knot-ee · 4 days
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knot-ee · 4 days
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Doodle, because I’m lazy meh… He’s bleeding, his wounds are open… you know: heat pills
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knot-ee · 5 days
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geto and toji
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knot-ee · 6 days
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The old saying went don't go looking for trouble unless you are willing to embrace it. As far as life went for Marito, he was the trouble, and there was no trouble he wasn't capable of handling. Of course trouble for Marito Jin meant rival gangs and creepy idiots being interested in his sister, not the kind that came straight out of Japanese folklore or worse -- out of some damn shounen series. Temples in Japan were as common as squid in the sea and there were plenty of beautiful and famous ones that most citizens couldn't be bothered to visit.
Same old same old. Temples for prayers. Torri gates donated by ancient lords and women of status overlooking temples. Temples adjacent to gravesites dedicated only to samurais. Well, if something flashy or awe-inspiring or even respectable had been what he stepped foot in, he wouldn't have touched everything like a toddler. He had some manners. It was Children's Day and in the Jin family that meant indulging lil sis in a variety of activities including a very childish game of treasure hunting. The end prize was of course spending more time with Mahoro.
Why he had to follow clues that led to more clues all made by his sister just to end up with her was a prize made no sense, but hey that's what siblings did. He knew how much she looked up to him. At least he thought he knew how much his very existence made her happy. Either he was actually getting bored or was dumb enough to read some of her clues wrong. Whatever place he had ended up in did look interesting but would Mahoro actually hide a clue in a place that looked like a dumping place for bodies?
The juice on his trust alpaca had run out so he had no real choice but to investigate. He ripped his shirt in two places crawling through the old rusted gate. Old signs revealed the place had been the projected site for a hospital, a blood bank, and even a machine shop. None of those things ever came through and the place looked wild. Invasive vines were all over but in the middle of it all was... nothing. No ants or dirt or even plants were around. Marito scratched his scalp; a comical expression etched into his face.
He definitely fucked up on the clue. This place was meant for ghost stories but it wasn't really scary. It was just odd. He was about to turn away and climb back out of the mess (while being extra careful not to ruin his fit any further!) when the sun suddenly came out from behind the clouds and caught something. Or the something caught the sun. Pink eyes squinted and hand reared up the block the sudden assault. Blinded he was by the reflection of the sun's rays against metal.
The chain spanning across his face jingled slightly as he curiously dashed to the source of the light. Right in the middle where there seemed to be absolute nothing was a piece of metal. A broken piece of something slender and surprisingly polished wedged into the ground. It looked like someone stabbed the ground and whatever instrument it was broke off -- and very recently.
Marito set his feet wide apart and squatted down to inspect the glinting metal. He tilted his head back and forth several times like a puppy before deciding to reach for it. Although he extended his thumb and pointer finger to pinch the smoothest edges it still cut him. Surprised he hissed and brought his thumb to his mouth to suck on the cut. How was it so sharp? How had it actually cut him from that angle? He narrowed his eyes at the sight of his blood on the broken metal and the glint of it went away.
The sun disappeared back behind the clouds but more than that.. the entire earth was cast in dark shadows. Was a storm coming? Still squatted, Marito dropped his head back to look at the darkening sky, and in an instant the air around him went cold. Freezing. The wind picked up. It whistled and howled, sending his long hair flying about his face and even the flaps of his button-down came up violently. He swatted his hair and shirt away. By then, the metal piece was gone and what sounded like screeching bats filled the air.
“ EEEEHH?! ”
It had to be a joke. A weird prank. He shot up to a standing position and whipped his head around, even going as far as holding back his lime-green hair to prevent it from whipping him in the face. It was just a sudden thunderstorm in a weird place. That was all. It was trouble in front of him. Trouble in the form of two piercing golden eyes looking straight into his soul. The wind stopped howling but the air was still frigid.
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knot-ee · 7 days
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knot-ee · 8 days
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Okay but... how about more Horangi and Daken threads?
Whomst must I bribe??
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knot-ee · 8 days
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He just wanna eat his Belmont boy :)
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knot-ee · 8 days
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knot-ee · 8 days
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knot-ee · 9 days
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" We are but meager villagers. We can only offer so much. You should help regardless of payment. "
Lambert looked to the few bronze coins, the old deer pelt, the couple of clucking chickens, and the solitary goat. What in twenty hells was he to do with the chickens and the goat? Kill them he supposed, but they should have just offered roasted chicken and goat to start with. The she-goat had udders full of milk, and what was Lambert supposed to do -- cart the thing around the damned world just for a spot of milk? He cocked his head to the side and scratched his temple with the pommel of his dagger.
