. Have you always been down here?”
▪▪▪       ║“Have you ever considered trying to change your way of friendliness?  If a method doesn’t work, try something different as opposed to continuing  to do the same thing and hoping for different results. ‘Knowing’ only one way  of friendliness implies the excuse is that you haven’t tried to learn another kind.”║
Nikolai’s steps slowed as light began to trickle into the darkness again, but not  from another mouth of the winding cavern complex. The tunnel gave way to a room with rough stone walls that stretched well overhead and curved into ceilings  where moss and grass lined open gaps where stone gave way to earth. Sunlight  trickled in in beams, providing illumination and warmth to an otherwise dim and cool place. There was a nest of moss and furs tucked away in a corner, a collection  of gnawed on bones of various ages scattered across floor, and a few mushrooms growing where water from past storms had settled.
The walls, however, were decorated with art. Drawings, paintings more like,  adorned the grey stone. This was not human art where there was a certain level of refinement. It was more crude, more...primal and to evoke feeling instead of  simply being ‘pretty’. It was almost like a visual diary, noting days of particular  interest to the manticore. Heavy storms, the threat of human hunters, run-ins with prey that were memorable in some way or another - including Malachi, if the crude satyr figure shown limping from the mouth of his cave was any  indication. A mismatched set of bowls sat nearby, some made with bone or wood, some stolen from humans - all with some stage of homemade  paint sitting in them.
The manticore settled himself by one of the sun spots, his broad frame  flopping onto the stone with a solid sound.
          ║“Not always, no. I found this place when I was young, when I was  just starting to grow my mane. I was old enough that my parents pushed me from my territory...while roaming, a storm caused me to seek refuge in this cave. I realized how much of an advantage it’d provide me so I stayed.”║  Nikolai’s paws moved to nestle beneath the emerald fluff of his mane, seeming relaxed and at least not an active threat for the time being. ║“Have you always had such...difficulty with creatures? I would think at  one point you had to have had some charisma.”║ ▪▪▪
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