“ Oh yes, and fell the GREAT DRACULA with my own two hands out of the kindness of my heart. Or is it for the hope of humanity? ”
When had humans ever sided with HIM? Neither human nor sorcerer nor vampire but often regarded as some dark fiend. Lambert only acquired attention when he slayed a forgemaster's creations. They thought him vampire but he walked in the sun. He frightened them but they were desperate. Lambert was not and never had been. A couple of coins would not keep a roof over his head or food in his belly, and he wasn't going to drag around a miniature farm through a battlefield. He crinkled his nose at the pelt; he could produce better ones within two days. He saw the potbellied man grow red with either frustration or embarrassment and Lambert cut him to the chase with a flick of his wrist.
“ Keep your little coins. I have no intention of killing myself. Oh and -- silver is a man's best friend. ”
" Curse you to the hells! "
With yellow cat-eyes and swords and leathers, they weren't soon to forget him. If they still lived. He chuckled dryly at the memory. Lambert shat confidence, but he really would be an idiot to go up against Dracula. Dracula and an entire army of arse-lickers, fortunately just as soon as it started it ended. Not for the some thousands who died and continued to die. It wasn't Lambert's problem unless Dracula was actually alive. He wouldn't believe anything until he saw it with his own two eyes but death clung to Dracula's famed castle. It was cold and quiet like a carcass.
Truthfully he wasn't even in it for Dracula's goods but for the Belmont's Keep. Some shit show that ended up being but what did he expect? Between the keep and Dracula's not moving castle the yellow eyed witcher indulged with sticky fingers. Intellectual pursuits would come later. He was just short of whistling but he had never been the whistling type or even the signing type. He was curious then happy. And really stealing from a dead vampire was wrong but if he didn't do it, someone else would.
Inspect the various trinkets of excellent design from vanity ones studded with gemstones to others which were glass and warped metal beyond his comprehension, Lambert hit it big. So preoccupied in his greed he didn't even hear anyone approaching. Vampires were the stealthy sort after all. Fucking arseholes. Some book about apothecary was snatched out of his hand -- stabbed out like a falcon gripping a rat, and Lambert's hand instinctively went for his sword. He was tense all over but he did not draw his sword. He wouldn't win this easily; he was not prepated. Lambert put on an easy shit-eating smirk and raised his hands into the air.
“ What does it look like? Some light thievery. Couldn't take the paintings with me. ”
Feline gold eyes met the other pair of gold eyes but the two men couldn't be more different. Vampires either looked like bottom feeders or ethereal creatures. Lambert with his weather-roughed skin and his dusty leathers looked absolutely abysmal.
“ Are you a butler or some sort of Dracula sycophant? Though this place would be crawling with his allies yet I didn't sense anyone. Didn't sense you apparently. "
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@knot-ee asked: 76﹕ lambert  is  caught  snooping  in  alucard’s  things .
People would think that after an accomplishment that saved both humanity and the world one would be filled with serenity, a feeling of peace, but Alucard did not feel anything but loneliness. Trevor and Sypha had left, fighting the remaining night creatures while trying to reunite with the rest of the Speakers, his father had finally been defeated, staked by his own son, and his mother had long been murdered. All of that seemed like a lifetime ago while the solitude was slowly but surely eating away at Alucard’s heart, replacing the fondness he had once felt for the people around him with nothing but emptiness.
Alucard had planned to return to his tomb once the ordeal was over, but Trevor Belmont had other plans for him and when the last son of the house of Belmont had entrusted his family trove to him, asking him to guard both their childhood homes, Alucard did not have it in him to decline. Wasn’t that what he had wanted all along? A reason to live? An allowance to stay in this world? Alucard had agreed and for a while he had been fine, but he could not help but wake up every day, hoping his former companions had returned to him. He was being ridiculous, he knew that, but if he was to be stuck here for all eternity, did he have no right to wish for a life less lonely?
The half-vampire sighed, kneeling down by the little stream to splash some of its cold water into his face. Alucard felt like he was slowly losing his mind, so he figured a little walk would do him some good, get some fresh air, make sure there were no troublemakers trying to sneak their way into Dracula’s castle or the Belmont’s legacy. Tilting his head to the side he used the water’s surface to look at his reflection. No. Killing his father had not brought the slightest bit of peace to Alucard of Wallachia.
Alucard grabbed the little basket he used to collect fruits, picking another couple of apples before slowly making his way back to the castle. There was no rush. All that awaited him was the cold embrace of solitude anyways. But not today.
He stopped in his tracks, head tilted to the side in curiosity as he watched the entrance of the castle. Whenever he left he closed the doors to prevent both curious humans and animals (the squirrels could be very persistent) from going inside, but now the doors were open just the slightest bit, just enough for someone to slip through.
“Hmm”, he quietly hummed to himself and he couldn’t help but let curiosity win the best of him. Who was bold enough to force their way into Dracula’s castle? Alucard was not scared, he could easily defend himself against any attackers, and maybe a part of him was hoping whoever was inside would be a worthy distraction. He is quiet as he enters the castle, his footsteps making no sound on the polished marble floor. There were still remnants of the battle with Dracula, he had not gotten around to tidy the place up completely yet, so it really had to look like an abandoned place instead of a home to an outsider.
The question was, where were they? Alucard could smell them, but even the scent was enough to make his curiosity grow. They were human, but there also was the thick stench of magic. It was similar to how Sypha had smelled, but also very different, this scent was thicker, darker in a way. And there was blood. Not fresh, more like dried blood, the way blood would cling to one’s clothes after a battle. Maybe whoever this person was simply looked for shelter?
Just then he heard a rummaging noise, as if someone was going through a chest and Alucard raised one of his sharp eyebrows. He sighed and then reached out his hand to summon his sword before making his way up the stairs towards his father’s library. And there he found him. A man, kneeling on the ground going through his father’s old things, a small bag next to him, apparently full with trinkets he had already collected. How rude. He not only invaded his castle, he attempted to rob him too.
“What are you doing in Dracula’s castle?”
The answer was obvious, but he still wanted to give the man a chance to defend himself. Still, when he turned around Alucard sent his sword forward, stabbing through the book he was holding, nailing it to the wall. An easy expression of his strength, but also a subtle warning to not be bold and try to attack him.
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knot-ee · 9 days
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Oz (1997-2003) ─ 4.08 "You Bet Your Life"
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knot-ee · 10 days
Few things make him truly happy but he's content seeing his old friend (his only friend!) digging into the food. Considering the work everyone did Megumi liked to eat big meals, but he knew Yuji worked twice as hard if not more physically and he was already... big. Yuji needed the food more than him. He was also feeling a little bit nervous and guilty. Residual guilt from the previous day's treatment tied his stomach in knots. There was also the very real anxiety? apprehension about reuniting with someone who meant the world to Megumi.
He didn't know how to handle it. Emotions and relationships were already so complicated. Beyond Satoru the only relationships Megumi had were business related. He doesn't know the extend of Yuji's feelings but there is definitely awkward energy in the air. What did the poor boy think -- that he had a mistake in identifying Megumi or that the porcupine he knew completely snubbed him? Megumi's green eyes widened then drooped with sadness in a span of a second.
So grandpa Itadori had passed away...
He was already old when Megumi had met him, so he couldn't be too surprised. It was sad more than anything. If memory served correctly he was the last family member Yuji had. The black haired man's face was pensive and focused on the grass in front of his boots. He was just a boy with no word or power with the Zen'ins but maybe he could have helped Yuji's grandpa.
“ How did you meet Satoru? That's an odd.. coincidence. ”
Satoru was kind but was he enough of a charitable type to take in any stray kid and pay for a stranger's funeral? Megumi kept his life close to his vest but if anyone deserved some truth, it was Yuji. His sunflower.
“ I... kind of know the Gojos. I ran away and tried to survive on my own. It was coincidence Satoru found me. I think the only reason he bothered was because of our family's loose relationship otherwise I wouldn't be here so many years later. ”
If Yuji listened to rumors around the neighboring towns, he would eventually hear things about Megumi being a Zen'in but the young man wasn't ready to say that much. The two boys had been friends but that was a lifetime ago. Megumi still didn't know if he could trust Yuji.
“ I'm sad to hear about your grandfather. He was a very kind man. "
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"I bet the animals missed you too!"
Sitting on the rock was more uncomfortable than Yuji thought it would be. He gives Megumi an apologetic smile as the other sets up their lunch. His eyes a little wide as he just watched. No one other than his grandpa has ever taken care of him. Well actually Megumi had when they were kids.
The pink haired boy tried to keep his tears in, pouting slightly and muttering and ouch here and there as the dark haired boy told him to sit still as he cleaned his scrapes. Yuji has fallen off a tree in attempt to get a caterpillar he thought Porcupine would find interesting. After a moment the stinging stopped and he smiles when his friend offers him a peach from his bag. "Thanks!" He bites into it, forgetting the pain from his injuries.
Even now it seems Megumi was still like that kind boy he remembers so fondly. He went out of his way to find him and bring him lunch. Yuji finds himself smiling warmly and glancing away shyly. Grabbing a biscuit first and taking a big bite. He then grabs some cheese and the peach. Humming in content when he bites into the peach.
Yuji is a little surprised by the sudden apology. And he feels his heart soar when Megumi admits he remembers him! He quickly waves it off and quickly chews and swallows so he can speak.
"No need to apologize. It was a long time ago and we're all grown up. I shouldn't have assumed you would remember me right away. I wondered for a long time what had happened to you but just glad you're okay after all."
He rubs his nape. Yuji couldn't admit out loud that he waited days and months and years for his friend to come back...
"So uhm how did you end up here? After my grandpa passed away, Mr. Gojo helped me out with the funeral and stuff and he took me in and gave me this awesome job! Now you're here too!"
Yuji honestly didn't know what he'd do after his grandpa passed. He thought he'd have to figure things out on his own and things would be super lonely. But ever since he's moved here, things have been anything but quiet and lonely. His grandpa would be happy for him. He thinks as he takes another bite of the peach and can't help but smile to himself. After a moment he finally looks at Megumi again, letting himself take in how much his friend has changed. He was tall and gorgeous! Yuji was probably just barely shorter than him but he definitely got bigger and put on some muscle with the work he's always had to do. When he realizes he's staring too much he distracts himself with more food.
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knot-ee · 11 days
Time has passed but not enough to warrant such a response! Suguru did not know to take it as -- compliment or insult? Enough time had passed that Suguru changed as a person. He felt he had a purpose finally and with that his stress was alleviated. He no longer looked frail and barely hanging on. Of all the people who should have remembered him it was the monkey who turned his life upside down. The savage who killed innocents and left him on death's door but didn't make the final push. A move of mercy and insult. Suguru had not been good enough to kill and that would be the sorcerer killer's great undoing or... best ally.
It was in the hands of the killer and in Suguru's hands. Though they were both killers now. Did Suguru have any right to hang the deaths of innocents over the brute's head. Suguru thought of course. He had not gone entirely off the deep end. For a long time he debated training hard just to kill this man, but no one said he couldn't use Toji and then dispose of him. He wanted to be remembered. Needed to remembered. It irritated the teenager but he did not let his expression fall. Tension rippled through his body but only someone with a keen eye for body language could tell.
“ I am a sorcerer. A sorcerer who wants to make a better future for sorcerers. I know this doesn't interest you. I know money interests you, so I have come bearing gifts. A hefty salary to work for me and exclusively for me. No more taking small time jobs. You'll be doing something worthwhile that will actually change the future. ”
Suguru walked closer and tucked his bangs behind his ear. He put on his most casual and charming smile as came to stand directly in front of the killer.
“ Money talks, doesn't it? Come with me and I'll show you the piece of the empire I've carved out. ”
The first thing Toji had done when he woke from his coma after the near death experience he had was to check on his son and make sure Satoru Gojo took him in and that the Zen'in clan didn't get their hands on him.
After that he disappeared. Was it the right thing to do? Probably not but nothing he did was ever really right. Even if he told himself it didn't matter. His kid was better off without him anyways. If anything he was doing the kid a favor. Better to disappear now while he's still young and won't remember him. Plus he knew he judged Satoru correctly because he did in fact go and fetch Megumi with what seemed little hesitation. Whatever it wasn't his problem anymore. He could focus on doing the shit he did best now...
It took months for him to recover. He kept a low profile even more than usual. But Toji could never stay away from his addictions for long. After all he had to numb himself somehow. Aside from eating good food, his favorite thing might be gambling. The sex that it involved sometimes was not bad either. Though mostly the thrill of winning but is what does it for him. Unfortunately his luck is awful and he doesn't win very often.
After another night of shit luck and not having anymore women to hustle into giving him more money, Toji steps out of the casino, hands in his pocket as he is about to cross the street. A voice stopping him in his tracks.
He tilts his head slightly as he gives the young man a once over. Good looking, he thinks as he waits to see what they have to say.
"Great power you say? And who are you?"
He grins and steps closer to him. Still trying to figure out why they seemed a little familiar. Someone with another job for him? Perhaps this could be good. It could mean some good money.
As he steps closer and gets a better look he instantly recognized who it was. That kid from Jujutsu High? The one that was friends with Satoru Gojo? He's never really seen another person with such a pretty face before so of course he'd remember eventually. Well shit! He almost laughs out loud. This kid was nothing like the one he saw last time. Confident and sure of himself and nothing like the kid he ran into that looked as if he was going to break down at any moment. Interesting... Toji doesn't make it obvious that he's recognized him, not yet. He simply tilts his head slightly giving him a lazy grin.
"How can I help you?"
Just what sort of thing was this kid involved with now that he's come to seek him out? Nothing good, then again anything is probably better than a life as a sorcerer for someone like him...
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knot-ee · 11 days
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Alucard. What a strange name but all people in this part of the world had strange names to him. It wasn't strange ugly, no. The way it was spoken had some beauty to it. If the fallen angel wasn't crying, injured, and nude, Olrox would imagine he would have appeared very elegant introducing himself. More important than his name was the appearance of obvious vampiric teeth and as large as Olrox's. It was true the word circulating that Olrox had taken only as rumor -- the father of vampires had made a human woman his lover and they both created a child. It was... a miracle.
Olrox had not heard of it before and perhaps was only made possible due to Dracula's unique and impeccable body. He did not smell like death and he had a beating heart.. what else did this half-creature have? The war was completely over but maybe Olrox's trip was not wasted. Olrox kept his blood thirst to himself while he escorted Alucard through what was presumably his castle now. The smell of blood beckoned him down other hallways but he ignored that of ichor to continue down the elaborate flights of stairs. What in bloody hells was he doing?
“ I imagine this is your home so you will have to point me in the right direction. “
When had he become nurse? This was so unlike Olrox is almost made him laugh. While strongly holding onto Alucard's hand he inspected his body through his peripheral vision. Even in darkness green eyes were gleaming just like the gold of his companion. The best thing would have been to offer a meal, but the smell of death and sadness was strong in the air. Trauma. Oh, the drama.
“ You must be wondering what brought me here yes? I was brought here because of the war, but I traveled far and missed it. I don't know what your hand was in it but I am not one for war in truth. There are other things which concern me more and for now that appears to be you. And if you don't find insult, let us expedite this.. “
He stopped suddenly, unclasped their hands, and bent his forward to bring one arm behind Alucard's knees and another at his back. In one swift and easy movement he swept the half creature off his feet and carried him with the ease of a parent carrying a babe. He followed Alucard's directions to navigate the desolate and somber castle.
“ Is there anything you particular need for your... wounds. I do not know the anatomy of someone of your kind. “
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It was too much. It was impossible to bear. No matter how much time would pass Alucard felt like he would never be whole again. It hurt so badly he felt like he couldn’t breathe, it was overwhelming him. Was that what being human felt like? To be at the mercy of one’s own heart? Suddenly the half-vampire felt like he could understand better now why his father went mad with grief. If Alucard could rip his own heart to walk away from the pain, he would, but this world was not as merciful, so all he could do was wrapping his arms around his own body, trying not to break.
It took him a moment to realize the stranger was actually talking to him, and not only that, he knelt on the dirty ground beside him, extending a hand to him. A part of him wanted to beg the other man to end his life, to release him from this pain and the cruelty of the world, the other part wanted to beg him to please save him, to please make it stop. Alucard had killed his father, he had grown, but in comparison to other vampires he still was young, so young, and after this heartbreaking betrayal he wished there was someone capable of keeping him safe. A childish wish, especially while facing a stranger.
Alucard blinked, and another tear found its way over his sharp cheekbone, but he was now slowly lifting his head, keeping his gaze fixated on the other man’s face. What was that? Did he really compare Alucard to an angel? Did he not know what despicable things he had done? He had failed to protect his mother, he had killed his father, he had disappointed and murdered the two humans that had come to him for help. He was no angel, he was a monster.
But he figured even an injured monster would want to be saved, even if it didn’t deserve it. Like a kicked dog he looked at the elegant hand that was extended to him, expecting it to strike him and hurt him, but instead he was invited to take it, to go and clean up. And even though Alucard should know better than to trust a pretty face, he knew he should bare his fangs and kill anyone that would dare to lay a hand on him, yet he eventually sits up and places his hand in the one extended to him.
Olrox. It was not a name he was familiar with, so he definitely was not a man from his father’s counsel, but what was he doing here if he was not here to kill him? Alucard looked at him again, at those bright green eyes, shining like emeralds, and it was difficult not to lose himself in them. Who was this man? And how could he compare Alucard to an angel when it was clearly Olrox who was the angelic one here, coming to his aid in such a horrible moment of despair.
Alucard lets himself be pulled to his feet, using his free hand to pull the blanket with him; it was now loosely resting over his shoulders, revealing more than it was covering and the stench of drying blood made him feel sick, but he needed the false sense of protection, otherwise he would fall apart. There were many questions he wanted to ask; how Olrox found the castle, where he was from, what he was hoping to find here, why he was helping him, but he was too weak.
“A…Alucard..”, he introduces himself with a voice hoarse from crying, his frame shuddering with another sob he failed to hold back, lifeless golden hues resting on the man before him as if he was expecting a sudden change in Olrox’ behavior. He was waiting for the inevitable betrayal. And yet he was foolish enough to give himself to Olrox.
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knot-ee · 12 days
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Marito Jin (摩利人) - Bucchigiri?! - Episode 4
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knot-ee · 14 days
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Dark Wolverine #86
Daniel Way, Marjorie Liu/Stephen Segovia
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knot-ee · 14 days
Megumi didn't know Toji and father didn't know son. They had entire lives apart from each other. They could have harbored the deepest of secrets and could have been the worst of people yet they were connected by blood and love. Love and the need to feel something other than pain and regret in such a difficult world. Megumi accepted his father and perhaps more than that accepted he actually wanted someone to love and to be love. He wanted the joy others had even if it wouldn't last long.
Sukuna was stronger than ever and Satoru was sealed away. He couldn't ignore the troubles of Japan but just a little while longer... he needed this. A week ago even days ago he would've thought it impossible to love someone so much and to accept a father he had condemned to death. Megumi wanted to hug his father, to sleep in his arms, to feel the warmth of his body. It was a child wanting a father he never had, but it was also... more. As if they could fuse as one, Megumi scooted himself closer and closed his eyes contently. Toji felt good. Smelled good. Just feeling him alive made the teenager feel blissful.
He doesn't know the mental dilemma his father is experiencing. He feels it too but more on a subdued level. Megumi is aware he should still harbor reservations, but Toji's touch was lulling him into a feeling of safety. He moved slowly to not ruin the mood. He did not nuzzle into his father's neck but... it was nearly that. Warm breath hit Toji's neck. Megumi was tired again, hungry, and sore but he still felt better than... ever frankly.
Megumi's eyes snapped open and he frowned; it looked just like his father's frown. He had known something was off. Suddenly a powerful curse user with no cursed energy honed in on him, nearly beat him, and then backed off. Was his father even a curse user if he didn't have cursed energy? Megumi was getting nervous. He didn't know his father at all.
“ Why.. would someone use a technique on you? What are you even? I mean to the jujutsu world. I... Hmmm. How are you tied to all of this I mean? Shibuya, the curses, all of it. You couldn't have been walking around and then got caught up in it... ”
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Toji wasn't going to make any excuses for what he's done in the past. He already knows he fucked up countless times. Nothing he did now could make up for the past. But he also figured there was no use in pretending anymore. What was the point if Megumi already made up his mind and Toji can't really shake it off. He already decided he'd be even more selfish and wants to stay.
How could he not with the way Megumi was leaning into his touch, leaning into him as if he needed his warmth. And when Megumi says he trusts him. Toji is tempted to tell him not to trust him. That he really is better off staying far away from him. Yet he says nothing. In fact he practically hugs Megumi to his chest, running a hand through his hair, having to stop himself from doing it again.
"I wasn't really all there..."
He says after a moment to Megumi's question. He didn't remember much... Some sensations and the vague idea that he'd been fighting and he killed a few curses and sorcerers perhaps? All he could remember was very vague images.
"I almost killed you, then not sure how or why but that's when I recognized you and snapped out of whatever curse technique was used on me."
His voice was low, brows furrowed. In that moment he had almost taken his own life because he actually didn't want to hurt Megumi and because it felt like him being here didn't feel right. Something was off. Even now that feeling wasn't completely gone. It was just that Megumi seemed to distract him from it.
So deep in thought, Toji hadn't even noticed the way he was holding Megumi against his chest, his arms wrapped around him and soothingly running his hand up and down his son's back. It's only when he catches himself from nuzzling into Megumi's hair that he snaps out of it. He forces himself to relax though and not pull away. If he suddenly pulled away now, surely it'd upset Megumi. He almost laughs at the thought. Since when did he care about the feelings of others?
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